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2018-12-04 19:31:24 +01:00
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { Injectable, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material';
import { Papa, PapaParseConfig } from 'ngx-papaparse';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { Category } from 'app/shared/models/motions/category';
import { CategoryRepositoryService } from './category-repository.service';
import { CreateMotion } from '../models/create-motion';
import { MotionBlock } from 'app/shared/models/motions/motion-block';
import { MotionBlockRepositoryService } from './motion-block-repository.service';
import { MotionRepositoryService } from './motion-repository.service';
import { UserRepositoryService } from '../../users/services/user-repository.service';
import { ViewMotion } from '../models/view-motion';
import { ViewCsvCreateMotion, CsvMapping } from '../models/view-csv-create-motion';
* Interface for value- Label combinations.
* Map objects didn't work, TODO: Use map objects (needs iterating through all objects of a map)
export interface ValueLabelCombination {
value: string;
label: string;
* Interface for a new Motion and their (if any) duplicates
export interface NewMotionEntry {
newMotion: ViewCsvCreateMotion;
duplicates: ViewMotion[];
* interface for a preview summary
interface ImportMotionCSVPreview {
total: number;
duplicates: number;
errors: number;
new: number;
done: number;
* List of possible import errors specific for motion imports.
const errorList = {
MotionBlock: 'Could not resolve the motion block',
Category: 'Could not resolve the category',
Submitters: 'Could not resolve the submitters',
Title: 'A title is required',
Text: "A content in the 'text' column is required",
Duplicates: 'A motion with this identifier already exists.',
generic: 'Server upload failed' // TODO
* Service for motion imports
providedIn: 'root'
export class MotionImportService {
/** The header (order and items) that is expected from the imported file
public expectedHeader = [
'motion block'
* The last parsed file object (may be reparsed with new encoding, thus kept in memory)
private _rawFile: File;
* The used column Separator. If left on an empty string (default),
* the papaparse parser will automatically decide on separators.
public columnSeparator = '';
public textSeparator = '"';
public encoding = 'utf-8';
* List of possible encodings and their label
public encodings: ValueLabelCombination[] = [
{ value: 'utf-8', label: 'UTF 8 - Unicode' },
{ value: 'iso-8859-1', label: 'ISO 8859-1 - West European' },
{ value: 'iso-8859-15', label: 'ISO 8859-15 - West European (with €)' }
* List of possible column separators
public columnSeparators: ValueLabelCombination[] = [
{ label: 'Comma', value: ',' },
{ label: 'Semicolon', value: ';' },
// {label: 'Tabulator', value: '\t'},
{ label: 'Automatic', value: '' }
public textSeparators: ValueLabelCombination[] = [
{ label: 'Double quotes (")', value: '"' },
{ label: "Single quotes (')", value: "'" }
* submitters that need to be created prior to importing
public newSubmitters: CsvMapping[] = [];
* Categories that need to be created prior to importing
public newCategories: CsvMapping[] = [];
* MotionBlocks that need to be created prior to importing
public newMotionBlocks: CsvMapping[] = [];
* FileReader object for file import
private reader = new FileReader();
* the list of parsed models that have been extracted from the opened file
private _entries: NewMotionEntry[] = [];
* BehaviorSubject for displaying a preview for the currently selected entries
public newEntries = new BehaviorSubject<NewMotionEntry[]>([]);
* Emits an error string to display if a file import cannot be done
public errorEvent = new EventEmitter<string>();
* storing the summary preview for the import, to avoid recalculating it
* at each display change.
private _preview: ImportMotionCSVPreview;
* Returns a summary on actions that will be taken/not taken.
