diff --git a/autoupdate b/autoupdate
index da329b654..1da32a44e 160000
--- a/autoupdate
+++ b/autoupdate
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit da329b654744d9242046cd32b72539b9fe322c1d
+Subproject commit 1da32a44e03dd384dc5168ae627f631814cae6af
diff --git a/client/src/app/site/polls/components/base-poll.component.ts b/client/src/app/site/polls/components/base-poll.component.ts
index 98d0cf651..240c8baf8 100644
--- a/client/src/app/site/polls/components/base-poll.component.ts
+++ b/client/src/app/site/polls/components/base-poll.component.ts
@@ -65,10 +65,9 @@ export abstract class BasePollComponent<
const title = this.translate.instant('Are you sure you want to stop this voting?');
const actions = [this.translate.instant('Stop'), this.translate.instant('Stop & publish')];
const choice = await this.choiceService.open(title, null, false, actions);
- if (choice?.action === 'Stop') {
+ if (choice?.action === actions[0]) {
await this.changeState(PollState.Finished);
- } else if (choice?.action === 'Stop & publish') {
+ } else if (choice?.action === actions[1]) {
await this.changeState(PollState.Published);
diff --git a/client/src/assets/i18n/de.json b/client/src/assets/i18n/de.json
index cda74c42c..bdf99df2e 100644
--- a/client/src/assets/i18n/de.json
+++ b/client/src/assets/i18n/de.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"%num% emails were send sucessfully.":"%num% E-Mails wurden erfolgreich versandt.","100% base":"100%-Basis","OpenSlides is a free web based presentation and assembly system for visualizing and controlling agenda, motions and elections of an assembly.":"OpenSlides ist ein freies, webbasiertes Präsentations- und Versammlungssystem zur Darstellung und Steuerung von Tagesordnung, Anträgen und Wahlen einer Versammlung.","":"","A change recommendation or amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Ein Änderungsantrag oder eine Änderungsempfehlung bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf eine nicht vorhandene Zeilennummer.","A file with this title or filename already exists in this directory.":"Eine Datei mit diesem Titel oder Dateinamen existiert bereits in diesem Verzeichnis.","A name is required":"Ein Name ist erforderlich","A new update is available!":"Ein neues Update ist verfügbar!","A password is required":"Ein Passwort ist erforderlich","A server error occured. Please contact your system administrator.":"Ein Serverfehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator.","A title is required":"Ein Titel ist erforderlich","About me":"Über mich","Abstain":"Enthaltung","Accept":"Annehmen","Acceptance":"Annahme","Access data (PDF)":"Zugangsdaten (PDF)","Access groups":"Zugriffsgruppen","Access-data":"Zugangsdaten","Activate amendments":"Änderungsanträge aktivieren","Activate statute amendments":"Satzungsänderungsanträge aktivieren","Activate vote weight":"Stimmgewichtung aktivieren","Active":"Aktiv","Active filters":"Aktive Filter","Active users":"Aktive Nutzer","Add":"Hinzufügen","Add countdown":"Countdown hinzufügen","Add me":"Füge mich hinzu","Add message":"Mitteilung hinzufügen","Add new custom translation":"Neue benutzerdefinierte Übersetzung hinzufügen","Add to agenda":"Zur Tagesordnung hinzufügen","Add to queue":"Zur Warteschlange hinzufügen","Add yourself to the current list of speakers to join the conference":"Setzen Sie sich auf die aktuelle Redeliste um der Konferenz hier beizutreten","Add/remove groups ...":"Gruppen hinzufügen/entfernen ...","Add/remove submitters":"Antragsteller hinzufügen/entfernen","Add/remove tags":"Schlagwörter hinzufügen/entfernen","Additional columns after the required ones may be present and will not affect the import.":"Es könnten zusätzliche Spalten nach den erforderlichen Spalten vorhanden sein. Diese haben jedoch keinen Einfluss auf den Import.","Adjourn":"Vertagen","Adjournment":"Vertagung","Admin":"Admin","After verifiy the preview click on \"import\" please (see top right).":"Nach Prüfung der Vorschau klicken Sie bitte auf \"Importieren\" (oben rechts).","Agenda":"Tagesordnung","Agenda visibility":"Sichtbarkeit in der Tagesordnung","All casted ballots":"Alle abgegebenen Stimmzettel","All entitled users":"Anzahl der Stimmberechtigten","All lists of speakers will be cleared.":"Alle Redelisten werden bereinigt.","All topics will be deleted and won't be accessible afterwards.":"Alle Themen werden gelöscht und sind danach nicht mehr zugänglich.","All valid ballots":"Alle gültigen Stimmzettel","All votes will be lost.":"Alle Stimmen gehen verloren.","All your changes are saved immediately.":"Alle Änderungen werden sofort gespeichert.","Allow access for anonymous guest users":"Erlaube Zugriff für anonyme Gast-Nutzer","Allow amendments of amendments":"Änderungsanträge zu Änderungsanträgen erlauben","Allow blank in identifier":"Leerzeichen im Bezeichner erlauben","Allow create poll":"Abstimmung möglich","Allow only current speakers and list of speakers managers to enter the live conference":"Nur aktuellen Redner*innen und der Redelistenverwaltung erlauben in eine Livekonferenz beizutreten","Allow submitter edit":"Antragsteller*in darf bearbeiten","Allow support":"Unterstützung möglich","Allow users to set themselves as present":"Teilnehmende erlauben sich selbst auf anwesend zu setzen","Allowed access groups for this directory":"Zulässige Zugriffsgruppen für dieses Verzeichnis","Always":"Immer","Amendment":"Änderungsantrag","Amendment list (PDF)":"Änderungsantragsliste (PDF)","Amendment text":"Änderungsantragstext","Amendment to":"Änderungsantrag zu","Amendments":"Änderungsanträge","Amendments can change multiple paragraphs":"Änderungsanträge können mehrere Absätze ändern","Amendments to":"Änderungsanträge zu","Amount of votes":"Anzahl der Stimmen","An amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Ein Änderungsantrag bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf eine nicht vorhandene Zeilennummer.","An email with a password reset link was send!":"Es wurde eine E-Mail mit Link zum Passwort-Zurücksetzen gesendet.","An error happened":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten","An unknown error occurred.":"Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Anonymize votes":"Stimmen anonymisieren","Anonymizing can only be done after finishing a poll.":"Anonymisieren kann erst nach Beenden der Stimmabgabe erfolgen.","Anonymous":"Anonym","Applause interval in seconds":"Applaus-Zeitintervall in Sekunden","Applause particle image URL":"Applaus-Partikelbild-URL","Applause visualization":"Applaus-Visualisierung","Apply":"Übernehmen","Arabic":"Arabisch","Are you sure you want delete the whole history?":"Soll die vollständige Chronik wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to anonymize all votes? This cannot be undone.":"Sollen alle Stimmen wirklich anonymisiert werden? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to clear all messages in this chat?":"Sollen wirklich alle Nachrichten in diesem Chat gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to clear all speakers of all lists?":"Sollen wirklich alle Redner*innen von allen Listen entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected elections?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Wahlen wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected files and folders?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Dateien und Verzeichnisse wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected motions?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Anträge wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected participants?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Teilnehmende wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all speakers from this list of speakers?":"Sollen wirklich alle Redner*innen von dieser Liste entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to delete the print template?":"Soll die Beschluss-Druckvorlage wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this category and all subcategories?":"Soll dieses Sachgebiet und deren Untersachgebiete wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this change recommendation?":"Soll diese Änderungsempfehlung wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this chat group?":"Soll diese Chat-Gruppe wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this comment field?":"Soll dieses Kommentarfeld wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this election?":"Soll diese Wahl wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this entry?":"Soll dieser Eintrag wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":"Soll diese Gruppe wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this message?":"Soll die ausgewählte Nachricht wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion block?":"Soll dieser Antragsblock wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion?":"Soll dieser Antrag wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this participant?":"Soll diese/r Teilnehmende wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this projector?":"Soll dieser Projektor wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this statute paragraph?":"Soll dieser Satzungsabschnitt wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this tag?":"Soll dieses Schlagwort wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this topic?":"Soll dieses Thema wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this vote?":"Soll diese Abstimmung wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this workflow?":"Soll dieser Arbeitsablauf wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to discard this amendment?":"Soll dieser Änderungsantrag wirklich verworfen werden?","Are you sure you want to generate new passwords for all selected participants?":"Sollen wirklich neue Passwörter für alle ausgewählte Teilnehmende generiert werden?","Are you sure you want to number all agenda items?":"Sollen alle Tagesordnungspunkte wirklich neu nummeriert werden?","Are you sure you want to override the state of all motions of this motion block?":"Soll der Status von allen Anträgen aus diesem Antragsblock wirklich überschrieben werden?","Are you sure you want to remove all selected items from the agenda?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Einträge wirklich aus der Tagesordnung entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this entry from the agenda?":"Soll dieser Eintrag wirklich aus der Tagesordnung entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this motion from motion block?":"Soll dieser Antrag wirklich aus dem Antragsblock entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this speaker from the list of speakers?":"Soll diese*r Redner*in wirklich von der Redeliste entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this list of speakers?":"Wollen Sie sich wirklich von dieser Redeliste entfernen?","Are you sure you want to renumber all motions of this category?":"Sollen alle Anträge dieses Sachgebiets wirklich neu nummeriert werden?","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? All changes of this settings group will be lost!":"Wollen Sie wirklich alle Werte auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen? Alle Änderungen auf dieser Einstellungsseite gehen verloren!","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? Changes of all settings group will be lost!":"Wollen Sie wirklich alle Werte auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen? Änderungen in allen Einstellungsrubriken gehen verloren!","Are you sure you want to reset all passwords to the default ones?":"Sollen wirklich alle Passwörter auf die initialen Passwörter zurückgesetzt werden?","Are you sure you want to reset this vote?":"Soll diese Abstimmung wirklich zurückgesetzt werden?","Are you sure you want to send an invitation email to the user?":"Soll wirklich eine E-Mail den diesen Nutzer gesendet werden?","Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?":"Sollen E-Mails wirklich an alle ausgewählten Teilnehmende gesendet werden?","Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?":"Soll wirklich ein Geschäftsordnungsantrag gestellt werden?","As of":"Stand","As recommendation":"wie Empfehlung","Ask, default no":"Nachfragen, voreingestellt nein","Ask, default yes":"Nachfragen, voreingestellt ja","Attachments":"Anhänge","Automatically open the microphone for new conference speakers":"Mikrofon automatisch öffnen beim Eintreten in die Livekonferenz","Automatically open the web cam for new conference speakers":"Kamera automatisch öffnen beim Eintreten in die Livekonferenz","Autopilot":"Autopilot","Available votes":"Verfügbare Stimmen","Back":"Zurück","Back to login":"Zurück zur Anmeldung","Background color":"Hintergrundfarbe","Ballot":"Wahlgang","Ballot opened":"Wahlgang eröffnet","Ballot papers":"Stimmzettel","Ballots":"Wahlgänge","Base folder":"Basisverzeichnis","Begin of event":"Beginn der Veranstaltung","Begin speech":"Rede beginnen","Blank between prefix and number, e.g. 'A 001'.":"Leerzeichen zwischen Präfix und Nummer, z. B. 'A 001'.","CSV import":"CSV-Import","Call list":"Aufrufliste","Called":"Aufgerufen wird","Called with":"Mit aufgerufen werden","Can change its own password":"Darf eigenes Passwort ändern","Can create amendments":"Darf Änderungsanträge stellen","Can create motions":"Darf Anträge erstellen","Can manage agenda":"Darf die Tagesordung verwalten","Can manage chat":"Darf den Chat verwalten","Can manage comments":"Darf Kommentare verwalten","Can manage configuration":"Darf die Konfiguration verwalten","Can manage elections":"Darf Wahlen verwalten","Can manage files":"Darf Dateien verwalten","Can manage list of speakers":"Darf Redelisten verwalten","Can manage logos and fonts":"Darf Logos und Schriften verwalten","Can manage motion metadata":"Darf Antragsmetadaten verwalten","Can manage motion polls":"Darf Antragsabstimmungen verwalten","Can manage motions":"Darf Anträge verwalten","Can manage tags":"Darf Schlagwörter verwalten","Can manage the projector":"Darf den Projektor steuern","Can manage users":"Darf Benutzer verwalten","Can nominate another participant":"Darf andere Teilnehmende für Wahlen vorschlagen","Can nominate oneself":"Darf selbst für Wahlen kandidieren","Can put oneself on the list of speakers":"Darf sich selbst auf die Redeliste setzen","Can see agenda":"Darf die Tagesordnung sehen","Can see comments":"Darf Kommentare sehen","Can see elections":"Darf Wahlen sehen","Can see extra data of users (e.g. email and comment)":"Darf die zusätzlichen Daten der Benutzer sehen (z. B. E-Mail und Kommentar)","Can see hidden files":"Darf versteckte Dateien sehen","Can see history":"Darf die Chronik sehen","Can see internal items and time scheduling of agenda":"Darf interne Einträge und Zeitplan der Tagesordnung sehen","Can see list of speakers":"Darf Redelisten sehen","Can see motions":"Darf Anträge sehen","Can see motions in internal state":"Darf Anträge im internen Status sehen","Can see names of users":"Darf die Namen der Benutzer sehen","Can see the autopilot":"Darf den Autopilot sehen","Can see the front page":"Darf die Startseite sehen","Can see the list of files":"Darf die Dateiliste sehen","Can see the live stream":"Darf den Livestream sehen","Can see the projector":"Darf den Projektor sehen","Can support motions":"Darf Anträge unterstützen","Can upload files":"Darf Dateien hochladen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cancel edit":"Bearbeitung abbrechen","Cancel editing without saving":"Bearbeitung ohne Speichern abbrechen","Candidates":"Kandidat*innen","Cannot create PDF files on this browser.":"In diesem Browser können keine PDF-Dateien erstellt werden.","Cannot do that in demo mode!":"Diese Aktion ist im Demo-Modus nicht möglich!","Cannot navigate to the selected history element.":"Das ausgewählte Chronikelement kann nicht geöffnet werden.","Categories":"Sachgebiete","Category":"Sachgebiet","Center":"Mittig","Change paragraph":"Absatz ändern","Change password":"Passwort ändern","Change password for":"Passwort ändern für","Change presence":"Anwesenheit ändern","Change recommendation":"Änderungsempfehlung","Change recommendations":"Änderungsempfehlungen","Changed by":"Bearbeitet von","Changed title":"Geänderter Titel","Changed version":"Geänderte Fassung","Changed version in line":"Geänderte Fassung in Zeile","Changes":"Änderungen","Chat":"Chat","Check for updates":"Auf Updates prüfen","Check in or check out participants based on their participant numbers:":"An- oder Abmeldung von Teilnehmenden basierend auf ihren Teilnehmernummern:","Choose 0 to disable the supporting system.":"Zum Deaktivieren des Unterstützersystems '0' eingeben.","Chyron":"Bauchbinde","Chyron background color":"Hintergrundfarbe Bauchbinde","Chyron font color":"Schriftfarbe Bauchbinde","Clear":"Bereinigen","Clear all":"Alle löschen","Clear all filters":"Alle Filter löschen","Clear all list of speakers":"Alle Redelisten bereinigen","Clear list":"Liste leeren","Clear motion block":"Antragsblock löschen","Clear tags":"Schlagwörter löschen","Click here for more information":"Mehr Informationen","Click here to vote!":"Zur Stimmabgabe hier klicken!","Close":"Schließen","Close list of speakers":"Redeliste schließen","Closed items":"Erledigte Einträge","Collapse all":"Alle zusammenklappen","Column separator":"Spaltentrenner","Comma separated names will be read as \"Surname, given name(s)\".":"Kommaseparierte Namen werden als \"Nachname, Vorname(n)\" interpretiert.","Comment":"Kommentar","Comment fields":"Kommentarfelder","Comment {arg1} updated":"Kommentar {arg1} aktualisiert","Comments":"Kommentare","Committee":"Gremium","Committees":"Gremien","Complex Workflow":"Komplexer Arbeitsablauf","Confirm new password":"Neues Passwort bestätigen","Congratuations! Your browser is supported by OpenSlides.":"Glückwunsch! Ihr Browser wird von OpenSlides unterstützt. ","Connect all users to live conference automatically":"Alle Nutzer automatisch mit der Livekonferenz verbinden","Content":"Inhalt","Contribution":"Einbringung","Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides.":"Cookies müssen aktiviert sein, um OpenSlides verwenden zu können.","Copy and paste your participant names in this textbox.":"Kopieren Sie die Name Ihrer Teilnehmer*innen in diese Textbox.","Count active users":"Aktive Nutzer zählen","Count completed requests to speak":"Abgeschlossene Wortmeldungen zählen","Countdown":"Countdown","Countdown and traffic light":"Countdown und Ampel","Countdown description":"Countdown-Beschreibung","Countdown time":"Countdown-Zeit","Countdown title":"Countdown-Titel","Countdowns":"Countdowns","Counter speech":"Gegenrede","Counting of votes is in progress ...":"Die Auszählung der Stimmen läuft ...","Couple countdown with the list of speakers":"Countdown mit der Redeliste verkoppeln","Create":"Erstellen","Create final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage erstellen","Create new chat group":"Neue Chat-Gruppe anlegen","Create user":"Nutzer anlegen","Creating PDF file ...":"PDF-Datei wird erstellt ...","Creation date":"Erstellungsdatum","Current browser language":"Aktuelle Browsersprache","Current date":"Aktuelles Datum","Current list of speakers":"Aktuelle Redeliste","Currently no livestream available.":"Derzeit kein Livestream verfügbar.","Currently projected":"Aktuell projiziert","Custom aspect ratio":"Eigenes Seitenverhältnis","Custom number of ballot papers":"Benutzerdefinierte Anzahl von Stimmzetteln","Custom translations":"Benutzerdefinierte Übersetzungen","Dear {name},\n\nthis is your personal OpenSlides login:\n\n {url}\n username: {username}\n password: {password}\n\nThis email was generated automatically.":"Hallo {name},\n\nhier ist Ihr persönlicher OpenSlides-Zugang:\n\n {url}\n Benutzername: {username}\n Passwort: {password}\n\nDiese E-Mail wurde automatisch erstellt.","Decision":"Entscheidung","Default":"Standard","Default 100 % base of a voting result":"Voreingestellte 100-%-Basis eines Abstimmungsergebnisses","Default 100 % base of an election result":"Voreingestellte 100-%-Basis eines Wahlergebnisses","Default election method":"Voreingestellte Wahlmethode","Default encoding for all csv exports":"Voreingestelltes Encoding für alle CSV-Exporte","Default group":"Vorgegebene Gruppen","Default groups with voting rights":"Voreingestellte Gruppen mit Stimmrecht","Default line numbering":"Voreingestellte Zeilennummerierung","Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required majority.":"Voreingestellte Methode zur Überprüfung ob ein Kandidat die nötige Mehrheit erreicht hat.","Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.":"Voreingestellte Methode zur Überprüfung ob ein Antrag die nötige Mehrheit erreicht hat.","Default projector":"Standardprojektor","Default text version for change recommendations":"Voreingestellte Fassung für Änderungsempfehlungen","Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)":"Voreingestellte Sichtbarkeit für neue Tagesordnungspunkte (außer Themen)","Default voting type":"Voreingestellte Art der Stimmabgabe","Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present participants instead.":"Definiert den maximalen Ausschlag. Bei Eingabe von 0 wird die Anzahl der anwesenden Teilnehmenden verwendet.","Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause.":"Definiert den minimalen Ausschlag, der erforderlich ist, um Applaus zu erkennen.","Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up.":"Definiert die Zeit in der Applauswerte aufsummiert werden.","Delegates":"Delegierte","Delegation of vote":"Stimmrechtsübertragung","Delete":"Löschen","Delete final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage löschen","Delete message":"Mitteilung löschen","Delete projector":"Projektor löschen","Delete recommendation":"Empfehlung löschen","Delete whole history":"Chronik löschen","Deleted user":"Gelöschter Nutzer","Deletion":"Streichung","Delivering vote... Please wait!":"Stimmabgabe läuft ... Bitte etwas Geduld!","Description":"Beschreibung","Deselect all":"Alle abwählen","Designates whether this user is in the room.":"Bestimmt, ob dieser Benutzer vor Ort ist.","Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee.":"Legt fest, ob dieser Benutzer als Gremium behandelt werden soll.","Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting the account.":"Bestimmt, ob dieser Benutzer als aktiv behandelt werden soll. Sie können ihn deaktivieren anstatt ihn zu löschen.","Didn't get an email":"Bekam keine E-Mail","Diff version":"Änderungsdarstellung","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disabled (no percents)":"Deaktiviert (keine Prozente)","Display type":"Anzeigeformat","Divergent:":"abweichend:","Do not concern":"Nicht befassen","Do not decide":"Nicht entscheiden","Do not forget to save your changes!":"Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Änderungen zu speichern!","Do not set identifier":"Bezeichner nicht setzen","Do you really want to exit this page?":"Wollen Sie diese Seite wirklich verlassen?","Do you really want to go ahead?":"Wollen Sie die Aktion wirklich fortsetzen?","Do you really want to save your changes?":"Wollen Sie wirklich Ihre Änderungen speichern?","Does not have notes":"Hat keine Notizen","Done":"erledigt","Download":"Herunterladen","Download CSV example file":"CSV-Beispiel-Datei herunterladen","Download folder":"Verzeichnis herunterladen","Drop files into this area OR click here to select files":"Dateien auf diesen Bereich ziehen ODER hier klicken um Dateien auszuwählen","Duplicate":"Duplizieren","Duration":"Dauer","Duration of all requests to speak":"Dauer aller Wortmeldungen","Duration of requests to speak":"Dauer der Wortmeldungen","During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID of the voter. This in no way means that a non-nominal vote is completely anonymous and secure. The votes cannot track their individual votes after the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be guaranteed.":"Während der nicht-namentlichen Stimmabgabe speichert OpenSlides NICHT die individuelle Nutzerkennung des Stimmberechtigen. Dies bedeutet jedoch keineswegs, dass eine nicht-namentliche Stimmabgabe völlig anonym und sicher ist. Der Stimmberechtigte kann nach Übermittlung der Daten die eigene Stimme nicht mehr nachverfolgen oder überprüfen. Die Gültigkeit der Daten kann daher nicht garantiert werden.","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit comment field":"Kommentarfeld bearbeiten","Edit details":"Details bearbeiten","Edit details for":"Details bearbeiten für","Edit final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage bearbeiten","Edit projector":"Projektor bearbeiten","Edit statute paragraph":"Satzungsabschnitt bearbeiten","Edit tag":"Schlagwort bearbeiten","Edit the whole motion text":"Vollständigen Antragstext bearbeiten","Edit to enter votes.":"Bearbeiten, um Stimmen einzugeben.","Edit topic":"Thema bearbeiten","Election":"Wahl","Election documents":"Wahlunterlagen","Elections":"Wahlen","Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed":"Die elektronische Stimmabgabe ist deaktiviert. Es sind nur analoge Abstimmungen erlaubt.","Element":"Element","Email":"E-Mail","Email body":"Nachrichtentext","Email sent":"E-Mail gesendet","Email subject":"Betreff","Empty text field":"Leeres Textfeld","Enable forspeech / counter speech":"Fürrede/Gegenrede aktivieren","Enable numbering for agenda items":"Nummerierung von Tagesordnungspunkten aktivieren","Enable participant presence view":"Ansicht zur Teilnehmeranwesenheit aktivieren","Enable points of order":"Geschäftsordnungsanträge aktivieren","Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)":"Stern-Icon zum Markieren von Redner*innen aktivieren (z.B. zur Einbringung eines Antrags)","Enable virtual applause":"Virtuellen Applaus einschalten","Enable virtual help desk room":"Virtuellen Help-Desk-Raum einschalten","Enable/disable account ...":"Account ein-/ausschalten ...","Encoding of the file":"Encoding der Datei","End speech":"Rede beenden","Enforce page breaks":"Seitenumbrüche erzwingen","Enter conference":"Konferenz beitreten","Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.":"Geben Sie die Dauer in Sekunden an. Zum Deaktivieren der Warn-Farbe 0 auswählen.","Enter live conference":"Livekonferenz beitreten","Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next speakers.":"Geben Sie die Anzahl der nächsten anzuzeigenden Redner*innen ein. Wählen Sie -1 um alle anzuzeigen.","Enter participant number":"Teilnehmernummer eingeben","Enter your email to send the password reset link":"Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts zu erhalten.","Entitled to vote":"Stimmberechtigte","Entitled users":"Stimmberechtigte","Error":"Fehler","Error during PDF creation of election:":"Fehler bei der PDF-Erstellung der Wahl:","Error during PDF creation of motion:":"Fehler bei der PDF-Erstellung in Antrag","Error in form field.":"Fehler im Formularfeld.","Error: The new passwords do not match.":"Fehler: Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.","Estimated end":"Voraussichtliches Ende","Event":"Veranstaltung","Event date":"Veranstaltungszeitraum","Event location":"Veranstaltungsort","Event name":"Veranstaltungsname","Event organizer":"Veranstalter","Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for list of speakers only)":"Jede*r darf das Anliegen eines GO-Antrags sehen (anstatt nur die Redelistenverwaltung)","Exit":"Beenden","Exit conference":"Konferenz verlassen","Exit live conference and continue livestream":"Livekonferenz verlassen und Livestream fortsetzen","Expand all":"Alle ausklappen","Export":"Exportieren","Export as CSV":"Exportieren als CSV","Export as PDF":"Exportieren als PDF","Export comment":"Kommentar exportieren","Export motions":"Anträge exportieren","Export personal note only":"Nur persönliche Notiz exportieren","Export selected elections":"Ausgewählte Wahlen exportieren","Export selected motions":"Ausgewählte Anträge exportieren","Extension":"Erweiterung","Favorites":"Favoriten","File information":"Dateiinfos","File name":"Dateiname","Files":"Dateien","Filter":"Filter","Final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage","Final version":"Beschlussfassung","Finished":"Abgeschlossen","First speech":"Erstredner*in","First state":"Erster Status","Follow recommendation":"Empfehlung folgen","Follow recommendations for all motions":"Empfehlungen für alle Anträge folgen","Following users are currently editing this motion:":"Folgende Nutzer bearbeiten aktuell diesen Antrag:","Foreground color":"Vordergrundfarbe","Forgot Password?":"Passwort vergessen?","Format":"Format","Forspeech":"Fürrede","Front page text":"Text der Startseite","Front page title":"Titel der Startseite","Fullscreen":"Vollbild","Gender":"Geschlecht","General":"Allgemein","General abstain":"Generelle Enthaltung","General approval":"Generelle Zustimmung","General rejection":"Generelle Ablehnung","Generate new passwords":"Neue Passwörter generieren","Generate password":"Passwort generieren","Give applause":"Applaus geben","Given name":"Vorname","Go to line":"Springe zur Zeile","Got an email":"Bekam eine E-Mail","Groups":"Gruppen","Groups with read permissions":"Gruppen mit Leseberechtigungen","Groups with write permissions":"Gruppen mit Schreibberechtigungen","Guest":"Gast","Hang up":"Auflegen","Has amendments":"Hat Änderungsanträge","Has changed vote weight":"Stimmgewicht verändert","Has no speakers":"Keine Wortmeldungen vorhanden","Has notes":"Hat Notizen","Has speakers":"Wortmeldungen vorhanden","Has unchanged vote weight":"Stimmgewicht unverändert","Header background color":"Hintergrundfarbe Kopfbereich","Header font color":"Schriftfarbe Kopfbereich","Headline color":"Überschriftenfarbe","Help desk":"Help Desk","Help text for access data and welcome PDF":"Hilfetext für das Zugangsdaten- und Willkommens-PDF","Hidden item":"Versteckter Eintrag","Hide internal items when projecting subitems":"Interne Einträge ausblenden bei der Projektion von Untereinträgen","Hide more text":"weniger anzeigen","Hide motion text on projector":"Antragstext auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide password":"Passwort verstecken","Hide reason on projector":"Begründung auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide recommendation on projector":"Empfehlung auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide referring motions":"Verweisende Anträge ausblenden","Hide the amount of speakers in subtitle of list of speakers slide":"Anzahl der Redner*innen im Untertitel der Redelistenprojektion ausblenden","Highest applause amount":"Höchster Applauswert","Hint on voting":"Hinweis zur Stimmabgabe","History":"Chronik","Home":"Startseite","How to create new amendments":"Erstellung von Änderungsanträgen","I know the risk":"Ich kenne das Risiko","Identifier":"Bezeichner","Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are optional and may be empty.":"Bezeichner, Begründung, Antragsteller*in, Sachgebiet, Herkunft und Antragsblock sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Wenn es sich um einen Änderungsantrag handelt, können Sie den Inhalt beim Bearbeiten sichern und anschließend löschen.","Import":"Importieren","Import motions":"Anträge importieren","Import participants":"Teilnehmende importieren","Import statute":"Satzung importieren","Import topics":"Themen importieren","In motion list, motion detail and PDF.":"In Antragsliste, Detailansicht und PDF.","In progress, please wait...":"In Bearbeitung – bitte warten ...","In the election process":"Im Wahlvorgang","Inactive":"Inaktiv","Inconsistent data.":"Inkonsistente Daten.","Initial password":"Initiales Passwort","Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM":"Eingabeformat: TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM","Insert after":"Danach einfügen","Insert before":"Davor einfügen","Insert behind":"Dahinter einfügen","Insert participants here":"Teilnehmende hier importieren","Insert topics here":"Themen hier importieren","Insertion":"Ergänzung","Installed plugins":"Installierte Plugins","Internal":"Intern","Internal item":"Interner Eintrag","Invalid input.":"Ungültige Eingabe.","Invalid line number":"Ungültige Zeilennummer","Invalid votes":"Ungültige Stimmen","Is SAML user":"Ist SAML-Nutzer","Is a committee":"Ist ein Gremium","Is active":"Ist aktiv","Is already projected":"ist bereits projiziert","Is amendment":"Ist ein Änderungsantrag","Is committee":"Ist Gremium","Is favorite":"Ist Favorit","Is no amendment and has no amendments":"Ist kein Änderungsantrag und hat keine Änderungsanträge","Is not a committee":"Ist kein Gremium","Is not active":"Ist nicht aktiv","Is not favorite":"Ist kein Favorit","Is not present":"Ist nicht anwesend","Is present":"Ist anwesend","Item number":"Tagesordnungspunkt-Nummer","Keep each item in a single line.":"Verwenden Sie eine Zeile pro Eintrag.","Keep each person in a single line.":"Verwenden Sie eine Zeile pro Person.","Label color":"Beschriftungsfarbe","Last email send":"Letzte gesendet E-Mail","Last email sent":"Letzte gesendete E-Mail","Last modified":"Zuletzt geändert","Last speakers":"Letzte Redner*innen","Leave":"Verlassen","Left":"Links","Legal notice":"Impressum","Level indicator":"Pegelanzeige","License":"Lizenz","Line":"Zeile","Line length":"Zeilenlänge","Line numbering":"Zeilennummerierung","List of electronic votes":"Elektronische Stimmabgaben","List of participants":"Teilnehmendenliste","List of participants (PDF)":"Teilnehmendenliste (PDF)","List of speakers":"Redeliste","List of speakers is initially closed":"Redelisten sind zunächst geschlossen","List of speakers overlay":"Redelisten-Einblendung","List view":"Listenansicht","Live conference":"Livekonferenz","Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect.":"Die Livekonferenz muss aktiv sein. Wählen Sie 0 um den automatischen Verbindungsaufbau zu deaktivieren.","Livestream":"Livestream","Livestream poster image url":"Livestream-Posterbild-URL","Livestream url":"Livestream-URL","Loading data. Please wait ...":"Daten werden geladen. Bitte warten ...","Login":"Anmelden","Login anyway":"Trotzdem anmelden","Login as guest":"Als Gast anmelden","Logout":"Abmelden","Lowest applause amount":"Niedrigster Applauswert","Main motion and line number":"Hauptantrag und Zeilennummer","Mark as personal favorite":"Als persönlichen Favorit markieren","Maximum amount of votes":"Maximale Stimmenanzahl","Media access is denied":"Medienzugriff verweigert","Media file":"Mediendatei","Message":"Mitteilung","Messages":"Mitteilungen","Meta information":"Metainformationen","Min votes cannot be greater than max votes.":"Die minimale Stimmenanzahl darf nicht größer als die maximale Stimmenanzahl sein.","Minimal required version":"Minimal erforderliche Version","Minimize":"Minimieren","Minimum amount of votes":"Minimale Stimmenanzahl","More":"Mehr","Motion":"Antrag","Motion block":"Antragsblock","Motion block set to":"Antragsblock gesetzt auf","Motion blocks":"Antragsblöcke","Motion change recommendation created":"Änderungsempfehlung erstellt","Motion change recommendation deleted":"Änderungsempfehlung gelöscht","Motion change recommendation updated":"Änderungsempfehlung aktualisiert","Motion created":"Antrag erstellt","Motion deleted":"Antrag gelöscht","Motion has been imported":"Antrag wurde importiert","Motion preamble":"Antragseinleitung","Motion text":"Antragstext","Motion updated":"Antrag aktualisiert","Motion votes":"Antragsabstimmungen","Motion will be imported":"Antrag wird importiert","Motion(s) will be imported.":"Anträge werden importieren.","Motions":"Anträge","Motions are in process. Please wait ...":"Anträge werden bearbeitet. Bitte warten ...","Motions have been imported.":"Anträge wurden importiert.","Move":"Verschieben","Move in call list":"In Aufrufliste verschieben","Move into directory":"In Verzeichnis verschieben","Move selected items ...":"Ausgewählte Einträge verschieben ...","Move to agenda item":"Zu TOP verschieben","Multiselect":"Mehrfachauswahl","Mute / Unmute":"Stummschaltung aktivieren / deaktivieren","Name":"Name","Name of recommender":"Name des Empfehlungsgebers","Name of recommender for statute amendments":"Name des Empfehlungsgebers für Satzungsänderungsanträge","Needs review":"Benötigt Review","Never":"Nie","New Projector":"Neuer Projektor","New amendment":"Neuer Änderungsantrag","New ballot":"Neuer Wahlgang","New category":"Neues Sachgebiet","New change recommendation":"Neue Änderungsempfehlung","New comment field":"Neues Kommentarfeld","New directory":"Neues Verzeichnis","New election":"Neue Wahl","New file name":"Neuer Dateiname","New group name":"Neuer Gruppenname","New motion":"Neuer Antrag","New motion block":"Neuer Antragsblock","New participant":"Neue*r Teilnehmer*in","New password":"Neues Passwort","New state":"Neuer Status","New statute paragraph":"Neuer Satzungsabschnitt","New tag":"Neues Schlagwort","New topic":"Neues Thema","New vote":"Neue Abstimmung","New workflow":"Neuer Arbeitsablauf","Next":"Weiter","Next states":"Nächste Zustände","No":"Nein","No category":"Kein Sachgebiet","No category set":"kein Sachgebiet gesetzt","No changes at the text.":"Keine Änderung am Text.","No chat groups available":"Keine Chat-Gruppen vorhanden.","No comment":"Kein Kommentar","No concernment":"Nichtbefassung","No data":"Keine Daten","No decision":"Keine Entscheidung","No delegation of vote":"Keine Stimmrechtsübertragungen","No email sent":"Keine E-Mail gesendet","No emails were send.":"Es wurden keine E-Mails versandt.","No encryption":"Keine Verschlüsselung","No groups selected":"Keine Gruppen ausgewählt","No information available":"Keine Informationen verfügbar","No items selected":"Keine Einträge ausgewählte","No motion block set":"kein Antragsblock gesetzt","No motions were numbered":"Es wurden keine Anträge nummeriert.","No per candidate":"Nein pro Kandidat","No personal note":"Keine persönliche Notiz","No recommendation":"keine Empfehlung gesetzt","No results yet.":"Noch keine Ergebnisse.","No search result found":"Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden","No statute paragraphs":"Keine Satzungsabschnitte vorhanden","No tags":"Keine Schlagwörter","No users with email {0} found.":"Es wurde kein Nutzer mit E-Mail-Adresse {0} gefunden.","No.":"Nr.","None":"aus","Not allowed in demo mode":"Im Demo-Modus nicht erlaubt.","Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one.":"Beachten Sie, dass das Passwort auf das neu generierte Passwort geändert wird.","Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change dialog instead.":"Hinweis: Ihr eigenes Passwort wurde nicht geändert. Nutzen Sie stattdessen die Passwort-Ändern-Funktion.","Notes":"Notizen","Number candidates":"Kandidat*innen nummerieren","Number motions":"Anträge nummerieren","Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion":"Mindestanzahl erforderlicher Unterstützer*innen für einen Antrag","Number of all delegates":"Anzahl aller Delegierten","Number of all participants":"Anzahl aller Teilnehmenden","Number of all requests to speak":"Anzahl aller Wortmeldungen","Number of ballot papers":"Stimmzettelanzahl","Number of ballot papers (selection)":"Anzahl der Stimmzettel (Vorauswahl)","Number of candidates":"Kandidatenanzahl","Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector":"Anzahl der dargestellten letzten Redner*innen auf dem Projektor","Number of minimal digits for identifier":"Minimale Anzahl an Ziffern im Bezeichner","Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference":"Anzahl der nächsten Redner*innen, die automatisch mit der Livekonferenz verbunden werden","Number of persons to be elected":"Anzahl der zu wählenden Personen","Number of requests to speak":"Anzahl der Wortmeldungen","Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector":"Anzahl der dargestellten nächsten Render*innen auf dem Projektor","Number set":"Nummer gesetzt","Numbered per category":"pro Sachgebiet nummerieren","Numbering":"Nummerierung","Numbering prefix for agenda items":"Präfix für Nummerierung von Tagesordnungspunkten","Numeral system for agenda items":"Nummerierungssystem für Tagesordnungspunkte","OK":"OK","Offline mode":"Offline-Modus","Old password":"Altes Passwort","One email was send sucessfully.":"Eine E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versandt.","One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"Mindestens Vor- oder Nachname muss angegeben werden. Alle übrigen Felder sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","Only countdown":"Nur Countdown","Only for internal notes.":"Nur für interne Notizen.","Only main agenda items":"Nur Haupt-Tagesordnungspunkte","Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers":"Nur anwesende Teilnehmende können zur Redeliste hinzugefügt werden","Only traffic light":"Nur Ampel","Open":"Öffnen","Open Jitsi in new tab":"Jitsi im neuen Tab öffnen","Open items":"Offene Einträge","Open list of speakers":"Redeliste öffnen","Open projection dialog":"Projektionsdialog öffnen","Open requests to speak":"Offene Wortmeldungen","OpenSlides Theme":"OpenSlides-Design-Theme","OpenSlides access data":"OpenSlides-Zugangsdaten","OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp":"OpenSlides ist vorübergehend auf folgenden Zeitpunkt zurückgesetzt:","OpenSlides recommends":"OpenSlides empfiehlt","Options":"Optionen","Origin":"Herkunft","Original":"Original","Original version":"Originalfassung","Outside":"außerhalb","Overlay":"Einblendung","PDF":"PDF","PDF ballot paper logo":"PDF-Stimmzettel-Logo","PDF export":"PDF-Export","PDF footer logo (left)":"PDF-Logo Fußzeile (links)","PDF footer logo (right)":"PDF-Logo Fußzeile (rechts)","PDF header logo (left)":"PDF-Logo Kopfzeile (links)","PDF header logo (right)":"PDF-Logo Kopfzeile (rechts)","PDF options":"PDF-Optionen","Page":"Seite","Page number alignment in PDF":"Seitenzahl-Ausrichtung im PDF","Page numbers":"Seitenzahlen","Paragraph-based, Diff-enabled":"Absatzbasiert mit Änderungsdarstellung","Parallel upload":"Parallel hochladen","Parent agenda item":"Elternelement in der Tagesordnung","Parent directory":"Elternverzeichnis","Participant":"Teilnehmer*in","Participant cannot be found":"Teilnehmende wurde nicht gefunden","Participant has been imported":"Teilnehmer*in wurde importiert","Participant number":"Teilnehmernummer","Participant number is not unique":"Teilnehmernummer ist nicht eindeutig","Participant will be imported":"Teilnehmer*in wird importiert","Participant(s) will be imported.":"Teilnehmende werden importiert.","Participants":"Teilnehmende","Participants have been imported.":"Teilnehmende wurden importiert.","Particles":"Partikel","Password":"Passwort","Paste/write your topics in this textbox.":"Kopieren oder schreiben Sie die Titel Ihrer Themenpunkte in diese Textbox.","Permission":"Zulassung","Permissions":"Berechtigungen","Permit":"Zulassen","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Personal notes":"Persönliche Notizen","Phase":"Phase","Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera":"Bitte erlauben Sie jetzt den Zugriff auf Mikrofon und Kamera.","Please contact your system administrator.