This commit is contained in:
Oskar Hahn 2013-04-19 16:02:16 +02:00
parent 10b51f6897
commit 2d7bf8ca9a
4 changed files with 91 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class Motion(SlideMixin, models.Model):
return self.get_title()
# TODO: Use transaction
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
def save(self, no_new_version=False, *args, **kwargs):
Save the motion.
@ -122,6 +122,8 @@ class Motion(SlideMixin, models.Model):
the config 'motion_create_new_version' is set to
If no_new_version is True, a new version will never be used.
if not self.state:
@ -131,6 +133,9 @@ class Motion(SlideMixin, models.Model):
super(Motion, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if no_new_version:
# Find out if the version data has changed
for attr in ['title', 'text', 'reason']:
if not self.versions.exists():
@ -142,7 +147,8 @@ class Motion(SlideMixin, models.Model):
new_data = False
# TODO: Check everything here. The decision whether to create a new version has to be done in the view. Update docstings too.
# TODO: Check everything here. The decision whether to create a new
# version has to be done in the view. Update docstings too.
need_new_version = self.state.versioning
if hasattr(self, '_new_version') or (new_data and need_new_version):
version = self.new_version
@ -512,9 +518,9 @@ class Motion(SlideMixin, models.Model):
MotionLog.objects.create(motion=self, message=message, person=person)
def activate_version(self, version):
def set_active_version(self, version):
Set the active state of a version to True.
Set the active state of a version to 'version'.
'version' can be a version object, or the version_number of a version.

View File

@ -83,21 +83,22 @@ motion_detail = MotionDetailView.as_view()
class MotionMixin(object):
"""Mixin for MotionViewsClasses to save the version data."""
Mixin for MotionViewsClasses to save the version data.
def manipulate_object(self, form):
"""Save the version data into the motion object before it is saved in
the Database."""
Save the version data into the motion object before it is saved in
the Database.
super(MotionMixin, self).manipulate_object(form)
for attr in ['title', 'text', 'reason']:
setattr(self.object, attr, form.cleaned_data[attr])
if form.cleaned_data['new_version']:
if type(self) != MotionCreateView:
if self.object.state.versioning and form.cleaned_data.get('new_version', True):
except KeyError:
self.object.category = form.cleaned_data['category']
@ -210,29 +211,40 @@ motion_delete = MotionDeleteView.as_view()
class VersionPermitView(GetVersionMixin, SingleObjectMixin, QuestionMixin, RedirectView):
"""View to permit a version of a motion."""
View to permit a version of a motion.
model = Motion
question_url_name = 'motion_version_detail'
success_url_name = 'motion_version_detail'
success_message = ugettext_lazy('Version successfully permitted.')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set self.object to a motion."""
Set self.object to a motion.
self.object = self.get_object()
return super(VersionPermitView, self).get(*args, **kwargs)
def get_url_name_args(self):
"""Return a list with arguments to create the success- and question_url."""
Return a list with arguments to create the success- and question_url.
return [, self.object.version.version_number]
def get_question(self):
"""Return a string, shown to the user as question to permit the version."""
Return a string, shown to the user as question to permit the version.
return _('Are you sure you want permit Version %s?') % self.object.version.version_number
def case_yes(self):
"""Activate the version, if the user chooses 'yes'."""
self.object.activate_version(self.object.version) # TODO: Write log message
Activate the version, if the user chooses 'yes'.
self.object.set_active_version(self.object.version) # TODO: Write log message
version_permit = VersionPermitView.as_view()

View File

@ -141,6 +141,32 @@ class ModelTest(TestCase):
motion1 = Motion.objects.create(title='foo', text='bar', identifier='')
motion2 = Motion.objects.create(title='foo2', text='bar2', identifier='')
def test_do_not_create_new_version_when_permit_old_version(self):
motion = Motion()
motion.title = 'foo'
motion.text = 'bar'
first_version = motion.version
my_state = State.objects.create(name='automatic_versioning', workflow=self.workflow,
versioning=True, dont_set_new_version_active=True)
motion.state = my_state
motion = Motion.objects.get(
motion.title = 'New Title'
new_version = motion.last_version
self.assertEqual(motion.versions.count(), 2)
self.assertEqual(motion.versions.count(), 2)
motion.version = first_version
self.assertEqual(motion.versions.count(), 2)
class ConfigTest(TestCase):
def test_stop_submitting(self):

View File

@ -165,3 +165,31 @@ class TestMotionDeleteView(MotionViewTestCase):
motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=2).add_submitter(self.delegate)
response ='/motion/2/del/', {})
self.assertRedirects(response, '/motion/')
class TestVersionPermitView(MotionViewTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestVersionPermitView, self).setUp()
def test_get(self):
response = self.check_url('/motion/1/version/2/permit/', self.admin_client, 302)
self.assertRedirects(response, '/motion/1/version/2/')
def test_post(self):
new_version = self.motion1.last_version
response ='/motion/1/version/2/permit/', {'yes': 1})
self.assertRedirects(response, '/motion/1/version/2/')
self.assertEqual(self.motion1.active_version, new_version)
def test_activate_old_version(self):
new_version = self.motion1.last_version
first_version = self.motion1.versions.order_by('version_number')[0]
self.assertEqual(self.motion1.versions.count(), 2)
response ='/motion/1/version/1/permit/', {'yes': 1})
self.motion1 = Motion.objects.get(pk=1)
self.assertEqual(self.motion1.active_version, first_version)
self.assertEqual(self.motion1.versions.count(), 2)