tree sorting: fix sorting multiple items

This commit is contained in:
Maximilian Krambach 2019-05-02 10:38:56 +02:00
parent 5e33c500c3
commit 5f424aa7c1
5 changed files with 162 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -438,19 +438,6 @@ export class MotionRepositoryService extends BaseIsAgendaItemAndListOfSpeakersCo
await'/rest/motions/motion/sort/', data);
* Sends the changed nodes to the server, with only the top nodes being submitted.
* @param data The reordered data from the sorting, as list of ViewMotions
* @param parent a parent id
public async sortMotionBranches(data: ViewMotion[], parent?: number): Promise<void> {
const url = '/rest/motions/motion/sort/';
const nodes = => ({ id: }));
const params = parent ? { nodes: nodes, parent_id: parent } : { nodes: nodes };
await, params);
* Supports the motion

View File

@ -218,43 +218,137 @@ export class TreeService {
* Reduce a list of items to nodes independent from each other in a given tree
* Searches a tree for a list of given items and fetches all branches that include
* these items and their dependants
* @param tree the tree to traverse
* @param items the items to check
* @returns the selection of items that belong to different branches
* @param tree an array of OsTreeNode branches
* @param items the items that need to be included
* @returns an array of OsTreeNodes with the top-most item being included
* in the input list
public getTopItemsFromTree<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(tree: OSTreeNode<T>[], items: T[]): T[] {
let results: T[] = [];
public getBranchesFromTree<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(
tree: OSTreeNode<T>[],
items: T[]
): OSTreeNode<T>[] {
let results: OSTreeNode<T>[] = [];
tree.forEach(branch => {
const i = this.getTopItemsFromBranch(branch, items);
if (i.length) {
results = results.concat(i);
if (items.some(item => === {
} else if (branch.children && branch.children.length) {
results = results.concat(this.getBranchesFromTree(branch.children, items));
return results;
* Return all items not being hierarchically dependant on the items in the input arrray
* Inserts OSTreeNode branches into another tree at the position specified
* @param tree A (partial) tree the branches need to be inserted into. It
* is assumed that this tree does not contain the branches to be inserted.
* See also {@link getTreeWithoutSelection}
* @param branches OsTreeNodes to be inserted. See also {@link getBranchesFromTree}
* @param parentId the id of a parent node under which the branches should be inserted
* @param olderSibling (optional) the id of the item on the same level
* the tree is to be inserted behind
* @returns the re-arranged tree containing the branches
public insertBranchesIntoTree<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(
tree: OSTreeNode<T>[],
branches: OSTreeNode<T>[],
parentId: number,
olderSibling?: number
): OSTreeNode<T>[] {
if (!parentId && olderSibling) {
const older = tree.findIndex(branch => === olderSibling);
if (older >= 0) {
return [...tree.slice(0, older + 1), ...branches, ...tree.slice(older + 1)];
} else {
for (const branch of tree) {
if (branch.children && branch.children.length) {
branch.children = this.insertBranchesIntoTree(branch.children, branches, null, olderSibling);
return tree;
} else if (parentId) {
for (const branch of tree) {
if ( !== parentId) {
if (branch.children && branch.children.length) {
branch.children = this.insertBranchesIntoTree(
} else {
if (!branch.children) {
branch.children = branches;
} else {
if (olderSibling) {
const older = branch.children.findIndex(child => === olderSibling);
if (older >= 0) {
branch.children = [
...branch.children.slice(0, older + 1),
...branch.children.slice(older + 1)
} else {
branch.children = [...branch.children, ...branches];
return tree;
} else {
throw new Error('This should not happen. Invalid sorting items given');
* Return the part of a tree not including or being hierarchically dependant
* on the items in the input arrray
* @param tree
* @param items
* @returns all items that are neither in the input nor dependants of items in the input
* @returns all the branch without the given items or their dependants
public getTreeWithoutSelection<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(tree: OSTreeNode<T>[], items: T[]): T[] {
let result: T[] = [];
public getTreeWithoutSelection<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(
tree: OSTreeNode<T>[],
items: T[]
): OSTreeNode<T>[] {
const result: OSTreeNode<T>[] = [];
tree.forEach(branch => {
if (!items.find(i => === {
if (branch.children) {
result = result.concat(this.getTreeWithoutSelection(branch.children, items));
branch.children = this.getTreeWithoutSelection(branch.children, items);
return result;
* Helper to turn a tree into an array of items
* @param tree
* @returns the items contained in the tree.
public getFlatItemsFromTree<T extends Identifiable & Displayable>(tree: OSTreeNode<T>[]): T[] {
let result = [];
for (const branch of tree) {
if (branch.children && branch.children.length) {
result = result.concat(this.getFlatItemsFromTree(branch.children));
return result;
* Helper function to go recursively through the children of given node.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
<mat-radio-button *ngIf="data.clearChoice" [value]="null">
{{ data.clearChoice | translate }}
<mat-list *ngIf="data.multiSelect && data.choices">
@ -30,12 +29,22 @@
<div *ngIf="data.actionButtons">
<button *ngFor="let button of data.actionButtons" mat-button (click)="closeDialog(true, button)">
*ngFor="let button of data.actionButtons"
(click)="closeDialog(true, button)"
<span>{{ button | translate }}</span>
<div *ngIf="!data.actionButtons">
<button *ngIf="!data.multiSelect || data.choices.length" mat-button (click)="closeDialog(true)">
*ngIf="!data.multiSelect || data.choices.length"

