More complete datastore interface

This commit is contained in:
FinnStutzenstein 2020-01-22 11:39:51 +01:00
parent c187700af2
commit f7f70098b0

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
Enum EventType {
@ -11,16 +10,49 @@ Enum EventType {
Exception ModelDoesNotExist(model: Fqid);
Exception ModelExist(model: Fqid);
Exception ModelNotDeleted(model: Fqid);
Exception ModelLocked(model: Fqid | CollectionField);
Exception InvalidFormat();
Exception ModelLocked(key: Fqid | Fqfield | CollectionField);
Exception InvalidFormat(msg: string);
Exception InvalidRequest(msg: string);
// TODO:
Exception MeetingIdNotSpecified();
# Note: Error returns via HTTP 400:
Interface ErrorResponse {
error: InvalidFormatData |
InvalidRequestData |
ModelDoesNotExistData |
ModelExistData |
ModelMotDeletedData |
Interface InvalidFormatData {
type: 1;
msg: string;
Interface InvalidRequestData {
type: 2;
msg: string;
Interface ModelDoesNotExistData {
type: 3;
fqid: string;
Interface ModelExistData {
type: 4;
fqid: string;
Interface ModelNotDeletedData {
type: 5;
fqid: string;
Interface ModelLockedData {
type: 6;
key: string;
## Writer
# Note: Different host and port than the reader!
* Writes Events into the datastore
* Writes Events into the datastore.
* Url: POST to /datastore/writer/write
* @throws ModelDoesNotExist
* @throws ModelExists
@ -28,7 +60,7 @@ Exception MeetingIdNotSpecified();
* @throws InvalidFormat
* @throws ModelNotDeleted
write(request: WriteRequest): void publishes BulkMetadataUpdate
write(request: WriteRequest): void publishes ModifiedFieldsEvent
Interface WriteRequest {
events: (CreateEvent | RestoreEvent | UpdateEvent | DeleteEvent)[];
@ -38,54 +70,71 @@ Interface WriteRequest {
user_id: number;
locked_fields: {
<fqid>: Position;
<fqfield>: Position;
<CollectionField>: Position;
Interface CreateEvent {
type: 'create';
fqid: Fqid;
data: {
fields: {
<field>: Value;
// Note: For deleting keys, they must be set to `None`. These keys
// will be removed from the model.
Interface UpdateEvent {
fqfields: {
<fqfield>: Value;
type: 'update';
fqid: Fqid;
fields: {
<field>: Value;
Interface RestoreEvent {
type: 'restore';
fqid: Fqid;
Interface DeleteEvent {
type: 'delete';
fqid: Fqid;
Event FieldUpdatedEvent on topic FieldUpdatedTopic {
created: Fqid[];
deleted: Fqid[];
updated: Fqfield[];
// Note: The modified fqfields include:
// - all updated fqfields
// - all deleted fqfields
// - all fqfields of all deleted models
// - all fqfields of all created models
// - all fqfields of all restored models (logically the same as created)
Event ModifiedFieldsEvent on topic ModifiedFields {
modified: Fqfield[];
## Reader
* Gibt n sequentielle Ids für die gegebene Collection zurück.
* Url: POST to /datastore/writer/get_ids
getIds(collection: Collection, n: number): Id[]
/** Common Parameters:
* - position: Optionsl, if given reads the data to this position.
* - mapped_fields: List of fields, that should onl be present in the response.
* - meeting_id: Für Modelle außer Nutzer, Gremium, Veranstaltung und Config
* Ist eine Angabe verpflichtend. Dies beschränkt die Nutzung
* auf eine spezifische Veranstaltung.
* Alle Operationen fügen `meta:position` und `meta:deleted` an.
## Reader
# Note: Different host and port than the writer!
/** Common notes:
* - parameter `position`: Optional, if given reads the data to this position.
* - parameter `mapped_fields`: List of fields, that should onl be present in the response.
* - All operations adds the fields `meta_position` and `meta_deleted` to the models.
* - The InvalidFormat exception can always be thrown, if the requested formats are
* wrong, including something like empty collections, ...
