Assigns the weight in the preorder traversal of the tree. Now one without every
object (e.g. missing motions/items) still have the correct sorting. Intorduces
the level attribute of items giving the amount of parents in the agenda. This
allows to reduce complexits in the client.
Updates will be observed from site component
(Makes pure projectors ignore updates, unless the user navigates manually)
Updates can now be delayed using the "noInterruption" route data.
If the "noInterruption" route data was set, updates notifications
will not be shown in this view.
The update notification will appear, after the user navigates
to a view without "noInterruption" flag.
- If the previously selected theme is not available the default OpenSlides theme will be displayed.
- Before the current selected theme was loaded, no theme is displayed.
Introdcues a new update service.
Listens to service-worker updates and shows a snack-bar to inform about updates.
Provides a function to manually check for updates.
The service worker tries to be consistent in it's own version and
updates in the background.
Some manuall trigger will be required to update, which is either a
reload or the execution of the provded check function
with help from
- Added filtering by visibility, like internal, public or hidden items
- Added option to collapse or expand all nodes
- Added also style for the dark theme
Calculates the direction of the moving.
Finishes the moving of nodes in same level
Adds some style
Sets the padding dynamically
Adds placeholder depends on the horizontal movement
Set the placeholder at the correct place, so the user can see, where he will drop the moved node
Finishes moving of nodes
- Old parents change their option to expand.
- New parents change their option to expand.
- If the user moves a node between nodes with a higher level, the node will be moved to the next index with same or lower level.
Fixes the visibility of moved node
- If the new parent is not visible, the moved node will not be seen.
If the user moves an expanded node, the new parent should expanded, too, if it's not already.
Sending successfully data to the server
- Sorting the items
Handles moving nodes between parent and children
- If the user moves a node between a parent and its children, the children will be relinked to the moved node as their new parent.
Replaces the old `sorting-tree` to a new one
- The new `sorted-tree` replaces the old `sorting-tree`.
- The old package `angular-tree-component` was removed.
- The user will only see the buttons to save or cancel his changes, if he made changes.
- The buttons, that do not work currently, were removed.
Adds a guard to check if the user made changes.
- If the user made changes but he has not saved them, then there is a dialog that will prompt to ask for confirmation.
Before cancelling the changes the user has to confirm this.