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2020-03-09 12:25:35 +01:00
These are 5 examples for ModelRequests on a given dataset with the expected
results. There are 6 models:
- A, B, C, D: some models with a common `title` attribute and an attribute per
model (a, b, c, d).
- G1, G2: Some models with generic relations.
- A <-1---1-> B (B_id <-> A_id)
- A <-1---n-> C (C_ids <-> A_id)
- B <-n---m-> C (C_ids <-> B_ids)
- B <-1---n-> B selfreference modeling a tree (B_children_ids <-> B_parent_id)
- B <-n---m-> D with structured keys on D's side. The numbers are not related to
any ids. (D_ids <-> B_<number>_ids)
- G1 <-n---m-> A,C (content_object_ids <-> G1_ids)
- G2 <-1---1-> A,B (content_object_id <-> G2_id)
Notes about the value `null`: If a field is not present, its value is implicit
`null`. Fields with `null` as value are included in the ModelResponse but not
the dataset. This means, that there might be references without a reverse part in
the dataset, but this is fine, as the missing part is implicitly `null`. If a
field is deleted in the dataset, there is an update with `null` as the value of
the field.
Dataset: {
A: [{
id: 1,
a: "a1",
title: "a1",
B_id: 1,
C_ids: [],
G1_ids: [1, 2],
}, {
id: 2,
a: "a2",
title: "a2",
C_ids: [1, 2],
G1_ids: [],
B: [{
id: 1,
b: "b1",
title: "b1";
A_id: 1,
C_ids: [1],
G2_id: 1,
B_children_ids: [2],
D_ids: [1],
}, {
id: 2,
b: "b2",
title: "b2",
C_ids: [1, 2],
B_parent_id: 1,
B_children_ids: [],
D_ids: [1, 2],
C: [{
id: 1,
c: "c1",
title: "c1",
A_id: 2,
B_ids: [1, 2],
G1_ids: [2, 3],
}, {
id: 2,
c: "c2",
title: "c2",
A_id: 2,
B_ids: [2],
G1_ids: [2, 3],
D: [{
id: 1,
d: "d1",
B_1_ids: [1, 2],
B_2_ids: [1],
B_3_ids: [],
}, {
id: 2,
d: "d2",
B_1_ids: [],
B_4_ids: [2],
G1: [{
id: 1,
g1: "g1.1",
content_object_ids: ["A/1"],
}, {
id: 2,
g1: "g1.2",
content_object_ids: ["A/1", "C/1", "C/2"],
}, {
id: 3,
g1: "g1.3",
content_object_ids: ["C/1", "C/2"],
G2: [{
id: 1,
g2: "g2.1",
content_object_id: "B/1",
I: Basic
- The basic structure
- The empty model B/1 in the response
- The provided references, e.g. A/2/C_ids in the response
ModelRequest: {
collection: "A",
ids: [1, 2],
fields: {
a: null,
C_ids: {
collection: "C",
fields: {
c: null,
G1_ids: {
collection: "G1",
fields: {
g1: null,
B_id: {
collection: "B",
fields: {},
G1_ids: {
collection: "G1"
fields: {
g1: null,
ModelData: {
A: {
1: {
a: "a1",
C_ids: [],
B_id: 1,
2: {
a: "a2",
C_ids: [1, 2],
B: {
1: {}
C: {
1: {
c: "c1",
G1_ids: [2, 3],
2: {
c: "c2",
G1_ids: [2, 3],
G1: {
1: {
g1: "g1.1",
2: {
g1: "g1.2",
3: {
g1: "g1.3",
II: Partial merged fields, generic lookup
- different fields for B/1 and B/2 in the response
- different fields for C/1 and C/2 in the response
- The generic lookup from G2/1 to B/1
ModelRequest: {
collection: "G2"
ids: [1],
fields: {
content_object_id: {
fields: {
B_children_ids: {
collection: "B",
fields: {
C_ids: {
collection: "C",
fields: {
c: null,
B_parent_id: null,
C_ids: {
collection: "C",
fields: {
c: null,
title: null,
G2_id: null
ModelData: {
B: {
1: {
B_children: [2],
C_ids: [1],
G1_id: 1,
2: {
C_ids: [1, 2],
B_parent_id: 1,
G2: {
1: {
content_object_id: "B/1",
C: {
1: {
c: "c1",
title: "c1",
2: {
c: "c2",
III: non-existent ids, fields, fqids, references, generic relations and felder ohne referenz
- id 4 of G1 does not exist
- some fields does not exist
- some fields with indicated references does not exist (fine, until there is
no data. If there is data, this will cause an parsing-error at runtime)
- All these cases are fine
ModelRequest: {
collection: "G1",
ids: [2, 4], # 4 does not exists
fields: {
content_object_ids: {
fields: {
a: null,
b: null,
not_existent: {
key: null,
title: null,
G1_ids: null,
A_id: null,
ModelData: {
G1: {
2: {
content_object_ids: ["A/1", "C/1", "C/2"],
A: {
1: {
a: "a1",
title: "a1",
G1_ids: [1, 2],
C: {
1: {
title: "c1",
A_id: 2,
G1_ids: [2, 3],
2: {
title: "c2",
A_id: 2,
G1_ids: [2, 3],
IV: structured fields without references
- `B_` is handled as a prefix
ModelRequest: {
collection: "D",
ids: [1, 2],
fields: {
d: null,
B_: null,
ModelData: {
D: {
1: {
d: "d1",
B_1_ids: [1, 2],
B_2_ids: [1],
B_3_ids: [],
2: {
d: "d2",
B_1_ids: [],
B_4_ids: [2],
V: structed references
- `B_` and `B_4_ids` are handled as prefixes (`B_4_ids` has only one match)
- All references are followed
- The different fields for B/1 and B/2 in the response
ModelRequest: {
collection: "D",
ids: [1, 2],
fields: {
B_: {
collection: "B",
fields: {
b: null,
B_4_ids: {
collection: "B",
fields: {
title: null,
ModelData: {
D: {
1: {
d: "d1",
B_1_ids: [1, 2],
B_2_ids: [1],
B_3_ids: [],
2: {
d: "d2",
B_1_ids: [],
B_4_ids: [2],
B: {
1: {
b: "b1",
2: {
b: "b2",
title: "b2",