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Systemadministrator.","Please enter a name for the new directory:":"Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für das neue Verzeichnis ein:","Please enter a name for the new workflow:":"Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für den neuen Arbeitsablauf ein:","Please enter a valid email address":"Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Namen ein für","Please enter a valid email address!":"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein!","Please enter your new password":"Bitte geben Sie Ihr neues Passwort ein","Please login via your identity provider.":"Bitte melden Sie sich über Ihren Identity Provider an.","Please select the directory:":"Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus:","Please update your browser or contact your system administration.":"Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Browser oder kontaktieren Sie Ihre Systemadministration.","Point of order":"GO-Antrag","Poll created":"Abstimmung erstellt","Poll deleted":"Abstimmung gelöscht","Poll updated":"Abstimmung aktualisiert","Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)":"Einleitungstext für PDF-Dokument (alle Wahlen) ","Preamble text for PDF documents of motions":"Einleitungstext für PDF-Dokumente von Anträgen","Predefined seconds of new countdowns":"Vorgegebene Sekunden für neue Countdowns","Prefix":"Präfix","Prefix for the identifier for amendments":"Präfix für den Bezeichner von Änderungsanträgen","Presence":"Anwesenheit","Present":"Anwesend","Presentation and assembly system":"Präsentations- und Versammlungssystem","Preview":"Vorschau","Previous":"Zurück","Previous slides":"Letzte Folien","Privacy Policy":"Datenschutzerklärung","Privacy policy":"Datenschutzerklärung","Project":"Projizieren","Project selection?":"Auswahl projizieren?","Projection defaults":"Projektionsvorgaben","Projector":"Projektor","Projector header image":"Projektor-Kopfgrafik","Projector language":"Projektorsprache","Projector logo":"Projektor-Logo","Projectors":"Projektoren","Public":"Öffentlich","Public item":"Öffentlicher Eintrag","Publish":"Veröffentlichen","Publish immediately":"Direkt veröffentlichen","Put all candidates on the list of speakers":"Alle Kandidaten auf die Redeliste setzen","Queue":"Warteliste","QuotaExceededError: The local storage's quota is too low":"QuotaExceededError: Das Quotalimit des lokalen Browserspeichers wurde überschritten.","Re-add last speaker":"Letzte*n Redner*in zurückholen","Reason":"Begründung","Reason required for creating new motion":"Begründung erforderlich zur Erstellung neuer Anträge","Received votes":"Empfangene Stimmen","Recommendation":"Empfehlung","Recommendation label":"Empfehlung","Recommendation set to {arg1}":"Empfehlung gesetzt auf {arg1}","Reenter to live conference":"Livekonferenz erneut beitreten","Refer to committee":"In Ausschuss verweisen","Referral to committee":"Verweisung in Ausschuss","Referring motions":"Auf diesen Antrag verweisende Anträge","Refresh":"Aktualisieren","Reject":"Ablehnen","Reject (not authorized)":"Verwerfen (nicht zulässig)","Rejected":"Abgelehnt","Rejection":"Ablehnung","Rejection (not authorized)":"Verwerfung (nicht berechtigt)","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see livestream.":"Um den Livestream zu deaktivieren entfernen Sie die URL. Prüfen Sie die extra Gruppenberechtigung um den Livestream zu sehen.","Remove all speakers":"Alle Redner*innen entfernen","Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early state":"Entferne alle Unterstützer*innen, wenn ein Antragsteller*in den Antrag im Anfangsstadium bearbeitet","Remove candidate":"Kandidate*in entfernen","Remove from agenda":"Aus Tagesordnung entfernen","Remove from motion block":"Vom Antragsblock entfernen ","Remove me":"Entferne mich","Replacement":"Ersetzung","Reply address":"Antwortadresse","Request":"Anliegen","Requests to speak":"Wortmeldungen","Required":"Erforderlich","Required comma or semicolon separated values with these column header names in the first row:":"Erforderliche Komma- oder Semikolon-separierte Werte mit diesen Spaltennamen in der ersten Zeile:","Required majority":"Erforderliche Mehrheit","Reset":"Zurücksetzen","Reset cache":"Cache leeren","Reset password":"Passwort zurücksetzen","Reset passwords to the default ones":"Passwörter zurücksetzen auf Initiales","Reset recommendation":"Empfehlung zurücksetzen","Reset state":"Status zurücksetzen","Reset to factory defaults":"Auf Werkseinstellung zurücksetzen","Resolution and size":"Auflösung und Größe","Restart livestream":"Livestream neustarten","Restrictions":"Zugriffsbeschränkung","Right":"Rechts","Roman":"Römisch","Save":"Speichern","Save all changes":"Alle Änderungen speichern","Save final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage speichern","Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN.":"QR-Code scannen um sich mit dem WLAN zu verbinden.","Scan this QR code to open URL.":"QR-Code scannen um die URL zu öffnen.","Scroll down":"Nach unten scrollen","Scroll down (big step)":"Nach unten scrollen (in großen Schritten)","Scroll up":"Nach oben scrollen","Scroll up (big step)":"Nach oben scrollen (in großen Schritten)","Search":"Suche","Search player":"Spieler suchen","Searching for candidates":"Auf Kandidatensuche","Secret voting can not be guaranteed":"Geheime Stimmabgaben können nicht garantiert werden","Select a new candidate":"Kandidat*in auswählen ...","Select all":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select or search new speaker ...":"Redner*in auswählen oder suchen ...","Select or search new submitter ...":"Antragsteller*in auswählen oder suchen ...","Select paragraphs":"Absätze auswählen","Send":"Senden","Send invitation email":"Einladungs-E-Mail senden","Sender name":"Absendername","Sending an invitation email":"Einladungs-E-Mail senden","Separator used for all csv exports and examples":"Feldtrenner für alle CSV-Exporte und -Beispiele","Sequential number":"Laufende Nummer","Serially numbered":"fortlaufend nummerieren","Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration.":"Servereinstellungen erforderlich zur Aktivierung der Jitsi-Meet-Integration.","Set as favorite":"Als Favorit markieren","Set as not favorite":"Favorit löschen","Set as parent":"Als Eltern setzen","Set as reference projector":"Als Referenzprojektor setzen","Set category":"Sachgebiet setzen","Set committee ...":"Gremium setzen ...","Set favorite":"Favorit markieren","Set hidden":"Versteckt setzen","Set internal":"Intern setzen","Set it manually":"manuell setzen","Set motion block":"Antragsblock setzen","Set presence ...":"Anwesenheit setzen ...","Set public":"Öffentlich setzen","Set recommendation":"Empfehlung setzen","Set status":"Status setzen","Set status for selected participants:":"Status für ausgewählte Teilnehmende setzen:","Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers":"Diesen Projektor als Referenz für die aktuelle Redeliste setzen.","Settings":"Einstellungen","Short description of event":"Kurzbeschreibung der Veranstaltung","Show all":"Alle anzeigen","Show all changes":"Alle Änderungen anzeigen","Show amendment":"Änderungsantrag anzeigen","Show amendment in parent motion":"Änderungsantrag im Hauptantrag anzeigen","Show amendments together with motions":"Änderungsanträge zusätzlich in der Hauptantragsübersicht anzeigen","Show applause amount":"Applauswert anzeigen","Show checkbox to record decision":"Ankreuzfelder zum Dokumentieren der Entscheidung anzeigen","Show clock":"Uhr anzeigen","Show correct entries":"Korrekte Einträge anzeigen","Show correct entries only":"Nur korrekte Einträge anzeigen","Show devtools":"Entwicklerwerkzeuge anzeigen","Show entire motion text":"Vollständigen Antragstext anzeigen","Show errors only":"Nur fehlerhafte Einträge anzeigen","Show full text":"mehr anzeigen","Show header and footer":"Kopf- und Fußzeile anzeigen","Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view":"Hinweis »Erstredner*in« in der Redelistenverwaltung anzeigen ","Show live conference window":"Livekonferenz-Fenster anzeigen","Show logo":"Logo anzeigen","Show meta information box below the title on projector":"Meta-Informations-Box auf dem Projektor unterhalb des Antragstitels anzeigen","Show motion submitters in the agenda":"Antragsteller in der Tagesordnung anzeigen","Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time":"Countdown in den letzten x Sekunden der Redezeit orange darstellen","Show password":"Passwort anzeigen","Show preview":"Vorschau anzeigen","Show profile":"Profil anzeigen","Show recommendation extension field":"Ergänzungsfeld für Empfehlung anzeigen","Show state extension field":"Ergänzungsfeld für Status anzeigen","Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents":"Antragsteller*in und Beschlussempfehlung/Beschluss im PDF-Inhaltsverzeichnis anzeigen","Show the sequential number for a motion":"Laufende Nummer von Anträgen anzeigen","Show this text on the login page":"Diesen Text auf der Login-Seite anzeigen","Show title":"Veranstaltungstitel anzeigen","Show/Hide video conference":"Videokonferenz anzeigen/verstecken","Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room for technical audio/video tests.":"Zeigt einen Fragezeichen-Button an, um sich mit einem extra Jitsi-Konferenzraum für technische Audio-/Video-Tests zu verbinden.","Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG or JPG":"Wird angezeigt, wenn der Livestream nicht gestartet werden kann. Bildformatempfehlung: 500x200px, PNG oder JPG","Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: 24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG":"Zeigt das angegebene Bild als Applaus-Partikel. Bildformatempfehlung: 24x24px, PNG, JPG oder SVG","Simple Workflow":"Einfacher Arbeitsablauf","Simple majority":"Einfache Mehrheit","Single votes":"Einzelstimmen","Slide":"Folie","Sort":"Sortieren","Sort agenda":"Tagesordnung sortieren","Sort by identifier":"Nach Bezeichner sortieren","Sort categories":"Sachgebiete sortieren","Sort comments":"Kommentare sortieren","Sort election results by amount of votes":"Wahlergebnisse nach Stimmanzahl sortieren","Sort motions":"Anträge sortieren","Sort motions by":"Anträge sortieren nach","Sort name of participants by":"Namen der Teilnehmenden sortieren nach","Speakers":"Redner*innen","Staff":"Mitarbeitende","Standard font size in PDF":"Standard-Schriftgröße im PDF","Standard page size in PDF":"Standard-PDF-Papierformat","Start time":"Startzeit","Start voting":"Stimmabgabe starten","State":"Status","State set to {arg1}":"Status gesetzt auf {arg1}","Statistics":"Statistiken","Status":"Status","Statute":"Satzung","Statute amendment":"Satzungsänderungsantrag","Statute amendment for":"Satzungsänderungsantrag zu","Statute paragraph":"Satzungsabschnitt","Statute paragraph has been imported":"Satzungsabschnitt wurde importiert","Statute paragraph will be imported":"Satzungsabschnitt wird importiert","Statute paragraphs":"Satzung","Stop counting":"Zählen stoppen","Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users":"Einreichen von neuen Anträgen stoppen für Nutzer ohne Verwaltungsrechte","Stop voting":"Stimmabgabe beenden","Structure level":"Gliederungsebene","Subcategory":"Untersachgebiet","Submit selection now?":"Auswahl jetzt senden?","Submit vote now":"Stimme(n) jetzt senden","Submitters":"Antragsteller*in","Submitters changed":"Antragsteller*in geändert","Sum of votes including general No/Abstain":"Summe der Stimmen einschließlich generelles Nein/Enthaltung","Summary of changes":"Zusammenfassung der Änderungen","Summary of changes:":"Zusammenfassung der Änderungen:","Support":"Unterstützen","Supporters":"Unterstützer*innen","Supporters changed":"Unterstützer*innen geändert","Surname":"Nachname","System":"System","System URL":"System-URL","Table of contents":"Inhaltsverzeichnis","Tag":"Schlagwort","Tags":"Schlagwörter","Text":"Text","Text import":"Textimport","Text separator":"Texttrenner","The assembly may decide:":"Die Versammlung möge beschließen:","The directory does not exist":"Das Verzeichnis existiert nicht","The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet.":"Der Veranstalter hat noch kein Impressum hinterlegt.","The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet.":"Der Veranstalter hat noch keine Datenschutzerklärung hinterlegt.","The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.":"Die Datei enthält zu wenige Spalten, um richtig verwendet zu werden.","The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.":"Die Datei scheint zusätzliche Spalten zu haben. Diese werden ignoriert.","The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.":"Die Datei scheint einige ausgelassene Spalten zu haben. Sie werden als leer betrachtet.","The link is broken. Please contact your system administrator.":"Der Link ist defekt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den zuständigen Administrator.","The list of speakers is closed.":"Die Redeliste ist geschlossen.","The list of speakers is open.":"Die Redeliste ist geöffnet.","The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session.":"Die Livekonferenz läuft bereits in Ihrer OpenSlides-Sitzung.","The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. Min: 40":"Die maximale Zeichenanzahl pro Zeile. Relevant, wenn die Zeilennummerierung eingeschaltet ist. Minimum: 40.","The name contains invalid characters: \"/\"":"Der Name enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen: \"/\"","The number has to be greater than 0.":"Die Anzahl muss größer als 0 sein.","The parent motion was deleted.":"Der Eltern-Antrag wurde gelöscht.","The reason field may not be blank.":"Die Begründung darf nicht leer sein.","The requested method is not allowed. Please contact your system administrator.":"Die gewünschte Methode ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den zuständigen Administrator.","The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.":"Die Absenderadresse ist in den OpenSlides-Servereinstellungen definiert und kann nur vom Administrator geändert werden.","The server could not be reached.":"Der Server konnte nicht erreicht werden.","The server didn't respond.":"Der Server antwortet nicht.","The text field may not be blank.":"Der Antragstext darf nicht leer sein.","The title is required":"Ein Titel ist erforderlich","The title of the motion is always applied.":"Der Antragstitel wird immer übernommen.","The user %user% has no email, so the invitation email could not be send.":"%user% besitzt keine E-Mail-Adresse; eine E-Mail konnte daher nicht gesendet werden.","The users %user% have no email, so the invitation emails could not be send.":"%user% besitzen keine E-Mail-Adressen; E-Mails konnte daher nicht gesendet werden.","There are no items left to chose from":"Es sind keine Einträge ausgewählt.","There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually.":"In diesem Änderungsantrag ist ein Fehler. Bitte bearbeiten Sie den Text manuell.","This ballot contains deleted users.":"Der Wahlgang enthält gelöschte Nutzer.","This change collides with another one.":"Diese Änderung kollidiert mit einer anderen.","This element does not exist at this time.":"Dieses Element existiert nicht zu diesem Zeitpunkt.","This field is required.":"Dieses Feld ist erforderlich.","This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:":"Dieser Absatz existiert im Hauptantrag nicht mehr:","This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.":"Dieses Präfix wird gesetzt, wenn die automatische Nummerierung der Tagesordnung durchgeführt wird.","This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:":"Folgende Gruppen werden für die ausgewählten Teilnehmenden hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:":"Folgende Antragsteller werden für die ausgewählten Anträge hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:":"Folgende Schlagwörter werden für die ausgewählten Anträge hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will move all selected motions as childs to:":"Alle ausgewählten Anträge werden unterhalb des folgenden Tagesordnungspunktes verschoben:","This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in the call list:":"Alle ausgewählten Anträge unter oder nach dem folgenden Antrag in der Aufrufliste verschieben:","This will reset all made changes and sort the call list.":"Alle noch nicht gespeicherten Änderungen werden zurückgesetzt und die Aufrufliste wird neu sortiert.","This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:":"Favoriten-Markierung für alle ausgewählten Anträge setzen:","This will set the following category for all selected motions:":"Folgendes Sachgebiet wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:":"Folgender Antragsblock wird für alle ausgewählten Anträgen gesetzt:","This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:":"Folgende Empfehlung wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","This will set the following state for all selected motions:":"Folgender Status wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","Three-quarters majority":"Dreiviertelmehrheit","Tile view":"Kachelansicht","Timestamp":"Zeitstempel","Title":"Titel","Title for PDF document (all elections)":"Titel für PDF-Dokument (alle Wahlen)","Title for PDF documents of motions":"Titel für PDF-Dokumente von Anträgen","Title for access data and welcome PDF":"Titel für das Zugangsdaten- und Begrüßungs-PDF","Title is required. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"Titel ist erforderlich. Alle übrigen Felder sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","Topic":"Thema","Topic has been imported":"Thema wurde importiert","Topic will be imported":"Thema wird importiert","Topics":"Themen","Topics have been imported.":"Themen wurden importiert.","Topics(s) will be imported.":"Themen werden importiert.","Total votes cast":"Abgegebene Stimmen","Touch the book icon to enter text":"Tippen Sie auf das Buch-Icon, um den Text zu bearbeiten.","Translation":"Übersetzung","Two-thirds majority":"Zweidrittelmehrheit","Type":"Typ","Undone":"unerledigt","Unique speakers":"Eindeutige Redner*innen","Unsupport":"Unterstützung zurückziehen","Upload":"Hochladen","Upload files":"Dateien hochladen","Upload to:":"Hochladen in:","Use admin and admin for your first login.
Please change your password to hide this message!":"Verwenden Sie admin und admin für die erste Anmeldung.
Bitte ändern Sie Ihr Passwort, um diese Nachricht auszublenden!","Use the following custom number":"Verwende die folgende benutzerdefinierte Anzahl","Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. The url referrs to the system url.":"Verwendbare Platzhalter: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. Die URL bezieht sich auf die System-URL.","Used for QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Wird für QR-Code im Zugangsdaten-PDF verwendet.","Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Wird für WLAN-QR-Code im Zugangsdaten-PDF verwendet.","Username":"Benutzername","Username or password is not correct.":"Benutzername oder Passwort war nicht korrekt.","Uses leading zeros to sort motions correctly by identifier.":"Es werden führende Nullen verwendet, um die Bezeichner korrekt zu sortieren.","Valid votes":"Gültige Stimmen","View":"Anzeigen","Virtual applause":"Virtueller Applaus","Visibility":"Sichtbarkeit","Vote":"Abstimmung","Vote created":"Abstimmung erstellt","Vote deleted":"Abstimmung gelöscht","Vote updated":"Abstimmung aktualisiert","Vote weight":"Stimmgewicht","Votes":"Stimmen","Voting and ballot papers":"Abstimmung und Stimmzettel","Voting anonymized":"Abstimmung anonymisiert","Voting is currently in progress.":"Stimmabgabe läuft aktuell ","Voting method":"Wahlmethode","Voting opened":"Abstimmung eröffnet","Voting reset":"Abstimmung zurückgesetzt","Voting result":"Abstimmungsergebnis","Voting right delegated to (proxy)":"Stimmrecht übertragen an (Vollmachtnehmer)","Voting right for":"Stimmrecht für","Voting right received from (principals)":"Stimmrecht erhalten von (Vollmachtgeber)","Voting started":"Abstimmung gestartet","Voting stopped":"Abstimmung gestoppt","Voting successful.":"Stimmabgabe erfolgreich.","Voting type":"Art der Stimmabgabe","Votings":"Stimmabgaben","WEP":"WEP","WLAN access data":"WLAN-Zugangsdaten","WLAN encryption":"WLAN-Verschlüsselung","WLAN name (SSID)":"WLAN-Name (SSID)","WLAN password":"WLAN-Passwort","WPA/WPA2":"WPA/WPA2","Warning: Amendments exist for this motion. Editing this text will likely impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if the paragraph they affect is deleted.":"Warnung: Zu diesem Antrag gibt es Änderungsanträge. Die Bearbeitung dieses Textes wird sich wahrscheinlich negativ auf diese auswirken. Insbesondere können Änderungsanträge unbrauchbar werden, wenn der Absatz, auf den sie referenzieren, gelöscht wird.","Web interface header logo":"Web-Interface-Kopfzeilen-Logo","Welcome to OpenSlides":"Willkommen bei OpenSlides","Which version?":"Welche Fassung?","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute amendments.":"Wird als Beschriftung vor der Beschlussempfehlung in Satzungsänderungsanträgen angezeigt.","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.":"Wird als Beschriftung vor der Beschlussempfehlung angezeigt. Leere Eingabe deaktiviert das Empfehlungssystem.","Withdraw":"Zurückziehen","Withdraw point of order":"GO-Antrag zurückziehen","Workflow":"Arbeitsablauf","Workflow of new amendments":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Änderungsanträge","Workflow of new motions":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Anträge","Workflow of new statute amendments":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Satzungsänderungsanträge","Workflows":"Arbeitsabläufe","Yes":"Ja","Yes per candidate":"Ja pro Kandidat","Yes/No":"Ja/Nein","Yes/No per candidate":"Ja/Nein pro Kandidat","Yes/No/Abstain":"Ja/Nein/Enthaltung","Yes/No/Abstain per candidate":"Ja/Nein/Enthaltung pro Kandidat","You are not allowed to see all entitled users.":"Sie sind nicht berechtigt alle Stimmberechtigte zu sehen.","You are not authenticated.":"Sie sind nicht authentifiziert.","You are not supposed to be here...":"Sie sollten nicht hier sein ...","You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved.":"Der Chronik-Modus ist aktiv. Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert.","You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Sie können den Inhalt beim Bearbeiten sichern und anschließend löschen.","You can just anonymize named polls":"Sie können nur namentliche Stimmabgaben anonymisieren","You can not deactivate yourself.":"Sie dürfen sich nicht selbst deaktivieren.","You can not delete yourself.":"Sie dürfen sich nicht selbst löschen.","You can not vote because this is an analog voting.":"Sie können Ihre Stimme nicht abgeben, da es sich um eine analoge Stimmabgabe handelt.","You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started.":"Sie können gerade nicht Ihre Stimme abgeben, weil die Stimmabgabe noch nicht gestartet wurde.","You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.":"Sie können {event_name} und {username} als Platzhalter verwenden.","You can't delete the last projector.":"Sie dürfen den letzten Projektor nicht löschen.","You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!":"Das Ändern der Empfehlung von Anträgen in verschiedenen Arbeitsabläufen ist nicht möglich.","You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!":"Das Ändern des Status von Anträgen in verschiedenen Arbeitsabläufen ist nicht möglich.","You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not allowed).":"Sie dürfen eine Stimmrechtsübertragung nicht an eine weitere Person übertragen (Kaskadierung ausgeschlossen).","You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote.":"Sie dürfen ein Stimmrecht nicht an eine Person übertragen, die bereits ihr Stimmrecht an eine andere Person übertragen hat.","You cannot delegate a vote to yourself.":"Sie dürfen keine Stimme an sich selbst delegieren.","You cannot delete the first state of the workflow.":"Sie düfen den ersten Status eines Arbeitsablaufs nicht löschen.","You cannot delete the last workflow.":"Sie dürfen den letzten Arbeitsablauf nicht löschen.","You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated.":"Sie können nicht abstimmen, solange Ihr Stimmrecht übertragen ist.","You do not have the permission to vote.":"Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung zur Stimmabgabe.","You do not have the required permission to see that page!":"Sie haben leider keine Berechtigung diese Seite zu sehen.","You have already voted.":"Sie haben bereits Ihre Stimme abgegeben.","You have to be logged in to be able to vote.":"Sie müssen sich einloggen um Ihre Stimme abgeben zu können.","You have to be present to vote.":"Sie müssen \"anwesend\" sein um Ihre Stimme abgeben zu können.","You have to fill this field.":"Sie müssen diese Feld ausfüllen.","You made changes.":"Sie haben Änderungen vorgenommen.","You override the personally set password!":"Sie überschreiben hiermit das persönlich gesetzte Passwort!","You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first.":"Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Stimmen erreicht. Deselektieren Sie zuerst eine Auswahl.","Your account is not active.":"Ihr Nutzerkonto ist nicht aktiv.","Your browser":"Ihr Browser","Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!":"Ihr Browser wird von OpenSlides nicht unterstützt!","Your decision cannot be changed afterwards.":"Ihre Stimmabgabe kann anschließend nicht mehr geändert werden.","Your device has no microphone":"Es wurde kein Mikrofon an ihrem Gerät gefunden.","Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\"":"Ihre Eingabe entspricht nicht der folgenden Struktur: \"hh:mm\"","Your password was resetted successfully!":"Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!","Your voting right was delegated to another person.":"Ihr Stimmrecht wurde an eine andere Person übertragen.","Zoom in":"Vergrößern","Zoom out":"Verkleinern","[Begin speech] starts the countdown, [End speech] stops the countdown.":"[Rede beginnen] startet den Countdown, [Rede beenden] stoppt den Countdown.","[Place for your welcome and help text.]":"[Platz für Ihren Begrüßungs- und Hilfetext.]","[Space for your welcome text.]":"[Platz für Ihren Begrüßungstext.]","absent":"abwesend","accepted":"angenommen","active":"aktiv","active users":"aktive Nutzer","add group(s)":"Gruppe(n) hinzufügen","adjourned":"vertagt","analog":"analog","and":"und","at least":"mindestens","ballot-paper":"stimmzettel","by":"von","committee":"Gremium","connecting ...":"Verbindungsaufbau ...","connections":"Verbindungen","contribution":"Wortmeldung","created":"erstellt","custom":"benutzerdefiniert","disabled":"deaktiviert","disconnected":"getrennt","diverse":"divers","e.g. for online meetings":"z. B. für Online-Versammlungen","emails":"E-Mails","entries will be ommitted.":"Einträge werden ausgelassen. ","errors":"Fehler","example":"Beispiel","female":"weiblich","finished (unpublished)":"abgeschlossen (unveröffentlicht)","fullscreen":"Vollbild","green":"grün","grey":"grau","has saved his work on this motion.":"hat die Arbeit an diesem Antrag gespeichert.","hidden":"versteckt","in progress":"in Bearbeitung","inactive":"inaktiv","inline":"innerhalb","internal":"intern","is now":"ist jetzt","items":"Einträge","items per page":"Einträge pro Seite","items selected":"Einträge ausgewählt","lightblue":"hellblau","majority":"Mehrheit","male":"männlich","motions":"Anträge","motions-example":"Anträge-Beispiel","move ...":"verschieben ...","needs review":"benötigt Überprüfung","no committee":"kein Gremium","nominal":"namentlich","non-nominal":"nicht-namentlich","none":"aus","not concerned":"nicht befasst","not decided":"nicht entschieden","of":"von","open votes":"offene Stimmabgaben","or":"oder","outside":"außerhalb","participants-example":"Teilnehmende-Beispiel","permitted":"zugelassen","present":"anwesend","public":"öffentlich","published":"veröffentlicht","red":"rot","refered to committee":"in Ausschuss verwiesen","rejected":"abgelehnt","rejected (not authorized)":"verworfen (nicht zulässig)","remove group(s)":"Gruppe(n) entfernen","represented by":"vertreten durch","result":"Ergebnis","results":"Ergebnisse","selected":"ausgewählt","started":"gestartet","statute paragraphs have been imported.":"Satzungsabschnitte wurden importiert.","statute paragraphs(s) will be imported.":"Satzungsabschnitte werden importiert.","submitted":"eingereicht","supporters":"Unterstützer*innen","to":"bis","undocumented":"nicht erfasst","version":"Version","with filter":"mit Filter","withdrawed":"zurückgezogen","yellow":"gelb"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"%num% emails were send sucessfully.":"%num% E-Mails wurden erfolgreich versandt.","100% base":"100%-Basis","OpenSlides is a free web based presentation and assembly system for visualizing and controlling agenda, motions and elections of an assembly.":"OpenSlides ist ein freies, webbasiertes Präsentations- und Versammlungssystem zur Darstellung und Steuerung von Tagesordnung, Anträgen und Wahlen einer Versammlung.","":"","A change recommendation or amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Ein Änderungsantrag oder eine Änderungsempfehlung bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf eine nicht vorhandene Zeilennummer.","A file with this title or filename already exists in this directory.":"Eine Datei mit diesem Titel oder Dateinamen existiert bereits in diesem Verzeichnis.","A name is required":"Ein Name ist erforderlich","A new update is available!":"Ein neues Update ist verfügbar!","A password is required":"Ein Passwort ist erforderlich","A server error occured. Please contact your system administrator.":"Ein Serverfehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator.","A title is required":"Ein Titel ist erforderlich","About me":"Über mich","Abstain":"Enthaltung","Accept":"Annehmen","Acceptance":"Annahme","Access data (PDF)":"Zugangsdaten (PDF)","Access groups":"Zugriffsgruppen","Access-data":"Zugangsdaten","Activate amendments":"Änderungsanträge aktivieren","Activate statute amendments":"Satzungsänderungsanträge aktivieren","Activate vote weight":"Stimmgewichtung aktivieren","Active":"Aktiv","Active filters":"Aktive Filter","Active users":"Aktive Nutzer","Add":"Hinzufügen","Add countdown":"Countdown hinzufügen","Add me":"Füge mich hinzu","Add message":"Mitteilung hinzufügen","Add new custom translation":"Neue benutzerdefinierte Übersetzung hinzufügen","Add to agenda":"Zur Tagesordnung hinzufügen","Add to queue":"Zur Warteschlange hinzufügen","Add yourself to the current list of speakers to join the conference":"Setzen Sie sich auf die aktuelle Redeliste um der Konferenz hier beizutreten","Add/remove groups ...":"Gruppen hinzufügen/entfernen ...","Add/remove submitters":"Antragsteller hinzufügen/entfernen","Add/remove tags":"Schlagwörter hinzufügen/entfernen","Additional columns after the required ones may be present and will not affect the import.":"Es könnten zusätzliche Spalten nach den erforderlichen Spalten vorhanden sein. Diese haben jedoch keinen Einfluss auf den Import.","Adjourn":"Vertagen","Adjournment":"Vertagung","Admin":"Admin","After verifiy the preview click on \"import\" please (see top right).":"Nach Prüfung der Vorschau klicken Sie bitte auf \"Importieren\" (oben rechts).","Agenda":"Tagesordnung","Agenda visibility":"Sichtbarkeit in der Tagesordnung","All casted ballots":"Alle abgegebenen Stimmzettel","All entitled users":"Anzahl der Stimmberechtigten","All lists of speakers will be cleared.":"Alle Redelisten werden bereinigt.","All topics will be deleted and won't be accessible afterwards.":"Alle Themen werden gelöscht und sind danach nicht mehr zugänglich.","All valid ballots":"Alle gültigen Stimmzettel","All votes will be lost.":"Alle Stimmen gehen verloren.","All your changes are saved immediately.":"Alle Änderungen werden sofort gespeichert.","Allow access for anonymous guest users":"Erlaube Zugriff für anonyme Gast-Nutzer","Allow amendments of amendments":"Änderungsanträge zu Änderungsanträgen erlauben","Allow blank in identifier":"Leerzeichen im Bezeichner erlauben","Allow create poll":"Abstimmung möglich","Allow only current speakers and list of speakers managers to enter the live conference":"Nur aktuellen Redner*innen und der Redelistenverwaltung erlauben in eine Livekonferenz beizutreten","Allow submitter edit":"Antragsteller*in darf bearbeiten","Allow support":"Unterstützung möglich","Allow users to set themselves as present":"Teilnehmende erlauben sich selbst auf anwesend zu setzen","Allowed access groups for this directory":"Zulässige Zugriffsgruppen für dieses Verzeichnis","Always":"Immer","Amendment":"Änderungsantrag","Amendment list (PDF)":"Änderungsantragsliste (PDF)","Amendment text":"Änderungsantragstext","Amendment to":"Änderungsantrag zu","Amendments":"Änderungsanträge","Amendments can change multiple paragraphs":"Änderungsanträge können mehrere Absätze ändern","Amendments to":"Änderungsanträge zu","Amount of votes":"Anzahl der Stimmen","An amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Ein Änderungsantrag bezieht sich wahrscheinlich auf eine nicht vorhandene Zeilennummer.","An email with a password reset link was send!":"Es wurde eine E-Mail mit Link zum Passwort-Zurücksetzen gesendet.","An error happened":"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten","An unknown error occurred.":"Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten.","Anonymize votes":"Stimmen anonymisieren","Anonymizing can only be done after finishing a poll.":"Anonymisieren kann erst nach Beenden der Stimmabgabe erfolgen.","Anonymous":"Anonym","Applause interval in seconds":"Applaus-Zeitintervall in Sekunden","Applause particle image URL":"Applaus-Partikelbild-URL","Applause visualization":"Applaus-Visualisierung","Apply":"Übernehmen","Arabic":"Arabisch","Are you sure you want delete the whole history?":"Soll die vollständige Chronik wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to anonymize all votes? This cannot be undone.":"Sollen alle Stimmen wirklich anonymisiert werden? Dies kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.","Are you sure you want to clear all messages in this chat?":"Sollen wirklich alle Nachrichten in diesem Chat gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to clear all speakers of all lists?":"Sollen wirklich alle Redner*innen von allen Listen entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected elections?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Wahlen wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected files and folders?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Dateien und Verzeichnisse wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected motions?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Anträge wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected participants?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Teilnehmende wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete all speakers from this list of speakers?":"Sollen wirklich alle Redner*innen von dieser Liste entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to delete the print template?":"Soll die Beschluss-Druckvorlage wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this category and all subcategories?":"Soll dieses Sachgebiet und deren Untersachgebiete wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this change recommendation?":"Soll diese Änderungsempfehlung wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this chat group?":"Soll diese Chat-Gruppe wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this comment field?":"Soll dieses Kommentarfeld wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this election?":"Soll diese Wahl wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this entry?":"Soll dieser Eintrag wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"Soll diese Datei wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":"Soll diese Gruppe wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this message?":"Soll die ausgewählte Nachricht wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion block?":"Soll dieser Antragsblock wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion?":"Soll dieser Antrag wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this participant?":"Soll diese/r Teilnehmende wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this projector?":"Soll dieser Projektor wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this statute paragraph?":"Soll dieser Satzungsabschnitt wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this tag?":"Soll dieses Schlagwort wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this topic?":"Soll dieses Thema wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this vote?":"Soll diese Abstimmung wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to delete this workflow?":"Soll dieser Arbeitsablauf wirklich gelöscht werden?","Are you sure you want to discard this amendment?":"Soll dieser Änderungsantrag wirklich verworfen werden?","Are you sure you want to generate new passwords for all selected participants?":"Sollen wirklich neue Passwörter für alle ausgewählte Teilnehmende generiert werden?","Are you sure you want to number all agenda items?":"Sollen alle Tagesordnungspunkte wirklich neu nummeriert werden?","Are you sure you want to override the state of all motions of this motion block?":"Soll der Status von allen Anträgen aus diesem Antragsblock wirklich überschrieben werden?","Are you sure you want to remove all selected items from the agenda?":"Sollen alle ausgewählten Einträge wirklich aus der Tagesordnung entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this entry from the agenda?":"Soll dieser Eintrag wirklich aus der Tagesordnung entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this motion from motion block?":"Soll dieser Antrag wirklich aus dem Antragsblock entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove this speaker from the list of speakers?":"Soll diese*r Redner*in wirklich von der Redeliste entfernt werden?","Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this list of speakers?":"Wollen Sie sich wirklich von dieser Redeliste entfernen?","Are you sure you want to renumber all motions of this category?":"Sollen alle Anträge dieses Sachgebiets wirklich neu nummeriert werden?","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? All changes of this settings group will be lost!":"Wollen Sie wirklich alle Werte auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen? Alle Änderungen auf dieser Einstellungsseite gehen verloren!","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? Changes of all settings group will be lost!":"Wollen Sie wirklich alle Werte auf Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen? Änderungen in allen Einstellungsrubriken gehen verloren!","Are you sure you want to reset all passwords to the default ones?":"Sollen wirklich alle Passwörter auf die initialen Passwörter zurückgesetzt werden?","Are you sure you want to reset this vote?":"Soll diese Abstimmung wirklich zurückgesetzt werden?","Are you sure you want to send an invitation email to the user?":"Soll wirklich eine E-Mail den diesen Nutzer gesendet werden?","Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?":"Sollen E-Mails wirklich an alle ausgewählten Teilnehmende gesendet werden?","Are you sure you want to stop this voting?":"Soll die Stimmabgabe wirklich beendet werden?","Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?":"Soll wirklich ein Geschäftsordnungsantrag gestellt werden?","As of":"Stand","As recommendation":"wie Empfehlung","Ask, default no":"Nachfragen, voreingestellt nein","Ask, default yes":"Nachfragen, voreingestellt ja","Attachments":"Anhänge","Automatically open the microphone for new conference speakers":"Mikrofon automatisch öffnen beim Eintreten in die Livekonferenz","Automatically open the web cam for new conference speakers":"Kamera automatisch öffnen beim Eintreten in die Livekonferenz","Autopilot":"Autopilot","Available votes":"Verfügbare Stimmen","Back":"Zurück","Back to login":"Zurück zur Anmeldung","Background color":"Hintergrundfarbe","Ballot":"Wahlgang","Ballot opened":"Wahlgang eröffnet","Ballot papers":"Stimmzettel","Ballots":"Wahlgänge","Base folder":"Basisverzeichnis","Begin of event":"Beginn der Veranstaltung","Begin speech":"Rede beginnen","Blank between prefix and number, e.g. 'A 001'.":"Leerzeichen zwischen Präfix und Nummer, z. B. 