Gulliver 45aab4403e key für all@lists.wtf-eg.de hinzugefuegt 2021-12-28 18:22:03 +01:00
admin@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
all@lists.wtf-eg.de.asc key für all@lists.wtf-eg.de hinzugefuegt 2021-12-28 18:22:03 +01:00
aufsichtsrat@wtf-eg.de.asc added key and link for aufsichtsrat@ and separated links with a space and () 2021-09-10 11:09:51 +02:00
business@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
helpdesk@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
kommunikation@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
member@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
office@wtf-eg.de office pgp schlüssel hinzugefügt 2021-09-08 16:01:40 +02:00
office@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
raas@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00
vorstand@wtf-eg.de.asc moved key dir to keys 2021-09-10 11:01:32 +02:00