Updated application PDF. Added vote results.

This commit is contained in:
Emanuel Schuetze 2011-09-06 22:22:29 +02:00
parent ecc728c8e9
commit bb38d8b85e
4 changed files with 119 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ from django.db.models import Max
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from openslides.participant.models import Profile
from openslides.system.api import config_get
@ -142,6 +143,18 @@ class Application(models.Model):
min_supporters = int(config_get('application_min_supporters'))
return self.supporter.count() >= min_supporters
def missing_supporters(self):
Return number of missing supporters
min_supporters = int(config_get('application_min_supporters'))
delta = min_supporters - self.supporter.count()
if delta > 0:
return delta
return 0
def save(self, user=None, nonewversion=False):
Save the Application, and create a new AVersion if necessary
@ -293,13 +306,16 @@ class Application(models.Model):
or (self.status == "per" \
and user.has_perm("application.can_manage_application")):
# Check if the user can support and unspoort the application
if self.status == "pub" \
and user != self.submitter \
and user not in self.supporter.all():
if self.status == "pub" \
and user != self.submitter \
and user not in self.supporter.all() \
and user.profile:
except Profile.DoesNotExist:
if self.status == "pub" and user in self.supporter.all():
@ -388,6 +404,18 @@ class Application(models.Model):
self.writelog(_("Poll created"), user)
return poll
def results(self):
Return a list of voting results
results = []
for poll in self.poll_set.all():
for option in poll.options:
if poll.votesinvalid != None and poll.votescast != None:
results.append([option.yes, option.no, option.undesided, poll.votesinvalid, poll.votescast])
return results
def get_absolute_url(self, link='view'):
if link == 'view':

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
<ul class="results">
{% for poll in polls %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}
{% if poll.has_vote %}<a href="{% url application_poll_view poll.id %}">{% endif %}
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application and poll.has_vote %}
<a href="{% url application_poll_view poll.id %}">
{% endif %}
<b>{{ forloop.counter }}. {% trans "Vote" %}:</b>
{% if perms.application.can_manage_application %}

View File

@ -74,13 +74,14 @@ def view(request, application_id, newest=False):
version = application.public_version
revisions = application.versions
actions = application.get_allowed_actions(user=request.user)
return {
'application': application,
'revisions': revisions,
'actions': actions,
'min_supporters': int(config_get('application_min_supporters')),
'version': version
'version': version,
'results': application.results