'A 001'.","CSV import":"CSV-Import","Call list":"Aufrufliste","Called":"Aufgerufen wird","Called with":"Mit aufgerufen werden","Can change its own password":"Darf eigenes Passwort ändern","Can create amendments":"Darf Änderungsanträge stellen","Can create motions":"Darf Anträge erstellen","Can manage agenda":"Darf die Tagesordung verwalten","Can manage chat":"Darf den Chat verwalten","Can manage comments":"Darf Kommentare verwalten","Can manage configuration":"Darf die Konfiguration verwalten","Can manage elections":"Darf Wahlen verwalten","Can manage files":"Darf Dateien verwalten","Can manage list of speakers":"Darf Redelisten verwalten","Can manage logos and fonts":"Darf Logos und Schriften verwalten","Can manage motion metadata":"Darf Antragsmetadaten verwalten","Can manage motion polls":"Darf Antragsabstimmungen verwalten","Can manage motions":"Darf Anträge verwalten","Can manage tags":"Darf Schlagwörter verwalten","Can manage the projector":"Darf den Projektor steuern","Can manage users":"Darf Benutzer verwalten","Can nominate another participant":"Darf andere Teilnehmende für Wahlen vorschlagen","Can nominate oneself":"Darf selbst für Wahlen kandidieren","Can put oneself on the list of speakers":"Darf sich selbst auf die Redeliste setzen","Can see agenda":"Darf die Tagesordnung sehen","Can see comments":"Darf Kommentare sehen","Can see elections":"Darf Wahlen sehen","Can see extra data of users (e.g. email and comment)":"Darf die zusätzlichen Daten der Benutzer sehen (z. B. E-Mail und Kommentar)","Can see hidden files":"Darf versteckte Dateien sehen","Can see history":"Darf die Chronik sehen","Can see internal items and time scheduling of agenda":"Darf interne Einträge und Zeitplan der Tagesordnung sehen","Can see list of speakers":"Darf Redelisten sehen","Can see motions":"Darf Anträge sehen","Can see motions in internal state":"Darf Anträge im internen Status sehen","Can see names of users":"Darf die Namen der Benutzer sehen","Can see the autopilot":"Darf den Autopilot sehen","Can see the front page":"Darf die Startseite sehen","Can see the list of files":"Darf die Dateiliste sehen","Can see the live stream":"Darf den Livestream sehen","Can see the projector":"Darf den Projektor sehen","Can support motions":"Darf Anträge unterstützen","Can upload files":"Darf Dateien hochladen","Cancel":"Abbrechen","Cancel edit":"Bearbeitung abbrechen","Cancel editing without saving":"Bearbeitung ohne Speichern abbrechen","Candidates":"Kandidat*innen","Cannot create PDF files on this browser.":"In diesem Browser können keine PDF-Dateien erstellt werden.","Cannot do that in demo mode!":"Diese Aktion ist im Demo-Modus nicht möglich!","Cannot navigate to the selected history element.":"Das ausgewählte Chronikelement kann nicht geöffnet werden.","Categories":"Sachgebiete","Category":"Sachgebiet","Center":"Mittig","Change paragraph":"Absatz ändern","Change password":"Passwort ändern","Change password for":"Passwort ändern für","Change presence":"Anwesenheit ändern","Change recommendation":"Änderungsempfehlung","Change recommendations":"Änderungsempfehlungen","Changed by":"Bearbeitet von","Changed title":"Geänderter Titel","Changed version":"Geänderte Fassung","Changed version in line":"Geänderte Fassung in Zeile","Changes":"Änderungen","Chat":"Chat","Check for updates":"Auf Updates prüfen","Check in or check out participants based on their participant numbers:":"An- oder Abmeldung von Teilnehmenden basierend auf ihren Teilnehmernummern:","Choose 0 to disable the supporting system.":"Zum Deaktivieren des Unterstützersystems '0' eingeben.","Chyron":"Bauchbinde","Chyron background color":"Hintergrundfarbe Bauchbinde","Chyron font color":"Schriftfarbe Bauchbinde","Clear":"Bereinigen","Clear all":"Alle löschen","Clear all filters":"Alle Filter löschen","Clear all list of speakers":"Alle Redelisten bereinigen","Clear list":"Liste leeren","Clear motion block":"Antragsblock löschen","Clear tags":"Schlagwörter löschen","Click here for more information":"Mehr Informationen","Click here to vote!":"Zur Stimmabgabe hier klicken!","Close":"Schließen","Close list of speakers":"Redeliste schließen","Closed items":"Erledigte Einträge","Collapse all":"Alle zusammenklappen","Column separator":"Spaltentrenner","Comma separated names will be read as \"Surname, given name(s)\".":"Kommaseparierte Namen werden als \"Nachname, Vorname(n)\" interpretiert.","Comment":"Kommentar","Comment fields":"Kommentarfelder","Comment {arg1} updated":"Kommentar {arg1} aktualisiert","Comments":"Kommentare","Committee":"Gremium","Committees":"Gremien","Complex Workflow":"Komplexer Arbeitsablauf","Confirm new password":"Neues Passwort bestätigen","Congratuations! Your browser is supported by OpenSlides.":"Glückwunsch! Ihr Browser wird von OpenSlides unterstützt. ","Connect all users to live conference automatically":"Alle Nutzer automatisch mit der Livekonferenz verbinden","Content":"Inhalt","Contribution":"Einbringung","Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides.":"Cookies müssen aktiviert sein, um OpenSlides verwenden zu können.","Copy and paste your participant names in this textbox.":"Kopieren Sie die Name Ihrer Teilnehmer*innen in diese Textbox.","Count active users":"Aktive Nutzer zählen","Count completed requests to speak":"Abgeschlossene Wortmeldungen zählen","Countdown":"Countdown","Countdown and traffic light":"Countdown und Ampel","Countdown description":"Countdown-Beschreibung","Countdown time":"Countdown-Zeit","Countdown title":"Countdown-Titel","Countdowns":"Countdowns","Counter speech":"Gegenrede","Counting of votes is in progress ...":"Die Auszählung der Stimmen läuft ...","Couple countdown with the list of speakers":"Countdown mit der Redeliste verkoppeln","Create":"Erstellen","Create final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage erstellen","Create new chat group":"Neue Chat-Gruppe anlegen","Create user":"Nutzer anlegen","Creating PDF file ...":"PDF-Datei wird erstellt ...","Creation date":"Erstellungsdatum","Current browser language":"Aktuelle Browsersprache","Current date":"Aktuelles Datum","Current list of speakers":"Aktuelle Redeliste","Currently no livestream available.":"Derzeit kein Livestream verfügbar.","Currently projected":"Aktuell projiziert","Custom aspect ratio":"Eigenes Seitenverhältnis","Custom number of ballot papers":"Benutzerdefinierte Anzahl von Stimmzetteln","Custom translations":"Benutzerdefinierte Übersetzungen","Dear {name},\n\nthis is your personal OpenSlides login:\n\n {url}\n username: {username}\n password: {password}\n\nThis email was generated automatically.":"Hallo {name},\n\nhier ist Ihr persönlicher OpenSlides-Zugang:\n\n {url}\n Benutzername: {username}\n Passwort: {password}\n\nDiese E-Mail wurde automatisch erstellt.","Decision":"Entscheidung","Default":"Standard","Default 100 % base of a voting result":"Voreingestellte 100-%-Basis eines Abstimmungsergebnisses","Default 100 % base of an election result":"Voreingestellte 100-%-Basis eines Wahlergebnisses","Default election method":"Voreingestellte Wahlmethode","Default encoding for all csv exports":"Voreingestelltes Encoding für alle CSV-Exporte","Default group":"Vorgegebene Gruppen","Default groups with voting rights":"Voreingestellte Gruppen mit Stimmrecht","Default line numbering":"Voreingestellte Zeilennummerierung","Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required majority.":"Voreingestellte Methode zur Überprüfung ob ein Kandidat die nötige Mehrheit erreicht hat.","Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.":"Voreingestellte Methode zur Überprüfung ob ein Antrag die nötige Mehrheit erreicht hat.","Default projector":"Standardprojektor","Default text version for change recommendations":"Voreingestellte Fassung für Änderungsempfehlungen","Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)":"Voreingestellte Sichtbarkeit für neue Tagesordnungspunkte (außer Themen)","Default voting type":"Voreingestellte Art der Stimmabgabe","Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present participants instead.":"Definiert den maximalen Ausschlag. Bei Eingabe von 0 wird die Anzahl der anwesenden Teilnehmenden verwendet.","Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause.":"Definiert den minimalen Ausschlag, der erforderlich ist, um Applaus zu erkennen.","Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up.":"Definiert die Zeit in der Applauswerte aufsummiert werden.","Delegates":"Delegierte","Delegation of vote":"Stimmrechtsübertragung","Delete":"Löschen","Delete final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage löschen","Delete message":"Mitteilung löschen","Delete projector":"Projektor löschen","Delete recommendation":"Empfehlung löschen","Delete whole history":"Chronik löschen","Deleted user":"Gelöschter Nutzer","Deletion":"Streichung","Delivering vote... Please wait!":"Stimmabgabe läuft ... Bitte etwas Geduld!","Description":"Beschreibung","Deselect all":"Alle abwählen","Designates whether this user is in the room.":"Bestimmt, ob dieser Benutzer vor Ort ist.","Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee.":"Legt fest, ob dieser Benutzer als Gremium behandelt werden soll.","Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting the account.":"Bestimmt, ob dieser Benutzer als aktiv behandelt werden soll. Sie können ihn deaktivieren anstatt ihn zu löschen.","Didn't get an email":"Bekam keine E-Mail","Diff version":"Änderungsdarstellung","Disabled":"Deaktiviert","Disabled (no percents)":"Deaktiviert (keine Prozente)","Display type":"Anzeigeformat","Divergent:":"abweichend:","Do not concern":"Nicht befassen","Do not decide":"Nicht entscheiden","Do not forget to save your changes!":"Vergessen Sie nicht Ihre Änderungen zu speichern!","Do not set identifier":"Bezeichner nicht setzen","Do you really want to exit this page?":"Wollen Sie diese Seite wirklich verlassen?","Do you really want to go ahead?":"Wollen Sie die Aktion wirklich fortsetzen?","Do you really want to save your changes?":"Wollen Sie wirklich Ihre Änderungen speichern?","Does not have notes":"Hat keine Notizen","Done":"erledigt","Download":"Herunterladen","Download CSV example file":"CSV-Beispiel-Datei herunterladen","Download folder":"Verzeichnis herunterladen","Drop files into this area OR click here to select files":"Dateien auf diesen Bereich ziehen ODER hier klicken um Dateien auszuwählen","Duplicate":"Duplizieren","Duration":"Dauer","Duration of all requests to speak":"Dauer aller Wortmeldungen","Duration of requests to speak":"Dauer der Wortmeldungen","During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID of the voter. This in no way means that a non-nominal vote is completely anonymous and secure. The votes cannot track their individual votes after the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be guaranteed.":"Während der nicht-namentlichen Stimmabgabe speichert OpenSlides NICHT die individuelle Nutzerkennung des Stimmberechtigen. Dies bedeutet jedoch keineswegs, dass eine nicht-namentliche Stimmabgabe völlig anonym und sicher ist. Der Stimmberechtigte kann nach Übermittlung der Daten die eigene Stimme nicht mehr nachverfolgen oder überprüfen. Die Gültigkeit der Daten kann daher nicht garantiert werden.","Edit":"Bearbeiten","Edit comment field":"Kommentarfeld bearbeiten","Edit details":"Details bearbeiten","Edit details for":"Details bearbeiten für","Edit final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage bearbeiten","Edit projector":"Projektor bearbeiten","Edit statute paragraph":"Satzungsabschnitt bearbeiten","Edit tag":"Schlagwort bearbeiten","Edit the whole motion text":"Vollständigen Antragstext bearbeiten","Edit to enter votes.":"Bearbeiten, um Stimmen einzugeben.","Edit topic":"Thema bearbeiten","Election":"Wahl","Election documents":"Wahlunterlagen","Elections":"Wahlen","Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed":"Die elektronische Stimmabgabe ist deaktiviert. Es sind nur analoge Abstimmungen erlaubt.","Element":"Element","Email":"E-Mail","Email body":"Nachrichtentext","Email sent":"E-Mail gesendet","Email subject":"Betreff","Empty text field":"Leeres Textfeld","Enable forspeech / counter speech":"Fürrede/Gegenrede aktivieren","Enable numbering for agenda items":"Nummerierung von Tagesordnungspunkten aktivieren","Enable participant presence view":"Ansicht zur Teilnehmeranwesenheit aktivieren","Enable points of order":"Geschäftsordnungsanträge aktivieren","Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)":"Stern-Icon zum Markieren von Redner*innen aktivieren (z.B. zur Einbringung eines Antrags)","Enable virtual applause":"Virtuellen Applaus einschalten","Enable virtual help desk room":"Virtuellen Help-Desk-Raum einschalten","Enable/disable account ...":"Account ein-/ausschalten ...","Encoding of the file":"Encoding der Datei","End speech":"Rede beenden","Enforce page breaks":"Seitenumbrüche erzwingen","Enter conference":"Konferenz beitreten","Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.":"Geben Sie die Dauer in Sekunden an. Zum Deaktivieren der Warn-Farbe 0 auswählen.","Enter live conference":"Livekonferenz beitreten","Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next speakers.":"Geben Sie die Anzahl der nächsten anzuzeigenden Redner*innen ein. Wählen Sie -1 um alle anzuzeigen.","Enter participant number":"Teilnehmernummer eingeben","Enter your email to send the password reset link":"Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, um einen Link zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts zu erhalten.","Entitled to vote":"Stimmberechtigte","Entitled users":"Stimmberechtigte","Error":"Fehler","Error during PDF creation of election:":"Fehler bei der PDF-Erstellung der Wahl:","Error during PDF creation of motion:":"Fehler bei der PDF-Erstellung in Antrag","Error in form field.":"Fehler im Formularfeld.","Error: The new passwords do not match.":"Fehler: Die neuen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.","Estimated end":"Voraussichtliches Ende","Event":"Veranstaltung","Event date":"Veranstaltungszeitraum","Event location":"Veranstaltungsort","Event name":"Veranstaltungsname","Event organizer":"Veranstalter","Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for list of speakers only)":"Jede*r darf das Anliegen eines GO-Antrags sehen (anstatt nur die Redelistenverwaltung)","Exit":"Beenden","Exit conference":"Konferenz verlassen","Exit live conference and continue livestream":"Livekonferenz verlassen und Livestream fortsetzen","Expand all":"Alle ausklappen","Export":"Exportieren","Export as CSV":"Exportieren als CSV","Export as PDF":"Exportieren als PDF","Export comment":"Kommentar exportieren","Export motions":"Anträge exportieren","Export personal note only":"Nur persönliche Notiz exportieren","Export selected elections":"Ausgewählte Wahlen exportieren","Export selected motions":"Ausgewählte Anträge exportieren","Extension":"Erweiterung","Favorites":"Favoriten","File information":"Dateiinfos","File name":"Dateiname","Files":"Dateien","Filter":"Filter","Final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage","Final version":"Beschlussfassung","Finished":"Abgeschlossen","First speech":"Erstredner*in","First state":"Erster Status","Follow recommendation":"Empfehlung folgen","Follow recommendations for all motions":"Empfehlungen für alle Anträge folgen","Following users are currently editing this motion:":"Folgende Nutzer bearbeiten aktuell diesen Antrag:","Foreground color":"Vordergrundfarbe","Forgot Password?":"Passwort vergessen?","Format":"Format","Forspeech":"Fürrede","Front page text":"Text der Startseite","Front page title":"Titel der Startseite","Fullscreen":"Vollbild","Gender":"Geschlecht","General":"Allgemein","General abstain":"Generelle Enthaltung","General approval":"Generelle Zustimmung","General rejection":"Generelle Ablehnung","Generate new passwords":"Neue Passwörter generieren","Generate password":"Passwort generieren","Give applause":"Applaus geben","Given name":"Vorname","Go to line":"Springe zur Zeile","Got an email":"Bekam eine E-Mail","Groups":"Gruppen","Groups with read permissions":"Gruppen mit Leseberechtigungen","Groups with write permissions":"Gruppen mit Schreibberechtigungen","Guest":"Gast","Hang up":"Auflegen","Has amendments":"Hat Änderungsanträge","Has changed vote weight":"Stimmgewicht verändert","Has no speakers":"Keine Wortmeldungen vorhanden","Has notes":"Hat Notizen","Has speakers":"Wortmeldungen vorhanden","Has unchanged vote weight":"Stimmgewicht unverändert","Header background color":"Hintergrundfarbe Kopfbereich","Header font color":"Schriftfarbe Kopfbereich","Headline color":"Überschriftenfarbe","Help desk":"Help Desk","Help text for access data and welcome PDF":"Hilfetext für das Zugangsdaten- und Willkommens-PDF","Hidden item":"Versteckter Eintrag","Hide internal items when projecting subitems":"Interne Einträge ausblenden bei der Projektion von Untereinträgen","Hide more text":"weniger anzeigen","Hide motion text on projector":"Antragstext auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide password":"Passwort verstecken","Hide reason on projector":"Begründung auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide recommendation on projector":"Empfehlung auf dem Projektor ausblenden","Hide referring motions":"Verweisende Anträge ausblenden","Hide the amount of speakers in subtitle of list of speakers slide":"Anzahl der Redner*innen im Untertitel der Redelistenprojektion ausblenden","Highest applause amount":"Höchster Applauswert","Hint on voting":"Hinweis zur Stimmabgabe","History":"Chronik","Home":"Startseite","How to create new amendments":"Erstellung von Änderungsanträgen","I know the risk":"Ich kenne das Risiko","Identifier":"Bezeichner","Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are optional and may be empty.":"Bezeichner, Begründung, Antragsteller*in, Sachgebiet, Herkunft und Antragsblock sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Wenn es sich um einen Änderungsantrag handelt, können Sie den Inhalt beim Bearbeiten sichern und anschließend löschen.","Import":"Importieren","Import motions":"Anträge importieren","Import participants":"Teilnehmende importieren","Import statute":"Satzung importieren","Import topics":"Themen importieren","In motion list, motion detail and PDF.":"In Antragsliste, Detailansicht und PDF.","In progress, please wait...":"In Bearbeitung – bitte warten ...","In the election process":"Im Wahlvorgang","Inactive":"Inaktiv","Inconsistent data.":"Inkonsistente Daten.","Initial password":"Initiales Passwort","Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM":"Eingabeformat: TT.MM.JJJJ HH:MM","Insert after":"Danach einfügen","Insert before":"Davor einfügen","Insert behind":"Dahinter einfügen","Insert participants here":"Teilnehmende hier importieren","Insert topics here":"Themen hier importieren","Insertion":"Ergänzung","Installed plugins":"Installierte Plugins","Internal":"Intern","Internal item":"Interner Eintrag","Invalid input.":"Ungültige Eingabe.","Invalid line number":"Ungültige Zeilennummer","Invalid votes":"Ungültige Stimmen","Is SAML user":"Ist SAML-Nutzer","Is a committee":"Ist ein Gremium","Is active":"Ist aktiv","Is already projected":"ist bereits projiziert","Is amendment":"Ist ein Änderungsantrag","Is committee":"Ist Gremium","Is favorite":"Ist Favorit","Is no amendment and has no amendments":"Ist kein Änderungsantrag und hat keine Änderungsanträge","Is not a committee":"Ist kein Gremium","Is not active":"Ist nicht aktiv","Is not favorite":"Ist kein Favorit","Is not present":"Ist nicht anwesend","Is present":"Ist anwesend","Item number":"Tagesordnungspunkt-Nummer","Keep each item in a single line.":"Verwenden Sie eine Zeile pro Eintrag.","Keep each person in a single line.":"Verwenden Sie eine Zeile pro Person.","Label color":"Beschriftungsfarbe","Last email send":"Letzte gesendet E-Mail","Last email sent":"Letzte gesendete E-Mail","Last modified":"Zuletzt geändert","Last speakers":"Letzte Redner*innen","Leave":"Verlassen","Left":"Links","Legal notice":"Impressum","Level indicator":"Pegelanzeige","License":"Lizenz","Line":"Zeile","Line length":"Zeilenlänge","Line numbering":"Zeilennummerierung","List of electronic votes":"Elektronische Stimmabgaben","List of participants":"Teilnehmendenliste","List of participants (PDF)":"Teilnehmendenliste (PDF)","List of speakers":"Redeliste","List of speakers is initially closed":"Redelisten sind zunächst geschlossen","List of speakers overlay":"Redelisten-Einblendung","List view":"Listenansicht","Live conference":"Livekonferenz","Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect.":"Die Livekonferenz muss aktiv sein. Wählen Sie 0 um den automatischen Verbindungsaufbau zu deaktivieren.","Livestream":"Livestream","Livestream poster image url":"Livestream-Posterbild-URL","Livestream url":"Livestream-URL","Loading data. Please wait ...":"Daten werden geladen. Bitte warten ...","Login":"Anmelden","Login anyway":"Trotzdem anmelden","Login as guest":"Als Gast anmelden","Logout":"Abmelden","Lowest applause amount":"Niedrigster Applauswert","Main motion and line number":"Hauptantrag und Zeilennummer","Mark as personal favorite":"Als persönlichen Favorit markieren","Maximum amount of votes":"Maximale Stimmenanzahl","Media access is denied":"Medienzugriff verweigert","Media file":"Mediendatei","Message":"Mitteilung","Messages":"Mitteilungen","Meta information":"Metainformationen","Min votes cannot be greater than max votes.":"Die minimale Stimmenanzahl darf nicht größer als die maximale Stimmenanzahl sein.","Minimal required version":"Minimal erforderliche Version","Minimize":"Minimieren","Minimum amount of votes":"Minimale Stimmenanzahl","More":"Mehr","Motion":"Antrag","Motion block":"Antragsblock","Motion block set to":"Antragsblock gesetzt auf","Motion blocks":"Antragsblöcke","Motion change recommendation created":"Änderungsempfehlung erstellt","Motion change recommendation deleted":"Änderungsempfehlung gelöscht","Motion change recommendation updated":"Änderungsempfehlung aktualisiert","Motion created":"Antrag erstellt","Motion deleted":"Antrag gelöscht","Motion has been imported":"Antrag wurde importiert","Motion preamble":"Antragseinleitung","Motion text":"Antragstext","Motion updated":"Antrag aktualisiert","Motion votes":"Antragsabstimmungen","Motion will be imported":"Antrag wird importiert","Motion(s) will be imported.":"Anträge werden importieren.","Motions":"Anträge","Motions are in process. Please wait ...":"Anträge werden bearbeitet. Bitte warten ...","Motions have been imported.":"Anträge wurden importiert.","Move":"Verschieben","Move in call list":"In Aufrufliste verschieben","Move into directory":"In Verzeichnis verschieben","Move selected items ...":"Ausgewählte Einträge verschieben ...","Move to agenda item":"Zu TOP verschieben","Multiselect":"Mehrfachauswahl","Mute / Unmute":"Stummschaltung aktivieren / deaktivieren","Name":"Name","Name of recommender":"Name des Empfehlungsgebers","Name of recommender for statute amendments":"Name des Empfehlungsgebers für Satzungsänderungsanträge","Needs review":"Benötigt Review","Never":"Nie","New Projector":"Neuer Projektor","New amendment":"Neuer Änderungsantrag","New ballot":"Neuer Wahlgang","New category":"Neues Sachgebiet","New change recommendation":"Neue Änderungsempfehlung","New comment field":"Neues Kommentarfeld","New directory":"Neues Verzeichnis","New election":"Neue Wahl","New file name":"Neuer Dateiname","New group name":"Neuer Gruppenname","New motion":"Neuer Antrag","New motion block":"Neuer Antragsblock","New participant":"Neue*r Teilnehmer*in","New password":"Neues Passwort","New state":"Neuer Status","New statute paragraph":"Neuer Satzungsabschnitt","New tag":"Neues Schlagwort","New topic":"Neues Thema","New vote":"Neue Abstimmung","New workflow":"Neuer Arbeitsablauf","Next":"Weiter","Next states":"Nächste Zustände","No":"Nein","No category":"Kein Sachgebiet","No category set":"kein Sachgebiet gesetzt","No changes at the text.":"Keine Änderung am Text.","No chat groups available":"Keine Chat-Gruppen vorhanden.","No comment":"Kein Kommentar","No concernment":"Nichtbefassung","No data":"Keine Daten","No decision":"Keine Entscheidung","No delegation of vote":"Keine Stimmrechtsübertragungen","No email sent":"Keine E-Mail gesendet","No emails were send.":"Es wurden keine E-Mails versandt.","No encryption":"Keine Verschlüsselung","No groups selected":"Keine Gruppen ausgewählt","No information available":"Keine Informationen verfügbar","No items selected":"Keine Einträge ausgewählte","No motion block set":"kein Antragsblock gesetzt","No motions were numbered":"Es wurden keine Anträge nummeriert.","No per candidate":"Nein pro Kandidat","No personal note":"Keine persönliche Notiz","No recommendation":"keine Empfehlung gesetzt","No results yet.":"Noch keine Ergebnisse.","No search result found":"Keine Suchergebnisse gefunden","No statute paragraphs":"Keine Satzungsabschnitte vorhanden","No tags":"Keine Schlagwörter","No users with email {0} found.":"Es wurde kein Nutzer mit E-Mail-Adresse {0} gefunden.","No.":"Nr.","None":"aus","Not allowed in demo mode":"Im Demo-Modus nicht erlaubt.","Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one.":"Beachten Sie, dass das Passwort auf das neu generierte Passwort geändert wird.","Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change dialog instead.":"Hinweis: Ihr eigenes Passwort wurde nicht geändert. Nutzen Sie stattdessen die Passwort-Ändern-Funktion.","Notes":"Notizen","Number candidates":"Kandidat*innen nummerieren","Number motions":"Anträge nummerieren","Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion":"Mindestanzahl erforderlicher Unterstützer*innen für einen Antrag","Number of all delegates":"Anzahl aller Delegierten","Number of all participants":"Anzahl aller Teilnehmenden","Number of all requests to speak":"Anzahl aller Wortmeldungen","Number of ballot papers":"Stimmzettelanzahl","Number of ballot papers (selection)":"Anzahl der Stimmzettel (Vorauswahl)","Number of candidates":"Kandidatenanzahl","Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector":"Anzahl der dargestellten letzten Redner*innen auf dem Projektor","Number of minimal digits for identifier":"Minimale Anzahl an Ziffern im Bezeichner","Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference":"Anzahl der nächsten Redner*innen, die automatisch mit der Livekonferenz verbunden werden","Number of persons to be elected":"Anzahl der zu wählenden Personen","Number of requests to speak":"Anzahl der Wortmeldungen","Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector":"Anzahl der dargestellten nächsten Render*innen auf dem Projektor","Number set":"Nummer gesetzt","Numbered per category":"pro Sachgebiet nummerieren","Numbering":"Nummerierung","Numbering prefix for agenda items":"Präfix für Nummerierung von Tagesordnungspunkten","Numeral system for agenda items":"Nummerierungssystem für Tagesordnungspunkte","OK":"OK","Offline mode":"Offline-Modus","Old password":"Altes Passwort","One email was send sucessfully.":"Eine E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versandt.","One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"Mindestens Vor- oder Nachname muss angegeben werden. Alle übrigen Felder sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","Only countdown":"Nur Countdown","Only for internal notes.":"Nur für interne Notizen.","Only main agenda items":"Nur Haupt-Tagesordnungspunkte","Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers":"Nur anwesende Teilnehmende können zur Redeliste hinzugefügt werden","Only traffic light":"Nur Ampel","Open":"Öffnen","Open Jitsi in new tab":"Jitsi im neuen Tab öffnen","Open items":"Offene Einträge","Open list of speakers":"Redeliste öffnen","Open projection dialog":"Projektionsdialog öffnen","Open requests to speak":"Offene Wortmeldungen","OpenSlides Theme":"OpenSlides-Design-Theme","OpenSlides access data":"OpenSlides-Zugangsdaten","OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp":"OpenSlides ist vorübergehend auf folgenden Zeitpunkt zurückgesetzt:","OpenSlides recommends":"OpenSlides empfiehlt","Options":"Optionen","Origin":"Herkunft","Original":"Original","Original version":"Originalfassung","Outside":"außerhalb","Overlay":"Einblendung","PDF":"PDF","PDF ballot paper logo":"PDF-Stimmzettel-Logo","PDF export":"PDF-Export","PDF footer logo (left)":"PDF-Logo Fußzeile (links)","PDF footer logo (right)":"PDF-Logo Fußzeile (rechts)","PDF header logo (left)":"PDF-Logo Kopfzeile (links)","PDF header logo (right)":"PDF-Logo Kopfzeile (rechts)","PDF options":"PDF-Optionen","Page":"Seite","Page number alignment in PDF":"Seitenzahl-Ausrichtung im PDF","Page numbers":"Seitenzahlen","Paragraph-based, Diff-enabled":"Absatzbasiert mit Änderungsdarstellung","Parallel upload":"Parallel hochladen","Parent agenda item":"Elternelement in der Tagesordnung","Parent directory":"Elternverzeichnis","Participant":"Teilnehmer*in","Participant cannot be found":"Teilnehmende wurde nicht gefunden","Participant has been imported":"Teilnehmer*in wurde importiert","Participant number":"Teilnehmernummer","Participant number is not unique":"Teilnehmernummer ist nicht eindeutig","Participant will be imported":"Teilnehmer*in wird importiert","Participant(s) will be imported.":"Teilnehmende werden importiert.","Participants":"Teilnehmende","Participants have been imported.":"Teilnehmende wurden importiert.","Particles":"Partikel","Password":"Passwort","Paste/write your topics in this textbox.":"Kopieren oder schreiben Sie die Titel Ihrer Themenpunkte in diese Textbox.","Permission":"Zulassung","Permissions":"Berechtigungen","Permit":"Zulassen","Personal note":"Persönliche Notiz","Personal notes":"Persönliche Notizen","Phase":"Phase","Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera":"Bitte erlauben Sie jetzt den Zugriff auf Mikrofon und Kamera.","Please contact your system administrator.":"Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Systemadministrator.","Please enter a name for the new directory:":"Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für das neue Verzeichnis ein:","Please enter a name for the new workflow:":"Bitte geben Sie einen Namen für den neuen Arbeitsablauf ein:","Please enter a valid email address":"Bitte geben Sie einen neuen Namen ein für","Please enter a valid email address!":"Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein!","Please enter your new password":"Bitte geben Sie Ihr neues Passwort ein","Please login via your identity provider.":"Bitte melden Sie sich über Ihren Identity Provider an.","Please select the directory:":"Bitte wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus:","Please update your browser or contact your system administration.":"Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren Browser oder kontaktieren Sie Ihre Systemadministration.","Point of order":"GO-Antrag","Poll created":"Abstimmung erstellt","Poll deleted":"Abstimmung gelöscht","Poll updated":"Abstimmung aktualisiert","Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)":"Einleitungstext für PDF-Dokument (alle Wahlen) ","Preamble text for PDF documents of motions":"Einleitungstext für PDF-Dokumente von Anträgen","Predefined seconds of new countdowns":"Vorgegebene Sekunden für neue Countdowns","Prefix":"Präfix","Prefix for the identifier for amendments":"Präfix für den Bezeichner von Änderungsanträgen","Presence":"Anwesenheit","Present":"Anwesend","Presentation and assembly system":"Präsentations- und Versammlungssystem","Preview":"Vorschau","Previous":"Zurück","Previous slides":"Letzte Folien","Privacy Policy":"Datenschutzerklärung","Privacy policy":"Datenschutzerklärung","Project":"Projizieren","Project selection?":"Auswahl projizieren?","Projection defaults":"Projektionsvorgaben","Projector":"Projektor","Projector header image":"Projektor-Kopfgrafik","Projector language":"Projektorsprache","Projector logo":"Projektor-Logo","Projectors":"Projektoren","Public":"Öffentlich","Public item":"Öffentlicher Eintrag","Publish":"Veröffentlichen","Publish immediately":"Direkt veröffentlichen","Put all candidates on the list of speakers":"Alle Kandidaten auf die Redeliste setzen","Queue":"Warteliste","QuotaExceededError: The local storage's quota is too low":"QuotaExceededError: Das Quotalimit des lokalen Browserspeichers wurde überschritten.","Re-add last speaker":"Letzte*n Redner*in zurückholen","Reason":"Begründung","Reason required for creating new motion":"Begründung erforderlich zur Erstellung neuer Anträge","Received votes":"Empfangene Stimmen","Recommendation":"Empfehlung","Recommendation label":"Empfehlung","Recommendation set to {arg1}":"Empfehlung gesetzt auf {arg1}","Reenter to live conference":"Livekonferenz erneut beitreten","Refer to committee":"In Ausschuss verweisen","Referral to committee":"Verweisung in Ausschuss","Referring motions":"Auf diesen Antrag verweisende Anträge","Refresh":"Aktualisieren","Reject":"Ablehnen","Reject (not authorized)":"Verwerfen (nicht zulässig)","Rejected":"Abgelehnt","Rejection":"Ablehnung","Rejection (not authorized)":"Verwerfung (nicht berechtigt)","Remove":"Entfernen","Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see livestream.":"Um den Livestream zu deaktivieren entfernen Sie die URL. Prüfen Sie die extra Gruppenberechtigung um den Livestream zu sehen.","Remove all speakers":"Alle Redner*innen entfernen","Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early state":"Entferne alle Unterstützer*innen, wenn ein Antragsteller*in den Antrag im Anfangsstadium bearbeitet","Remove candidate":"Kandidate*in entfernen","Remove from agenda":"Aus Tagesordnung entfernen","Remove from motion block":"Vom Antragsblock entfernen ","Remove me":"Entferne mich","Replacement":"Ersetzung","Reply address":"Antwortadresse","Request":"Anliegen","Requests to speak":"Wortmeldungen","Required":"Erforderlich","Required comma or semicolon separated values with these column header names in the first row:":"Erforderliche Komma- oder Semikolon-separierte Werte mit diesen Spaltennamen in der ersten Zeile:","Required majority":"Erforderliche Mehrheit","Reset":"Zurücksetzen","Reset cache":"Cache leeren","Reset password":"Passwort zurücksetzen","Reset passwords to the default ones":"Passwörter zurücksetzen auf Initiales","Reset recommendation":"Empfehlung zurücksetzen","Reset state":"Status zurücksetzen","Reset to factory defaults":"Auf Werkseinstellung zurücksetzen","Resolution and size":"Auflösung und Größe","Restart livestream":"Livestream neustarten","Restrictions":"Zugriffsbeschränkung","Right":"Rechts","Roman":"Römisch","Save":"Speichern","Save all changes":"Alle Änderungen speichern","Save final print template":"Beschluss-Druckvorlage speichern","Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN.":"QR-Code scannen um sich mit dem WLAN zu verbinden.","Scan this QR code to open URL.":"QR-Code scannen um die URL zu öffnen.","Scroll down":"Nach unten scrollen","Scroll down (big step)":"Nach unten scrollen (in großen Schritten)","Scroll up":"Nach oben scrollen","Scroll up (big step)":"Nach oben scrollen (in großen Schritten)","Search":"Suche","Search player":"Spieler suchen","Searching for candidates":"Auf Kandidatensuche","Secret voting can not be guaranteed":"Geheime Stimmabgaben können nicht garantiert werden","Select a new candidate":"Kandidat*in auswählen ...","Select all":"Alle auswählen","Select file":"Datei auswählen","Select or search new speaker ...":"Redner*in auswählen oder suchen ...","Select or search new submitter ...":"Antragsteller*in auswählen oder suchen ...","Select paragraphs":"Absätze auswählen","Send":"Senden","Send invitation email":"Einladungs-E-Mail senden","Sender name":"Absendername","Sending an invitation email":"Einladungs-E-Mail senden","Separator used for all csv exports and examples":"Feldtrenner für alle CSV-Exporte und -Beispiele","Sequential number":"Laufende Nummer","Serially numbered":"fortlaufend nummerieren","Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration.":"Servereinstellungen erforderlich zur Aktivierung der Jitsi-Meet-Integration.","Set as favorite":"Als Favorit markieren","Set as not favorite":"Favorit löschen","Set as parent":"Als Eltern setzen","Set as reference projector":"Als Referenzprojektor setzen","Set category":"Sachgebiet setzen","Set committee ...":"Gremium setzen ...","Set favorite":"Favorit markieren","Set hidden":"Versteckt setzen","Set internal":"Intern setzen","Set it manually":"manuell setzen","Set motion block":"Antragsblock setzen","Set presence ...":"Anwesenheit setzen ...","Set public":"Öffentlich setzen","Set recommendation":"Empfehlung setzen","Set status":"Status setzen","Set status for selected participants:":"Status für ausgewählte Teilnehmende setzen:","Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers":"Diesen Projektor als Referenz für die aktuelle Redeliste setzen.","Settings":"Einstellungen","Short description of event":"Kurzbeschreibung der Veranstaltung","Show all":"Alle anzeigen","Show all changes":"Alle Änderungen anzeigen","Show amendment":"Änderungsantrag anzeigen","Show amendment in parent motion":"Änderungsantrag im Hauptantrag anzeigen","Show amendments together with motions":"Änderungsanträge zusätzlich in der Hauptantragsübersicht anzeigen","Show applause amount":"Applauswert anzeigen","Show checkbox to record decision":"Ankreuzfelder zum Dokumentieren der Entscheidung anzeigen","Show clock":"Uhr anzeigen","Show correct entries":"Korrekte Einträge anzeigen","Show correct entries only":"Nur korrekte Einträge anzeigen","Show devtools":"Entwicklerwerkzeuge anzeigen","Show entire motion text":"Vollständigen Antragstext anzeigen","Show errors only":"Nur fehlerhafte Einträge anzeigen","Show full text":"mehr anzeigen","Show header and footer":"Kopf- und Fußzeile anzeigen","Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view":"Hinweis »Erstredner*in« in der Redelistenverwaltung anzeigen ","Show live conference window":"Livekonferenz-Fenster anzeigen","Show logo":"Logo anzeigen","Show meta information box below the title on projector":"Meta-Informations-Box auf dem Projektor unterhalb des Antragstitels anzeigen","Show motion submitters in the agenda":"Antragsteller in der Tagesordnung anzeigen","Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time":"Countdown in den letzten x Sekunden der Redezeit orange darstellen","Show password":"Passwort anzeigen","Show preview":"Vorschau anzeigen","Show profile":"Profil anzeigen","Show recommendation extension field":"Ergänzungsfeld für Empfehlung anzeigen","Show state extension field":"Ergänzungsfeld für Status anzeigen","Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents":"Antragsteller*in und Beschlussempfehlung/Beschluss im PDF-Inhaltsverzeichnis anzeigen","Show the sequential number for a motion":"Laufende Nummer von Anträgen anzeigen","Show this text on the login page":"Diesen Text auf der Login-Seite anzeigen","Show title":"Veranstaltungstitel anzeigen","Show/Hide video conference":"Videokonferenz anzeigen/verstecken","Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room for technical audio/video tests.":"Zeigt einen Fragezeichen-Button an, um sich mit einem extra Jitsi-Konferenzraum für technische Audio-/Video-Tests zu verbinden.","Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG or JPG":"Wird angezeigt, wenn der Livestream nicht gestartet werden kann. Bildformatempfehlung: 500x200px, PNG oder JPG","Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: 24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG":"Zeigt das angegebene Bild als Applaus-Partikel. Bildformatempfehlung: 24x24px, PNG, JPG oder SVG","Simple Workflow":"Einfacher Arbeitsablauf","Simple majority":"Einfache Mehrheit","Single votes":"Einzelstimmen","Slide":"Folie","Sort":"Sortieren","Sort agenda":"Tagesordnung sortieren","Sort by identifier":"Nach Bezeichner sortieren","Sort categories":"Sachgebiete sortieren","Sort comments":"Kommentare sortieren","Sort election results by amount of votes":"Wahlergebnisse nach Stimmanzahl sortieren","Sort motions":"Anträge sortieren","Sort motions by":"Anträge sortieren nach","Sort name of participants by":"Namen der Teilnehmenden sortieren nach","Speakers":"Redner*innen","Staff":"Mitarbeitende","Standard font size in PDF":"Standard-Schriftgröße im PDF","Standard page size in PDF":"Standard-PDF-Papierformat","Start time":"Startzeit","Start voting":"Stimmabgabe starten","State":"Status","State set to {arg1}":"Status gesetzt auf {arg1}","Statistics":"Statistiken","Status":"Status","Statute":"Satzung","Statute amendment":"Satzungsänderungsantrag","Statute amendment for":"Satzungsänderungsantrag zu","Statute paragraph":"Satzungsabschnitt","Statute paragraph has been imported":"Satzungsabschnitt wurde importiert","Statute paragraph will be imported":"Satzungsabschnitt wird importiert","Statute paragraphs":"Satzung","Stop":"Beenden","Stop & publish":"Beenden & veröffentlichen","Stop counting":"Zählen stoppen","Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users":"Einreichen von neuen Anträgen stoppen für Nutzer ohne Verwaltungsrechte","Stop voting":"Stimmabgabe beenden","Structure level":"Gliederungsebene","Subcategory":"Untersachgebiet","Submit selection now?":"Auswahl jetzt senden?","Submit vote now":"Stimme(n) jetzt senden","Submitters":"Antragsteller*in","Submitters changed":"Antragsteller*in geändert","Sum of votes including general No/Abstain":"Summe der Stimmen einschließlich generelles Nein/Enthaltung","Summary of changes":"Zusammenfassung der Änderungen","Summary of changes:":"Zusammenfassung der Änderungen:","Support":"Unterstützen","Supporters":"Unterstützer*innen","Supporters changed":"Unterstützer*innen geändert","Surname":"Nachname","System":"System","System URL":"System-URL","Table of contents":"Inhaltsverzeichnis","Tag":"Schlagwort","Tags":"Schlagwörter","Text":"Text","Text import":"Textimport","Text separator":"Texttrenner","The assembly may decide:":"Die Versammlung möge beschließen:","The directory does not exist":"Das Verzeichnis existiert nicht","The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet.":"Der Veranstalter hat noch kein Impressum hinterlegt.","The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet.":"Der Veranstalter hat noch keine Datenschutzerklärung hinterlegt.","The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.":"Die Datei enthält zu wenige Spalten, um richtig verwendet zu werden.","The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.":"Die Datei scheint zusätzliche Spalten zu haben. Diese werden ignoriert.","The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.":"Die Datei scheint einige ausgelassene Spalten zu haben. Sie werden als leer betrachtet.","The link is broken. Please contact your system administrator.":"Der Link ist defekt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den zuständigen Administrator.","The list of speakers is closed.":"Die Redeliste ist geschlossen.","The list of speakers is open.":"Die Redeliste ist geöffnet.","The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session.":"Die Livekonferenz läuft bereits in Ihrer OpenSlides-Sitzung.","The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. Min: 40":"Die maximale Zeichenanzahl pro Zeile. Relevant, wenn die Zeilennummerierung eingeschaltet ist. Minimum: 40.","The name contains invalid characters: \"/\"":"Der Name enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen: \"/\"","The number has to be greater than 0.":"Die Anzahl muss größer als 0 sein.","The parent motion was deleted.":"Der Eltern-Antrag wurde gelöscht.","The reason field may not be blank.":"Die Begründung darf nicht leer sein.","The requested method is not allowed. Please contact your system administrator.":"Die gewünschte Methode ist nicht erlaubt. Bitte kontaktieren Sie den zuständigen Administrator.","The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.":"Die Absenderadresse ist in den OpenSlides-Servereinstellungen definiert und kann nur vom Administrator geändert werden.","The server could not be reached.":"Der Server konnte nicht erreicht werden.","The server didn't respond.":"Der Server antwortet nicht.","The text field may not be blank.":"Der Antragstext darf nicht leer sein.","The title is required":"Ein Titel ist erforderlich","The title of the motion is always applied.":"Der Antragstitel wird immer übernommen.","The user %user% has no email, so the invitation email could not be send.":"%user% besitzt keine E-Mail-Adresse; eine E-Mail konnte daher nicht gesendet werden.","The users %user% have no email, so the invitation emails could not be send.":"%user% besitzen keine E-Mail-Adressen; E-Mails konnte daher nicht gesendet werden.","There are no items left to chose from":"Es sind keine Einträge ausgewählt.","There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually.":"In diesem Änderungsantrag ist ein Fehler. Bitte bearbeiten Sie den Text manuell.","Thereof point of orders":"davon Geschäftsordnungsanträge","This ballot contains deleted users.":"Der Wahlgang enthält gelöschte Nutzer.","This change collides with another one.":"Diese Änderung kollidiert mit einer anderen.","This element does not exist at this time.":"Dieses Element existiert nicht zu diesem Zeitpunkt.","This field is required.":"Dieses Feld ist erforderlich.","This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:":"Dieser Absatz existiert im Hauptantrag nicht mehr:","This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.":"Dieses Präfix wird gesetzt, wenn die automatische Nummerierung der Tagesordnung durchgeführt wird.","This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:":"Folgende Gruppen werden für die ausgewählten Teilnehmenden hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:":"Folgende Antragsteller werden für die ausgewählten Anträge hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:":"Folgende Schlagwörter werden für die ausgewählten Anträge hinzugefügt oder entfernt:","This will move all selected motions as childs to:":"Alle ausgewählten Anträge werden unterhalb des folgenden Tagesordnungspunktes verschoben:","This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in the call list:":"Alle ausgewählten Anträge unter oder nach dem folgenden Antrag in der Aufrufliste verschieben:","This will reset all made changes and sort the call list.":"Alle noch nicht gespeicherten Änderungen werden zurückgesetzt und die Aufrufliste wird neu sortiert.","This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:":"Favoriten-Markierung für alle ausgewählten Anträge setzen:","This will set the following category for all selected motions:":"Folgendes Sachgebiet wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:":"Folgender Antragsblock wird für alle ausgewählten Anträgen gesetzt:","This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:":"Folgende Empfehlung wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","This will set the following state for all selected motions:":"Folgender Status wird für alle ausgewählten Anträge gesetzt:","Three-quarters majority":"Dreiviertelmehrheit","Tile view":"Kachelansicht","Timestamp":"Zeitstempel","Title":"Titel","Title for PDF document (all elections)":"Titel für PDF-Dokument (alle Wahlen)","Title for PDF documents of motions":"Titel für PDF-Dokumente von Anträgen","Title for access data and welcome PDF":"Titel für das Zugangsdaten- und Begrüßungs-PDF","Title is required. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"Titel ist erforderlich. Alle übrigen Felder sind optional und dürfen leer sein.","Topic":"Thema","Topic has been imported":"Thema wurde importiert","Topic will be imported":"Thema wird importiert","Topics":"Themen","Topics have been imported.":"Themen wurden importiert.","Topics(s) will be imported.":"Themen werden importiert.","Total votes cast":"Abgegebene Stimmen","Touch the book icon to enter text":"Tippen Sie auf das Buch-Icon, um den Text zu bearbeiten.","Translation":"Übersetzung","Two-thirds majority":"Zweidrittelmehrheit","Type":"Typ","Undone":"unerledigt","Unique speakers":"Eindeutige Redner*innen","Unsupport":"Unterstützung zurückziehen","Upload":"Hochladen","Upload files":"Dateien hochladen","Upload to:":"Hochladen in:","Use admin and admin for your first login.
Please change your password to hide this message!":"Verwenden Sie admin und admin für die erste Anmeldung.
