<th><ahref="?sort=first_name&reverse={% if 'first_name' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "First Name" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=last_name&reverse={% if 'last_name' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Last Name" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=group&reverse={% if 'group' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Group" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=type&reverse={% if 'type' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Type" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=committee&reverse={% if 'committee' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Committee" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=username&reverse={% if 'username' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Username" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=email&reverse={% if 'email' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Email" %}</a></th>
<th><ahref="?sort=last_login&reverse={% if 'last_login' in sortfilter.sort and 'reverse' not in sortfilter %}1{% else %}---{%endif%}">{%trans "Last Login" %}</a></th>
<ahref="{% url user_set_active user.id %}"><imgsrc="/static/images/icons/user-online.png"title="{%trans 'Participiant is activated. Click to deactivate!' %}"></a>
{% else %}
<ahref="{% url user_set_active user.id %}"><imgsrc="/static/images/icons/user-offline.png"title="{%trans 'Participiant is deactivated. Click to activate!' %}"></a>
{% endif %}
{% if user.is_superuser %}
<ahref="{% url user_set_superuser user.id %}"><imgsrc="/static/images/icons/meeting-chair.png"title="{%trans 'Administrator. Click to get normal user!' %}"></a>
{% else %}
<ahref="{% url user_set_superuser user.id %}"><imgsrc="/static/images/icons/im-user.png"title="{%trans 'Normal user. Click to get administrator!' %}"></a>