Added PDF view for the motions

This commit is contained in:
Oskar Hahn 2013-02-03 18:18:29 +01:00
parent 42082ae3c2
commit b8a353fa7c
3 changed files with 186 additions and 1 deletions

openslides/motion/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.units import cm
from reportlab.platypus import (
SimpleDocTemplate, PageBreak, Paragraph, Spacer, Table, TableStyle)
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openslides.config.models import config
from openslides.utils.pdf import stylesheet
from .models import Motion
def motions_to_pdf(pdf):
motions = Motion.objects.all()
all_motion_cover(pdf, motions)
for motion in motions:
motion_to_pdf(pdf, motion)
def motion_to_pdf(pdf, motion):
pdf.append(Paragraph(_("Motion: %s") % motion.title, stylesheet['Heading1']))
motion_data = []
# submitter
cell1a = []
cell1a.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm))
cell1a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Submitter"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell1b = []
cell1b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm))
cell1b.append(Paragraph(unicode(motion.submitter), stylesheet['Normal']))
motion_data.append([cell1a, cell1b])
# TODO: choose this in workflow
if motion.state.edit_as_submitter:
# Cell for the signature
cell2a = []
cell2b = []
cell2a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Signature"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell2b.append(Paragraph(42 * "_", stylesheet['Signaturefield']))
cell2b.append(Spacer(0, 0.1 * cm))
cell2b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm))
motion_data.append([cell2a, cell2b])
# supporters
if config['motion_min_supporters']:
cell3a = []
cell3b = []
cell3a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font><seqreset id='counter'>" % _("Supporters"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
supporters = motion.supporter.all()
for supporter in supporters:
cell3b.append(Paragraph("<seq id='counter'/>.&nbsp; %s" % unicode(supporter), stylesheet['Signaturefield']))
for count in range(config['motion_min_supporters'] - supporters.count()):
cell3b.append(Paragraph("<seq id='counter'/>.&nbsp;" + 42 * "_",stylesheet['Signaturefield']))
cell3b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm))
motion_data.append([cell3a, cell3b])
## # status
## cell4a = []
## cell4b = []
## note = " ".join(motion.notes)
## cell4a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Status"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
## if note != "":
## if motion.status == "pub":
## cell4b.append(Paragraph(note, stylesheet['Normal']))
## else:
## cell4b.append(Paragraph("%s | %s" % (motion.get_status_display(), note), stylesheet['Normal']))
## else:
## cell4b.append(Paragraph("%s" % motion.get_status_display(), stylesheet['Normal']))
## data.append([cell4a, cell4b])
# Motion state
cell4a = []
cell4b = []
cell4a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("State"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell4b.append(Paragraph(, stylesheet['Normal']))
motion_data.append([cell4a, cell4b])
# Version number (aid)
if motion.versions.count() > 1:
cell5a = []
cell5b = []
cell5a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Version"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell5b.append(Paragraph("%s" % motion.version.version_number, stylesheet['Normal']))
motion_data.append([cell5a, cell5b])
# voting results
polls = []
for poll in motion.polls.all():
if not poll.has_votes():
if polls:
cell6a = []
cell6b = []
cell6a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Vote results"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
ballotcounter = 0
for poll in polls:
ballotcounter += 1
option = poll.get_options()[0]
yes, no, abstain, invalid, votecast = (
option['Yes'], option['No'], option['Abstain'],
poll.print_voteinvalid(), poll.print_votecast())
if len(polls) > 1:
cell6b.append(Paragraph("%s. %s" % (ballotcounter, _("Vote")), stylesheet['Bold']))
"%s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s" %
(_("Yes"), yes, _("No"), no, _("Abstention"), abstain, _("Invalid"),
invalid, _("Votes cast"), votecast), stylesheet['Normal']))
cell6b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm))
motion_data.append([cell6a, cell6b])
# Creating Table
table = Table(motion_data)
table._argW[0] = 4.5 * cm
table._argW[1] = 11 * cm
table.setStyle(TableStyle([('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1,,
('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP')]))
pdf.append(Spacer(0, 1 * cm))
pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.title, stylesheet['Heading3']))
pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.text.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
if motion.reason:
pdf.append(Paragraph(_("Reason:"), stylesheet['Heading3']))
pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.reason.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
return pdf
def all_motion_cover(pdf, motions):
pdf.append(Paragraph(config["motion_pdf_title"], stylesheet['Heading1']))
preamble = config["motion_pdf_preamble"]
if preamble:
pdf.append(Paragraph("%s" % preamble.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
pdf.append(Spacer(0, 0.75 * cm))
if not motions:
pdf.append(Paragraph(_("No motions available."), stylesheet['Heading3']))
for motion in motions:
pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.title, stylesheet['Heading3']))

View File

@ -92,4 +92,14 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('openslides.motion.views',

View File

@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ from openslides.projector.api import get_active_slide
from openslides.projector.projector import Widget, SLIDE
from openslides.config.models import config
from openslides.agenda.models import Item
from .models import Motion, MotionSubmitter, MotionSupporter, MotionPoll, MotionVersion
from .forms import (BaseMotionForm, MotionSubmitterMixin, MotionSupporterMixin,
MotionCreateNewVersionMixin, ConfigForm)
from .workflow import WorkflowError
from .pdf import motions_to_pdf, motion_to_pdf
class MotionListView(ListView):
@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ class PollCreateView(SingleObjectMixin, RedirectView):
def pre_redirect(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
self.poll = self.object.create_poll()
self.object.write_log(ugettext_noop("Poll created"), user)
self.object.write_log(ugettext_noop("Poll created"), request.user)
messages.success(request, _("New vote was successfully created."))
def get_redirect_url(self, **kwargs):
@ -370,6 +372,33 @@ class CreateAgendaItemView(SingleObjectMixin, RedirectView):
create_agenda_item = CreateAgendaItemView.as_view()
class MotionPDFView(SingleObjectMixin, PDFView):
permission_required = 'motion.can_manage_motion'
model = Motion
top_space = 0
print_all_motions = False
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if not self.print_all_motions:
self.object = self.get_object()
return super(MotionPDFView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_filename(self):
if self.print_all_motions:
return _("Motions")
return _("Motion: %s") % unicode(self.object)
def append_to_pdf(self, pdf):
if self.print_all_motions:
motion_to_pdf(pdf, self.object)
motion_list_pdf = MotionPDFView.as_view(print_all_motions=True)
motion_detail_pdf = MotionPDFView.as_view(print_all_motions=False)
class Config(FormView):
permission_required = 'config.can_manage_config'
form_class = ConfigForm