Read projector settings from the config
Preamble, styling fixes
Styling fixes
Show amendments inside of the motion view
Amendment view
Projector and statute paragraphs
Bugfix: Imports
- Projector base template
- Projection button
- projection dialog
- motion slide (template and motions/
- user slide (template and users/
- motion and user list view with projector column permission check.
* Changed wording: element is one element on the projector. A slide is a functoin to render one element
* Use AllData as first argument all the time
* Render username on server
* Add exceptions for erros on projector
* Fix motion recommendation
* Only show state extension, if it is allowed by the state
* Add motion_change_recommendations to motion full_data
With new amendment list table:
- Removed title from table, leadmotion can be selected now
- rename the new list, added the export dialog, multiselect actions and supporter badge in the amendment list view
- Moved collission detection to own factory, compute collissions in the amendment list view
- Delegates can now enter paragraph based amendments
- new amendment list as pdf/csv export
- improved caching of amendments
- Parse styles in headings and removed all double-quotes
- Performance improvements:
* Removed ng-mouseover/mouseleave actions in amendment-list
* disable collission detection in amendment list view.
* Improved state/recommendation dropdown in amendment list.
- Added ListView, DetailView, UpdateForm and connection to
agenda item for MotionBlock.
- Added slide and projection default.
- Added custom manager for motion blocks.
- Enabled current list of speakers slide and overlay for motion block.
* Second websocket channel for the projector
* Removed use of projector requirements for REST API requests.
Refactored data serializing for projector websocket connection.
* Refactor the way that the projector autoupdate get its data.
* Fixed missing assignment slide title for hidden items.
* Release all items for item list slide and list of speakers slide. Fixed error with motion workflow.
* Created CollectionElement class which helps to handle autoupdate.
Added list slides for motions and assignments.
Added detail slide for presentable files.
Updated list and detail slides for agenda items including slides for list of speakers.