* Returns a model. Deleted models are not returned (and handled as a ModelDiesNotExit)
* Returns a model. Deleted models are not returned (and handled as a ModelDoesNotExit)
* @throws ModelDoesNotExist
* @throws InvalidFormat
get(model: Fqid, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: fields[]): Partial<Model>;
@ -93,83 +142,90 @@ get(model: Fqid, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: fields[]): Partial<Model>;
* Analogous to `get`, but also finds deleted models (see `meta_deleted` in the model)
* @throws ModelDoesNotExist
* @throws InvalidFormat
getWithDeleted(model: Fqid, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>;
* Gibt mehrere Modellinstanzen aus dem Eventstore zur aktuellen Position
* zurück. Gelöschte Instanzen werden nicht zurückgegeben.
* @throws ModelDoesNotExist
* Returns multiple (non-deleted) models of a collection. If one id is not found, it is
* not included in the response instead of throwing a ModelDoesNotExist.
getMany(collection: Collection, ids: Id[], position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
* Analog zu `getMany`, gibt jedoch auch gelöschte Instanzen zurück.
* Analogous to `getMany`, but includes deleted instances.
* @throws ModelDoesNotExist
* @throws InvalidFormat
getManyWithDeleted(collection: Collection, ids: Id[], position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
// Shortcuts for `filter*` without a filter
* Gibt alle Modelle einer Collection zurück. Die Veranstaltungsid ist zwingend (s.o.)
* für einige Collections. Gibt keine gelöscheten Elemente aus.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* Returns all (non-deleted) modells of one collection. It is not possible to specify
* an id, so this method can not be used, if the user browses the history. It should
* be noted, that it is highly disencouraged to use this method, becuase it might
* return a huge amount of data.
getAll(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
getAll(collection: Collection, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
* Wie `getAll`, gibt gelöschte und nicht-gelöschte Modelle wieder.
* Like `getAll`, but with deleted models included.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws InvalidFormat
getAllWithDeleted(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
getAllWithDeleted(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
* Wie `getAll`, gibt jedoch nur gelöschte Modelle wieder.
* Like `getAll`, but returns only all deleted models.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws InvalidFormat
getAllOnlyDeleted(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
getAllOnlyDeleted(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[];
* Gibt alle Modelle einer Collection (möglicherweise Veranstaltungsspezifisch)
* wieder, die dem filter-Ausdruck genügen. Für Filtermöglichkeiten: siehe unten.
* Returns all models of one collection, that satisifes the filter condition. This method
* does not take a position and can not be used when browsing the history.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws InvalidFormat
filter(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, filter: Filter, position?: Position, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[]
filter(collection: Collection, filter: Filter, mapped_fields?: Field[]): Partial<Model>[]
* Siehe `filter`. Gibt zurück, ob mindestens ein Modell gefunden wurde.
* See `filter`, returns true, if at least one model was found. The returned position is
* the highest position in the complete datastore.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws InvalidFormat
exists(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, filter: Filter, position?: Position): {exists: boolean; position: Position;}
exists(collection: Collection, filter: Filter): {exists: boolean; position: Position;}
* Siehe `filter`. Gibt die Anzahl an Modellen zurück.
* See `filter`, returns the amount of found models. The returned position is
* the highest position in the complete datastore.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws InvalidFormat
count(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, filter: Filter, position?: Position): {count: number; position: Position;}
count(collection: Collection, filter: Filter): {count: number; position: Position;}
* Führt einfache Min-Max-Aggregation über numerische Felder aus.
* Executes a min aggregation about all models of one collection, that
* satisfy the filter condition.
* @throws MeetingIdNotSpecified()
* @throws AggregationOperationInvalid(operand, value)
* @throws InvalidFormat
aggregate(collection: Collection, meeting_id?: Id, filter: Filter, aggregate: Aggregate, position?: Position): Value
min(collection: Collection, filter: Filter): {min: Value; position: Position;}
* Executes a max aggregation about all models of one collection, that
* satisfy the filter condition.
* @throws InvalidFormat
max(collection: Collection, filter: Filter): {min: Value; position: Position;}
Type Filter = And | Or | Not | FilterOperator
* Das eigentliche Filter-predikat. M[field] ist der Wert des Feldes des
* betrachteten Modells. Für alle Operatoren ist das
* Prädikat wahr, wenn `M[field] <op> value` wahr ist.
* The filter predicate. M[field] states the value of the field of a model M.
* For all operations the predicate if true, if `M[field] <op> value` is true.
Interface FilterOperator {
field: Field;
@ -188,13 +244,3 @@ Interface And {
Interface Or {
or: Filter[];
Interface Aggregate {
field: Field;
type: 'min' | 'max';
* Gibt n sequentielle Ids für die gegebene Collection zurück.
getId(collection: Collection, n: number): Id