- ListOfSpeakers (LOS) is now a speprate model, containing of an id,
speakers, closed and a content_object.
- Moved all speaker related views from ItemViewSet to the new
- Make Mixins for content objects of items and lists of speakers.
- Migrations: Move the lists of speakers from items to the LOS model.
- Removed the speaker repo and moved functionality to the new
- Splitted base classes for agenda item content objects to items and
- CurrentAgendaItemService -> CurrentListOfSpeakersSerivce
- Cleaned up the list of speakers component.
- Used raw SQL for createing default projector during inital migration.
- Removed default_password and hidden agenda items from autoupdate data for some users.
- Removed old get_collection_and_id_from_url() function.
Refactored user creation and update via REST API. Used new serializer.
Cleaned up management commands, signals and imports. Moved code from '' to ''.
Changed usage of group 'Registered'. Now the users don't have to be members to gain its permissions. Used customized auth backend for this.
Added and changed some tests.
* seperate unittests and integration tests
* moved old tests in seperat folder 'old'
* created a testrunner that does not create a testdatabase, if only unittests are run
* wrote some unit- and integration tests as examples
* fixed user.get_short_name() to use the sort order from config
* fixed wrong url_pattern in the user app