View File

@ -69,6 +69,20 @@ export class ChoiceDialogComponent {
public selectedChoice: number;
* Checks if there is nothing selected
* @returns true if there is no selection chosen (and the dialog should not
* be closed 'successfully')
public get isSelectionEmpty(): boolean {
if ( {
return this.selectedMultiChoices.length === 0;
} else {
return this.selectedChoice === undefined;
* All selected ids, if this is a multiselect choice

View File

@ -331,24 +331,33 @@ export class MotionMultiselectService {
const options = [this.translate.instant('Set as parent'), this.translate.instant('Insert after')];
const allMotions = this.repo.getViewModelList();
const tree = this.treeService.makeTree(allMotions, 'weight', 'sort_parent_id');
const itemsToMove = this.treeService.getTopItemsFromTree(tree, motions);
const selectableItems = this.treeService.getTreeWithoutSelection(tree, motions);
const selectedChoice = await, selectableItems, false, options);
if (selectedChoice) {
if (selectedChoice.action === options[0]) {
// set choice as parent
this.repo.sortMotionBranches(itemsToMove, selectedChoice.items as number);
} else if (selectedChoice.action === options[1]) {
// insert after chosen
const olderSibling = this.repo.getViewModel(selectedChoice.items as number);
const parentId = olderSibling ? olderSibling.sort_parent_id : null;
const siblings = allMotions.filter(motion => motion.sort_parent_id === parentId);
const idx = siblings.findIndex(sib => ===;
const before = siblings.slice(0, idx + 1);
const after = siblings.slice(idx + 1);
const sum = [].concat(before, itemsToMove, after);
this.repo.sortMotionBranches(sum, parentId);
const itemsToMove = this.treeService.getBranchesFromTree(tree, motions);
const partialTree = this.treeService.getTreeWithoutSelection(tree, motions);
const availableMotions = this.treeService.getFlatItemsFromTree(partialTree);
if (!availableMotions.length) {
throw new Error(this.translate.instant('There are no items left to chose from'));
} else {
const selectedChoice = await, availableMotions, false, options);
if (selectedChoice) {
if (!selectedChoice.items) {
throw this.translate.instant('No items selected');
if (selectedChoice.action === options[0]) {
const sortedChildTree = this.treeService.insertBranchesIntoTree(
selectedChoice.items as number
} else if (selectedChoice.action === options[1]) {
const sortedSiblingTree = this.treeService.insertBranchesIntoTree(
this.repo.getViewModel(selectedChoice.items as number).parent_id,
selectedChoice.items as number