Bitte ändern Sie Ihr Passwort, um diese Nachricht auszublenden!","Use the following custom number":"Verwende die folgende benutzerdefinierte Anzahl","Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. The url referrs to the system url.":"Verwendbare Platzhalter: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. Die URL bezieht sich auf die System-URL.","Used for QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Wird für QR-Code im Zugangsdaten-PDF verwendet.","Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Wird für WLAN-QR-Code im Zugangsdaten-PDF verwendet.","Username":"Benutzername","Username or password is not correct.":"Benutzername oder Passwort war nicht korrekt.","Uses leading zeros to sort motions correctly by identifier.":"Es werden führende Nullen verwendet, um die Bezeichner korrekt zu sortieren.","Valid votes":"Gültige Stimmen","View":"Anzeigen","Virtual applause":"Virtueller Applaus","Visibility":"Sichtbarkeit","Vote":"Abstimmung","Vote created":"Abstimmung erstellt","Vote deleted":"Abstimmung gelöscht","Vote updated":"Abstimmung aktualisiert","Vote weight":"Stimmgewicht","Votes":"Stimmen","Voting and ballot papers":"Abstimmung und Stimmzettel","Voting anonymized":"Abstimmung anonymisiert","Voting is currently in progress.":"Stimmabgabe läuft aktuell ","Voting method":"Wahlmethode","Voting opened":"Abstimmung eröffnet","Voting reset":"Abstimmung zurückgesetzt","Voting result":"Abstimmungsergebnis","Voting right delegated to (proxy)":"Stimmrecht übertragen an (Vollmachtnehmer)","Voting right for":"Stimmrecht für","Voting right received from (principals)":"Stimmrecht erhalten von (Vollmachtgeber)","Voting started":"Abstimmung gestartet","Voting stopped":"Abstimmung gestoppt","Voting successful.":"Stimmabgabe erfolgreich.","Voting type":"Art der Stimmabgabe","Votings":"Stimmabgaben","WEP":"WEP","WLAN access data":"WLAN-Zugangsdaten","WLAN encryption":"WLAN-Verschlüsselung","WLAN name (SSID)":"WLAN-Name (SSID)","WLAN password":"WLAN-Passwort","WPA/WPA2":"WPA/WPA2","Warning: Amendments exist for this motion. Editing this text will likely impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if the paragraph they affect is deleted.":"Warnung: Zu diesem Antrag gibt es Änderungsanträge. Die Bearbeitung dieses Textes wird sich wahrscheinlich negativ auf diese auswirken. Insbesondere können Änderungsanträge unbrauchbar werden, wenn der Absatz, auf den sie referenzieren, gelöscht wird.","Web interface header logo":"Web-Interface-Kopfzeilen-Logo","Welcome to OpenSlides":"Willkommen bei OpenSlides","Which version?":"Welche Fassung?","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute amendments.":"Wird als Beschriftung vor der Beschlussempfehlung in Satzungsänderungsanträgen angezeigt.","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.":"Wird als Beschriftung vor der Beschlussempfehlung angezeigt. Leere Eingabe deaktiviert das Empfehlungssystem.","Withdraw":"Zurückziehen","Withdraw point of order":"GO-Antrag zurückziehen","Workflow":"Arbeitsablauf","Workflow of new amendments":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Änderungsanträge","Workflow of new motions":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Anträge","Workflow of new statute amendments":"Arbeitsablauf für neue Satzungsänderungsanträge","Workflows":"Arbeitsabläufe","Yes":"Ja","Yes per candidate":"Ja pro Kandidat","Yes/No":"Ja/Nein","Yes/No per candidate":"Ja/Nein pro Kandidat","Yes/No/Abstain":"Ja/Nein/Enthaltung","Yes/No/Abstain per candidate":"Ja/Nein/Enthaltung pro Kandidat","You are not allowed to see all entitled users.":"Sie sind nicht berechtigt alle Stimmberechtigte zu sehen.","You are not authenticated.":"Sie sind nicht authentifiziert.","You are not supposed to be here...":"Sie sollten nicht hier sein ...","You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved.":"Der Chronik-Modus ist aktiv. Änderungen werden nicht gespeichert.","You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Sie können den Inhalt beim Bearbeiten sichern und anschließend löschen.","You can just anonymize named polls":"Sie können nur namentliche Stimmabgaben anonymisieren","You can not deactivate yourself.":"Sie dürfen sich nicht selbst deaktivieren.","You can not delete yourself.":"Sie dürfen sich nicht selbst löschen.","You can not vote because this is an analog voting.":"Sie können Ihre Stimme nicht abgeben, da es sich um eine analoge Stimmabgabe handelt.","You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started.":"Sie können gerade nicht Ihre Stimme abgeben, weil die Stimmabgabe noch nicht gestartet wurde.","You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.":"Sie können {event_name} und {username} als Platzhalter verwenden.","You can't delete the last projector.":"Sie dürfen den letzten Projektor nicht löschen.","You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!":"Das Ändern der Empfehlung von Anträgen in verschiedenen Arbeitsabläufen ist nicht möglich.","You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!":"Das Ändern des Status von Anträgen in verschiedenen Arbeitsabläufen ist nicht möglich.","You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not allowed).":"Sie dürfen eine Stimmrechtsübertragung nicht an eine weitere Person übertragen (Kaskadierung ausgeschlossen).","You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote.":"Sie dürfen ein Stimmrecht nicht an eine Person übertragen, die bereits ihr Stimmrecht an eine andere Person übertragen hat.","You cannot delegate a vote to yourself.":"Sie dürfen keine Stimme an sich selbst delegieren.","You cannot delete the first state of the workflow.":"Sie düfen den ersten Status eines Arbeitsablaufs nicht löschen.","You cannot delete the last workflow.":"Sie dürfen den letzten Arbeitsablauf nicht löschen.","You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated.":"Sie können nicht abstimmen, solange Ihr Stimmrecht übertragen ist.","You do not have the permission to vote.":"Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung zur Stimmabgabe.","You do not have the required permission to see that page!":"Sie haben leider keine Berechtigung diese Seite zu sehen.","You have already voted.":"Sie haben bereits Ihre Stimme abgegeben.","You have to be logged in to be able to vote.":"Sie müssen sich einloggen um Ihre Stimme abgeben zu können.","You have to be present to vote.":"Sie müssen \"anwesend\" sein um Ihre Stimme abgeben zu können.","You have to fill this field.":"Sie müssen diese Feld ausfüllen.","You made changes.":"Sie haben Änderungen vorgenommen.","You override the personally set password!":"Sie überschreiben hiermit das persönlich gesetzte Passwort!","You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first.":"Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Stimmen erreicht. Deselektieren Sie zuerst eine Auswahl.","Your account is not active.":"Ihr Nutzerkonto ist nicht aktiv.","Your browser":"Ihr Browser","Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!":"Ihr Browser wird von OpenSlides nicht unterstützt!","Your decision cannot be changed afterwards.":"Ihre Stimmabgabe kann anschließend nicht mehr geändert werden.","Your device has no microphone":"Es wurde kein Mikrofon an ihrem Gerät gefunden.","Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\"":"Ihre Eingabe entspricht nicht der folgenden Struktur: \"hh:mm\"","Your password was resetted successfully!":"Ihr Passwort wurde erfolgreich zurückgesetzt!","Your voting right was delegated to another person.":"Ihr Stimmrecht wurde an eine andere Person übertragen.","Zoom in":"Vergrößern","Zoom out":"Verkleinern","[Begin speech] starts the countdown, [End speech] stops the countdown.":"[Rede beginnen] startet den Countdown, [Rede beenden] stoppt den Countdown.","[Place for your welcome and help text.]":"[Platz für Ihren Begrüßungs- und Hilfetext.]","[Space for your welcome text.]":"[Platz für Ihren Begrüßungstext.]","absent":"abwesend","accepted":"angenommen","active":"aktiv","active users":"aktive Nutzer","add group(s)":"Gruppe(n) hinzufügen","adjourned":"vertagt","analog":"analog","and":"und","at least":"mindestens","ballot-paper":"stimmzettel","by":"von","committee":"Gremium","connecting ...":"Verbindungsaufbau ...","connections":"Verbindungen","contribution":"Wortmeldung","created":"erstellt","custom":"benutzerdefiniert","disabled":"deaktiviert","disconnected":"getrennt","diverse":"divers","e.g. for online meetings":"z. B. für Online-Versammlungen","emails":"E-Mails","entries will be ommitted.":"Einträge werden ausgelassen. ","errors":"Fehler","example":"Beispiel","female":"weiblich","finished (unpublished)":"abgeschlossen (unveröffentlicht)","fullscreen":"Vollbild","green":"grün","grey":"grau","has saved his work on this motion.":"hat die Arbeit an diesem Antrag gespeichert.","hidden":"versteckt","in progress":"in Bearbeitung","inactive":"inaktiv","inline":"innerhalb","internal":"intern","is now":"ist jetzt","items":"Einträge","items per page":"Einträge pro Seite","items selected":"Einträge ausgewählt","lightblue":"hellblau","majority":"Mehrheit","male":"männlich","motions":"Anträge","motions-example":"Anträge-Beispiel","move ...":"verschieben ...","needs review":"benötigt Überprüfung","no committee":"kein Gremium","nominal":"namentlich","non-nominal":"nicht-namentlich","none":"aus","not concerned":"nicht befasst","not decided":"nicht entschieden","of":"von","open votes":"offene Stimmabgaben","or":"oder","outside":"außerhalb","participants-example":"Teilnehmende-Beispiel","permitted":"zugelassen","present":"anwesend","public":"öffentlich","published":"veröffentlicht","red":"rot","refered to committee":"in Ausschuss verwiesen","rejected":"abgelehnt","rejected (not authorized)":"verworfen (nicht zulässig)","remove group(s)":"Gruppe(n) entfernen","represented by":"vertreten durch","result":"Ergebnis","results":"Ergebnisse","selected":"ausgewählt","started":"gestartet","statute paragraphs have been imported.":"Satzungsabschnitte wurden importiert.","statute paragraphs(s) will be imported.":"Satzungsabschnitte werden importiert.","submitted":"eingereicht","supporters":"Unterstützer*innen","to":"bis","undocumented":"nicht erfasst","version":"Version","with filter":"mit Filter","withdrawed":"zurückgezogen","yellow":"gelb"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/assets/i18n/de.po b/client/src/assets/i18n/de.po
index 01c9a9c12..f4c502aa9 100644
--- a/client/src/assets/i18n/de.po
+++ b/client/src/assets/i18n/de.po
@@ -435,6 +435,9 @@ msgid "Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?"
msgstr ""
"Sollen E-Mails wirklich an alle ausgewählten Teilnehmende gesendet werden?"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to stop this voting?"
+msgstr "Soll die Stimmabgabe wirklich beendet werden?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?"
msgstr "Soll wirklich ein Geschäftsordnungsantrag gestellt werden?"
@@ -2896,6 +2899,12 @@ msgstr "Satzungsabschnitt wird importiert"
msgid "Statute paragraphs"
msgstr "Satzung"
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "Beenden"
+msgid "Stop & publish"
+msgstr "Beenden & veröffentlichen"
msgid "Stop counting"
msgstr "Zählen stoppen"
@@ -3075,6 +3084,9 @@ msgstr ""
"In diesem Änderungsantrag ist ein Fehler. Bitte bearbeiten Sie den Text "
+msgid "Thereof point of orders"
+msgstr "davon Geschäftsordnungsanträge"
msgid "This ballot contains deleted users."
msgstr "Der Wahlgang enthält gelöschte Nutzer."
diff --git a/client/src/assets/i18n/es.json b/client/src/assets/i18n/es.json
index 68d2cdc42..d8df2f98b 100644
--- a/client/src/assets/i18n/es.json
+++ b/client/src/assets/i18n/es.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"%num% emails were send sucessfully.":"%num% correos electrónicos se han enviado con éxito. ","100% base":"Base 100%","OpenSlides is a free web based presentation and assembly system for visualizing and controlling agenda, motions and elections of an assembly.":"OpenSlideses un servicio gratuito basado en la web para la presentación y gestión de plenarias, para visualizar y controlar agenda, mociones y elecciones de una asamblea.","":"","A change recommendation or amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Una recomendación de cambio o enmienda se refiere probablemente a un número de línea inexistente.","A file with this title or filename already exists in this directory.":"Ya existe un archivo con este título o nombre en este directorio.","A name is required":"Se requiere un nombre","A new update is available!":"Ya está disponible una nueva actualización. ","A password is required":"Se requiere una contraseña","A server error occured. Please contact your system administrator.":"Se ha producido un error en el servidor. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","A title is required":"Se requiere un título","About me":"Acerca de mí","Abstain":"Abstenerse","Accept":"Aceptar","Acceptance":"aceptación","Access data (PDF)":"Datos de acceso (PDF)","Access groups":"Acceso a grupos","Access-data":"Datos de acceso","Activate amendments":"Activar las modificaciones","Activate statute amendments":"Activar las modificaciones de los estatutos","Activate vote weight":"Activar el peso de la votación ","Active":"Activo","Active filters":"Filtros activos","Active users":"Usuarios activos","Add":"Añadir","Add countdown":"Añadir cuenta regresiva","Add me":"Añadirme","Add message":"Añadir mensaje","Add new custom translation":"Añadir una nueva traducción personalizada","Add to agenda":"Añadir a la agenda","Add to queue":"Añadir a la cola","Add yourself to the current list of speakers to join the conference":"Añádase a la lista actual de oradores para participar en la conferencia","Add/remove groups ...":"Añadir/ elimiar grupos ...","Add/remove submitters":"Añadir/ elimiar solicitantes","Add/remove tags":"Añadir/ elimiar etiquetas","Additional columns after the required ones may be present and will not affect the import.":"Columnas adicionales después de las requeridas pueden estar presentes y no afectarán a la importación.","Adjourn":"Posponer","Adjournment":"Posposición","Admin":"Administrador/a","After verifiy the preview click on \"import\" please (see top right).":"Después de verificar la vista previa haga clic en \"importar\" por favor (ver arriba a la derecha).","Agenda":"Agenda","Agenda visibility":"Visibilidad de la agenda","All casted ballots":"Todas papeletas entregadas","All entitled users":"Todos los usuarios con derecho","All lists of speakers will be cleared.":"Todas las listas de oradores serán borradas.","All topics will be deleted and won't be accessible afterwards.":"Todos los temas serán eliminados y no serán accesibles después.","All valid ballots":"Todas las papeletas válidas","All votes will be lost.":"Todos los votos se perderán. ","All your changes are saved immediately.":"Todos los cambios se guardan inmediatamente.","Allow access for anonymous guest users":"Permitir el acceso a usuarios invitados anónimos","Allow amendments of amendments":"Permitir las enmiendas de las enmiendas","Allow blank in identifier":"Permitir espacio en blanco en el identificador","Allow create poll":"Permitir crear una encuesta","Allow only current speakers and list of speakers managers to enter the live conference":"Permitir que sólo los oradores actuales y los gestores de la lista de oradores entren en la conferencia en directo","Allow submitter edit":"Permitir la edición del remitente","Allow support":"Permitir el apoyo","Allow users to set themselves as present":"Permitir a los usuarios establecerse como presentes","Allowed access groups for this directory":"Allowed access groups for this directory","Always":"Siempre","Amendment":"Modificacion","Amendment list (PDF)":"Lista de modificaciones (PDF)","Amendment text":"Texto de la enmienda","Amendment to":"Enmienda a","Amendments":"Modificaciones","Amendments can change multiple paragraphs":"Las enmiendas pueden cambiar varios párrafos","Amendments to":"Enmiendas a","Amount of votes":"Cantidad de votos","An amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Es probable que una enmienda se refiera a un número de línea inexistente.","An email with a password reset link was send!":"Se ha enviado un correo electrónico con un enlace para restablecer la contraseña!","An error happened":"Se ha producido un error","An unknown error occurred.":"Se ha producido un error desconocido.","Anonymize votes":"anonimizar los votos","Anonymizing can only be done after finishing a poll.":"La anonimización sólo puede hacerse después de terminar una encuesta.","Anonymous":"Anónimo","Applause interval in seconds":"Intervalo de aplausos en segundos","Applause particle image URL":"Aplauso imagen de las partículas URL","Applause visualization":"Visualización de aplausos","Apply":"Aplicar","Arabic":"Árabe","Are you sure you want delete the whole history?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todo el historial?","Are you sure you want to anonymize all votes? This cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que quiere anonimizar todos los votos? Esto no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to clear all messages in this chat?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todos los mensajes de este chat?","Are you sure you want to clear all speakers of all lists?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todos los oradores de todas las listas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected elections?":"¿Está seguro de que quieres eliminar todas las elecciones seleccionadas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected files and folders?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los archivos y carpetas seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected motions?":"¿Está seguro de eliminar todas mociones actualmente seleccionadas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todas las participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all speakers from this list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar todos los oradores de la lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to delete the print template?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar la plantilla de impresión?","Are you sure you want to delete this category and all subcategories?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta categoría y todas las subcategorías?","Are you sure you want to delete this change recommendation?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta recomendación de modificación?","Are you sure you want to delete this chat group?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este grupo de chat? ","Are you sure you want to delete this comment field?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este campo de comentarios?","Are you sure you want to delete this election?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta elección?","Are you sure you want to delete this entry?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta entrada?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este archivo?","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este grupo? ","Are you sure you want to delete this message?":"¿Está seguro que desea borrar este mensaje?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion block?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este bloque de moción?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta moción?","Are you sure you want to delete this participant?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar a este participante?","Are you sure you want to delete this projector?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este proyector?","Are you sure you want to delete this statute paragraph?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este párrafo del estatuto?","Are you sure you want to delete this tag?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta etiqueta?","Are you sure you want to delete this topic?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este tema?","Are you sure you want to delete this vote?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este voto?","Are you sure you want to delete this workflow?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este flujo de trabajo?","Are you sure you want to discard this amendment?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere descartar esta enmienda?","Are you sure you want to generate new passwords for all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere generar nuevas contraseñas para todos los participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to number all agenda items?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere numerar todos los puntos del orden del día?","Are you sure you want to override the state of all motions of this motion block?":"¿Está seguro que quiere reemplazar el estado de todas las mociones de este bloque de mociones?","Are you sure you want to remove all selected items from the agenda?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los elementos seleccionados de la agenda?","Are you sure you want to remove this entry from the agenda?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta entrada de la agenda?","Are you sure you want to remove this motion from motion block?":"¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar esta moción de este bloque de mociones?","Are you sure you want to remove this speaker from the list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este orador de la lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminarse de esta lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to renumber all motions of this category?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere renumerar todas las mociones de esta categoría?","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? All changes of this settings group will be lost!":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las opciones a los valores de fábrica? Todos los cambios de este grupo de ajustes se perderán!","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? Changes of all settings group will be lost!":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las opciones a los valores de fábrica? Los cambios de todo el grupo de ajustes se perderán!","Are you sure you want to reset all passwords to the default ones?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las contraseñas a las predeterminadas?","Are you sure you want to reset this vote?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere reiniciar esta votación?","Are you sure you want to send an invitation email to the user?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere enviar un correo electrónico de invitación al usuario?","Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere enviar correos electrónicos a todos los participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere presentar una cuestión de orden?","As of":"A partir de","As recommendation":"Como recomendación","Ask, default no":"Preguntar, por defecto no","Ask, default yes":"Preguntar, por defecto sí","Attachments":"Documentos adjuntos","Automatically open the microphone for new conference speakers":"Abrir automáticamente el micrófono para los nuevos oradores de la conferencia","Automatically open the web cam for new conference speakers":"Abrir automáticamente la webcam para los nuevos oradores de la conferencia","Autopilot":"Piloto automático","Available votes":"Votos disponibles","Back":"Atrás","Back to login":"Volver al acceso","Background color":"Color de fondo","Ballot":"Votación","Ballot opened":"Votación abierta","Ballot papers":"Papeletas de votación","Ballots":"Votaciónes","Base folder":"Directorio básico","Begin of event":"Inicio del evento","Begin speech":"Empezar el discurso","Blank between prefix and number, e.g. 'A 001'.":"Espacio en blanco entre el prefijo y el número, por ejemplo, \"A 001\".","CSV import":"Importación de CSV","Call list":"Lista de llamadas","Called":"Llamado","Called with":"Llamada con","Can change its own password":"Puede cambiar su propia contraseña","Can create amendments":"Puede crear enmiendas","Can create motions":"Puede crear mociones","Can manage agenda":"Puede manejar la agenda","Can manage chat":"Puede manejar el chat","Can manage comments":"Puede manejar los comentarios","Can manage configuration":"Puede manejar las configuraciones","Can manage elections":"Puede manejar las elecciones","Can manage files":"Puede manejar los documentos","Can manage list of speakers":"Puede manejar la lista de oradores","Can manage logos and fonts":"Puede manejar logos y fuentes","Can manage motion metadata":"Puede manejar mociones metadata","Can manage motion polls":"Puede manejar encuestas de mociones","Can manage motions":"Puede manejar las mociones","Can manage tags":"Puede manejar etiquetas","Can manage the projector":"Puede manejar el proyector","Can manage users":"Puede manejar los usuarios","Can nominate another participant":"Puede designar a otro participante","Can nominate oneself":"Puede designar a uno mismo","Can put oneself on the list of speakers":"Puede ponerse en la lista de oradores","Can see agenda":"Puede ver la agenda","Can see comments":"Puede ver los comentarios","Can see elections":"Puede ver las elecciones ","Can see extra data of users (e.g. email and comment)":"Puede ver datos adicionales de los usuarios (por ejemplo, presencia y comentario)","Can see hidden files":"Puede ver ficheros escondidos","Can see history":"Puede ver la historia","Can see internal items and time scheduling of agenda":"Puede ver los puntos internos y la programación del tiempo de la agenda","Can see list of speakers":"Puede ver la lista de oradores","Can see motions":"Puede ver las mociones","Can see motions in internal state":"Puede ver las mociones en estado interno","Can see names of users":"Puede ver los nombres de los usuarios","Can see the autopilot":"Puede ver el piloto automático","Can see the front page":"Puede ver la página inicial","Can see the list of files":"Puede ver la lista de archivos","Can see the live stream":"Puede ver el livestream","Can see the projector":"Puede ver el proyector","Can support motions":"Puede apoyar mociones","Can upload files":"Puede cargar archivos","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel edit":"Cancelar edición","Cancel editing without saving":"Cancelar la edición sin guardar","Candidates":"Los candidatos","Cannot create PDF files on this browser.":"No se pueden crear archivos PDF en este navegador. ","Cannot do that in demo mode!":"No se puede hacer eso en el modo demo!","Cannot navigate to the selected history element.":"No se puede navegar hasta el elemento del historial seleccionado.","Categories":"Categorías","Category":"Categoría","Center":"Centro","Change paragraph":"Cambiar el párrafo","Change password":"Cambiar contraseña","Change password for":"Cambiar contraseña para","Change presence":"Cambiar presencia","Change recommendation":"Change recommendation","Change recommendations":"Change recommendations","Changed by":"Cambiado por","Changed title":"Título modificado","Changed version":"Versión cambiada","Changed version in line":"Changed version in line","Changes":"Cambios","Chat":"Chat","Check for updates":"Buscar actualizaciones","Check in or check out participants based on their participant numbers:":"Registrar la entrada o la salida de los participantes en función de su número:","Choose 0 to disable the supporting system.":"Seleccione 0 para desactivar el sistema de apoyo.","Chyron":"Chyron","Chyron background color":"Color de fondo de Chyron","Chyron font color":"Color de la fuente de Chyron","Clear":"Despejar","Clear all":"Despejar todo","Clear all filters":"Despejar todos los filtros","Clear all list of speakers":"Borrar toda la lista de oradores","Clear list":"Borrar la lista","Clear motion block":"Eliminar el bloque de mociones","Clear tags":"Eliminar etiquetas","Click here for more information":"Haga clic aquí para obtener más información","Click here to vote!":"Pulse aquí para votar!","Close":"Cerrar","Close list of speakers":"Cerrar lista de oradores","Closed items":"Artículos cerrados","Collapse all":"Colapsar todo","Column separator":"Separador de columnas","Comma separated names will be read as \"Surname, given name(s)\".":"Los nombres separados por comas se leerán como \"Apellido, nombre(s)\".","Comment":"Comentario","Comment fields":"Campos de comentarios","Comment {arg1} updated":"Comentario {arg1} actualizado","Comments":"Comentarios","Committee":"Comité","Committees":"Comités","Complex Workflow":"Flujo de trabajo complejo","Confirm new password":"Confirme contraseña nueva","Congratuations! Your browser is supported by OpenSlides.":"¡Felicidades! Su navegador es compatible con OpenSlides.","Connect all users to live conference automatically":"Conecte a todos los usuarios a la conferencia en vivo automáticamente","Content":"Contenido","Contribution":"Contribution","Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides.":"Tiene que permitir cookies para utilizar OpenSlides.","Copy and paste your participant names in this textbox.":"Copie y pegue sus nombres de participantes en esta casilla de texto.","Count active users":"Contar los usuarios activos","Count completed requests to speak":"Count completed requests to speak","Countdown":"Cuenta atrás","Countdown and traffic light":"Cuenta atrás y semáforo","Countdown description":"Descripción de la cuenta atrás","Countdown time":"Hora de la cuenta atrás","Countdown title":"Título de la cuenta atrás","Countdowns":"Cuentas regresivas","Counter speech":"Counter speech","Counting of votes is in progress ...":"El recuento de votos está en curso ...","Couple countdown with the list of speakers":"Enlace cuentas regresivas con la lista de oradores","Create":"Crear","Create final print template":"Create final print template","Create new chat group":"Crear un nuevo grupo de chat","Create user":"Crear usuario","Creating PDF file ...":"Creación de un archivo PDF ...","Creation date":"Fecha de creación","Current browser language":"Lengua actual de navegador","Current date":"Fecha actual","Current list of speakers":"Lista de oradores actual","Currently no livestream available.":"Actualmente no hay transmisión en vivo disponible.","Currently projected":"Actualmente proyectado","Custom aspect ratio":"Relación de aspecto personalizada","Custom number of ballot papers":"Custom number of ballot papers","Custom translations":"Traducciones personalizadas","Dear {name},\n\nthis is your personal OpenSlides login:\n\n {url}\n username: {username}\n password: {password}\n\nThis email was generated automatically.":"Querido/a {name}, \n\neste es su login personal de OpenSlides\\\\:\n\n {url} \nNombre de usuario\\\\: {username} \nContraseña\\\\: {password} \n\nEste correo electrónico se ha generado automáticamente.","Decision":"Decisión","Default":"Predeterminado","Default 100 % base of a voting result":"Default 100 % base of a voting result","Default 100 % base of an election result":"Default 100 % base of an election result","Default election method":"Default election method","Default encoding for all csv exports":"Codificación por defecto para todas las exportaciones CSV","Default group":"Grupo por defecto","Default groups with voting rights":"Grupos por defecto con derecho a voto","Default line numbering":"Default line numbering","Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required majority.":"Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required majority.","Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.":"Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.","Default projector":"Default projector","Default text version for change recommendations":"Default text version for change recommendations","Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)":"Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)","Default voting type":"Default voting type","Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present participants instead.":"Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present participants instead.","Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause.":"Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause.","Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up.":"Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up.","Delegates":"Delegados","Delegation of vote":"Delegation of vote","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete final print template":"Delete final print template","Delete message":"Borrar mensaje","Delete projector":"Borrar proyector","Delete recommendation":"Borrar la recomendación","Delete whole history":"Delete whole history","Deleted user":"Usuario eliminado","Deletion":"Eliminación","Delivering vote... Please wait!":"Entregando el voto... ¡Por favor, espere!","Description":"Descripción","Deselect all":"Deseleccione todo","Designates whether this user is in the room.":"Designates whether this user is in the room.","Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee.":"Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee.","Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting the account.":"Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting the account.","Didn't get an email":"No recibió un correo electrónico","Diff version":"Diff version","Disabled":"Desactivado","Disabled (no percents)":"Desactivado (sin porcentajes)","Display type":"Display type","Divergent:":"Divergent:","Do not concern":"Do not concern","Do not decide":"No decidir","Do not forget to save your changes!":"No olvide guardar los cambios!","Do not set identifier":"Do not set identifier","Do you really want to exit this page?":"¿Realmente quiere salir de esta página?","Do you really want to go ahead?":"Do you really want to go ahead?","Do you really want to save your changes?":"Do you really want to save your changes?","Does not have notes":"Does not have notes","Done":"Hecho","Download":"Descargar","Download CSV example file":"Descargar archivo CSV de ejemplo","Download folder":"Carpeta de descarga","Drop files into this area OR click here to select files":"Drop files into this area OR click here to select files","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duration":"Duración","Duration of all requests to speak":"Duration of all requests to speak","Duration of requests to speak":"Duration of requests to speak","During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID of the voter. This in no way means that a non-nominal vote is completely anonymous and secure. The votes cannot track their individual votes after the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be guaranteed.":"During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID of the voter. This in no way means that a non-nominal vote is completely anonymous and secure. The votes cannot track their individual votes after the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be guaranteed.","Edit":"Editar","Edit comment field":"Editar campo de comentario ","Edit details":"Editar detalles","Edit details for":"Editar detalles para","Edit final print template":"Editar la plantilla de impresión final","Edit projector":"Editar proyector","Edit statute paragraph":"Editar el párrafo del estatuto","Edit tag":"Editar etiqueta","Edit the whole motion text":"Editar todo el texto de la mocion","Edit to enter votes.":"Editar para introducir los votos.","Edit topic":"Editar tema","Election":"Elección","Election documents":"Documentos electorales","Elections":"Elecciones","Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed":"Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed","Element":"Element","Email":"Correo electrónico","Email body":"Cuerpo del correo electrónico","Email sent":"Correo electrónico enviado","Email subject":"Asunto del correo electrónico","Empty text field":"Empty text field","Enable forspeech / counter speech":"Enable forspeech / counter speech","Enable numbering for agenda items":"Enable numbering for agenda items","Enable participant presence view":"Enable participant presence view","Enable points of order":"Enable points of order","Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)":"Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)","Enable virtual applause":"Enable virtual applause","Enable virtual help desk room":"Enable virtual help desk room","Enable/disable account ...":"Enable/disable account ...","Encoding of the file":"Encoding of the file","End speech":"End speech","Enforce page breaks":"Enforce page breaks","Enter conference":"Enter conference","Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.":"Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.","Enter live conference":"Enter live conference","Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next speakers.":"Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next speakers.","Enter participant number":"Enter participant number","Enter your email to send the password reset link":"Introduzca su correo electrónico para enviar el enlace de restablecimiento de la contraseña","Entitled to vote":"Entitled to vote","Entitled users":"Entitled users","Error":"Error","Error during PDF creation of election:":"Error during PDF creation of election:","Error during PDF creation of motion:":"Error during PDF creation of motion:","Error in form field.":"Error in form field.","Error: The new passwords do not match.":"Error: The new passwords do not match.","Estimated end":"Estimated end","Event":"Evento","Event date":"Fecha del evento","Event location":"Event location","Event name":"Nombre del evento","Event organizer":"Organizador del evento","Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for list of speakers only)":"Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for list of speakers only)","Exit":"Exit","Exit conference":"Exit conference","Exit live conference and continue livestream":"Exit live conference and continue livestream","Expand all":"Expand all","Export":"Exportar","Export as CSV":"Exportar como CSV","Export as PDF":"Exportar como PDF","Export comment":"Exportar comentario","Export motions":"Exportar mociones","Export personal note only":"Exportar sólo la nota personal","Export selected elections":"Exportar elecciones seleccionadas","Export selected motions":"Exportar mociones seleccionadas","Extension":"Extension","Favorites":"Favorites","File information":"File information","File name":"File name","Files":"Files","Filter":"Filter","Final print template":"Final print template","Final version":"Final version","Finished":"Terminado","First speech":"First speech","First state":"First state","Follow recommendation":"Follow recommendation","Follow recommendations for all motions":"Follow recommendations for all motions","Following users are currently 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voting","History":"History","Home":"Inicio","How to create new amendments":"Cómo crear nuevas enmiendas","I know the risk":"I know the risk","Identifier":"Identifier","Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are optional and may be empty.":"Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are optional and may be empty.","If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.","Import":"Import","Import motions":"Import motions","Import participants":"Import participants","Import statute":"Import statute","Import topics":"Import topics","In motion list, motion detail and PDF.":"In motion list, motion detail and PDF.","In progress, please wait...":"In progress, please wait...","In the election process":"In the election process","Inactive":"inactivo","Inconsistent data.":"Inconsistent data.","Initial password":"Initial password","Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM":"Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM","Insert after":"Insert after","Insert before":"Insert before","Insert behind":"Insert behind","Insert participants here":"Insert participants here","Insert topics here":"Insert topics here","Insertion":"Insertion","Installed plugins":"Installed plugins","Internal":"Internal","Internal item":"Internal item","Invalid input.":"Invalid input.","Invalid line number":"Invalid line number","Invalid votes":"Invalid votes","Is SAML user":"Is SAML user","Is a committee":"Is a committee","Is active":"Is active","Is already projected":"Is already projected","Is amendment":"Es enmienda","Is committee":"Is committee","Is favorite":"Is favorite","Is no amendment and has no amendments":"No es una enmienda y no tiene enmiendas","Is not a committee":"Is not a committee","Is not active":"Is not active","Is not favorite":"Is not favorite","Is not present":"Is not present","Is present":"Is present","Item number":"Item number","Keep each item in a single line.":"Keep each item in a single line.","Keep each person in a single line.":"Keep each person in a single line.","Label color":"Label color","Last email send":"Último correo electrónico enviado","Last email sent":"Último correo electrónico enviado","Last modified":"Last modified","Last speakers":"Last speakers","Leave":"Salir","Left":"Left","Legal notice":"Legal notice","Level indicator":"Level indicator","License":"License","Line":"Line","Line length":"Line length","Line numbering":"Line numbering","List of electronic votes":"List of electronic votes","List of participants":"Lista de participantes","List of participants (PDF)":"Lista de participantes (PDF)","List of speakers":"Lista de oradores","List of speakers is initially closed":"List of speakers is initially closed","List of speakers overlay":"List of speakers overlay","List view":"List view","Live conference":"Conferencia en directo","Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect.":"Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect.","Livestream":"Livestream","Livestream poster image url":"Livestream poster image url","Livestream url":"Livestream url","Loading data. Please wait ...":"Cargando datos. Por favor, espere...","Login":"Login","Login anyway":"Entrar de todos modos","Login as guest":"Entrar como invitado","Logout":"Logout","Lowest applause amount":"Lowest applause amount","Main motion and line number":"Main motion and line number","Mark as personal favorite":"Mark as personal favorite","Maximum amount of votes":"Maximum amount of votes","Media access is denied":"Media access is denied","Media file":"Media file","Message":"Mensaje","Messages":"Mensajes","Meta information":"Información meta","Min votes cannot be greater than max votes.":"Min votes cannot be greater than max votes.","Minimal required version":"Versión mínima requerida","Minimize":"Minimizar","Minimum amount of votes":"Minimum amount of votes","More":"más","Motion":"Motion","Motion block":"Motion block","Motion block set to":"Motion block set to","Motion blocks":"Motion blocks","Motion change recommendation created":"Motion change recommendation created","Motion change recommendation deleted":"Motion change recommendation deleted","Motion change recommendation updated":"Motion change recommendation updated","Motion created":"Motion created","Motion deleted":"Motion deleted","Motion has been imported":"Motion has been imported","Motion preamble":"Motion preamble","Motion text":"Motion text","Motion updated":"Motion updated","Motion votes":"Motion votes","Motion will be imported":"Motion will be imported","Motion(s) will be imported.":"Motion(s) will be imported.","Motions":"Motions","Motions are in process. Please wait ...":"Motions are in process. Please wait ...","Motions have been imported.":"Motions have been imported.","Move":"mover","Move in call list":"Move in call list","Move into directory":"Move into directory","Move selected items ...":"Move selected items ...","Move to agenda item":"Move to agenda item","Multiselect":"Multiselect","Mute / Unmute":"Silenciar/ Desactivar","Name":"Nombre","Name of recommender":"Nombre de recomendadero","Name of recommender for statute amendments":"Name of recommender for statute amendments","Needs review":"Necesita revisión","Never":"Nunca","New Projector":"Nuevo proyector","New amendment":"Nueva enmienda","New ballot":"Nueva papeleta","New category":"Nueva categoría","New change recommendation":"Nueva Recomendación de cambio","New comment field":"Nuevo campo de comentario","New directory":"Nuevo directorio","New election":"Nueva elección","New file name":"Nuevo nomre de archivo","New group name":"Nuevo nombre de grupo","New motion":"Nueva moción","New motion block":"Nuevo bloque de mociones","New participant":"Nuevo participante","New password":"Nueva contraseña","New state":"Nuevo estado","New statute paragraph":"Nuevo párrafo del estatuto","New tag":"Nueva etiqueta","New topic":"Tema nuevo","New vote":"Nueva votación","New workflow":"Nuevo flujo de trabajo","Next":"Siguiente","Next states":"Nuevos estados","No":"No","No category":"Sin categoría","No category set":"Ninguna categoría puesta","No changes at the text.":"Sin cambios en el texto.","No chat groups available":"No hay grupos de chat disponibles","No comment":"Sin comentarios","No concernment":"No concernment","No data":"Sin datos","No decision":"Sin decisión","No delegation of vote":"No delegation of vote","No email sent":"No se ha enviado ningún correo electrónico","No emails were send.":"No se enviaron correos electrónicos.","No encryption":"No encryption","No groups selected":"No hay grupos seleccionados","No information available":"No hay información disponible","No items selected":"No items selected","No motion block set":"No motion block set","No motions were numbered":"No motions were numbered","No per candidate":"No por candidato","No personal note":"No personal note","No recommendation":"No recommendation","No results yet.":"Todavía no hay resultados.","No search result found":"No se ha encontrado ningún resultado de búsqueda","No statute