public get summary(): ImportMotionCSVPreview {
if (!this._preview) {
return this._preview;
* Constructor. Creates a fileReader to subscribe to it for incoming parsed
* strings
* @param categoryRepo Repository to fetch pre-existing categories
* @param motionBlockRepo Repository to fetch pre-existing motionBlocks
* @param userRepo Repository to query/ create users
* @param translate Translation service
* @param papa External csv parser (ngx-papaparser)
* @param matSnackBar snackBar to display import errors
public constructor(
private repo: MotionRepositoryService,
private categoryRepo: CategoryRepositoryService,
private motionBlockRepo: MotionBlockRepositoryService,
private userRepo: UserRepositoryService,
private translate: TranslateService,
private papa: Papa,
private matSnackbar: MatSnackBar
) {
this.reader.onload = (event: any) => {
// TODO type: event is a progressEvent,
// but has a property target.result, which typescript doesn't recognize
* Parses the data input. Expects a string as returned by via a
* File.readAsText() operation
* @param file
public parseInput(file: string): void {
this._entries = [];
this.newSubmitters = [];
this.newCategories = [];
this.newMotionBlocks = [];
const papaConfig: PapaParseConfig = {
header: false,
skipEmptyLines: true,
quoteChar: this.textSeparator
if (this.columnSeparator) {
papaConfig.delimiter = this.columnSeparator;
const entryLines = this.papa.parse(file, papaConfig).data;
const valid = this.checkHeader(entryLines.shift());
if (!valid) {
entryLines.forEach(line => {
const newMotion = new ViewCsvCreateMotion(new CreateMotion());
const headerLength = Math.min(this.expectedHeader.length, line.length);
for (let idx = 0; idx < headerLength; idx++) {
// iterate over items, find existing ones (thier id) and collect new entries
switch (this.expectedHeader[idx]) {
case 'submitters':
newMotion.csvSubmitters = this.getSubmitters(line[idx]);
case 'category':
newMotion.csvCategory = this.getCategory(line[idx]);
case 'motion block':
newMotion.csvMotionblock = this.getMotionBlock(line[idx]);
newMotion.motion[this.expectedHeader[idx]] = line[idx];
const updateModels = this.getDuplicates(newMotion.motion);
if (updateModels.length) {
this.setError(newMotion, 'Duplicates');
this._entries.push({ newMotion: newMotion, duplicates: updateModels });
* Triggers the import.
public async doImport(): Promise<void> {
this.newMotionBlocks = await this.createNewMotionBlocks();
this.newCategories = await this.createNewCategories();
this.newSubmitters = await this.createNewUsers();
for (const entry of this._entries) {
if (entry.newMotion.status !== 'new') {
const openBlocks = entry.newMotion.solveMotionBlocks(this.newMotionBlocks);
if (openBlocks) {
this.setError(entry.newMotion, 'MotionBlock');
// TODO error handling if not all submitters could be matched
const openCategories = entry.newMotion.solveCategory(this.newCategories);
if (openCategories) {
this.setError(entry.newMotion, 'Category');
const openUsers = entry.newMotion.solveSubmitters(this.newSubmitters);
if (openUsers) {
this.setError(entry.newMotion, 'Submitters');
await this.repo.create(entry.newMotion.motion);
* Checks the dataStore for duplicates
* @returns an array of duplicates with the same identifier.
* @param motion
public getDuplicates(motion: CreateMotion): ViewMotion[] {
return this.repo.getMotionDuplicates(motion);
* counts the amount of duplicates that have no decision on the action to
* be taken
public updatePreview(): void {
const summary = {
total: 0,
new: 0,
duplicates: 0,
errors: 0,
done: 0
this._entries.forEach(entry => { += 1;
if (entry.newMotion.status === 'done') {
summary.done += 1;
} else if (entry.newMotion.status === 'error' && !entry.duplicates.length) {
// errors that are not due to duplicates
summary.errors += 1;
} else if (entry.duplicates.length) {
summary.duplicates += 1;
} else if (entry.newMotion.status === 'new') { += 1;
this._preview = summary;
* returns a subscribable representation of the new Users to be imported
public getNewEntries(): Observable<NewMotionEntry[]> {
return this.newEntries.asObservable();
* Checks the provided submitter(s) and returns an object with mapping of
* existing users and of users that need to be created
* @param submitterlist
public getSubmitters(submitterlist: string): CsvMapping[] {
const result: CsvMapping[] = [];
if (!submitterlist) {
return result;
const submitterArray = submitterlist.split(','); // TODO fails with 'full name'
for (const submitter of submitterArray) {
const existingSubmitters = this.userRepo.getUsersByName(submitter);
if (!existingSubmitters.length) {
if (!this.newSubmitters.find(listedSubmitter => === submitter)) {
this.newSubmitters.push({ name: submitter });
result.push({ name: submitter });
if (existingSubmitters.length === 1) {
name: existingSubmitters[0].short_name,
id: existingSubmitters[0].id
if (existingSubmitters.length > 1) {
name: submitter,
multiId: =>
});'TODO: multiple possible users found for this string', 'ok');
// TODO How to handle several submitters ? Is this possible?
// should have some kind of choice dialog there
return result;
* Checks the provided category/ies and returns a mapping, expands
* newCategories if needed.
* The assumption is that there may or not be a prefix wit up to 5
* characters at the beginning, separated by ' - ' from the name.