View File

@ -89,8 +89,13 @@ stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Heading2',
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Heading3',
parent = stylesheet['Bold'],
fontSize = 12,
leading = 24),
leading = 20),
alias = 'h3')
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Heading4',
parent = stylesheet['Bold'],
fontSize = 10,
leading = 20),
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Item',
parent = stylesheet['Normal'],
fontSize = 14,
@ -109,6 +114,11 @@ stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Tablecell',
parent = stylesheet['Normal'],
fontSize = 9)
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Signaturefield',
parent = stylesheet['Normal'],
spaceBefore = 15)
# Ballot stylesheets
stylesheet.add(ParagraphStyle(name = 'Ballot_title',
parent = stylesheet['Bold'],
@ -193,7 +203,7 @@ def firstPage(canvas, doc):
# footer (with page number)
canvas.drawString(10*cm, 1*cm, _("Page")+" 1")
canvas.drawString(10*cm, 1*cm, _("Page")+" %s" % doc.page)
@ -319,27 +329,78 @@ def print_passwords(request):
def get_application(application, story):
# application number
if application.number is None:
story.append(Paragraph(_("Application")+" #[-]", stylesheet['Heading1']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Application No.")+" [-]", stylesheet['Heading1']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Application")+" #%s" % application.number, stylesheet['Heading1']))
story.append(Paragraph(application.title, stylesheet['Heading2']))
story.append(Paragraph("%s" % application.text.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Reason")+":", stylesheet['Heading3']))
story.append(Paragraph("%s" % application.reason.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Submitter")+": %s" % unicode(application.submitter), stylesheet['Italic']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Created")+": %s" % application.time.strftime(_("%Y-%m-%d %H:%Mh")), stylesheet['Italic']))
supporters = ""
story.append(Paragraph(_("Application Nr.")+" %s" % application.number, stylesheet['Heading1']))
# title
story.append(Paragraph(_("Subject")+": "+application.title, stylesheet['Heading3']))
# submitter
cell1a = []
cell1a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Submitter"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell1b = []
cell1b.append(Paragraph(unicode(application.submitter.profile), stylesheet['Normal']))
# supporters
cell2a = []
cell2a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font><seqreset id='counter'>" % _("Supporters"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell2b = []
for s in application.supporter.all():
supporters += "%s, " % unicode(s)
story.append(Paragraph(_("Supporter")+": %s" % supporters, stylesheet['Italic']))
cell2b.append(Paragraph("<seq id='counter'/>.&nbsp; %s" % unicode(s.profile), stylesheet['Signaturefield']))
for x in range(0,application.missing_supporters):
cell2b.append(Paragraph("<seq id='counter'/>.&nbsp; __________________________________________",stylesheet['Signaturefield']))
# status
note = ""
for n in application.notes:
note += "%s " % unicode(n)
cell3a = []
cell3a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Status"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell3b = []
if note != "":
story.append(Paragraph(_("Status")+": %s | %s" % (application.get_status_display(), note), stylesheet['Italic']))
cell3b.append(Paragraph("%s | %s" % (application.get_status_display(), note), stylesheet['Normal']))
story.append(Paragraph(_("Status")+": %s" % (application.get_status_display()), stylesheet['Italic']))
cell3b.append(Paragraph("%s" % application.get_status_display(), stylesheet['Normal']))
# voting results
cell4a = []
cell4a.append(Paragraph("<font name='Ubuntu-Bold'>%s:</font>" % _("Vote results"), stylesheet['Heading4']))
cell4b = []
ballotcounter = 0
for result in application.results:
ballotcounter += 1
if len(application.results) > 1:
cell4b.append(Paragraph("%s. %s" % (ballotcounter, _("Vote")), stylesheet['Bold']))
cell4b.append(Paragraph("%s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s <br/> %s: %s" % (_("Yes"), result[0], _("No"), result[1], _("Abstention"), result[2], _("Invalid"), result[3], _("Votes cast"), result[4]), stylesheet['Normal']))
# table
data = []
t.setStyle(TableStyle([ ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1, colors.black),
('VALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'TOP'),
# ('SPAN',(-1,-1),(-2,-2)),
# text
story.append(Paragraph("%s" % application.text.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
# reason
story.append(Paragraph(_("Reason")+":", stylesheet['Heading3']))
story.append(Paragraph("%s" % application.reason.replace('\r\n','<br/>'), stylesheet['Paragraph']))
return story
@ -350,10 +411,10 @@ def print_application(request, application_id=None):
response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8')
doc = SimpleDocTemplate(response)
doc.title = None
story = [Spacer(1,2*cm)]
story = []
if application_id is None: #print all applications
doc.title = _("Applications")
story.append(Paragraph(_("Applications"), stylesheet['Heading1']))
# List of applications
for application in Application.objects.exclude(number=None).order_by('number'):
story.append(Paragraph(_("Application")+" #%s: %s" % (application.number, application.title), stylesheet['Heading3']))
@ -361,14 +422,13 @@ def print_application(request, application_id=None):
for application in Application.objects.exclude(number=None).order_by('number'):
story = get_application(application, story)
else: # print selected application
application = Application.objects.get(id=application_id)
filename = u'filename=%s%s.pdf;' % (_("Application"), str(application.number))
response['Content-Disposition'] = filename.encode('utf-8')
story = get_application(application, story)
doc.build(story, onFirstPage=firstPage, onLaterPages=laterPages)
doc.build(story, onFirstPage=firstPage, onLaterPages=firstPage)
return response