paragraphs":"No statute paragraphs","No tags":"Sin etiquetas","No users with email {0} found.":"No se han encontrado usuarios con correo electrónico {0}.","No.":"No.","None":"Ninguno","Not allowed in demo mode":"Not allowed in demo mode","Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one.":"Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one.","Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change dialog instead.":"Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change dialog instead.","Notes":"Notas","Number candidates":"Number candidates","Number motions":"Number motions","Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion":"Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion","Number of all delegates":"Number of all delegates","Number of all participants":"Number of all participants","Number of all requests to speak":"Number of all requests to speak","Number of ballot papers":"Number of ballot papers","Number of ballot papers (selection)":"Number of ballot papers (selection)","Number of candidates":"Número de candidatos","Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector":"Número de los últimos oradores que se muestran en el proyector","Number of minimal digits for identifier":"Number of minimal digits for identifier","Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference":"Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference","Number of persons to be elected":"Number of persons to be elected","Number of requests to speak":"Number of requests to speak","Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector":"Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector","Number set":"Number set","Numbered per category":"Numerado por categoría.","Numbering":"Numeración","Numbering prefix for agenda items":"Numbering prefix for agenda items","Numeral system for agenda items":"Numeral system for agenda items","OK":"OK","Offline mode":"Offline mode","Old password":"Contraseña antigua","One email was send sucessfully.":"Un correo electrónico se ha enviado con éxito. ","One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other fields are optional and may be empty.","Only countdown":"Sólo cuenta atrás","Only for internal notes.":"Only for internal notes.","Only main agenda items":"Only main agenda items","Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers":"Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers","Only traffic light":"Sólo semáforo","Open":"Abierto","Open Jitsi in new tab":"Abre Jitsi en nueva ficha","Open items":"Open items","Open list of speakers":"Abrir la lista de oradores","Open projection dialog":"Open projection dialog","Open requests to speak":"Open requests to speak","OpenSlides Theme":"OpenSlides Theme","OpenSlides access data":"Datos de accesso de OpenSlides","OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp":"OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp","OpenSlides recommends":"OpenSlides recomienda","Options":"Opciones","Origin":"Origen","Original":"original","Original version":"Versión 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imported","Participant(s) will be imported.":"Participant(s) will be imported.","Participants":"Participantes","Participants have been imported.":"Participants have been imported.","Particles":"Particles","Password":"Contraseña","Paste/write your topics in this textbox.":"Paste/write your topics in this textbox.","Permission":"Permiso","Permissions":"Permissions","Permit":"Permit","Personal note":"Nota personal","Personal notes":"Notas personales","Phase":"Fase","Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera":"Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera","Please contact your system administrator.":"Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","Please enter a name for the new directory:":"Please enter a name for the new directory:","Please enter a name for the new workflow:":"Please enter a name for the new workflow:","Please enter a valid email address":"Por favor, introduzca un correo electrónico válido","Please enter a valid email address!":"Por favor, introduzca un correo electrónico válido!","Please enter your new password":"Por favor, introduzca su nueva contraseña","Please login via your identity provider.":"Por favor, inicie sesión a través de su proveedor de identidad.","Please select the directory:":"Please select the directory:","Please update your browser or contact your system administration.":"Por favor, actualice su navegador o póngase en contacto con la administración de su sistema.","Point of order":"Point of order","Poll created":"Poll created","Poll deleted":"Poll deleted","Poll updated":"Poll updated","Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)":"Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)","Preamble text for PDF documents of motions":"Preamble text for PDF documents of motions","Predefined seconds of new countdowns":"Predefined seconds of new countdowns","Prefix":"Prefix","Prefix for the identifier for amendments":"Prefix for the identifier for 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required for creating new motion":"Reason required for creating new motion","Received votes":"Received votes","Recommendation":"Recomendación","Recommendation label":"Recommendation label","Recommendation set to {arg1}":"Recommendation set to {arg1}","Reenter to live conference":"Reenter to live conference","Refer to committee":"Refer to committee","Referral to committee":"Referral to committee","Referring motions":"Referring motions","Refresh":"Actualizar","Reject":"Rechazar","Reject (not authorized)":"Rechazar (no autorizado)","Rejected":"Rechazado","Rejection":"Rechazo","Rejection (not authorized)":"Rechazo (no autorizado)","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see livestream.":"Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see livestream.","Remove all speakers":"Eliminar todos oradores","Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early state":"Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early state","Remove candidate":"Eliminar el candidato","Remove from agenda":"Remove from agenda","Remove from motion block":"Remove from motion block","Remove me":"Quitarme","Replacement":"Sustitución","Reply address":"Reply address","Request":"Request","Requests to speak":"Requests to speak","Required":"Necesario","Required comma or semicolon separated values with these column header names in the first row:":"Requiere valores separados por comas o punto y coma con estos nombres de encabezados de columna en la primera fila","Required majority":"Mayoría necesaria","Reset":"Restablecer","Reset cache":"Reset cache","Reset password":"Restablecer contraseña","Reset passwords to the default ones":"Restablecer las contraseñas por defecto","Reset recommendation":"Restablecer recomendación","Reset state":"Reset state","Reset to factory defaults":"Reset to factory defaults","Resolution and size":"Resolution and size","Restart livestream":"Restart livestream","Restrictions":"Restricciones","Right":"Derecha","Roman":"Roman","Save":"Guardar","Save all changes":"Save all changes","Save final print template":"Save final print template","Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN.":"Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN.","Scan this QR code to open URL.":"Scan this QR code to open URL.","Scroll down":"Scroll down","Scroll down (big step)":"Scroll down (big step)","Scroll up":"Scroll up","Scroll up (big step)":"Scroll up (big step)","Search":"Buscar","Search player":"Search player","Searching for candidates":"Searching for candidates","Secret voting can not be guaranteed":"Secret voting can not be guaranteed","Select a new candidate":"Select a new candidate","Select all":"Seleccione todo","Select file":"Seleccione un archivo","Select or search new speaker ...":"Select or search new speaker ...","Select or search new submitter ...":"Select or search new submitter ...","Select paragraphs":"Select paragraphs","Send":"Enviar","Send invitation email":"Enviar invitación por correo electrónico","Sender name":"Sender name","Sending an invitation email":"Enviar un correo de invitación","Separator used for all csv exports and examples":"Separador usado para la exportación de todos archivos CSV y ejemplos","Sequential number":"Sequential number","Serially numbered":"Serially numbered","Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration.":"Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration.","Set as favorite":"Set as favorite","Set as not favorite":"Set as not favorite","Set as parent":"Set as parent","Set as reference projector":"Set as reference projector","Set category":"Set category","Set committee ...":"Set committee ...","Set favorite":"Set favorite","Set hidden":"Set hidden","Set internal":"Set internal","Set it manually":"Set it manually","Set motion block":"Set motion block","Set presence ...":"Set presence ...","Set public":"Set public","Set recommendation":"Set recommendation","Set status":"Ponga estatus","Set status for selected participants:":"Set status for selected participants:","Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers":"Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers","Settings":"Configuración","Short description of event":"Descripción breve del evento","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show all changes":"Mostrar todos los cambios","Show amendment":"Mostrar la enmienda","Show amendment in parent motion":"Mostrar la enmienda en la moción principal","Show amendments together with motions":"Mostrar enmienda junto con las mociones","Show applause amount":"Show applause amount","Show checkbox to record decision":"Show checkbox to record decision","Show clock":"Mostrar reloj","Show correct entries":"Show correct entries","Show correct entries only":"Show correct entries only","Show devtools":"Show devtools","Show entire motion text":"Show entire motion text","Show errors only":"Show errors only","Show full text":"Show full text","Show header and footer":"Show header and footer","Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view":"Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view","Show live conference window":"Show live conference window","Show logo":"Show logo","Show meta information box below the title on projector":"Show meta information box below the title on projector","Show motion submitters in the agenda":"Show motion submitters in the agenda","Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time":"Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time","Show password":"Show password","Show preview":"Show preview","Show profile":"Show profile","Show recommendation extension field":"Show recommendation extension field","Show state extension field":"Show state extension field","Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents":"Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents","Show the sequential number for a motion":"Show the sequential number for a motion","Show this text on the login page":"Mostrar este texto en la página de inicio de sesión.","Show title":"Show title","Show/Hide video conference":"Show/Hide video conference","Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room for technical audio/video tests.":"Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room for technical audio/video tests.","Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG or JPG":"Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG or JPG","Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: 24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG":"Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: 24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG","Simple Workflow":"Simple Workflow","Simple majority":"Simple majority","Single votes":"Single votes","Slide":"Slide","Sort":"Sort","Sort agenda":"Sort agenda","Sort by identifier":"Sort by identifier","Sort categories":"Sort categories","Sort comments":"Sort comments","Sort election results by amount of votes":"Sort election results by amount of votes","Sort motions":"Sort motions","Sort motions by":"Sort motions by","Sort name of participants by":"Sort name of participants by","Speakers":"Oradores","Staff":"Personal","Standard font size in PDF":"Standard font size in PDF","Standard page size in PDF":"Standard page size in PDF","Start time":"Tiempo de inicio","Start voting":"Empezar a votar","State":"State","State set to {arg1}":"State set to {arg1}","Statistics":"Statistics","Status":"Estatus","Statute":"Statute","Statute amendment":"Statute amendment","Statute amendment for":"Statute amendment for","Statute paragraph":"Statute paragraph","Statute paragraph has been imported":"Statute paragraph has been imported","Statute paragraph will be imported":"Statute paragraph will be imported","Statute paragraphs":"Statute paragraphs","Stop counting":"Stop counting","Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users":"Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users","Stop voting":"Stop voting","Structure level":"Structure level","Subcategory":"Subcategory","Submit selection now?":"Submit selection now?","Submit vote now":"Submit vote now","Submitters":"Submitters","Submitters changed":"Submitters changed","Sum of votes including general No/Abstain":"Sum of votes including general No/Abstain","Summary of changes":"Summary of changes","Summary of changes:":"Summary of changes:","Support":"Support","Supporters":"Seguidores","Supporters changed":"Supporters changed","Surname":"Apellido","System":"Sistema","System URL":"URL del sistema","Table of contents":"Tabla de contenidos","Tag":"Etiqueta","Tags":"Etiquetas","Text":"Texto","Text import":"Text import","Text separator":"Text separator","The assembly may decide:":"The assembly may decide:","The directory does not exist":"The directory does not exist","The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet.":"The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet.","The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet.":"The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet.","The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.":"The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.","The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.":"The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.","The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.":"The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.","The link is broken. Please contact your system administrator.":"El enlace no funciona. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","The list of speakers is closed.":"The list of speakers is closed.","The list of speakers is open.":"The list of speakers is open.","The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session.":"The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session.","The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. Min: 40":"The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. 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Please contact your system administrator.","The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.":"The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.","The server could not be reached.":"The server could not be reached.","The server didn't respond.":"The server didn't respond.","The text field may not be blank.":"The text field may not be blank.","The title is required":"El título es obligatorio","The title of the motion is always applied.":"The title of the motion is always applied.","The user %user% has no email, so the invitation email could not be send.":"El usuario %user% no tiene correo electrónico, por lo que el correo de invitación no pudo ser enviado.","The users %user% have no email, so the invitation emails could not be send.":"Los usuarios %user% no tienen correo electrónico, por lo que los correos de invitación no pudieron ser enviados.","There are no items left to chose from":"There are no items left to chose from","There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually.":"Hay un error en esta enmienda. Por favor, edítelo manualmente.","This ballot contains deleted users.":"This ballot contains deleted users.","This change collides with another one.":"This change collides with another one.","This element does not exist at this time.":"This element does not exist at this time.","This field is required.":"Este campo es obligatorio.","This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:":"This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:","This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.":"This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.","This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:":"This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:","This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:":"This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:","This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:":"This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:","This will move all selected motions as childs to:":"This will move all selected motions as childs to:","This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in the call list:":"This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in the call list:","This will reset all made changes and sort the call list.":"This will reset all made changes and sort the call list.","This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:":"This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:","This will set the following category for all selected motions:":"This will set the following category for all selected motions:","This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:":"This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:","This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:":"This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:","This will set the following state for all selected motions:":"This will set the following state for all selected motions:","Three-quarters majority":"Three-quarters majority","Tile view":"Tile view","Timestamp":"Timestamp","Title":"Título","Title for PDF document (all elections)":"Title for PDF document (all elections)","Title for PDF documents of motions":"Title for PDF documents of motions","Title for access data and welcome PDF":"Title for access data and welcome PDF","Title is required. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"El título es obligatorio. Todos los demás campos son opcionales y pueden estar vacíos.","Topic":"Topic","Topic has been imported":"Topic has been imported","Topic will be imported":"Topic will be imported","Topics":"Topics","Topics have been imported.":"Topics have been imported.","Topics(s) will be imported.":"Topics(s) will be imported.","Total votes cast":"Total votes cast","Touch the book icon to enter text":"Touch the book icon to enter text","Translation":"Traducción","Two-thirds majority":"Two-thirds majority","Type":"Típo","Undone":"Undone","Unique speakers":"Unique speakers","Unsupport":"Unsupport","Upload":"Upload","Upload files":"Upload files","Upload to:":"Upload to:","Use admin and admin for your first login.
Please change your password to hide this message!":"Usar admin y admin para su primer ingreso.
Por favor, cambie su contraseña para ocultar este mensaje.","Use the following custom number":"Use the following custom number","Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. The url referrs to the system url.":"Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. 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Editing this text will likely impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if the paragraph they affect is deleted.":"Warning: Amendments exist for this motion. Editing this text will likely impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if the paragraph they affect is deleted.","Web interface header logo":"Web interface header logo","Welcome to OpenSlides":"Bienvenido a OpenSlides","Which version?":"Which version?","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute amendments.":"Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute amendments.","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.":"Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.","Withdraw":"Retirar","Withdraw point of order":"Withdraw point of order","Workflow":"Workflow","Workflow of new amendments":"Workflow of new amendments","Workflow of new motions":"Workflow of new motions","Workflow of new statute amendments":"Workflow of new statute amendments","Workflows":"Workflows","Yes":"Sí","Yes per candidate":"Yes per candidate","Yes/No":"Sí/No","Yes/No per candidate":"Yes/No per candidate","Yes/No/Abstain":"Yes/No/Abstain","Yes/No/Abstain per candidate":"Yes/No/Abstain per candidate","You are not allowed to see all entitled users.":"You are not allowed to see all entitled users.","You are not authenticated.":"You are not authenticated.","You are not supposed to be here...":"You are not supposed to be here...","You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved.":"You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved.","You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.","You can just anonymize named polls":"You can just anonymize named polls","You can not deactivate yourself.":"You can not deactivate yourself.","You can not delete yourself.":"You can not delete yourself.","You can not vote because this is an analog voting.":"You can not vote because this is an analog voting.","You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started.":"You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started.","You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.":"You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.","You can't delete the last projector.":"You can't delete the last projector.","You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!":"You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!","You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!":"You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!","You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not allowed).":"You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not allowed).","You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote.":"You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote.","You cannot delegate a vote to yourself.":"You cannot delegate a vote to yourself.","You cannot delete the first state of the workflow.":"You cannot delete the first state of the workflow.","You cannot delete the last workflow.":"You cannot delete the last workflow.","You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated.":"You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated.","You do not have the permission to vote.":"You do not have the permission to vote.","You do not have the required permission to see that page!":"No tiene el permiso necesario para ver esa página!","You have already voted.":"You have already voted.","You have to be logged in to be able to vote.":"You have to be logged in to be able to vote.","You have to be present to vote.":"You have to be present to vote.","You have to fill this field.":"You have to fill this field.","You made changes.":"You made changes.","You override the personally set password!":"You override the personally set password!","You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first.":"You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first.","Your account is not active.":"Your account is not active.","Your browser":"Your browser","Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!":"Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!","Your decision cannot be changed afterwards.":"Your decision cannot be changed afterwards.","Your device has no microphone":"Your device has no microphone","Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\"":"Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\"","Your password was resetted successfully!":"Your password was resetted successfully!","Your voting right was delegated to another person.":"Your voting right was delegated to another person.","Zoom in":"Acercar","Zoom out":"Alejar","[Begin speech] starts the countdown, [End speech] stops the countdown.":"[Iniciar discurso] comienza la cuenta regresiva, [Terminar discurso] detiene la cuenta regresiva.","[Place for your welcome and help text.]":"[Espacio para su texto de bienvenida y de ayuda.]","[Space for your welcome text.]":"[Espacio para su texto de bienvenida.]","absent":"ausente","accepted":"aceptado","active":"activo","active users":"usuarios activos","add group(s)":"añadir grupo(s)","adjourned":"adjourned","analog":"analógico","and":"y","at least":"al menos","ballot-paper":"papeleta","by":"de","committee":"comité","connecting ...":"conectando ...","connections":"conexiones","contribution":"contribución","created":"creado","custom":"personalizado","disabled":"desactivado","disconnected":"desconectado","diverse":"diverse","e.g. for online meetings":"e.g. for online meetings","emails":"correos electrónicos","entries will be ommitted.":"entries will be ommitted.","errors":"errores","example":"ejemplo","female":"mujer","finished (unpublished)":"finished (unpublished)","fullscreen":"fullscreen","green":"verde","grey":"gris","has saved his work on this motion.":"has saved his work on this motion.","hidden":"hidden","in progress":"en curso","inactive":"inactivo","inline":"inline","internal":"interno","is now":"is now","items":"items","items per page":"items per page","items selected":"items selected","lightblue":"azul claro","majority":"mayoría","male":"hombre","motions":"motions","motions-example":"motions-example","move ...":"move ...","needs review":"necesita revisión","no committee":"no committee","nominal":"nominal","non-nominal":"no nominal","none":"ninguno","not concerned":"no afectado","not decided":"no decidido","of":"de","open votes":"votos abiertos","or":"o","outside":"afuera","participants-example":"participants-example","permitted":"permitido","present":"presente","public":"público","published":"publicado","red":"rojo","refered to committee":"refered to committee","rejected":"rechazado","rejected (not authorized)":"rejected (not authorized)","remove group(s)":"Eliminar grupo(s)","represented by":"representado por","result":"resultado","results":"resultados","selected":"seleccionado","started":"empezado","statute paragraphs have been imported.":"statute paragraphs have been imported.","statute paragraphs(s) will be imported.":"statute paragraphs(s) will be imported.","submitted":"presentado","supporters":"seguidores","to":"to","undocumented":"indocumentado","version":"versión","with filter":"con filtro","withdrawed":"retirado","yellow":"amarillo"}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"%num% emails were send sucessfully.":"%num% correos electrónicos se han enviado con éxito. ","100% base":"Base 100%","OpenSlides is a free web based presentation and assembly system for visualizing and controlling agenda, motions and elections of an assembly.":"OpenSlideses un servicio gratuito basado en la web para la presentación y gestión de plenarias, para visualizar y controlar agenda, mociones y elecciones de una asamblea.","":"","A change recommendation or amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Una recomendación de cambio o enmienda se refiere probablemente a un número de línea inexistente.","A file with this title or filename already exists in this directory.":"Ya existe un archivo con este título o nombre en este directorio.","A name is required":"Se requiere un nombre","A new update is available!":"Ya está disponible una nueva actualización. ","A password is required":"Se requiere una contraseña","A server error occured. Please contact your system administrator.":"Se ha producido un error en el servidor. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","A title is required":"Se requiere un título","About me":"Acerca de mí","Abstain":"Abstenerse","Accept":"Aceptar","Acceptance":"aceptación","Access data (PDF)":"Datos de acceso (PDF)","Access groups":"Acceso a grupos","Access-data":"Datos de acceso","Activate amendments":"Activar las modificaciones","Activate statute amendments":"Activar las modificaciones de los estatutos","Activate vote weight":"Activar el peso de la votación ","Active":"Activo","Active filters":"Filtros activos","Active users":"Usuarios activos","Add":"Añadir","Add countdown":"Añadir cuenta regresiva","Add me":"Añadirme","Add message":"Añadir mensaje","Add new custom translation":"Añadir una nueva traducción personalizada","Add to agenda":"Añadir a la agenda","Add to queue":"Añadir a la cola","Add yourself to the current list of speakers to join the conference":"Añádase a la lista actual de oradores para participar en la conferencia","Add/remove groups ...":"Añadir/ elimiar grupos ...","Add/remove submitters":"Añadir/ elimiar solicitantes","Add/remove tags":"Añadir/ elimiar etiquetas","Additional columns after the required ones may be present and will not affect the import.":"Columnas adicionales después de las requeridas pueden estar presentes y no afectarán a la importación.","Adjourn":"Posponer","Adjournment":"Posposición","Admin":"Administrador/a","After verifiy the preview click on \"import\" please (see top right).":"Después de verificar la vista previa haga clic en \"importar\" por favor (ver arriba a la derecha).","Agenda":"Agenda","Agenda visibility":"Visibilidad de la agenda","All casted ballots":"Todas papeletas entregadas","All entitled users":"Todos los usuarios con derecho","All lists of speakers will be cleared.":"Todas las listas de oradores serán borradas.","All topics will be deleted and won't be accessible afterwards.":"Todos los temas serán eliminados y no serán accesibles después.","All valid ballots":"Todas las papeletas válidas","All votes will be lost.":"Todos los votos se perderán. ","All your changes are saved immediately.":"Todos los cambios se guardan inmediatamente.","Allow access for anonymous guest users":"Permitir el acceso a usuarios invitados anónimos","Allow amendments of amendments":"Permitir las enmiendas de las enmiendas","Allow blank in identifier":"Permitir espacio en blanco en el identificador","Allow create poll":"Permitir crear una encuesta","Allow only current speakers and list of speakers managers to enter the live conference":"Permitir que sólo los oradores actuales y los gestores de la lista de oradores entren en la conferencia en directo","Allow submitter edit":"Permitir la edición del remitente","Allow support":"Permitir el apoyo","Allow users to set themselves as present":"Permitir a los usuarios establecerse como presentes","Allowed access groups for this directory":"Grupos de acceso permitidos para este directorio","Always":"Siempre","Amendment":"Modificacion","Amendment list (PDF)":"Lista de modificaciones (PDF)","Amendment text":"Texto de la enmienda","Amendment to":"Enmienda a","Amendments":"Modificaciones","Amendments can change multiple paragraphs":"Las enmiendas pueden cambiar varios párrafos","Amendments to":"Enmiendas a","Amount of votes":"Cantidad de votos","An amendment is probably referring to a non-existant line number.":"Es probable que una enmienda se refiera a un número de línea inexistente.","An email with a password reset link was send!":"Se ha enviado un correo electrónico con un enlace para restablecer la contraseña!","An error happened":"Se ha producido un error","An unknown error occurred.":"Se ha producido un error desconocido.","Anonymize votes":"anonimizar los votos","Anonymizing can only be done after finishing a poll.":"La anonimización sólo puede hacerse después de terminar una encuesta.","Anonymous":"Anónimo","Applause interval in seconds":"Intervalo de aplausos en segundos","Applause particle image URL":"Aplauso imagen de las partículas URL","Applause visualization":"Visualización de aplausos","Apply":"Aplicar","Arabic":"Árabe","Are you sure you want delete the whole history?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todo el historial?","Are you sure you want to anonymize all votes? This cannot be undone.":"¿Está seguro de que quiere anonimizar todos los votos? Esto no se puede deshacer.","Are you sure you want to clear all messages in this chat?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todos los mensajes de este chat?","Are you sure you want to clear all speakers of all lists?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todos los oradores de todas las listas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected elections?":"¿Está seguro de que quieres eliminar todas las elecciones seleccionadas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected files and folders?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los archivos y carpetas seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected motions?":"¿Está seguro de eliminar todas mociones actualmente seleccionadas?","Are you sure you want to delete all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todas las participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to delete all speakers from this list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar todos los oradores de la lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to delete the print template?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar la plantilla de impresión?","Are you sure you want to delete this category and all subcategories?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta categoría y todas las subcategorías?","Are you sure you want to delete this change recommendation?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta recomendación de modificación?","Are you sure you want to delete this chat group?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este grupo de chat? ","Are you sure you want to delete this comment field?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este campo de comentarios?","Are you sure you want to delete this election?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta elección?","Are you sure you want to delete this entry?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar esta entrada?","Are you sure you want to delete this file?":"¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este archivo?","Are you sure you want to delete this group?":"¿Está seguro de que desea eliminar este grupo? ","Are you sure you want to delete this message?":"¿Está seguro que desea borrar este mensaje?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion block?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este bloque de moción?","Are you sure you want to delete this motion?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta moción?","Are you sure you want to delete this participant?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar a este participante?","Are you sure you want to delete this projector?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este proyector?","Are you sure you want to delete this statute paragraph?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este párrafo del estatuto?","Are you sure you want to delete this tag?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta etiqueta?","Are you sure you want to delete this topic?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este tema?","Are you sure you want to delete this vote?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este voto?","Are you sure you want to delete this workflow?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este flujo de trabajo?","Are you sure you want to discard this amendment?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere descartar esta enmienda?","Are you sure you want to generate new passwords for all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere generar nuevas contraseñas para todos los participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to number all agenda items?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere numerar todos los puntos del orden del día?","Are you sure you want to override the state of all motions of this motion block?":"¿Está seguro que quiere reemplazar el estado de todas las mociones de este bloque de mociones?","Are you sure you want to remove all selected items from the agenda?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar todos los elementos seleccionados de la agenda?","Are you sure you want to remove this entry from the agenda?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta entrada de la agenda?","Are you sure you want to remove this motion from motion block?":"¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar esta moción de este bloque de mociones?","Are you sure you want to remove this speaker from the list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este orador de la lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this list of speakers?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminarse de esta lista de oradores?","Are you sure you want to renumber all motions of this category?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere renumerar todas las mociones de esta categoría?","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? All changes of this settings group will be lost!":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las opciones a los valores de fábrica? Todos los cambios de este grupo de ajustes se perderán!","Are you sure you want to reset all options to factory defaults? Changes of all settings group will be lost!":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las opciones a los valores de fábrica? Los cambios de todo el grupo de ajustes se perderán!","Are you sure you want to reset all passwords to the default ones?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere restablecer todas las contraseñas a las predeterminadas?","Are you sure you want to reset this vote?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere reiniciar esta votación?","Are you sure you want to send an invitation email to the user?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere enviar un correo electrónico de invitación al usuario?","Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere enviar correos electrónicos a todos los participantes seleccionados?","Are you sure you want to stop this voting?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere parar esta votación?","Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?":"¿Está seguro de que quiere presentar una cuestión de orden?","As of":"A partir de","As recommendation":"Como recomendación","Ask, default no":"Preguntar, por defecto no","Ask, default yes":"Preguntar, por defecto sí","Attachments":"Documentos adjuntos","Automatically open the microphone for new conference speakers":"Abrir automáticamente el micrófono para los nuevos oradores de la conferencia","Automatically open the web cam for new conference speakers":"Abrir automáticamente la webcam para los nuevos oradores de la conferencia","Autopilot":"Piloto automático","Available votes":"Votos disponibles","Back":"Atrás","Back to login":"Volver al acceso","Background color":"Color de fondo","Ballot":"Votación","Ballot opened":"Votación abierta","Ballot papers":"Papeletas de votación","Ballots":"Votaciónes","Base folder":"Directorio básico","Begin of event":"Inicio del evento","Begin speech":"Empezar el discurso","Blank between prefix and number, e.g. 