* It will also accept a registered translation between the current user's
* language and english
* @param categoryString
public getCategory(categoryString: string): CsvMapping {
if (!categoryString) {
return null;
const category = this.splitCategoryString(categoryString);
const existingCategory = this.categoryRepo.getViewModelList().find(cat => {
if (category.prefix && cat.prefix !== category.prefix) {
return false;
if ( === {
return true;
if (this.translate.instant( === {
return true;
return false;
if (existingCategory) {
return {
name: existingCategory.prefixedName,
} else {
if (!this.newCategories.find(newCat => === categoryString)) {
this.newCategories.push({ name: categoryString });
return { name: categoryString };
* Checks the motionBlock provided in the string for existance, expands newMotionBlocks
* if needed. Note that it will also check for translation between the current
* user's language and english
* @param blockString
public getMotionBlock(blockString: string): CsvMapping {
if (!blockString) {
return null;
blockString = blockString.trim();
let existingBlock = this.motionBlockRepo.getMotionBlockByTitle(blockString);
if (!existingBlock) {
existingBlock = this.motionBlockRepo.getMotionBlockByTitle(this.translate.instant(blockString));
if (existingBlock) {
return { id:, name: existingBlock.title };
} else {
if (!this.newMotionBlocks.find(newBlock => === blockString)) {
this.newMotionBlocks.push({ name: blockString });
return { name: blockString };
* Creates all new Users needed for the import.
private async createNewUsers(): Promise<CsvMapping[]> {
const promises: Promise<CsvMapping>[] = [];
for (const user of this.newSubmitters) {
return await Promise.all(promises);
* Creates all new Motion Blocks needed for the import.
private async createNewMotionBlocks(): Promise<CsvMapping[]> {
const promises: Promise<CsvMapping>[] = [];
for (const block of this.newMotionBlocks) {
this.motionBlockRepo.create(new MotionBlock({ title: })).then(identifiable => {
return { name:, id: };
return await Promise.all(promises);
* Creates all new Categories needed for the import.
private async createNewCategories(): Promise<CsvMapping[]> {
const promises: Promise<CsvMapping>[] = [];
for (const category of this.newCategories) {
const cat = this.splitCategoryString(;
new Category({
prefix: cat.prefix ? cat.prefix : null
.then(identifiable => {
return { name:, id: };
return await Promise.all(promises);
* Handler after a file was selected. Basic checking for type, then hand
* over to parsing
* @param event type is Event, but has target.files, which typescript doesn't seem to recognize
public onSelectFile(event: any): void {
// TODO type
if ( && === 1) {
if ([0].type === 'text/csv') {
this._rawFile =[0];
} else {'Wrong file type detected. Import failed.'), '', {
duration: 3000
this._rawFile = null;
* Rereads the (previously selected) file, if present. Thought to be triggered
* by parameter changes on encoding, column, text separators
public refreshFile(): void {
if (this._rawFile) {
* (re)-reads a given file with the current parameter
private readFile(file: File): void {
this.reader.readAsText(file, this.encoding);
* Checks the first line of the csv (the header) for consistency (length)
* @param row expected to be an array parsed from the first line of a csv file
private checkHeader(row: string[]): boolean {
const snackbarDuration = 3000;
if (row.length < 4) {'The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.'), '', {
duration: snackbarDuration
return false;
} else if (row.length < this.expectedHeader.length) {
this.translate.instant('The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.'),
{ duration: snackbarDuration }
} else if (row.length > this.expectedHeader.length) {
this.translate.instant('The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.'),
{ duration: snackbarDuration }
return true;
* Resets the data and preview (triggered upon selecting an invalid file)
public clearPreview(): void {
this._entries = [];[]);
this._preview = null;
* set a list of short names for error, indicating which column failed
public setError(motion: ViewCsvCreateMotion, error: string): void {
if (errorList.hasOwnProperty(error) && !motion.errors.includes(error)) {
motion.status = 'error';
* Get an extended error description.
* @param error
public verbose(error: string): string {
return errorList[error];
* Helper to separate a category string from its' prefix. Assumes that a prefix is no longer
* than 5 chars and separated by a ' - '
* @param categoryString the string to parse
private splitCategoryString(categoryString: string): { prefix: string; name: string } {
let prefixSeparator = ' - ';
if (categoryString.startsWith(prefixSeparator)) {
prefixSeparator = prefixSeparator.substring(1);
categoryString = categoryString.trim();
let prefix = '';
const separatorIndex = categoryString.indexOf(prefixSeparator);
if (separatorIndex >= 0 && separatorIndex < 6) {
prefix = categoryString.substring(0, separatorIndex);
categoryString = categoryString.substring(separatorIndex + prefixSeparator.length);
return { prefix: prefix, name: categoryString };