- ListOfSpeakers (LOS) is now a speprate model, containing of an id,
speakers, closed and a content_object.
- Moved all speaker related views from ItemViewSet to the new
- Make Mixins for content objects of items and lists of speakers.
- Migrations: Move the lists of speakers from items to the LOS model.
- Removed the speaker repo and moved functionality to the new
- Splitted base classes for agenda item content objects to items and
- CurrentAgendaItemService -> CurrentListOfSpeakersSerivce
- Cleaned up the list of speakers component.
Assigns the weight in the preorder traversal of the tree. Now one without every
object (e.g. missing motions/items) still have the correct sorting. Intorduces
the level attribute of items giving the amount of parents in the agenda. This
allows to reduce complexits in the client.
Restructure the titles for motion, motion-block, assignment and topic.
Less possibilities for more clear code. Added mote base models enabling
functionalities of projection and being a content object for items
The old hidden type was used as internal, so everything is changed to
not be shown if the item is internal. hidden is "new", and actually
behaves as hidden now.
- Used raw SQL for createing default projector during inital migration.
- Removed default_password and hidden agenda items from autoupdate data for some users.
- Removed old get_collection_and_id_from_url() function.
- Use ng-cloak for hide template parts while loading.
- Set html lang attribute dynamically (Fixes#1546)
- Clean up: Rename 'dashboard' to 'home'.
- Show duration of speech in minutes. (Fixes#1882)
- Save agenda specific stuff for customslides. (Fixes#1887)
- Remove title from QuickEdit from.
- Checkbox for item.closed is now visible for manager only.
- Agenda list view: Show list of speakers link also for normal users.
- Improve slide templates: Show agenda item number and subtitle.
- Fixed agenda title for motions and assignments.
(Don't load motions and assignmetn in agenda app.)
- Added missing seach template.
Added api for groups.
Refactored serializers now using 'id' instead of 'url'.
Rework of tornado autoupdate functionality.
Implemented extra data in SockJS messages.