'A 001'.":"Espacio en blanco entre el prefijo y el número, por ejemplo, \"A 001\".","CSV import":"Importación de CSV","Call list":"Lista de llamadas","Called":"Llamado","Called with":"Llamada con","Can change its own password":"Puede cambiar su propia contraseña","Can create amendments":"Puede crear enmiendas","Can create motions":"Puede crear mociones","Can manage agenda":"Puede manejar la agenda","Can manage chat":"Puede manejar el chat","Can manage comments":"Puede manejar los comentarios","Can manage configuration":"Puede manejar las configuraciones","Can manage elections":"Puede manejar las elecciones","Can manage files":"Puede manejar los documentos","Can manage list of speakers":"Puede manejar la lista de oradores","Can manage logos and fonts":"Puede manejar logos y fuentes","Can manage motion metadata":"Puede manejar mociones metadata","Can manage motion polls":"Puede manejar encuestas de mociones","Can manage motions":"Puede manejar las mociones","Can manage tags":"Puede manejar etiquetas","Can manage the projector":"Puede manejar el proyector","Can manage users":"Puede manejar los usuarios","Can nominate another participant":"Puede designar a otro participante","Can nominate oneself":"Puede designar a uno mismo","Can put oneself on the list of speakers":"Puede ponerse en la lista de oradores","Can see agenda":"Puede ver la agenda","Can see comments":"Puede ver los comentarios","Can see elections":"Puede ver las elecciones ","Can see extra data of users (e.g. email and comment)":"Puede ver datos adicionales de los usuarios (por ejemplo, presencia y comentario)","Can see hidden files":"Puede ver ficheros escondidos","Can see history":"Puede ver la historia","Can see internal items and time scheduling of agenda":"Puede ver los puntos internos y la programación del tiempo de la agenda","Can see list of speakers":"Puede ver la lista de oradores","Can see motions":"Puede ver las mociones","Can see motions in internal state":"Puede ver las mociones en estado interno","Can see names of users":"Puede ver los nombres de los usuarios","Can see the autopilot":"Puede ver el piloto automático","Can see the front page":"Puede ver la página inicial","Can see the list of files":"Puede ver la lista de archivos","Can see the live stream":"Puede ver el livestream","Can see the projector":"Puede ver el proyector","Can support motions":"Puede apoyar mociones","Can upload files":"Puede cargar archivos","Cancel":"Cancelar","Cancel edit":"Cancelar edición","Cancel editing without saving":"Cancelar la edición sin guardar","Candidates":"Los candidatos","Cannot create PDF files on this browser.":"No se pueden crear archivos PDF en este navegador. ","Cannot do that in demo mode!":"No se puede hacer eso en el modo demo!","Cannot navigate to the selected history element.":"No se puede navegar hasta el elemento del historial seleccionado.","Categories":"Categorías","Category":"Categoría","Center":"Centro","Change paragraph":"Cambiar el párrafo","Change password":"Cambiar contraseña","Change password for":"Cambiar contraseña para","Change presence":"Cambiar presencia","Change recommendation":"Recomendación de modificación","Change recommendations":"Recomendaciones de modificación","Changed by":"Cambiado por","Changed title":"Título modificado","Changed version":"Versión cambiada","Changed version in line":"Versión cambiada en línea","Changes":"Cambios","Chat":"Chat","Check for updates":"Buscar actualizaciones","Check in or check out participants based on their participant numbers:":"Registrar la entrada o la salida de los participantes en función de su número:","Choose 0 to disable the supporting system.":"Seleccione 0 para desactivar el sistema de apoyo.","Chyron":"Chyron","Chyron background color":"Color de fondo de Chyron","Chyron font color":"Color de la fuente de Chyron","Clear":"Despejar","Clear all":"Despejar todo","Clear all filters":"Despejar todos los filtros","Clear all list of speakers":"Borrar toda la lista de oradores","Clear list":"Borrar la lista","Clear motion block":"Eliminar el bloque de mociones","Clear tags":"Eliminar etiquetas","Click here for more information":"Haga clic aquí para obtener más información","Click here to vote!":"Pulse aquí para votar!","Close":"Cerrar","Close list of speakers":"Cerrar lista de oradores","Closed items":"Artículos cerrados","Collapse all":"Colapsar todo","Column separator":"Separador de columnas","Comma separated names will be read as \"Surname, given name(s)\".":"Los nombres separados por comas se leerán como \"Apellido, nombre(s)\".","Comment":"Comentario","Comment fields":"Campos de comentarios","Comment {arg1} updated":"Comentario {arg1} actualizado","Comments":"Comentarios","Committee":"Comité","Committees":"Comités","Complex Workflow":"Flujo de trabajo complejo","Confirm new password":"Confirme contraseña nueva","Congratuations! Your browser is supported by OpenSlides.":"¡Felicidades! Su navegador es compatible con OpenSlides.","Connect all users to live conference automatically":"Conecte a todos los usuarios a la conferencia en vivo automáticamente","Content":"Contenido","Contribution":"Contribución","Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides.":"Tiene que permitir cookies para utilizar OpenSlides.","Copy and paste your participant names in this textbox.":"Copie y pegue sus nombres de participantes en esta casilla de texto.","Count active users":"Contar los usuarios activos","Count completed requests to speak":"Recuento de solicitudes de intervención completadas","Countdown":"Cuenta atrás","Countdown and traffic light":"Cuenta atrás y semáforo","Countdown description":"Descripción de la cuenta atrás","Countdown time":"Hora de la cuenta atrás","Countdown title":"Título de la cuenta atrás","Countdowns":"Cuentas regresivas","Counter speech":"Discurso de contestación","Counting of votes is in progress ...":"El recuento de votos está en curso ...","Couple countdown with the list of speakers":"Enlace cuentas regresivas con la lista de oradores","Create":"Crear","Create final print template":"Crear la plantilla de impresión final","Create new chat group":"Crear un nuevo grupo de chat","Create user":"Crear usuario","Creating PDF file ...":"Creación de un archivo PDF ...","Creation date":"Fecha de creación","Current browser language":"Lengua actual de navegador","Current date":"Fecha actual","Current list of speakers":"Lista de oradores actual","Currently no livestream available.":"Actualmente no hay transmisión en vivo disponible.","Currently projected":"Actualmente proyectado","Custom aspect ratio":"Relación de aspecto personalizada","Custom number of ballot papers":"Cantidad de papeletas personalizadas","Custom translations":"Traducciones personalizadas","Dear {name},\n\nthis is your personal OpenSlides login:\n\n {url}\n username: {username}\n password: {password}\n\nThis email was generated automatically.":"Querido/a {name}, \n\neste es su login personal de OpenSlides\\\\:\n\n {url} \nNombre de usuario\\\\: {username} \nContraseña\\\\: {password} \n\nEste correo electrónico se ha generado automáticamente.","Decision":"Decisión","Default":"Predeterminado","Default 100 % base of a voting result":"Base por defecto del 100 % del resultado de una votación","Default 100 % base of an election result":"Base por defecto del 100 % de un resultado electoral","Default election method":"Método de elección predeterminado","Default encoding for all csv exports":"Codificación por defecto para todas las exportaciones CSV","Default group":"Grupo por defecto","Default groups with voting rights":"Grupos por defecto con derecho a voto","Default line numbering":"Numeración de líneas predeterminada","Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required majority.":"Método predeterminado de verificar si un candidato alcanzó la mayoría necesaria.","Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority.":"Método predeterminado para verificar si una moción alcanzó la mayoría necesaria.","Default projector":"Proyector predeterminado","Default text version for change recommendations":"Texto predeterminado para las recomendaciones de cambio","Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)":"Visibilidad predeterminado de los nuevos puntos del orden del día (excepto los temas)","Default voting type":"Tipo de votación predeterminado","Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present participants instead.":"Define la desviación máxima. Si se introduce cero, se utilizará la cantidad de participantes presentes en su lugar.","Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause.":"Define la desviación mínima necesaria para reconocer el aplauso.","Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up.":"Define el tiempo en el que se suman los montos de los aplausos.","Delegates":"Delegados","Delegation of vote":"Delegación de voto","Delete":"Eliminar","Delete final print template":"Eliminar la plantilla de impresión final ","Delete message":"Borrar mensaje","Delete projector":"Borrar proyector","Delete recommendation":"Borrar la recomendación","Delete whole history":"Eliminar todo el historial","Deleted user":"Usuario eliminado","Deletion":"Eliminación","Delivering vote... Please wait!":"Entregando el voto... ¡Por favor, espere!","Description":"Descripción","Deselect all":"Deseleccione todo","Designates whether this user is in the room.":"Indica si el usuario está en el cuarto.","Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee.":"Indica si el usuario será tratado como un comité.","Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this instead of deleting the account.":"Indica si este usuario debe tratarse como activo. Deseleccione esta opción en lugar de la eliminación de la cuenta.","Didn't get an email":"No recibió un correo electrónico","Diff version":"Versión de diferencia","Disabled":"Desactivado","Disabled (no percents)":"Desactivado (sin porcentajes)","Display type":"Tipo de pantalla","Divergent:":"Divergente:","Do not concern":"No se preocupe","Do not decide":"No decidir","Do not forget to save your changes!":"No olvide guardar los cambios!","Do not set identifier":"No pongas el identificador","Do you really want to exit this page?":"¿Realmente quiere salir de esta página?","Do you really want to go ahead?":"¿Realmente quiere seguir adelante?","Do you really want to save your changes?":"¿Realmente quiere guardar los cambios?","Does not have notes":"No tiene notas","Done":"Hecho","Download":"Descargar","Download CSV example file":"Descargar archivo CSV de ejemplo","Download folder":"Carpeta de descarga","Drop files into this area OR click here to select files":"Suelte los archivos en esta área O haga clic aquí para seleccionar los archivos","Duplicate":"Duplicar","Duration":"Duración","Duration of all requests to speak":"Duración de todas las peticiones de palabra","Duration of requests to speak":"Duración de las peticiones de palabra","During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID of the voter. This in no way means that a non-nominal vote is completely anonymous and secure. The votes cannot track their individual votes after the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be guaranteed.":"Durante las votaciones no nominales, OpenSlides NO almacena el ID de usuario individual del votante. Esto no significa en absoluto que un voto no nominal sea completamente anónimo y seguro. Los votantes no pueden hacer un seguimiento de sus votos individuales después de que los datos hayan sido enviados. No siempre se puede garantizar la validez de los datos.","Edit":"Editar","Edit comment field":"Editar campo de comentario ","Edit details":"Editar detalles","Edit details for":"Editar detalles para","Edit final print template":"Editar la plantilla de impresión final","Edit projector":"Editar proyector","Edit statute paragraph":"Editar el párrafo del estatuto","Edit tag":"Editar etiqueta","Edit the whole motion text":"Editar todo el texto de la mocion","Edit to enter votes.":"Editar para introducir los votos.","Edit topic":"Editar tema","Election":"Elección","Election documents":"Documentos electorales","Elections":"Elecciones","Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed":"El voto electrónico está desactivado. Sólo se permite el voto analógico","Element":"Elemento","Email":"Correo electrónico","Email body":"Cuerpo del correo electrónico","Email sent":"Correo electrónico enviado","Email subject":"Asunto del correo electrónico","Empty text field":"Campo de texto vacío","Enable forspeech / counter speech":"Habilitar pro / contra palabra","Enable numbering for agenda items":"Habilitar la numeración de los puntos del orden del día","Enable participant presence view":"Activar la vista de presencia de los participantes","Enable points of order":"Habilitar cuestiones de orden","Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)":"Activar el icono de la estrella para marcar al orador (por ejemplo, para la contribución)","Enable virtual applause":"Activar el aplauso virtual","Enable virtual help desk room":"Activar la sala de ayuda virtual","Enable/disable account ...":"Activar/desactivar la cuenta ...","Encoding of the file":"Codificación del archivo","End speech":"Terminar discurso","Enforce page breaks":"Aplicar saltos de página","Enter conference":"Entrar en la conferencia","Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color.":"Introducir la duración en segundos. Seleccione 0 para desactivar el color de advertencia.","Enter live conference":"Entrar en la conferencia en directo","Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next speakers.":"Introduzca el número de los siguientes oradores mostrados. Elija -1 para mostrar todos los siguientes oradores.","Enter participant number":"Introduzca el número de participante","Enter your email to send the password reset link":"Introduzca su correo electrónico para enviar el enlace de restablecimiento de la contraseña","Entitled to vote":"Con derecho a votar","Entitled users":"Usuarios con derecho","Error":"Error","Error during PDF creation of election:":"Error durante la creación del PDF de la elección:","Error during PDF creation of motion:":"Error durante la creación del PDF de la mocion","Error in form field.":"Error en el campo de la forma.","Error: The new passwords do not match.":"Error: Las nuevas contraseñas no coinciden.","Estimated end":"Final estimado","Event":"Evento","Event date":"Fecha del evento","Event location":"Lugar del evento","Event name":"Nombre del evento","Event organizer":"Organizador del evento","Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for list of speakers only)":"Todos pueden ver la solicitud de una cuestión de orden (en lugar de solamente los gestores para la lista de oradores)","Exit":"Salir","Exit conference":"Salir de la conferencia","Exit live conference and continue livestream":"Salir de la conferencia en directo y continuar con el livestream","Expand all":"Ampliar todo ","Export":"Exportar","Export as CSV":"Exportar como CSV","Export as PDF":"Exportar como PDF","Export comment":"Exportar comentario","Export motions":"Exportar mociones","Export personal note only":"Exportar sólo la nota personal","Export selected elections":"Exportar elecciones seleccionadas","Export selected motions":"Exportar mociones seleccionadas","Extension":"Extensión","Favorites":"Favoritos","File information":"Información del archivo","File name":"Nombre de archivo","Files":"Archivos","Filter":"Filtrar","Final print template":"Plantilla de impresión final","Final version":"Versión final","Finished":"Terminado","First speech":"Primer discurso","First state":"Primer estado","Follow recommendation":"Seguir la recomendación","Follow recommendations for all motions":"Seguir las recomendaciones para todas mociones","Following users are currently editing this motion:":"Los siguientes usuarios están editando esta moción:","Foreground color":"Color de primer plano","Forgot Password?":"¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?","Format":"Formato","Forspeech":"Pro palabra","Front page text":"Texto de la página principal","Front page title":"Título de la página principal","Fullscreen":"Pantalla completa","Gender":"Género","General":"Generál","General abstain":"Abstención general","General approval":"Aprobación general","General rejection":"Rechazo general","Generate new passwords":"Genere contraseñas nuevas","Generate password":"Genere contraseña","Give applause":"Aplaudir","Given name":"Nombre","Go to line":"Ir a la línea","Got an email":"Recibí un correo electrónico","Groups":"Grupos","Groups with read permissions":"Grupos con permisos de lectura","Groups with write permissions":"Grupos con permisos de escritura","Guest":"Invitado","Hang up":"Cuelga","Has amendments":"Tiene enmiendas","Has changed vote weight":"Ha cambiado el peso del voto","Has no speakers":"No tiene oradores","Has notes":"Tiene notas","Has speakers":"Tiene oradores","Has unchanged vote weight":"No ha cambiado el peso de los votos","Header background color":"Color de fondo de la cabecera","Header font color":"Color de la fuente de la cabecera","Headline color":"Color del titular","Help desk":"Servicio de asistencia","Help text for access data and welcome PDF":"Texto de ayuda para acceder a datos y PDF de bienvenida","Hidden item":"Elemento oculto","Hide internal items when projecting subitems":"Ocultar artículos internos al proyectar los subelementos","Hide more text":"Ocultar más texto","Hide motion text on projector":"Ocultar el texto de moción en el proyector","Hide password":"Ocultar contraseña","Hide reason on projector":"Ocultar la razón en el proyector","Hide recommendation on projector":"Ocultar la recomendación en el proyector","Hide referring motions":"Ocultar los mociones de referencia","Hide the amount of speakers in subtitle of list of speakers slide":"Ocultar la cantidad de oradores en el subtítulo de la diapositiva de la lista de oradores","Highest applause amount":"Mayor cantidad de aplausos","Hint on voting":"Sugerencia para votar","History":"Historial","Home":"Inicio","How to create new amendments":"Cómo crear nuevas enmiendas","I know the risk":"Conozco el riesgo","Identifier":"Identificador","Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are optional and may be empty.":"Identificador, razón, presentador, categoría, origen y el bloque de moción son opcionales y pueden ser vacíos.","If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Si se trata de una enmienda, puede hacer una copia de seguridad de su contenido al editarla y borrarla después.","Import":"Importar","Import motions":"Importar mociones","Import participants":"Importar participantes","Import statute":"Importar estatuto","Import topics":"Importar temas","In motion list, motion detail and PDF.":"En la lista de mociones, el detalle de la moción y el PDF.","In progress, please wait...":"En progreso, por favor espere...","In the election process":"En el proceso electoral","Inactive":"inactivo","Inconsistent data.":"Datos inconsistentes.","Initial password":"Contraseña inicial","Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM":"Formato de entrada: DD.MM.AAAA HH:MM","Insert after":"Insertar después de","Insert before":"Insertar antes","Insert behind":"Insertar detrás","Insert participants here":"Insertar los participantes aquí","Insert topics here":"Inserte los temas aquí","Insertion":"Inserción","Installed plugins":"Plugins instalados","Internal":"Interno","Internal item":"Elemento interno","Invalid input.":"Entrada inválida.","Invalid line number":"Número de línea inválido","Invalid votes":"Votos inválidos","Is SAML user":"es usuario SAML","Is a committee":"Es un comité","Is active":"Está activo","Is already projected":"Ya está proyectado","Is amendment":"Es enmienda","Is committee":"Es comité","Is favorite":"Está favorito","Is no amendment and has no amendments":"No es una enmienda y no tiene enmiendas","Is not a committee":"No es un comité","Is not active":"No está activo","Is not favorite":"No está favorito","Is not present":"No está presente","Is present":"Está presente","Item number":"Número del tema","Keep each item in a single line.":"Mantenga cada elemento en una sola línea.","Keep each person in a single line.":"Mantenga a cada persona en una sola línea.","Label color":"Color de la etiqueta","Last email send":"Último correo electrónico enviado","Last email sent":"Último correo electrónico enviado","Last modified":"Última modificación","Last speakers":"Últimos oradores","Leave":"Salir","Left":"Se ha ido","Legal notice":"Aviso legal","Level indicator":"Indicador de nivel","License":"Licencia","Line":"Línea","Line length":"Longitud de línea","Line numbering":"Numeración de línea","List of electronic votes":"Lista de votos electrónicos","List of participants":"Lista de participantes","List of participants (PDF)":"Lista de participantes (PDF)","List of speakers":"Lista de oradores","List of speakers is initially closed":"La lista de oradores está inicialmente cerrada","List of speakers overlay":"Lista de oradores sobrepuesta","List view":"Vista de la lista","Live conference":"Conferencia en directo","Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect.":"La conferencia en directo tiene que estar activa. Elija 0 para desactivar la conexión automática.","Livestream":"Livestream","Livestream poster image url":"Url de la imagen del poster de Livestream","Livestream url":"URL del livestream","Loading data. Please wait ...":"Cargando datos. Por favor, espere...","Login":"Login","Login anyway":"Entrar de todos modos","Login as guest":"Entrar como invitado","Logout":"Cerrar sesión","Lowest applause amount":"Menor cantidad de aplausos","Main motion and line number":"Moción principal y número de línea","Mark as personal favorite":"Marcar como favorito personal","Maximum amount of votes":"Cantidad máxima de votos","Media access is denied":"Se deniega el acceso a los medios de comunicación","Media file":"Archivo multimedia","Message":"Mensaje","Messages":"Mensajes","Meta information":"Información meta","Min votes cannot be greater than max votes.":"Los votos mínimos no pueden ser mayores que los votos máximos.","Minimal required version":"Versión mínima requerida","Minimize":"Minimizar","Minimum amount of votes":"Cantidad mínima de votos","More":"más","Motion":"Moción","Motion block":"Bloque de mociones","Motion block set to":"Bloque de moción establecido en","Motion blocks":"Bloques de mociones","Motion change recommendation created":"Se ha creado la recomendación de cambio de la moción","Motion change recommendation deleted":"Se ha eliminado la recomendación de cambio de la moción","Motion change recommendation updated":"Se ha actualizado la recomendación de cambio de la moción","Motion created":"Moción creada","Motion deleted":"Moción eliminado","Motion has been imported":"La moción ha sido importado","Motion preamble":"Preámbulo de moción","Motion text":"Texto de moción","Motion updated":"Moción actualizada","Motion votes":"Votos de moción","Motion will be imported":"La moción se importará","Motion(s) will be imported.":"Mocion(es) serán importadas.","Motions":"Mociones","Motions are in process. Please wait ...":"Las mociones están en proceso. Por favor, espere...","Motions have been imported.":"Las mociones han sido importadas.","Move":"mover","Move in call list":"Pasar a la lista de llamadas","Move into directory":"Mover al directorio","Move selected items ...":"Mover los elementos seleccionados ...","Move to agenda item":"Pasar al punto del orden del día","Multiselect":"Multiselección","Mute / Unmute":"Silenciar/ Desactivar","Name":"Nombre","Name of recommender":"Nombre de recomendadero","Name of recommender for statute amendments":"Nombre del recomendador de las modificaciones del estatuto","Needs review":"Necesita revisión","Never":"Nunca","New Projector":"Nuevo proyector","New amendment":"Nueva enmienda","New ballot":"Nueva papeleta","New category":"Nueva categoría","New change recommendation":"Nueva Recomendación de cambio","New comment field":"Nuevo campo de comentario","New directory":"Nuevo directorio","New election":"Nueva elección","New file name":"Nuevo nomre de archivo","New group name":"Nuevo nombre de grupo","New motion":"Nueva moción","New motion block":"Nuevo bloque de mociones","New participant":"Nuevo participante","New password":"Nueva contraseña","New state":"Nuevo estado","New statute paragraph":"Nuevo párrafo del estatuto","New tag":"Nueva etiqueta","New topic":"Tema nuevo","New vote":"Nueva votación","New workflow":"Nuevo flujo de trabajo","Next":"Siguiente","Next states":"Nuevos estados","No":"No","No category":"Sin categoría","No category set":"Ninguna categoría puesta","No changes at the text.":"Sin cambios en el texto.","No chat groups available":"No hay grupos de chat disponibles","No comment":"Sin comentarios","No concernment":"Ninguna preocupación","No data":"Sin datos","No decision":"Sin decisión","No delegation of vote":"Sin delegación de voto","No email sent":"No se ha enviado ningún correo electrónico","No emails were send.":"No se enviaron correos electrónicos.","No encryption":"Sin encriptación","No groups selected":"No hay grupos seleccionados","No information available":"No hay información disponible","No items selected":"No hay elementos seleccionados","No motion block set":"Ningún bloque de moción puesto","No motions were numbered":"No se numeraron las mociones","No per candidate":"No por candidato","No personal note":"Ninguna nota personal","No recommendation":"Ninguna recomendación","No results yet.":"Todavía no hay resultados.","No search result found":"No se ha encontrado ningún resultado de búsqueda","No statute paragraphs":"Ningún párrafo del estatuto","No tags":"Sin etiquetas","No users with email {0} found.":"No se han encontrado usuarios con correo electrónico {0}.","No.":"No.","None":"Ninguno","Not allowed in demo mode":"No se permite en el modo de demostración","Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one.":"Tenga en cuenta que la contraseña predeterminada se cambiará por la nueva generada.","Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change dialog instead.":"Nota: Su propia contraseña no fue cambiada. Por favor, utilice el diálogo de cambio de contraseña en su lugar.","Notes":"Notas","Number candidates":"Numerar a los candidatos","Number motions":"Numerar a los mociones","Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion":"El número (mínimo) de soportadores necesarios para apoyar una moción","Number of all delegates":"Cantidad de todos delegados","Number of all participants":"Cantidad de todos los participantes","Number of all requests to speak":"Número de todas las solicitudes de palabra","Number of ballot papers":"Cantidad de papeletas de voto","Number of ballot papers (selection)":"Número de papeletas de voto (selección)","Number of candidates":"Número de candidatos","Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector":"Número de los últimos oradores que se muestran en el proyector","Number of minimal digits for identifier":"Número de dígitos mínimos para el identificador","Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference":"Número de próximos oradores que se conectan automáticamente a la conferencia en directo","Number of persons to be elected":"Cantidad de personas que se elegirán","Number of requests to speak":"Número de las solicitudes de palabra","Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector":"Número de los siguientes oradores que se mostrarán en el proyector","Number set":"El número fue establecido","Numbered per category":"Numerado por categoría.","Numbering":"Numeración","Numbering prefix for agenda items":"Prefijo de la numeración de los temas","Numeral system for agenda items":"Sistema numérico para los puntos del orden del día","OK":"OK","Offline mode":"Modo sin conexión","Old password":"Contraseña antigua","One email was send sucessfully.":"Un correo electrónico se ha enviado con éxito. ","One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"Hay que rellenar uno de los nombres, apellidos y nombre de usuario. Los demás campos son opcionales y pueden estar vacíos.","Only countdown":"Sólo cuenta atrás","Only for internal notes.":"Sólo para notas internas.","Only main agenda items":"Sólo los temas principales","Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers":"Sólo los participantes presentes pueden añadirse a la lista de oradores","Only traffic light":"Sólo semáforo","Open":"Abierto","Open Jitsi in new tab":"Abre Jitsi en nueva ficha","Open items":"Temas abiertos","Open list of speakers":"Abrir la lista de oradores","Open projection dialog":"Abrir el diálogo de proyección","Open requests to speak":"Abrir las solicitudes de palabra","OpenSlides Theme":"Tema de OpenSlides","OpenSlides access data":"Datos de accesso de OpenSlides","OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp":"OpenSlides se restablece temporalmente a la siguiente marca de tiempo","OpenSlides recommends":"OpenSlides recomienda","Options":"Opciones","Origin":"Origen","Original":"original","Original version":"Versión original","Outside":"Afuera","Overlay":"Superposición","PDF":"PDF","PDF ballot paper logo":"logo de la papeleta de votación en PDF","PDF export":"Exportación de PDF","PDF footer logo (left)":"PDF de logo a pie de página (izquierda)","PDF footer logo (right)":"PDF de logo a pie de página (derecha)","PDF header logo (left)":"PDF de logo de cabecera (izquierda)","PDF header logo (right)":"PDF de logo de cabecera (derecha)","PDF options":"Opciones de PDF","Page":"Página","Page number alignment in PDF":"Alineación del número de página en PDF","Page numbers":"números de página","Paragraph-based, Diff-enabled":"Basado en párrafos, habilitado para Diff","Parallel upload":"Carga paralela","Parent agenda item":"Artículo superior de la agenda","Parent directory":"Directorio principal","Participant":"Participante","Participant cannot be found":"No se puede encontrar al participante","Participant has been imported":"El participante ha sido importado","Participant number":"Número de participante","Participant number is not unique":"El número de participante no es único","Participant will be imported":"El participante será importado","Participant(s) will be imported.":"El/ Los participante(s) será(n) importado(s).","Participants":"Participantes","Participants have been imported.":"Los participantes han sido importados.","Particles":"Partículas","Password":"Contraseña","Paste/write your topics in this textbox.":"Pegue/escriba sus temas en este cuadro de texto.","Permission":"Permiso","Permissions":"Permisos","Permit":"Permitir","Personal note":"Nota personal","Personal notes":"Notas personales","Phase":"Fase","Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera":"Permita que OpenSlides acceda a su micrófono y/o cámara","Please contact your system administrator.":"Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","Please enter a name for the new directory:":"Introduzca un nombre para el nuevo directorio:","Please enter a name for the new workflow:":"Introduzca un nombre para el nuevo flujo de trabajo:","Please enter a valid email address":"Por favor, introduzca un correo electrónico válido","Please enter a valid email address!":"Por favor, introduzca un correo electrónico válido!","Please enter your new password":"Por favor, introduzca su nueva contraseña","Please login via your identity provider.":"Por favor, inicie sesión a través de su proveedor de identidad.","Please select the directory:":"Seleccione el directorio:","Please update your browser or contact your system administration.":"Por favor, actualice su navegador o póngase en contacto con la administración de su sistema.","Point of order":"Cuestión de orden","Poll created":"Encuesta creada","Poll deleted":"Encuesta eliminada","Poll updated":"Encuesta actualizada","Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)":"Texto inicial para el documento PDF (todas las elecciones)","Preamble text for PDF documents of motions":"Texto inicial para documento PDF para las mociones","Predefined seconds of new countdowns":"Tiempo en segundos predeterminado para nuevas cuentas regresivas","Prefix":"Prefijo","Prefix for the identifier for amendments":"Prefijo para el identificador de modificaciones","Presence":"Presencia","Present":"Presente","Presentation and assembly system":"Sistema de plenaria y presentación","Preview":"Vista previa","Previous":"Anteriormente","Previous slides":"Diapositivas anteriores","Privacy Policy":"Política de privacidad","Privacy policy":"Política de privacidad","Project":"Proyectar","Project selection?":"¿Selección del proyecto?","Projection defaults":"Predeterminaciones de proyección","Projector":"Proyector","Projector header image":"Imagen de cabecera del proyector","Projector language":"Lengua de proyección","Projector logo":"Logo del proyector","Projectors":"Proyectores","Public":"Público","Public item":"artículo público","Publish":"Publicar","Publish immediately":"Publicar inmediatamente","Put all candidates on the list of speakers":"Poner a todos los candidatos en la lista de oradores","Queue":"Cola de espera","QuotaExceededError: The local storage's quota is too low":"QuotaExceededError: La cuota del almacenamiento local es demasiado baja","Re-add last speaker":"Volver a añadir el último orador","Reason":"Razón","Reason required for creating new motion":"Razón necesaria para crear una nueva moción","Received votes":"Votos recibidos","Recommendation":"Recomendación","Recommendation label":"Etiqueta de recomendación","Recommendation set to {arg1}":"Recomendación establecido en (arg1)","Reenter to live conference":"Volver a entrar a la conferencia en directo","Refer to committee":"Remitir a comité","Referral to committee":"Remisión al comité","Referring motions":"Mociones de referencia","Refresh":"Actualizar","Reject":"Rechazar","Reject (not authorized)":"Rechazar (no autorizado)","Rejected":"Rechazado","Rejection":"Rechazo","Rejection (not authorized)":"Rechazo (no autorizado)","Remove":"Eliminar","Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see livestream.":"Eliminar la URL para desactivar el livestream. Compruebe el permiso de grupo adicional para ver el livestream.","Remove all speakers":"Eliminar todos oradores","Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early state":"Eliminar todos los partidarios de una moción si un remitente edita su moción en estado temprano","Remove candidate":"Eliminar el candidato","Remove from agenda":"Eliminar del orden del día","Remove from motion block":"Eliminar del bloque de mociones","Remove me":"Quitarme","Replacement":"Sustitución","Reply address":"Dirección de respuesta","Request":"Solicite","Requests to speak":"Solicita la palabra","Required":"Necesario","Required comma or semicolon separated values with these column header names in the first row:":"Requiere valores separados por comas o punto y coma con estos nombres de encabezados de columna en la primera fila","Required majority":"Mayoría necesaria","Reset":"Restablecer","Reset cache":"Restablecer caché","Reset password":"Restablecer contraseña","Reset passwords to the default ones":"Restablecer las contraseñas por defecto","Reset recommendation":"Restablecer recomendación","Reset state":"Restablecer el estado","Reset to factory defaults":"Restablecer los predeterminaciones de fábrica","Resolution and size":"Resolución y tamaño","Restart livestream":"Reiniciar el livestream","Restrictions":"Restricciones","Right":"Derecha","Roman":"Romano","Save":"Guardar","Save all changes":"Guardar todos los cambios","Save final print template":"Guardar la plantilla de impresión final","Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN.":"Escanee este código QR para conectarse al WLAN.","Scan this QR code to open URL.":"Escanee este código QR para abrir el URL.","Scroll down":"Desplazar hacia abajo","Scroll down (big step)":"Desplazar hacia abajo (gran paso)","Scroll up":"Desplazar hacia arriba","Scroll up (big step)":"Desplazar hacia arriba (gran paso)","Search":"Buscar","Search player":"Buscar jugador","Searching for candidates":"Buscando candidatos","Secret voting can not be guaranteed":"No se puede garantizar el voto secreto","Select a new candidate":"Seleccione un nuevo candidato","Select all":"Seleccione todo","Select file":"Seleccione un archivo","Select or search new speaker ...":"Seleccione o busque un nuevo orador ...","Select or search new submitter ...":"Seleccione o busque un emisor ...","Select paragraphs":"Seleccionar párrafos","Send":"Enviar","Send invitation email":"Enviar invitación por correo electrónico","Sender name":"Nombre del remitente","Sending an invitation email":"Enviar un correo de invitación","Separator used for all csv exports and examples":"Separador usado para la exportación de todos archivos CSV y ejemplos","Sequential number":"Número secuencial","Serially numbered":"Numerados en serie","Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration.":"Configuración del servidor necesaria para activar la integración de Jitsi Meet.","Set as favorite":"Establecer como favorito","Set as not favorite":"Establecer como no favorito","Set as parent":"Establecer como padre","Set as reference projector":"Establecer como proyector de referencia","Set category":"Establecer categoría","Set committee ...":"Establecer comité ...","Set favorite":"Establecer el favorito","Set hidden":"Establecer ocultado","Set internal":"Establecer interno","Set it manually":"Defínelo manualmente","Set motion block":"Establecer bloque de mociones","Set presence ...":"Establecer presencia ...","Set public":"Establecer público","Set recommendation":"Establecer recomendación","Set status":"Ponga estatus","Set status for selected participants:":"Establecer el estado de los participantes seleccionados:","Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers":"Establece este proyector como referencia para la lista actual de oradores","Settings":"Configuración","Short description of event":"Descripción breve del evento","Show all":"Mostrar todo","Show all changes":"Mostrar todos los cambios","Show amendment":"Mostrar la enmienda","Show amendment in parent motion":"Mostrar la enmienda en la moción principal","Show amendments together with motions":"Mostrar enmienda junto con las mociones","Show applause amount":"Mostrar cantidad de aplausos","Show checkbox to record decision":"Mostrar la casilla para registrar la decisión","Show clock":"Mostrar reloj","Show correct entries":"Mostrar las entradas correctas","Show correct entries only":"Mostrar sólo las entradas correctas","Show devtools":"Mostrar devtools","Show entire motion text":"Mostrar todo el texto del moción","Show errors only":"Mostrar sólo los errores","Show full text":"Mostrar el texto completo","Show header and footer":"Mostrar cabecera y pie de página","Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view":"Mostrar la pista \"primer discurso\" en la vista de gestión de la lista de oradores","Show live conference window":"Mostrar la ventana de la conferencia en directo","Show logo":"Mostrar logo","Show meta information box below the title on projector":"Mostrar el cuadro de información meta debajo del título en el proyector","Show motion submitters in the agenda":"Mostrar a los presentadores de la moción en la agenda","Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time":"Mostrar en naranja la cuenta regresiva en los últimos x segundos de tiempo de palabra","Show password":"Mostrar contraseña","Show preview":"Mostrar vista previa","Show profile":"Mostrar perfil","Show recommendation extension field":"Mostrar el campo de extensión de la recomendación","Show state extension field":"Mostrar el campo de extensión del estado","Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents":"Mostrar los remitentes y la recomendación/estado en el índice","Show the sequential number for a motion":"Mostrar el número secuencial de una moción","Show this text on the login page":"Mostrar este texto en la página de inicio de sesión.","Show title":"Mostrar título","Show/Hide video conference":"Mostrar/Ocultar video conferencia","Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room for technical audio/video tests.":"Muestra un botón con un icono de ayuda para conectarse a una sala de conferencias Jitsi adicional para realizar pruebas técnicas de audio/vídeo.","Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG or JPG":"Se muestra si el livestream no está iniciado. Formato de imagen recomendado: 500x200px, PNG o JPG","Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: 24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG":"Muestra la imagen dada como partícula de aplauso. Formato de imagen recomendado: 24x24px, PNG, JPG o SVG","Simple Workflow":"Flujo de trabajo sencillo","Simple majority":"Mayoría simple","Single votes":"Votos individuales","Slide":"Diapositiva","Sort":"Ordenar","Sort agenda":"Ordenar la agenda","Sort by identifier":"Ordenar por identificador","Sort categories":"Ordenar las categorías","Sort comments":"Ordenar los comentarios","Sort election results by amount of votes":"Ordenar los resultados electorales por cantidad de votos","Sort motions":"Ordenar los mociones","Sort motions by":"Ordenar los mociones por","Sort name of participants by":"Ordenar nombre de participantes por","Speakers":"Oradores","Staff":"Personal","Standard font size in PDF":"Tamaño de letra estándar en PDF","Standard page size in PDF":"Tamaño de página estándar en PDF","Start time":"Tiempo de inicio","Start voting":"Empezar a votar","State":"Estado","State set to {arg1}":"Estado establecido en (arg1) ","Statistics":"Estadísticas","Status":"Estatus","Statute":"Estatuto","Statute amendment":"Modificación del estatuto","Statute amendment for":"Modificación del estatuto para","Statute paragraph":"Párrafo del estatuto","Statute paragraph has been imported":"Se ha importado el párrafo del estatuto","Statute paragraph will be imported":"Se importará el párrafo del estatuto","Statute paragraphs":"Párrafos del estatuto ","Stop":"Parar","Stop & publish":"Parar y publicar","Stop counting":"Deja de contar","Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users":"Dejar de presentar nuevas propuestas por parte de usuarios no relacionados con el personal","Stop voting":"Dejar de votar","Structure level":"Nivel de estructura","Subcategory":"Subcategoría","Submit selection now?":"¿Someter la selección ahora?","Submit vote now":"Enviar el voto ahora","Submitters":"Entregadores","Submitters changed":"Entregadores cambiados","Sum of votes including general No/Abstain":"Suma de los votos, incluido el No/Abstención general","Summary of changes":"Resumen de cambios","Summary of changes:":"Resumen de cambios: ","Support":"Soporte","Supporters":"Seguidores","Supporters changed":"Los seguidores cambiaron","Surname":"Apellido","System":"Sistema","System URL":"URL del sistema","Table of contents":"Tabla de contenidos","Tag":"Etiqueta","Tags":"Etiquetas","Text":"Texto","Text import":"Importación de textos","Text separator":"Separador de texto","The assembly may decide:":"La asamblea podrá decidir:","The directory does not exist":"El directorio no existe","The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet.":"El gestor del evento aún no ha establecido un aviso legal.","The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet.":"El gestor del evento aún no ha establecido una política de privacidad.","The file has too few columns to be parsed properly.":"El archivo tiene muy pocas columnas para ser analizado correctamente.","The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored.":"El archivo parece tener columnas adicionales. Se ignorarán.","The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty.":"El archivo parece tener algunas columnas omitidas. Se considerarán vacías.","The link is broken. Please contact your system administrator.":"El enlace no funciona. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","The list of speakers is closed.":"La lista de oradores está cerrado.","The list of speakers is open.":"La lista de oradores está abierta.","The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session.":"La conferencia en directo ya está en marcha en su sesión de OpenSlides.","The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is enabled. Min: 40":"El número máximo de caracteres por línea. Relevante cuando la numeración de líneas está activada. Mínimo: 40","The name contains invalid characters: \"/\"":"El nombre contiene caracteres no válidos: \"/\"","The number has to be greater than 0.":"El número tiene que ser mayor que 0.","The parent motion was deleted.":"La moción principal fue eliminado","The reason field may not be blank.":"El campo de la razón no puede estar en blanco.","The requested method is not allowed. Please contact your system administrator.":"El método solicitado no está permitido. Póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema.","The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should modified by administrator only.":"La dirección del remitente se define en la configuración del servidor de OpenSlides y debe ser modificada únicamente por el administrador.","The server could not be reached.":"No se ha podido acceder al servidor.","The server didn't respond.":"El servidor no respondió.","The text field may not be blank.":"El campo de texto no puede estar en blanco.","The title is required":"El título es obligatorio","The title of the motion is always applied.":"El título de la moción siempre se aplica.","The user %user% has no email, so the invitation email could not be send.":"El usuario %user% no tiene correo electrónico, por lo que el correo de invitación no pudo ser enviado.","The users %user% have no email, so the invitation emails could not be send.":"Los usuarios %user% no tienen correo electrónico, por lo que los correos de invitación no pudieron ser enviados.","There are no items left to chose from":"No hay artículos para elegir","There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually.":"Hay un error en esta enmienda. Por favor, edítelo manualmente.","Thereof point of orders":"De ahí el punto de órdenes","This ballot contains deleted users.":"Esta papeleta contiene usuarios eliminados.","This change collides with another one.":"Este cambio choca con otro.","This element does not exist at this time.":"Este elemento no existe en este momento.","This field is required.":"Este campo es obligatorio.","This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:":"Este párrafo ya no existe en la moción principal:","This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering.":"Este prefijo se establecerá si se ejecuta la numeración automática de la agenda.","This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:":"Esto añadirá o eliminará los siguientes grupos para todos los participantes seleccionados:","This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:":"Esto añadirá o eliminará los siguientes presentadores para todas las mociones seleccionadas:","This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:":"Esto añadirá o eliminará las siguientes etiquetas para todos los mociones seleccionados:","This will move all selected motions as childs to:":"Esto moverá todos los mociones seleccionados como hijos a:","This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in the call list:":"Esto moverá todas las mociones seleccionadas debajo o después de la siguiente moción en la lista de llamadas:","This will reset all made changes and sort the call list.":"Esto restablecerá todos los cambios realizados y ordenará la lista de llamadas.","This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:":"Esto establecerá el estado de favorito para todos los mociones seleccionados:","This will set the following category for all selected motions:":"Esto establecerá la siguiente categoría para todos los mociones seleccionados:","This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:":"Esto establecerá el siguiente bloque de moción para todos los mociones seleccionados:","This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:":"Esto establecerá la siguiente recomendación para todas las mociones seleccionadas:","This will set the following state for all selected motions:":"Esto establecerá el siguiente estado para todos los mociones seleccionados:","Three-quarters majority":"Mayoría de tres-quartos","Tile view":"Vista de azulejos","Timestamp":"Marca de tiempo","Title":"Título","Title for PDF document (all elections)":"Título de documento PDF (todas las elecciones)","Title for PDF documents of motions":"Título de documento PDF de las mociones","Title for access data and welcome PDF":"Título para PDF de datos de acceso y de bienvenida","Title is required. All other fields are optional and may be empty.":"El título es obligatorio. Todos los demás campos son opcionales y pueden estar vacíos.","Topic":"Tema","Topic has been imported":"El tema ha sido importado","Topic will be imported":"El tema será importado","Topics":"Temas","Topics have been imported.":"Los temas han sido importados.","Topics(s) will be imported.":"Los temas serán importados.","Total votes cast":"Total de votos emitidos","Touch the book icon to enter text":"Toca el icono del libro para introducir el texto","Translation":"Traducción","Two-thirds majority":"Mayoría de dos tercios","Type":"Típo","Undone":"Deshecho","Unique speakers":"Oradores únicos","Unsupport":"Desapoye","Upload":"Subida","Upload files":"Subir archivos","Upload to:":"Subir a: ","Use admin and admin for your first login.
