Gro created pull request ag_kommunikation/webseite#137 2022-10-04 22:26:59 +02:00
Operations Kompetenz
Gro pushed to spielwiese_content_4_customers at Gro/webseite 2022-10-04 22:21:41 +02:00
10aa2f70fc typo fix und operations text
Gro pushed to spielwiese_content_4_customers at Gro/webseite 2022-10-04 22:20:46 +02:00
f12b58372c typo fix und operations text
Gro opened issue ag_kommunikation/webseite#136 2022-10-04 22:06:15 +02:00
Einheitlich Gendern
Gro created pull request ag_kommunikation/webseite#134 2022-10-04 21:38:55 +02:00
kompetenz kategorien draft und beispiel beschreibung
Gro pushed to spielwiese_content_4_customers at Gro/webseite 2022-10-04 21:34:06 +02:00
2507bd9141 kompetenz kategorien draft und beispiel beschreibung
Gro created repository Gro/webseite 2022-10-04 21:00:33 +02:00
Gro created pull request kompetenzinventar/ki-frontend#79 2022-10-03 13:21:23 +02:00
add skill levels contributor and maintainer
Gro created branch feature/floss-contributor-and-maintainer-skill-level in Gro/ki-frontend 2022-10-03 13:15:39 +02:00
f53cf92b36 add skill levels contributor and maintainer
Gro created repository Gro/ki-frontend 2022-10-03 13:15:06 +02:00
Gro commented on issue kompetenzinventar/ki-backend#20 2021-06-28 19:22:23 +02:00
Automatische einheitliche Codeformatierung

Oi, wollte dir kein Kuckucksei ins Nest legen 😇

Welches Verhalten hattest du erwartet?

Ich kenne das als Standardverhalten von pre-commit hooks, die Code verändern, damit Mensch die Chance…

Gro deleted branch yapf-pre-commit from Gro/ki-backend 2021-06-27 12:07:11 +02:00
Gro deleted branch readme-build-section from Gro/ki-doku 2021-06-27 11:14:00 +02:00
Gro created pull request kompetenzinventar/ki-backend#21 2021-06-27 10:59:26 +02:00
add pre-commit hook for yapf auto formatting (#20)
Gro created branch yapf-pre-commit in Gro/ki-backend 2021-06-27 10:58:55 +02:00
Gro pushed to yapf-pre-commit at Gro/ki-backend 2021-06-27 10:58:55 +02:00
cb97db9579 add pre-commit hook for yapf auto formatting (#20)
Gro created repository Gro/ki-backend 2021-06-27 10:54:42 +02:00
Gro created pull request kompetenzinventar/ki-doku#13 2021-06-27 10:50:08 +02:00
update instructions for build dependencies
Gro created branch readme-build-section in Gro/ki-doku 2021-06-27 10:49:54 +02:00