import argparse import json import as ccrs import geopandas as gpd import geoplot import as gcrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main( plz_data_path: str, plz_prefixes_path: str, output_file_path: str, map_background_color: str, map_accent_color: str, image_background_color: str, ): if not output_file_path.endswith(".png"): raise ValueError(f"Output file needs to be a .png but is {output_file_path}") with open(plz_prefixes_path, "r") as fh: plz_prefixes = json.load(fh) with open(plz_data_path, "r") as fh: plz_geojson_data = json.load(fh) data = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(plz_geojson_data["features"]) data["highlighted"] = False for plz_prefix in plz_prefixes: data.loc[data["plz"].str.startswith(plz_prefix), "highlighted"] = True ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.TransverseMercator()) geoplot.polyplot( data, projection=gcrs.TransverseMercator(), edgecolor=map_background_color, facecolor=map_background_color, linewidth=0.3, ax=ax, ) geoplot.polyplot( data[data["highlighted"]], projection=gcrs.TransverseMercator(), edgecolor=map_accent_color, facecolor=map_accent_color, linewidth=0.3, ax=ax, ) ax.set_facecolor(image_background_color) plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout(pad=0.0, h_pad=None, w_pad=None) plt.savefig( output_file_path, dpi=600, facecolor=image_background_color, edgecolor="none", bbox_inches='tight', ) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--plz-data", required=True, help="A GEOJSON file with a 'plz' feature, like the one for Germany that can be" + " downloaded from " + "", ) parser.add_argument( "--plz-highlight", required=True, help="A JSON file with a list of PLZ (prefixes) that should be highlighted.", ) parser.add_argument( "--out", required=True, help="A .png file path where the generated image should be stored.", ) parser.add_argument( "--img-bg-color", type=str, default="#EDEFEB", help="Color outside of the map, the image file background.", ) parser.add_argument( "--map-bg-color", type=str, default="#202020", help="Color code for the background map, non highlighted areas.", ) parser.add_argument( "--map-accent-color", type=str, default="#EF7C21", help="Color code for the highlighted areas on the map.", ) args = parser.parse_args() main( plz_data_path=args.plz_data, plz_prefixes_path=args.plz_highlight, output_file_path=args.out, map_background_color=args.map_bg_color, map_accent_color=args.map_accent_color, image_background_color=args.img_bg_color, )