Please change your password to hide this message!":"Usar admin y admin para su primer ingreso.
Por favor, cambie su contraseña para ocultar este mensaje.","Use the following custom number":"Utilice el siguiente número personalizado","Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}. The url referrs to the system url.":"Utilice estos marcadores de posición: {nombre}, {nombre_evento}, {url}, {nombre_de_usuario}, {contraseña}. La url se refiere a la url del sistema.","Used for QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Utilizado para QRCode en PDF de los datos de acceso.","Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data.":"Utilizado para WLAN QRCode en PDF de los datos de acceso.","Username":"Nombre de usuario","Username or password is not correct.":"Nombre de usuario o contraseña no es correcto.","Uses leading zeros to sort motions correctly by identifier.":"Utiliza ceros a la izquierda para ordenar correctamente los mociones por identificador.","Valid votes":"Votos válidos","View":"Ver","Virtual applause":"Aplauso virtual","Visibility":"Visibilidad","Vote":"Votar","Vote created":"Voto creado","Vote deleted":"Voto eliminado","Vote updated":"Voto actualizado","Vote weight":"Peso del voto","Votes":"Votos","Voting and ballot papers":"Votación y papeletas de votación","Voting anonymized":"Votación anónima","Voting is currently in progress.":"La votación está en curso.","Voting method":"Método de votación","Voting opened":"La votación se abrió","Voting reset":"Reinicio de la votación","Voting result":"Resultado de la votación","Voting right delegated to (proxy)":"Derecho de voto delegado a (proxy)","Voting right for":"Derecho de voto para","Voting right received from (principals)":"Derecho de voto recibido de (mandantes)","Voting started":"La votación ha comenzado","Voting stopped":"La votación se ha detenido","Voting successful.":"Votaciones exitosas.","Voting type":"Tipo de votación","Votings":"Votaciones","WEP":"WEP","WLAN access data":"Datos de acceso WLAN","WLAN encryption":"Codificación de WLAN","WLAN name (SSID)":"Nombre (SSID) de WLAN","WLAN password":"Contraseña de WLAN","WPA/WPA2":"WPA/WPA2","Warning: Amendments exist for this motion. Editing this text will likely impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if the paragraph they affect is deleted.":"Advertencia: Existen enmiendas a esta moción. La edición de este texto puede tener un impacto negativo sobre ellas. En particular, las enmiendas podrían quedar inutilizadas si se elimina el párrafo al que afectan.","Web interface header logo":"Logo de la cabecera de la interfaz web","Welcome to OpenSlides":"Bienvenido a OpenSlides","Which version?":"¿Qué versión?","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute amendments.":"Se mostrará como etiqueta antes de la recomendación seleccionada en las modificaciones de los estatutos.","Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty value to disable the recommendation system.":"Se mostrará como etiqueta antes de la recomendación seleccionada. Utilice un valor vacío para desactivar el sistema de recomendación.","Withdraw":"Retirar","Withdraw point of order":"Retirar la cuestión de orden","Workflow":"Flujo de trabajo","Workflow of new amendments":"Flujo de trabajo de las nuevas enmiendas","Workflow of new motions":"Flujo de trabajo para mociones nuevas","Workflow of new statute amendments":"Flujo de trabajo de las modificaciones de los nuevos estatutos","Workflows":"Flujos de trabajo","Yes":"Sí","Yes per candidate":"Sí por candidato","Yes/No":"Sí/No","Yes/No per candidate":"Sí/No por candidato","Yes/No/Abstain":"Sí/No/Abstenerse","Yes/No/Abstain per candidate":"Sí/No/Abstenerse por candidato","You are not allowed to see all entitled users.":"No se le permite ver a todos los usuarios con derecho.","You are not authenticated.":"Usted no está autenticado.","You are not supposed to be here...":"No se supone que estés aquí...","You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved.":"Está utilizando el modo historia de OpenSlides. Los cambios no se guardarán.","You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards.":"Puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de su contenido cuando lo edites y borrarlo después.","You can just anonymize named polls":"Puedes anonimizar las encuestas con nombre","You can not deactivate yourself.":"No puede desactivarse a sí mismo.","You can not delete yourself.":"No puede eliminarse a sí mismo.","You can not vote because this is an analog voting.":"No se puede votar porque se trata de una votación analógica.","You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started.":"No puedes votar ahora mismo porque la votación aún no ha comenzado.","You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder.":"Puede utilizar {nombre_del_evento} y {nombre_del_usuario} como marcadores de posición.","You can't delete the last projector.":"No se puede borrar el último proyector.","You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!":"No se puede cambiar la recomendación de las mociones en diferentes flujos de trabajo!","You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!":"No se puede cambiar el estado de los mociones en diferentes flujos de trabajo.","You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not allowed).":"No se puede delegar una delegación de voto en otro usuario (no se permite el uso en cascada).","You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote.":"No puedes delegar un voto a un usuario que ya ha delegado su voto.","You cannot delegate a vote to yourself.":"No puede delegar un voto a sí mismo.","You cannot delete the first state of the workflow.":"No se puede eliminar el primer estado del flujo de trabajo.","You cannot delete the last workflow.":"No se puede eliminar el último flujo de trabajo.","You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated.":"No puede votar ya que su derecho de voto está delegado.","You do not have the permission to vote.":"No tiene permiso para votar.","You do not have the required permission to see that page!":"No tiene el permiso necesario para ver esa página!","You have already voted.":"Ya has votado.","You have to be logged in to be able to vote.":"Tiene que estar conectado para poder votar.","You have to be present to vote.":"Tiene que estar presente para votar.","You have to fill this field.":"Tiene que rellenar este campo.","You made changes.":"Has hecho cambios.","You override the personally set password!":"Está reemplazando la contraseña personal!","You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first.":"Has alcanzado el máximo de votos. Deselecciona a alguien primero.","Your account is not active.":"Su cuenta no está activa.","Your browser":"Su navegador","Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!":"Su navegador no es compatible con OpenSlides!","Your decision cannot be changed afterwards.":"Su decisión no puede ser modificada posteriormente.","Your device has no microphone":"Su dispositivo no tiene micrófono","Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\"":"Su entrada no coincide con la siguiente estructura: \"hh:mm\"","Your password was resetted successfully!":"Su contraseña ha sido restablecida con éxito.","Your voting right was delegated to another person.":"Su derecho de voto fue delegado a otra persona.","Zoom in":"Acercar","Zoom out":"Alejar","[Begin speech] starts the countdown, [End speech] stops the countdown.":"[Iniciar discurso] comienza la cuenta regresiva, [Terminar discurso] detiene la cuenta regresiva.","[Place for your welcome and help text.]":"[Espacio para su texto de bienvenida y de ayuda.]","[Space for your welcome text.]":"[Espacio para su texto de bienvenida.]","absent":"ausente","accepted":"aceptado","active":"activo","active users":"usuarios activos","add group(s)":"añadir grupo(s)","adjourned":"pospuesto","analog":"analógico","and":"y","at least":"al menos","ballot-paper":"papeleta","by":"de","committee":"comité","connecting ...":"conectando ...","connections":"conexiones","contribution":"contribución","created":"creado","custom":"personalizado","disabled":"desactivado","disconnected":"desconectado","diverse":"diverso","e.g. for online meetings":"por ejemplo, para las reuniones en línea","emails":"correos electrónicos","entries will be ommitted.":"se omitirán las entradas.","errors":"errores","example":"ejemplo","female":"mujer","finished (unpublished)":"terminado (no publicado)","fullscreen":"pantalla completa","green":"verde","grey":"gris","has saved his work on this motion.":"ha guardado su trabajo en esta moción.","hidden":"ocultado","in progress":"en curso","inactive":"inactivo","inline":"en línea","internal":"interno","is now":"ahora está","items":"temas","items per page":"temas por página","items selected":"temas seleccionado","lightblue":"azul claro","majority":"mayoría","male":"hombre","motions":"mociones","motions-example":"mociones - ejemplo","move ...":"mover ...","needs review":"necesita revisión","no committee":"no comité","nominal":"nominal","non-nominal":"no nominal","none":"ninguno","not concerned":"no afectado","not decided":"no decidido","of":"de","open votes":"votos abiertos","or":"o","outside":"afuera","participants-example":"participants-example","permitted":"permitido","present":"presente","public":"público","published":"publicado","red":"rojo","refered to committee":"remitido al comité","rejected":"rechazado","rejected (not authorized)":"rechazado (no autorizado)","remove group(s)":"Eliminar grupo(s)","represented by":"representado por","result":"resultado","results":"resultados","selected":"seleccionado","started":"empezado","statute paragraphs have been imported.":"los párrafos del estatuto han sido importados.","statute paragraphs(s) will be imported.":"Se importarán los párrafo(s) del estatuto.","submitted":"presentado","supporters":"seguidores","to":"a","undocumented":"indocumentado","version":"versión","with filter":"con filtro","withdrawed":"retirado","yellow":"amarillo"}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/client/src/assets/i18n/es.po b/client/src/assets/i18n/es.po
index 24c2f1681..150e0e7c9 100644
--- a/client/src/assets/i18n/es.po
+++ b/client/src/assets/i18n/es.po
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ msgid "Allow users to set themselves as present"
msgstr "Permitir a los usuarios establecerse como presentes"
msgid "Allowed access groups for this directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Grupos de acceso permitidos para este directorio"
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Siempre"
@@ -449,6 +449,9 @@ msgstr ""
"¿Está seguro de que quiere enviar correos electrónicos a todos los "
"participantes seleccionados?"
+msgid "Are you sure you want to stop this voting?"
+msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere parar esta votación?"
msgid "Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?"
msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere presentar una cuestión de orden?"
@@ -687,10 +690,10 @@ msgid "Change presence"
msgstr "Cambiar presencia"
msgid "Change recommendation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Recomendación de modificación"
msgid "Change recommendations"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Recomendaciones de modificación"
msgid "Changed by"
msgstr "Cambiado por"
@@ -702,7 +705,7 @@ msgid "Changed version"
msgstr "Versión cambiada"
msgid "Changed version in line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versión cambiada en línea"
msgid "Changes"
msgstr "Cambios"
@@ -809,7 +812,7 @@ msgid "Content"
msgstr "Contenido"
msgid "Contribution"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Contribución"
msgid "Cookies have to be enabled to use OpenSlides."
msgstr "Tiene que permitir cookies para utilizar OpenSlides."
@@ -821,7 +824,7 @@ msgid "Count active users"
msgstr "Contar los usuarios activos"
msgid "Count completed requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Recuento de solicitudes de intervención completadas"
msgid "Countdown"
msgstr "Cuenta atrás"
@@ -842,7 +845,7 @@ msgid "Countdowns"
msgstr "Cuentas regresivas"
msgid "Counter speech"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Discurso de contestación"
msgid "Counting of votes is in progress ..."
msgstr "El recuento de votos está en curso ..."
@@ -854,7 +857,7 @@ msgid "Create"
msgstr "Crear"
msgid "Create final print template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Crear la plantilla de impresión final"
msgid "Create new chat group"
msgstr "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat"
@@ -887,7 +890,7 @@ msgid "Custom aspect ratio"
msgstr "Relación de aspecto personalizada"
msgid "Custom number of ballot papers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad de papeletas personalizadas"
msgid "Custom translations"
msgstr "Traducciones personalizadas"
@@ -920,13 +923,13 @@ msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predeterminado"
msgid "Default 100 % base of a voting result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Base por defecto del 100 % del resultado de una votación"
msgid "Default 100 % base of an election result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Base por defecto del 100 % de un resultado electoral"
msgid "Default election method"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Método de elección predeterminado"
msgid "Default encoding for all csv exports"
msgstr "Codificación por defecto para todas las exportaciones CSV"
@@ -938,52 +941,60 @@ msgid "Default groups with voting rights"
msgstr "Grupos por defecto con derecho a voto"
msgid "Default line numbering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numeración de líneas predeterminada"
msgid ""
"Default method to check whether a candidate has reached the required "
msgstr ""
+"Método predeterminado de verificar si un candidato alcanzó la mayoría "
msgid ""
"Default method to check whether a motion has reached the required majority."
msgstr ""
+"Método predeterminado para verificar si una moción alcanzó la mayoría "
msgid "Default projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Proyector predeterminado"
msgid "Default text version for change recommendations"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto predeterminado para las recomendaciones de cambio"
msgid "Default visibility for new agenda items (except topics)"
msgstr ""
+"Visibilidad predeterminado de los nuevos puntos del orden del día (excepto "
+"los temas)"
msgid "Default voting type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tipo de votación predeterminado"
msgid ""
"Defines the maximum deflection. Entering zero will use the amount of present"
" participants instead."
msgstr ""
+"Define la desviación máxima. Si se introduce cero, se utilizará la cantidad "
+"de participantes presentes en su lugar."
msgid ""
"Defines the minimum deflection which is required to recognize applause."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Define la desviación mínima necesaria para reconocer el aplauso."
msgid "Defines the time in which applause amounts are add up."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Define el tiempo en el que se suman los montos de los aplausos."
msgid "Delegates"
msgstr "Delegados"
msgid "Delegation of vote"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Delegación de voto"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"
msgid "Delete final print template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminar la plantilla de impresión final "
msgid "Delete message"
msgstr "Borrar mensaje"
@@ -995,7 +1006,7 @@ msgid "Delete recommendation"
msgstr "Borrar la recomendación"
msgid "Delete whole history"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminar todo el historial"
msgid "Deleted user"
msgstr "Usuario eliminado"
@@ -1013,21 +1024,23 @@ msgid "Deselect all"
msgstr "Deseleccione todo"
msgid "Designates whether this user is in the room."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Indica si el usuario está en el cuarto."
msgid "Designates whether this user should be treated as a committee."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Indica si el usuario será tratado como un comité."
msgid ""
"Designates whether this user should be treated as active. Unselect this "
"instead of deleting the account."
msgstr ""
+"Indica si este usuario debe tratarse como activo. Deseleccione esta opción "
+"en lugar de la eliminación de la cuenta."
msgid "Didn't get an email"
msgstr "No recibió un correo electrónico"
msgid "Diff version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versión de diferencia"
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Desactivado"
@@ -1036,13 +1049,13 @@ msgid "Disabled (no percents)"
msgstr "Desactivado (sin porcentajes)"
msgid "Display type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tipo de pantalla"
msgid "Divergent:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Divergente:"
msgid "Do not concern"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se preocupe"
msgid "Do not decide"
msgstr "No decidir"
@@ -1051,19 +1064,19 @@ msgid "Do not forget to save your changes!"
msgstr "No olvide guardar los cambios!"
msgid "Do not set identifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No pongas el identificador"
msgid "Do you really want to exit this page?"
msgstr "¿Realmente quiere salir de esta página?"
msgid "Do you really want to go ahead?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Realmente quiere seguir adelante?"
msgid "Do you really want to save your changes?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Realmente quiere guardar los cambios?"
msgid "Does not have notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No tiene notas"
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Hecho"
@@ -1079,6 +1092,8 @@ msgstr "Carpeta de descarga"
msgid "Drop files into this area OR click here to select files"
msgstr ""
+"Suelte los archivos en esta área O haga clic aquí para seleccionar los "
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicar"
@@ -1087,10 +1102,10 @@ msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Duración"
msgid "Duration of all requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Duración de todas las peticiones de palabra"
msgid "Duration of requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Duración de las peticiones de palabra"
msgid ""
"During non-nominal voting OpenSlides does NOT store the individual user ID "
@@ -1099,6 +1114,11 @@ msgid ""
"the data has been submitted. The validity of the data cannot always be "
msgstr ""
+"Durante las votaciones no nominales, OpenSlides NO almacena el ID de usuario"
+" individual del votante. Esto no significa en absoluto que un voto no "
+"nominal sea completamente anónimo y seguro. Los votantes no pueden hacer un "
+"seguimiento de sus votos individuales después de que los datos hayan sido "
+"enviados. No siempre se puede garantizar la validez de los datos."
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editar"
@@ -1144,9 +1164,10 @@ msgstr "Elecciones"
msgid "Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed"
msgstr ""
+"El voto electrónico está desactivado. Sólo se permite el voto analógico"
msgid "Element"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elemento"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correo electrónico"
@@ -1161,57 +1182,63 @@ msgid "Email subject"
msgstr "Asunto del correo electrónico"
msgid "Empty text field"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Campo de texto vacío"
msgid "Enable forspeech / counter speech"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Habilitar pro / contra palabra"
msgid "Enable numbering for agenda items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Habilitar la numeración de los puntos del orden del día"
msgid "Enable participant presence view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Activar la vista de presencia de los participantes"
msgid "Enable points of order"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Habilitar cuestiones de orden"
msgid "Enable star icon to mark speaker (e.g. for contribution)"
msgstr ""
+"Activar el icono de la estrella para marcar al orador (por ejemplo, para la "
msgid "Enable virtual applause"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Activar el aplauso virtual"
msgid "Enable virtual help desk room"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Activar la sala de ayuda virtual"
msgid "Enable/disable account ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Activar/desactivar la cuenta ..."
msgid "Encoding of the file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Codificación del archivo"
msgid "End speech"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Terminar discurso"
msgid "Enforce page breaks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aplicar saltos de página"
msgid "Enter conference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entrar en la conferencia"
msgid "Enter duration in seconds. Choose 0 to disable warning color."
msgstr ""
+"Introducir la duración en segundos. Seleccione 0 para desactivar el color de"
+" advertencia."
msgid "Enter live conference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entrar en la conferencia en directo"
msgid ""
"Enter number of the next shown speakers. Choose -1 to show all next "
msgstr ""
+"Introduzca el número de los siguientes oradores mostrados. Elija -1 para "
+"mostrar todos los siguientes oradores."
msgid "Enter participant number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Introduzca el número de participante"
msgid "Enter your email to send the password reset link"
msgstr ""
@@ -1219,28 +1246,28 @@ msgstr ""
"de la contraseña"
msgid "Entitled to vote"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Con derecho a votar"
msgid "Entitled users"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usuarios con derecho"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"
msgid "Error during PDF creation of election:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Error durante la creación del PDF de la elección:"
msgid "Error during PDF creation of motion:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Error durante la creación del PDF de la mocion"
msgid "Error in form field."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Error en el campo de la forma."
msgid "Error: The new passwords do not match."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Error: Las nuevas contraseñas no coinciden."
msgid "Estimated end"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Final estimado"
msgid "Event"
msgstr "Evento"
@@ -1249,7 +1276,7 @@ msgid "Event date"
msgstr "Fecha del evento"
msgid "Event location"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lugar del evento"
msgid "Event name"
msgstr "Nombre del evento"
@@ -1261,18 +1288,20 @@ msgid ""
"Everyone can see the request of a point of order (instead of managers for "
"list of speakers only)"
msgstr ""
+"Todos pueden ver la solicitud de una cuestión de orden (en lugar de "
+"solamente los gestores para la lista de oradores)"
msgid "Exit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Salir"
msgid "Exit conference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Salir de la conferencia"
msgid "Exit live conference and continue livestream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Salir de la conferencia en directo y continuar con el livestream"
msgid "Expand all"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ampliar todo "
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exportar"
@@ -1299,49 +1328,49 @@ msgid "Export selected motions"
msgstr "Exportar mociones seleccionadas"
msgid "Extension"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Extensión"
msgid "Favorites"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Favoritos"
msgid "File information"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Información del archivo"
msgid "File name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre de archivo"
msgid "Files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Archivos"
msgid "Filter"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Filtrar"
msgid "Final print template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Plantilla de impresión final"
msgid "Final version"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Versión final"
msgid "Finished"
msgstr "Terminado"
msgid "First speech"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Primer discurso"
msgid "First state"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Primer estado"
msgid "Follow recommendation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seguir la recomendación"
msgid "Follow recommendations for all motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seguir las recomendaciones para todas mociones"
msgid "Following users are currently editing this motion:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los siguientes usuarios están editando esta moción:"
msgid "Foreground color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Color de primer plano"
msgid "Forgot Password?"
msgstr "¿Ha olvidado su contraseña?"
@@ -1350,13 +1379,13 @@ msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formato"
msgid "Forspeech"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pro palabra"
msgid "Front page text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto de la página principal"
msgid "Front page title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Título de la página principal"
msgid "Fullscreen"
msgstr "Pantalla completa"
@@ -1368,13 +1397,13 @@ msgid "General"
msgstr "Generál"
msgid "General abstain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abstención general"
msgid "General approval"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aprobación general"
msgid "General rejection"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rechazo general"
msgid "Generate new passwords"
msgstr "Genere contraseñas nuevas"
@@ -1383,13 +1412,13 @@ msgid "Generate password"
msgstr "Genere contraseña"
msgid "Give applause"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aplaudir"
msgid "Given name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre"
msgid "Go to line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ir a la línea"
msgid "Got an email"
msgstr "Recibí un correo electrónico"
@@ -1398,85 +1427,87 @@ msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Grupos"
msgid "Groups with read permissions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Grupos con permisos de lectura"
msgid "Groups with write permissions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Grupos con permisos de escritura"
msgid "Guest"
msgstr "Invitado"
msgid "Hang up"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cuelga"
msgid "Has amendments"
msgstr "Tiene enmiendas"
msgid "Has changed vote weight"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ha cambiado el peso del voto"
msgid "Has no speakers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No tiene oradores"
msgid "Has notes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiene notas"
msgid "Has speakers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiene oradores"
msgid "Has unchanged vote weight"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No ha cambiado el peso de los votos"
msgid "Header background color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Color de fondo de la cabecera"
msgid "Header font color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Color de la fuente de la cabecera"
msgid "Headline color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Color del titular"
msgid "Help desk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Servicio de asistencia"
msgid "Help text for access data and welcome PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto de ayuda para acceder a datos y PDF de bienvenida"
msgid "Hidden item"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elemento oculto"
msgid "Hide internal items when projecting subitems"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar artículos internos al proyectar los subelementos"
msgid "Hide more text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar más texto"
msgid "Hide motion text on projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar el texto de moción en el proyector"
msgid "Hide password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar contraseña"
msgid "Hide reason on projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar la razón en el proyector"
msgid "Hide recommendation on projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar la recomendación en el proyector"
msgid "Hide referring motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ocultar los mociones de referencia"
msgid "Hide the amount of speakers in subtitle of list of speakers slide"
msgstr ""
+"Ocultar la cantidad de oradores en el subtítulo de la diapositiva de la "
+"lista de oradores"
msgid "Highest applause amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mayor cantidad de aplausos"
msgid "Hint on voting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sugerencia para votar"
msgid "History"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Historial"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Inicio"
@@ -1485,143 +1516,147 @@ msgid "How to create new amendments"
msgstr "Cómo crear nuevas enmiendas"
msgid "I know the risk"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Conozco el riesgo"
msgid "Identifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Identificador"
msgid ""
"Identifier, reason, submitter, category, origin and motion block are "
"optional and may be empty."
msgstr ""
+"Identificador, razón, presentador, categoría, origen y el bloque de moción "
+"son opcionales y pueden ser vacíos."
msgid ""
"If it is an amendment, you can back up its content when editing it and "
"delete it afterwards."
msgstr ""
+"Si se trata de una enmienda, puede hacer una copia de seguridad de su "
+"contenido al editarla y borrarla después."
msgid "Import"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importar"
msgid "Import motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importar mociones"
msgid "Import participants"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importar participantes"
msgid "Import statute"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importar estatuto"
msgid "Import topics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importar temas"
msgid "In motion list, motion detail and PDF."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En la lista de mociones, el detalle de la moción y el PDF."
msgid "In progress, please wait..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En progreso, por favor espere..."
msgid "In the election process"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "En el proceso electoral"
msgid "Inactive"
msgstr "inactivo"
msgid "Inconsistent data."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datos inconsistentes."
msgid "Initial password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Contraseña inicial"
msgid "Input format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Formato de entrada: DD.MM.AAAA HH:MM"
msgid "Insert after"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Insertar después de"
msgid "Insert before"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Insertar antes"
msgid "Insert behind"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Insertar detrás"
msgid "Insert participants here"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Insertar los participantes aquí"
msgid "Insert topics here"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inserte los temas aquí"
msgid "Insertion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Inserción"
msgid "Installed plugins"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Plugins instalados"
msgid "Internal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Interno"
msgid "Internal item"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Elemento interno"
msgid "Invalid input."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entrada inválida."
msgid "Invalid line number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de línea inválido"
msgid "Invalid votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votos inválidos"
msgid "Is SAML user"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "es usuario SAML"
msgid "Is a committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Es un comité"
msgid "Is active"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Está activo"
msgid "Is already projected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ya está proyectado"
msgid "Is amendment"
msgstr "Es enmienda"
msgid "Is committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Es comité"
msgid "Is favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Está favorito"
msgid "Is no amendment and has no amendments"
msgstr "No es una enmienda y no tiene enmiendas"
msgid "Is not a committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No es un comité"
msgid "Is not active"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No está activo"
msgid "Is not favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No está favorito"
msgid "Is not present"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No está presente"
msgid "Is present"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Está presente"
msgid "Item number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número del tema"
msgid "Keep each item in a single line."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mantenga cada elemento en una sola línea."
msgid "Keep each person in a single line."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mantenga a cada persona en una sola línea."
msgid "Label color"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Color de la etiqueta"
msgid "Last email send"
msgstr "Último correo electrónico enviado"
@@ -1630,37 +1665,37 @@ msgid "Last email sent"
msgstr "Último correo electrónico enviado"
msgid "Last modified"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Última modificación"
msgid "Last speakers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Últimos oradores"
msgid "Leave"
msgstr "Salir"
msgid "Left"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se ha ido"
msgid "Legal notice"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Aviso legal"
msgid "Level indicator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Indicador de nivel"
msgid "License"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Licencia"
msgid "Line"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Línea"
msgid "Line length"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Longitud de línea"
msgid "Line numbering"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numeración de línea"
msgid "List of electronic votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lista de votos electrónicos"
msgid "List of participants"
msgstr "Lista de participantes"
@@ -1672,28 +1707,30 @@ msgid "List of speakers"
msgstr "Lista de oradores"
msgid "List of speakers is initially closed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La lista de oradores está inicialmente cerrada"
msgid "List of speakers overlay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Lista de oradores sobrepuesta"
msgid "List view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vista de la lista"
msgid "Live conference"
msgstr "Conferencia en directo"
msgid "Live conference has to be active. Choose 0 to disable auto connect."
msgstr ""
+"La conferencia en directo tiene que estar activa. Elija 0 para desactivar la"
+" conexión automática."
msgid "Livestream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Livestream"
msgid "Livestream poster image url"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Url de la imagen del poster de Livestream"
msgid "Livestream url"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "URL del livestream"
msgid "Loading data. Please wait ..."
msgstr "Cargando datos. Por favor, espere..."
@@ -1708,25 +1745,25 @@ msgid "Login as guest"
msgstr "Entrar como invitado"
msgid "Logout"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cerrar sesión"
msgid "Lowest applause amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Menor cantidad de aplausos"
msgid "Main motion and line number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moción principal y número de línea"
msgid "Mark as personal favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Marcar como favorito personal"
msgid "Maximum amount of votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad máxima de votos"
msgid "Media access is denied"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se deniega el acceso a los medios de comunicación"
msgid "Media file"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Archivo multimedia"
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Mensaje"
@@ -1738,7 +1775,7 @@ msgid "Meta information"
msgstr "Información meta"
msgid "Min votes cannot be greater than max votes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los votos mínimos no pueden ser mayores que los votos máximos."
msgid "Minimal required version"
msgstr "Versión mínima requerida"
@@ -1747,85 +1784,85 @@ msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Minimizar"
msgid "Minimum amount of votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad mínima de votos"
msgid "More"
msgstr "más"
msgid "Motion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moción"
msgid "Motion block"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bloque de mociones"
msgid "Motion block set to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bloque de moción establecido en"
msgid "Motion blocks"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Bloques de mociones"
msgid "Motion change recommendation created"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se ha creado la recomendación de cambio de la moción"
msgid "Motion change recommendation deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se ha eliminado la recomendación de cambio de la moción"
msgid "Motion change recommendation updated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se ha actualizado la recomendación de cambio de la moción"
msgid "Motion created"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moción creada"
msgid "Motion deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moción eliminado"
msgid "Motion has been imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La moción ha sido importado"
msgid "Motion preamble"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Preámbulo de moción"
msgid "Motion text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto de moción"
msgid "Motion updated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Moción actualizada"
msgid "Motion votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votos de moción"
msgid "Motion will be imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La moción se importará"
msgid "Motion(s) will be imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mocion(es) serán importadas."
msgid "Motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mociones"
msgid "Motions are in process. Please wait ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Las mociones están en proceso. Por favor, espere..."
msgid "Motions have been imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Las mociones han sido importadas."
msgid "Move"
msgstr "mover"
msgid "Move in call list"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pasar a la lista de llamadas"
msgid "Move into directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mover al directorio"
msgid "Move selected items ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mover los elementos seleccionados ..."
msgid "Move to agenda item"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pasar al punto del orden del día"
msgid "Multiselect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Multiselección"
msgid "Mute / Unmute"
msgstr "Silenciar/ Desactivar"
@@ -1837,7 +1874,7 @@ msgid "Name of recommender"
msgstr "Nombre de recomendadero"
msgid "Name of recommender for statute amendments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre del recomendador de las modificaciones del estatuto"
msgid "Needs review"
msgstr "Necesita revisión"
@@ -1930,7 +1967,7 @@ msgid "No comment"
msgstr "Sin comentarios"
msgid "No concernment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ninguna preocupación"
msgid "No data"
msgstr "Sin datos"
@@ -1939,7 +1976,7 @@ msgid "No decision"
msgstr "Sin decisión"
msgid "No delegation of vote"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sin delegación de voto"
msgid "No email sent"
msgstr "No se ha enviado ningún correo electrónico"
@@ -1948,7 +1985,7 @@ msgid "No emails were send."
msgstr "No se enviaron correos electrónicos."
msgid "No encryption"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sin encriptación"
msgid "No groups selected"
msgstr "No hay grupos seleccionados"
@@ -1957,22 +1994,22 @@ msgid "No information available"
msgstr "No hay información disponible"
msgid "No items selected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No hay elementos seleccionados"
msgid "No motion block set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ningún bloque de moción puesto"
msgid "No motions were numbered"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se numeraron las mociones"
msgid "No per candidate"
msgstr "No por candidato"
msgid "No personal note"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ninguna nota personal"
msgid "No recommendation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ninguna recomendación"
msgid "No results yet."
msgstr "Todavía no hay resultados."
