- Translate group name in participant overview table.
- Move 'status_link' function from participants.js to utils.js for using in VoteCollector plugin.
- Added hook 'post_js' for VoteCollector plugin.
- Fixed poll id in poll_form.
- Improved 'show log' button
- Used welcome_title for default custom slide
- Used bootstraps' fluid grid nesting for responsive layout of widgets.
- Added microphone icon for 'add-me-to-list-of-speakers' button.
- Format motion identifier and title in (motion and account) widgets.
- Format list of speakers (slide, overlay, view, overview)
- Format list of speakers widget and view. Added view to link to current list of speakers (without add to list).
- Fixed motion slide. Made up/down animation faster and the scroll way shorter.
- Fixed icon name.
- Set default context of 'extra_javascript' to use kwargs['context']['extra_javascript'].append('...') without error.
- Fixed translation of motion state.
Moved css code.
- Fixed agenda widget for special slide views (e.g. list of speakers, summary).
- Fixed back to motion(s) link
- Set icon for list of speakers widget.
- Fixed overlay widget layout of form elements.
- Added submenu with other config_pages to version.html.
- Updated completly DE translations, fixed EN strings.
- Coding style: Use correct ugettext and ugettext_lazy strings. Use "as _" for ugettext only.
Updated translation.
- Improved projector template (clock image, fixed facicon, added subtitle for list of speakers)
- Changed permission strings ('oneself'). Added check if group(pk=3) exists.
- Added event name and description to base template. Some minor template layout fixes.
- Use static subtile (no context var). Show last 2 old_speakers for projector.
- Cut old_speakers.
- Projektor template style changes (e.g. overlay list of speakers).
Fixed csv import (added success url).
Added large csv file for testing import of >1000 participants.
Removed lage csv example file for paticipants (will be sustitute by a test script in future).