# Map of Germany with highlighted WTF member locations ## Docker Usage Download the Germany PLZ dataset in the GeoJSON format from https://opendata-esri-de.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/5b203df4357844c8a6715d7d411a8341_0 and place the file in the root of this repository. Place a JSON file containing a list of PLZ prefixes as `wtf_member_plz_prefixes.json` in the root of this repository. The file contents should look like `["121", "635"]` for PLZ data that is anonymized to the first three digits. The following will build a Docker image and render the map with the default configuration for the WTF member PLZ prefix data: ``` docker build -t wtf-map . docker run wtf-map > map.png ``` Note, the build command already renders the map and thus can take a moment. The run command just outputs the already rendered image to be piped into any target file on the host system. ## Script Usage In case you'd like custom colors or use different data, you are encouraged to use the script explicity. To get all relevant requirements, you can `pip install -r requirements.txt`, but note, you might need to install BLAS and GEOS libraries on your system. The following will tell you all about what you can adjust for a custom visualization: ``` python main.py --help ```