@@ -1981,7 +2018,7 @@ msgid "No search result found"
msgstr "No se ha encontrado ningún resultado de búsqueda"
msgid "No statute paragraphs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ningún párrafo del estatuto"
msgid "No tags"
msgstr "Sin etiquetas"
@@ -1996,43 +2033,47 @@ msgid "None"
msgstr "Ninguno"
msgid "Not allowed in demo mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se permite en el modo de demostración"
msgid ""
"Note, that the default password will be changed to the new generated one."
msgstr ""
+"Tenga en cuenta que la contraseña predeterminada se cambiará por la nueva "
msgid ""
"Note: Your own password was not changed. Please use the password change "
"dialog instead."
msgstr ""
+"Nota: Su propia contraseña no fue cambiada. Por favor, utilice el diálogo de"
+" cambio de contraseña en su lugar."
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notas"
msgid "Number candidates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numerar a los candidatos"
msgid "Number motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numerar a los mociones"
msgid "Number of (minimum) required supporters for a motion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El número (mínimo) de soportadores necesarios para apoyar una moción"
msgid "Number of all delegates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad de todos delegados"
msgid "Number of all participants"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad de todos los participantes"
msgid "Number of all requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de todas las solicitudes de palabra"
msgid "Number of ballot papers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad de papeletas de voto"
msgid "Number of ballot papers (selection)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de papeletas de voto (selección)"
msgid "Number of candidates"
msgstr "Número de candidatos"
@@ -2041,23 +2082,25 @@ msgid "Number of last speakers to be shown on the projector"
msgstr "Número de los últimos oradores que se muestran en el proyector"
msgid "Number of minimal digits for identifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de dígitos mínimos para el identificador"
msgid ""
"Number of next speakers automatically connecting to the live conference"
msgstr ""
+"Número de próximos oradores que se conectan automáticamente a la conferencia"
+" en directo"
msgid "Number of persons to be elected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cantidad de personas que se elegirán"
msgid "Number of requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de las solicitudes de palabra"
msgid "Number of the next speakers to be shown on the projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número de los siguientes oradores que se mostrarán en el proyector"
msgid "Number set"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El número fue establecido"
msgid "Numbered per category"
msgstr "Numerado por categoría."
@@ -2066,16 +2109,16 @@ msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Numeración"
msgid "Numbering prefix for agenda items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prefijo de la numeración de los temas"
msgid "Numeral system for agenda items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sistema numérico para los puntos del orden del día"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
msgid "Offline mode"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modo sin conexión"
msgid "Old password"
msgstr "Contraseña antigua"
@@ -2087,18 +2130,21 @@ msgid ""
"One of given name, surname and username has to be filled in. All other "
"fields are optional and may be empty."
msgstr ""
+"Hay que rellenar uno de los nombres, apellidos y nombre de usuario. Los "
+"demás campos son opcionales y pueden estar vacíos."
msgid "Only countdown"
msgstr "Sólo cuenta atrás"
msgid "Only for internal notes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sólo para notas internas."
msgid "Only main agenda items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sólo los temas principales"
msgid "Only present participants can be added to the list of speakers"
msgstr ""
+"Sólo los participantes presentes pueden añadirse a la lista de oradores"
msgid "Only traffic light"
msgstr "Sólo semáforo"
@@ -2110,25 +2156,25 @@ msgid "Open Jitsi in new tab"
msgstr "Abre Jitsi en nueva ficha"
msgid "Open items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Temas abiertos"
msgid "Open list of speakers"
msgstr "Abrir la lista de oradores"
msgid "Open projection dialog"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abrir el diálogo de proyección"
msgid "Open requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Abrir las solicitudes de palabra"
msgid "OpenSlides Theme"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tema de OpenSlides"
msgid "OpenSlides access data"
msgstr "Datos de accesso de OpenSlides"
msgid "OpenSlides is temporarily reset to following timestamp"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "OpenSlides se restablece temporalmente a la siguiente marca de tiempo"
msgid "OpenSlides recommends"
msgstr "OpenSlides recomienda"
@@ -2146,34 +2192,34 @@ msgid "Original version"
msgstr "Versión original"
msgid "Outside"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Afuera"
msgid "Overlay"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Superposición"
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"
msgid "PDF ballot paper logo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "logo de la papeleta de votación en PDF"
msgid "PDF export"
msgstr "Exportación de PDF"
msgid "PDF footer logo (left)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PDF de logo a pie de página (izquierda)"
msgid "PDF footer logo (right)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PDF de logo a pie de página (derecha)"
msgid "PDF header logo (left)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PDF de logo de cabecera (izquierda)"
msgid "PDF header logo (right)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "PDF de logo de cabecera (derecha)"
msgid "PDF options"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Opciones de PDF"
msgid "Page"
msgstr "Página"
@@ -2185,61 +2231,61 @@ msgid "Page numbers"
msgstr "números de página"
msgid "Paragraph-based, Diff-enabled"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Basado en párrafos, habilitado para Diff"
msgid "Parallel upload"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Carga paralela"
msgid "Parent agenda item"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Artículo superior de la agenda"
msgid "Parent directory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Directorio principal"
msgid "Participant"
msgstr "Participante"
msgid "Participant cannot be found"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede encontrar al participante"
msgid "Participant has been imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El participante ha sido importado"
msgid "Participant number"
msgstr "Número de participante"
msgid "Participant number is not unique"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El número de participante no es único"
msgid "Participant will be imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El participante será importado"
msgid "Participant(s) will be imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El/ Los participante(s) será(n) importado(s)."
msgid "Participants"
msgstr "Participantes"
msgid "Participants have been imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los participantes han sido importados."
msgid "Particles"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Partículas"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contraseña"
msgid "Paste/write your topics in this textbox."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Pegue/escriba sus temas en este cuadro de texto."
msgid "Permission"
msgstr "Permiso"
msgid "Permissions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Permisos"
msgid "Permit"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Permitir"
msgid "Personal note"
msgstr "Nota personal"
@@ -2251,16 +2297,16 @@ msgid "Phase"
msgstr "Fase"
msgid "Please allow OpenSlides to access your microphone and/or camera"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Permita que OpenSlides acceda a su micrófono y/o cámara"
msgid "Please contact your system administrator."
msgstr "Por favor, póngase en contacto con el administrador del sistema."
msgid "Please enter a name for the new directory:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Introduzca un nombre para el nuevo directorio:"
msgid "Please enter a name for the new workflow:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Introduzca un nombre para el nuevo flujo de trabajo:"
msgid "Please enter a valid email address"
msgstr "Por favor, introduzca un correo electrónico válido"
@@ -2275,7 +2321,7 @@ msgid "Please login via your identity provider."
msgstr "Por favor, inicie sesión a través de su proveedor de identidad."
msgid "Please select the directory:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleccione el directorio:"
msgid "Please update your browser or contact your system administration."
msgstr ""
@@ -2283,49 +2329,49 @@ msgstr ""
"administración de su sistema."
msgid "Point of order"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Cuestión de orden"
msgid "Poll created"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Encuesta creada"
msgid "Poll deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Encuesta eliminada"
msgid "Poll updated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Encuesta actualizada"
msgid "Preamble text for PDF document (all elections)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto inicial para el documento PDF (todas las elecciones)"
msgid "Preamble text for PDF documents of motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Texto inicial para documento PDF para las mociones"
msgid "Predefined seconds of new countdowns"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiempo en segundos predeterminado para nuevas cuentas regresivas"
msgid "Prefix"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prefijo"
msgid "Prefix for the identifier for amendments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Prefijo para el identificador de modificaciones"
msgid "Presence"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Presencia"
msgid "Present"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Presente"
msgid "Presentation and assembly system"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sistema de plenaria y presentación"
msgid "Preview"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vista previa"
msgid "Previous"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Anteriormente"
msgid "Previous slides"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diapositivas anteriores"
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Política de privacidad"
@@ -2337,22 +2383,22 @@ msgid "Project"
msgstr "Proyectar"
msgid "Project selection?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Selección del proyecto?"
msgid "Projection defaults"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Predeterminaciones de proyección"
msgid "Projector"
msgstr "Proyector"
msgid "Projector header image"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Imagen de cabecera del proyector"
msgid "Projector language"
msgstr "Lengua de proyección"
msgid "Projector logo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logo del proyector"
msgid "Projectors"
msgstr "Proyectores"
@@ -2370,46 +2416,47 @@ msgid "Publish immediately"
msgstr "Publicar inmediatamente"
msgid "Put all candidates on the list of speakers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Poner a todos los candidatos en la lista de oradores"
msgid "Queue"
msgstr "Cola de espera"
msgid "QuotaExceededError: The local storage's quota is too low"
msgstr ""
+"QuotaExceededError: La cuota del almacenamiento local es demasiado baja"
msgid "Re-add last speaker"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Volver a añadir el último orador"
msgid "Reason"
msgstr "Razón"
msgid "Reason required for creating new motion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Razón necesaria para crear una nueva moción"
msgid "Received votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votos recibidos"
msgid "Recommendation"
msgstr "Recomendación"
msgid "Recommendation label"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Etiqueta de recomendación"
msgid "Recommendation set to {arg1}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Recomendación establecido en (arg1)"
msgid "Reenter to live conference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Volver a entrar a la conferencia en directo"
msgid "Refer to committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Remitir a comité"
msgid "Referral to committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Remisión al comité"
msgid "Referring motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mociones de referencia"
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Actualizar"
@@ -2436,6 +2483,8 @@ msgid ""
"Remove URL to deactivate livestream. Check extra group permission to see "
msgstr ""
+"Eliminar la URL para desactivar el livestream. Compruebe el permiso de grupo"
+" adicional para ver el livestream."
msgid "Remove all speakers"
msgstr "Eliminar todos oradores"
@@ -2444,15 +2493,17 @@ msgid ""
"Remove all supporters of a motion if a submitter edits his motion in early "
msgstr ""
+"Eliminar todos los partidarios de una moción si un remitente edita su moción"
+" en estado temprano"
msgid "Remove candidate"
msgstr "Eliminar el candidato"
msgid "Remove from agenda"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminar del orden del día"
msgid "Remove from motion block"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Eliminar del bloque de mociones"
msgid "Remove me"
msgstr "Quitarme"
@@ -2461,13 +2512,13 @@ msgid "Replacement"
msgstr "Sustitución"
msgid "Reply address"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dirección de respuesta"
msgid "Request"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Solicite"
msgid "Requests to speak"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Solicita la palabra"
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Necesario"
@@ -2486,7 +2537,7 @@ msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Restablecer"
msgid "Reset cache"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Restablecer caché"
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Restablecer contraseña"
@@ -2498,16 +2549,16 @@ msgid "Reset recommendation"
msgstr "Restablecer recomendación"
msgid "Reset state"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Restablecer el estado"
msgid "Reset to factory defaults"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Restablecer los predeterminaciones de fábrica"
msgid "Resolution and size"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resolución y tamaño"
msgid "Restart livestream"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reiniciar el livestream"
msgid "Restrictions"
msgstr "Restricciones"
@@ -2516,49 +2567,49 @@ msgid "Right"
msgstr "Derecha"
msgid "Roman"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Romano"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"
msgid "Save all changes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guardar todos los cambios"
msgid "Save final print template"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Guardar la plantilla de impresión final"
msgid "Scan this QR code to connect to WLAN."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Escanee este código QR para conectarse al WLAN."
msgid "Scan this QR code to open URL."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Escanee este código QR para abrir el URL."
msgid "Scroll down"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia abajo"
msgid "Scroll down (big step)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia abajo (gran paso)"
msgid "Scroll up"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia arriba"
msgid "Scroll up (big step)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desplazar hacia arriba (gran paso)"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"
msgid "Search player"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Buscar jugador"
msgid "Searching for candidates"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Buscando candidatos"
msgid "Secret voting can not be guaranteed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede garantizar el voto secreto"
msgid "Select a new candidate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleccione un nuevo candidato"
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleccione todo"
@@ -2567,13 +2618,13 @@ msgid "Select file"
msgstr "Seleccione un archivo"
msgid "Select or search new speaker ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleccione o busque un nuevo orador ..."
msgid "Select or search new submitter ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleccione o busque un emisor ..."
msgid "Select paragraphs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Seleccionar párrafos"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"
@@ -2582,7 +2633,7 @@ msgid "Send invitation email"
msgstr "Enviar invitación por correo electrónico"
msgid "Sender name"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre del remitente"
msgid "Sending an invitation email"
msgstr "Enviar un correo de invitación"
@@ -2591,64 +2642,67 @@ msgid "Separator used for all csv exports and examples"
msgstr "Separador usado para la exportación de todos archivos CSV y ejemplos"
msgid "Sequential number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Número secuencial"
msgid "Serially numbered"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Numerados en serie"
msgid "Server settings required to activate Jitsi Meet integration."
msgstr ""
+"Configuración del servidor necesaria para activar la integración de Jitsi "
msgid "Set as favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer como favorito"
msgid "Set as not favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer como no favorito"
msgid "Set as parent"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer como padre"
msgid "Set as reference projector"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer como proyector de referencia"
msgid "Set category"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer categoría"
msgid "Set committee ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer comité ..."
msgid "Set favorite"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer el favorito"
msgid "Set hidden"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer ocultado"
msgid "Set internal"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer interno"
msgid "Set it manually"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Defínelo manualmente"
msgid "Set motion block"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer bloque de mociones"
msgid "Set presence ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer presencia ..."
msgid "Set public"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer público"
msgid "Set recommendation"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer recomendación"
msgid "Set status"
msgstr "Ponga estatus"
msgid "Set status for selected participants:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Establecer el estado de los participantes seleccionados:"
msgid "Sets this projector as the reference for the current list of speakers"
msgstr ""
+"Establece este proyector como referencia para la lista actual de oradores"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuración"
@@ -2672,136 +2726,147 @@ msgid "Show amendments together with motions"
msgstr "Mostrar enmienda junto con las mociones"
msgid "Show applause amount"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar cantidad de aplausos"
msgid "Show checkbox to record decision"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar la casilla para registrar la decisión"
msgid "Show clock"
msgstr "Mostrar reloj"
msgid "Show correct entries"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar las entradas correctas"
msgid "Show correct entries only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo las entradas correctas"
msgid "Show devtools"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar devtools"
msgid "Show entire motion text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar todo el texto del moción"
msgid "Show errors only"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar sólo los errores"
msgid "Show full text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar el texto completo"
msgid "Show header and footer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar cabecera y pie de página"
msgid "Show hint »first speech« in the list of speakers management view"
msgstr ""
+"Mostrar la pista \"primer discurso\" en la vista de gestión de la lista de "
msgid "Show live conference window"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar la ventana de la conferencia en directo"
msgid "Show logo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar logo"
msgid "Show meta information box below the title on projector"
msgstr ""
+"Mostrar el cuadro de información meta debajo del título en el proyector"
msgid "Show motion submitters in the agenda"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar a los presentadores de la moción en la agenda"
msgid "Show orange countdown in the last x seconds of speaking time"
msgstr ""
+"Mostrar en naranja la cuenta regresiva en los últimos x segundos de tiempo "
+"de palabra"
msgid "Show password"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar contraseña"
msgid "Show preview"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar vista previa"
msgid "Show profile"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar perfil"
msgid "Show recommendation extension field"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar el campo de extensión de la recomendación"
msgid "Show state extension field"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar el campo de extensión del estado"
msgid "Show submitters and recommendation/state in table of contents"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar los remitentes y la recomendación/estado en el índice"
msgid "Show the sequential number for a motion"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar el número secuencial de una moción"
msgid "Show this text on the login page"
msgstr "Mostrar este texto en la página de inicio de sesión."
msgid "Show title"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar título"
msgid "Show/Hide video conference"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mostrar/Ocultar video conferencia"
msgid ""
"Shows a button with help icon to connect to an extra Jitsi conference room "
"for technical audio/video tests."
msgstr ""
+"Muestra un botón con un icono de ayuda para conectarse a una sala de "
+"conferencias Jitsi adicional para realizar pruebas técnicas de audio/vídeo."
msgid ""
"Shows if livestream is not started. Recommended image format: 500x200px, PNG"
" or JPG"
msgstr ""
+"Se muestra si el livestream no está iniciado. Formato de imagen recomendado:"
+" 500x200px, PNG o JPG"
msgid ""
"Shows the given image as applause particle. Recommended image format: "
"24x24px, PNG, JPG or SVG"
msgstr ""
+"Muestra la imagen dada como partícula de aplauso. Formato de imagen "
+"recomendado: 24x24px, PNG, JPG o SVG"
msgid "Simple Workflow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujo de trabajo sencillo"
msgid "Simple majority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mayoría simple"
msgid "Single votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votos individuales"
msgid "Slide"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Diapositiva"
msgid "Sort"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar"
msgid "Sort agenda"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar la agenda"
msgid "Sort by identifier"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar por identificador"
msgid "Sort categories"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar las categorías"
msgid "Sort comments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar los comentarios"
msgid "Sort election results by amount of votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar los resultados electorales por cantidad de votos"
msgid "Sort motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar los mociones"
msgid "Sort motions by"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar los mociones por"
msgid "Sort name of participants by"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ordenar nombre de participantes por"
msgid "Speakers"
msgstr "Oradores"
@@ -2810,10 +2875,10 @@ msgid "Staff"
msgstr "Personal"
msgid "Standard font size in PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tamaño de letra estándar en PDF"
msgid "Standard page size in PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tamaño de página estándar en PDF"
msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Tiempo de inicio"
@@ -2822,82 +2887,90 @@ msgid "Start voting"
msgstr "Empezar a votar"
msgid "State"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estado"
msgid "State set to {arg1}"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estado establecido en (arg1) "
msgid "Statistics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estadísticas"
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estatus"
msgid "Statute"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Estatuto"
msgid "Statute amendment"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modificación del estatuto"
msgid "Statute amendment for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Modificación del estatuto para"
msgid "Statute paragraph"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Párrafo del estatuto"
msgid "Statute paragraph has been imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se ha importado el párrafo del estatuto"
msgid "Statute paragraph will be imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se importará el párrafo del estatuto"
msgid "Statute paragraphs"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Párrafos del estatuto "
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr "Parar"
+msgid "Stop & publish"
+msgstr "Parar y publicar"
msgid "Stop counting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deja de contar"
msgid "Stop submitting new motions by non-staff users"
msgstr ""
+"Dejar de presentar nuevas propuestas por parte de usuarios no relacionados "
+"con el personal"
msgid "Stop voting"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Dejar de votar"
msgid "Structure level"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nivel de estructura"
msgid "Subcategory"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Subcategoría"
msgid "Submit selection now?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Someter la selección ahora?"
msgid "Submit vote now"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Enviar el voto ahora"
msgid "Submitters"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entregadores"
msgid "Submitters changed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Entregadores cambiados"
msgid "Sum of votes including general No/Abstain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Suma de los votos, incluido el No/Abstención general"
msgid "Summary of changes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resumen de cambios"
msgid "Summary of changes:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resumen de cambios: "
msgid "Support"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Soporte"
msgid "Supporters"
msgstr "Seguidores"
msgid "Supporters changed"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los seguidores cambiaron"
msgid "Surname"
msgstr "Apellido"
@@ -2921,32 +2994,34 @@ msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"
msgid "Text import"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Importación de textos"
msgid "Text separator"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Separador de texto"
msgid "The assembly may decide:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La asamblea podrá decidir:"
msgid "The directory does not exist"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El directorio no existe"
msgid "The event manager has not set up a legal notice yet."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El gestor del evento aún no ha establecido un aviso legal."
msgid "The event manager has not set up a privacy policy yet."
msgstr ""
+"El gestor del evento aún no ha establecido una política de privacidad."
msgid "The file has too few columns to be parsed properly."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El archivo tiene muy pocas columnas para ser analizado correctamente."
msgid "The file seems to have additional columns. They will be ignored."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El archivo parece tener columnas adicionales. Se ignorarán."
msgid ""
"The file seems to have some ommitted columns. They will be considered empty."
msgstr ""
+"El archivo parece tener algunas columnas omitidas. Se considerarán vacías."
msgid "The link is broken. Please contact your system administrator."
msgstr ""
@@ -2954,55 +3029,62 @@ msgstr ""
"del sistema."
msgid "The list of speakers is closed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La lista de oradores está cerrado."
msgid "The list of speakers is open."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La lista de oradores está abierta."
msgid "The live conference is already running in your OpenSlides session."
msgstr ""
+"La conferencia en directo ya está en marcha en su sesión de OpenSlides."
msgid ""
"The maximum number of characters per line. Relevant when line numbering is "
"enabled. Min: 40"
msgstr ""
+"El número máximo de caracteres por línea. Relevante cuando la numeración de "
+"líneas está activada. Mínimo: 40"
msgid "The name contains invalid characters: \"/\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El nombre contiene caracteres no válidos: \"/\""
msgid "The number has to be greater than 0."
msgstr "El número tiene que ser mayor que 0."
msgid "The parent motion was deleted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La moción principal fue eliminado"
msgid "The reason field may not be blank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El campo de la razón no puede estar en blanco."
msgid ""
"The requested method is not allowed. Please contact your system "
msgstr ""
+"El método solicitado no está permitido. Póngase en contacto con el "
+"administrador del sistema."
msgid ""
"The sender address is defined in the OpenSlides server settings and should "
"modified by administrator only."
msgstr ""
+"La dirección del remitente se define en la configuración del servidor de "
+"OpenSlides y debe ser modificada únicamente por el administrador."
msgid "The server could not be reached."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se ha podido acceder al servidor."
msgid "The server didn't respond."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El servidor no respondió."
msgid "The text field may not be blank."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El campo de texto no puede estar en blanco."
msgid "The title is required"
msgstr "El título es obligatorio"
msgid "The title of the motion is always applied."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El título de la moción siempre se aplica."
msgid ""
"The user %user% has no email, so the invitation email could not be send."
@@ -3017,86 +3099,110 @@ msgstr ""
"invitación no pudieron ser enviados."
msgid "There are no items left to chose from"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No hay artículos para elegir"
msgid "There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually."
msgstr "Hay un error en esta enmienda. Por favor, edítelo manualmente."
+msgid "Thereof point of orders"
+msgstr "De ahí el punto de órdenes"
msgid "This ballot contains deleted users."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esta papeleta contiene usuarios eliminados."
msgid "This change collides with another one."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este cambio choca con otro."
msgid "This element does not exist at this time."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este elemento no existe en este momento."
msgid "This field is required."
msgstr "Este campo es obligatorio."
msgid "This paragraph does not exist in the main motion anymore:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Este párrafo ya no existe en la moción principal:"
msgid "This prefix will be set if you run the automatic agenda numbering."
msgstr ""
+"Este prefijo se establecerá si se ejecuta la numeración automática de la "
msgid ""
"This will add or remove the following groups for all selected participants:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto añadirá o eliminará los siguientes grupos para todos los participantes "
msgid ""
"This will add or remove the following submitters for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto añadirá o eliminará los siguientes presentadores para todas las "
+"mociones seleccionadas:"
msgid "This will add or remove the following tags for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto añadirá o eliminará las siguientes etiquetas para todos los mociones "
msgid "This will move all selected motions as childs to:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Esto moverá todos los mociones seleccionados como hijos a:"
msgid ""
"This will move all selected motions under or after the following motion in "
"the call list:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto moverá todas las mociones seleccionadas debajo o después de la "
+"siguiente moción en la lista de llamadas:"
msgid "This will reset all made changes and sort the call list."
msgstr ""
+"Esto restablecerá todos los cambios realizados y ordenará la lista de "
msgid "This will set the favorite status for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto establecerá el estado de favorito para todos los mociones "
msgid "This will set the following category for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto establecerá la siguiente categoría para todos los mociones "
msgid "This will set the following motion block for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto establecerá el siguiente bloque de moción para todos los mociones "
msgid "This will set the following recommendation for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto establecerá la siguiente recomendación para todas las mociones "
msgid "This will set the following state for all selected motions:"
msgstr ""
+"Esto establecerá el siguiente estado para todos los mociones seleccionados:"
msgid "Three-quarters majority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mayoría de tres-quartos"
msgid "Tile view"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Vista de azulejos"
msgid "Timestamp"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Marca de tiempo"
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"
msgid "Title for PDF document (all elections)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Título de documento PDF (todas las elecciones)"
msgid "Title for PDF documents of motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Título de documento PDF de las mociones"
msgid "Title for access data and welcome PDF"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Título para PDF de datos de acceso y de bienvenida"
msgid "Title is required. All other fields are optional and may be empty."
msgstr ""
@@ -3104,55 +3210,55 @@ msgstr ""
"estar vacíos."
msgid "Topic"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tema"
msgid "Topic has been imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El tema ha sido importado"
msgid "Topic will be imported"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "El tema será importado"
msgid "Topics"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Temas"
msgid "Topics have been imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los temas han sido importados."
msgid "Topics(s) will be imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Los temas serán importados."
msgid "Total votes cast"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Total de votos emitidos"
msgid "Touch the book icon to enter text"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Toca el icono del libro para introducir el texto"
msgid "Translation"
msgstr "Traducción"
msgid "Two-thirds majority"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mayoría de dos tercios"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Típo"
msgid "Undone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Deshecho"
msgid "Unique speakers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Oradores únicos"
msgid "Unsupport"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Desapoye"
msgid "Upload"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Subida"
msgid "Upload files"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Subir archivos"
msgid "Upload to:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Subir a: "
msgid ""
"Use admin and admin for your first "
@@ -3162,30 +3268,34 @@ msgstr ""
Por favor, cambie su contraseña para ocultar este mensaje."
msgid "Use the following custom number"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utilice el siguiente número personalizado"
msgid ""
"Use these placeholders: {name}, {event_name}, {url}, {username}, {password}."
" The url referrs to the system url."
msgstr ""
+"Utilice estos marcadores de posición: {nombre}, {nombre_evento}, {url}, "
+"{nombre_de_usuario}, {contraseña}. La url se refiere a la url del sistema."
msgid "Used for QRCode in PDF of access data."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utilizado para QRCode en PDF de los datos de acceso."
msgid "Used for WLAN QRCode in PDF of access data."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Utilizado para WLAN QRCode en PDF de los datos de acceso."
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario"
msgid "Username or password is not correct."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre de usuario o contraseña no es correcto."
msgid "Uses leading zeros to sort motions correctly by identifier."
msgstr ""
+"Utiliza ceros a la izquierda para ordenar correctamente los mociones por "
msgid "Valid votes"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votos válidos"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Ver"
@@ -3200,262 +3310,280 @@ msgid "Vote"
msgstr "Votar"
msgid "Vote created"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voto creado"
msgid "Vote deleted"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voto eliminado"
msgid "Vote updated"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Voto actualizado"
msgid "Vote weight"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Peso del voto"
msgid "Votes"
msgstr "Votos"
msgid "Voting and ballot papers"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votación y papeletas de votación"
msgid "Voting anonymized"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votación anónima"
msgid "Voting is currently in progress."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La votación está en curso."
msgid "Voting method"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Método de votación"
msgid "Voting opened"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La votación se abrió"
msgid "Voting reset"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Reinicio de la votación"
msgid "Voting result"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Resultado de la votación"
msgid "Voting right delegated to (proxy)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Derecho de voto delegado a (proxy)"
msgid "Voting right for"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Derecho de voto para"
msgid "Voting right received from (principals)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Derecho de voto recibido de (mandantes)"
msgid "Voting started"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La votación ha comenzado"
msgid "Voting stopped"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "La votación se ha detenido"
msgid "Voting successful."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votaciones exitosas."
msgid "Voting type"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tipo de votación"
msgid "Votings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Votaciones"
msgid "WEP"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WEP"
msgid "WLAN access data"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Datos de acceso WLAN"
msgid "WLAN encryption"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Codificación de WLAN"
msgid "WLAN name (SSID)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Nombre (SSID) de WLAN"
msgid "WLAN password"
msgstr "Contraseña de WLAN"
msgid "WPA/WPA2"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "WPA/WPA2"
msgid ""
"Warning: Amendments exist for this motion. Editing this text will likely "
"impact them negatively. Particularily, amendments might become unusable if "
"the paragraph they affect is deleted."
msgstr ""
+"Advertencia: Existen enmiendas a esta moción. La edición de este texto puede"
+" tener un impacto negativo sobre ellas. En particular, las enmiendas podrían"
+" quedar inutilizadas si se elimina el párrafo al que afectan."
msgid "Web interface header logo"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Logo de la cabecera de la interfaz web"
msgid "Welcome to OpenSlides"
msgstr "Bienvenido a OpenSlides"
msgid "Which version?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "¿Qué versión?"
msgid ""
"Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation in statute "
msgstr ""
+"Se mostrará como etiqueta antes de la recomendación seleccionada en las "
+"modificaciones de los estatutos."
msgid ""
"Will be displayed as label before selected recommendation. Use an empty "
"value to disable the recommendation system."
msgstr ""
+"Se mostrará como etiqueta antes de la recomendación seleccionada. Utilice un"
+" valor vacío para desactivar el sistema de recomendación."
msgid "Withdraw"
msgstr "Retirar"
msgid "Withdraw point of order"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Retirar la cuestión de orden"
msgid "Workflow"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujo de trabajo"
msgid "Workflow of new amendments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujo de trabajo de las nuevas enmiendas"
msgid "Workflow of new motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujo de trabajo para mociones nuevas"
msgid "Workflow of new statute amendments"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujo de trabajo de las modificaciones de los nuevos estatutos"
msgid "Workflows"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Flujos de trabajo"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"
msgid "Yes per candidate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sí por candidato"
msgid "Yes/No"
msgstr "Sí/No"
msgid "Yes/No per candidate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sí/No por candidato"
msgid "Yes/No/Abstain"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sí/No/Abstenerse"
msgid "Yes/No/Abstain per candidate"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Sí/No/Abstenerse por candidato"
msgid "You are not allowed to see all entitled users."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se le permite ver a todos los usuarios con derecho."
msgid "You are not authenticated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Usted no está autenticado."
msgid "You are not supposed to be here..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se supone que estés aquí..."
msgid ""
"You are using the history mode of OpenSlides. Changes will not be saved."
msgstr ""
+"Está utilizando el modo historia de OpenSlides. Los cambios no se guardarán."
msgid "You can back up its content when editing it and delete it afterwards."
msgstr ""
+"Puedes hacer una copia de seguridad de su contenido cuando lo edites y "
+"borrarlo después."
msgid "You can just anonymize named polls"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Puedes anonimizar las encuestas con nombre"
msgid "You can not deactivate yourself."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puede desactivarse a sí mismo."
msgid "You can not delete yourself."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puede eliminarse a sí mismo."
msgid "You can not vote because this is an analog voting."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede votar porque se trata de una votación analógica."
msgid "You can not vote right now because the voting has not yet started."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puedes votar ahora mismo porque la votación aún no ha comenzado."
msgid "You can use {event_name} and {username} as placeholder."
msgstr ""
+"Puede utilizar {nombre_del_evento} y {nombre_del_usuario} como marcadores de"
+" posición."
msgid "You can't delete the last projector."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede borrar el último proyector."
msgid ""
"You cannot change the recommendation of motions in different workflows!"
msgstr ""
+"No se puede cambiar la recomendación de las mociones en diferentes flujos de"
+" trabajo!"
msgid "You cannot change the state of motions in different workflows!"
msgstr ""
+"No se puede cambiar el estado de los mociones en diferentes flujos de "
msgid ""
"You cannot delegate a delegation of vote to another user (cascading not "
msgstr ""
+"No se puede delegar una delegación de voto en otro usuario (no se permite el"
+" uso en cascada)."
msgid ""
"You cannot delegate a vote to a user who has already delegated his vote."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puedes delegar un voto a un usuario que ya ha delegado su voto."
msgid "You cannot delegate a vote to yourself."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puede delegar un voto a sí mismo."
msgid "You cannot delete the first state of the workflow."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede eliminar el primer estado del flujo de trabajo."
msgid "You cannot delete the last workflow."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No se puede eliminar el último flujo de trabajo."
msgid "You cannot vote since your vote right is delegated."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No puede votar ya que su derecho de voto está delegado."
msgid "You do not have the permission to vote."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "No tiene permiso para votar."
msgid "You do not have the required permission to see that page!"
msgstr "No tiene el permiso necesario para ver esa página!"
msgid "You have already voted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ya has votado."
msgid "You have to be logged in to be able to vote."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiene que estar conectado para poder votar."
msgid "You have to be present to vote."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiene que estar presente para votar."
msgid "You have to fill this field."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Tiene que rellenar este campo."
msgid "You made changes."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Has hecho cambios."
msgid "You override the personally set password!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Está reemplazando la contraseña personal!"
msgid "You reached the maximum amount of votes. Deselect somebody first."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Has alcanzado el máximo de votos. Deselecciona a alguien primero."
msgid "Your account is not active."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su cuenta no está activa."
msgid "Your browser"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su navegador"
msgid "Your browser is not supported by OpenSlides!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su navegador no es compatible con OpenSlides!"
msgid "Your decision cannot be changed afterwards."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su decisión no puede ser modificada posteriormente."
msgid "Your device has no microphone"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su dispositivo no tiene micrófono"
msgid "Your input does not match the following structure: \"hh:mm\""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su entrada no coincide con la siguiente estructura: \"hh:mm\""
msgid "Your password was resetted successfully!"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su contraseña ha sido restablecida con éxito."
msgid "Your voting right was delegated to another person."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Su derecho de voto fue delegado a otra persona."
msgid "Zoom in"
msgstr "Acercar"
@@ -3490,7 +3618,7 @@ msgid "add group(s)"
msgstr "añadir grupo(s)"
msgid "adjourned"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "pospuesto"
msgid "analog"
msgstr "analógico"
@@ -3532,16 +3660,16 @@ msgid "disconnected"
msgstr "desconectado"
msgid "diverse"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "diverso"
msgid "e.g. for online meetings"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "por ejemplo, para las reuniones en línea"
msgid "emails"
msgstr "correos electrónicos"
msgid "entries will be ommitted."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "se omitirán las entradas."
msgid "errors"
msgstr "errores"
@@ -3553,10 +3681,10 @@ msgid "female"
msgstr "mujer"
msgid "finished (unpublished)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "terminado (no publicado)"
msgid "fullscreen"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "pantalla completa"
msgid "green"
msgstr "verde"
@@ -3565,10 +3693,10 @@ msgid "grey"
msgstr "gris"
msgid "has saved his work on this motion."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ha guardado su trabajo en esta moción."
msgid "hidden"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ocultado"
msgid "in progress"
msgstr "en curso"
@@ -3577,22 +3705,22 @@ msgid "inactive"
msgstr "inactivo"
msgid "inline"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "en línea"
msgid "internal"
msgstr "interno"
msgid "is now"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "ahora está"
msgid "items"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "temas"
msgid "items per page"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "temas por página"
msgid "items selected"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "temas seleccionado"
msgid "lightblue"
msgstr "azul claro"
@@ -3604,19 +3732,19 @@ msgid "male"
msgstr "hombre"
msgid "motions"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mociones"
msgid "motions-example"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mociones - ejemplo"
msgid "move ..."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "mover ..."
msgid "needs review"
msgstr "necesita revisión"
msgid "no committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "no comité"
msgid "nominal"
msgstr "nominal"
@@ -3646,7 +3774,7 @@ msgid "outside"
msgstr "afuera"
msgid "participants-example"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "participants-example"
msgid "permitted"
msgstr "permitido"
@@ -3664,13 +3792,13 @@ msgid "red"
msgstr "rojo"
msgid "refered to committee"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "remitido al comité"
msgid "rejected"
msgstr "rechazado"
msgid "rejected (not authorized)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "rechazado (no autorizado)"
msgid "remove group(s)"
msgstr "Eliminar grupo(s)"
@@ -3691,10 +3819,10 @@ msgid "started"
msgstr "empezado"
msgid "statute paragraphs have been imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "los párrafos del estatuto han sido importados."
msgid "statute paragraphs(s) will be imported."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Se importarán los párrafo(s) del estatuto."
msgid "submitted"
msgstr "presentado"
@@ -3703,7 +3831,7 @@ msgid "supporters"
msgstr "seguidores"
msgid "to"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "a"
msgid "undocumented"
msgstr "indocumentado"
diff --git a/client/src/assets/i18n/template-en.pot b/client/src/assets/i18n/template-en.pot
index 3ad1a98da..263dd4bc1 100644
--- a/client/src/assets/i18n/template-en.pot
+++ b/client/src/assets/i18n/template-en.pot
@@ -390,6 +390,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to send emails to all selected participants?"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Are you sure you want to stop this voting?"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Are you sure you want to submit a point of order?"
msgstr ""
@@ -2768,6 +2771,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Statute paragraphs"
msgstr ""
+msgid "Stop"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "Stop & publish"
+msgstr ""
msgid "Stop counting"
msgstr ""
@@ -2927,6 +2936,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "There is an error with this amendment. Please edit it manually."
msgstr ""
+msgid "Thereof point of orders"
+msgstr ""
msgid "This ballot contains deleted users."
msgstr ""