* geis does not work with channels2 and never will be (it has to be python now)
* pytest
* rewrote cache system
* use username instead of pk for admin user in tests
- models get other models from DataStore (Relations)
- documentation using Compodoc
- rename and restructure
- http-interceptor makes all http-objections obsolete
- created 'Deserializable model' interface for better mapping of JSON objects
- Supports multiple nested objects
- No foreign dependancies, no magic
- Simple yet efficient deserialize function
- arrays of nested objects
- created more classes for better OOP AOP
- basic client structure
- authentication towards OS-server
- access REST-Api
- webpack proxy for convenient usage
- fontawesome
- twitter bootstrap 3.3.7
- login example (recreate login page)
- routing
- template for agenda and motions
- dynamic content loading
- custom alert component
- add auth-guard
- checks if a user is logged in and makes correct forwarding
- authentification towards OS works
- saving the log in information is WIP
- Use ng-cloak for hide template parts while loading.
- Set html lang attribute dynamically (Fixes#1546)
- Clean up: Rename 'dashboard' to 'home'.
- Show duration of speech in minutes. (Fixes#1882)
- Save agenda specific stuff for customslides. (Fixes#1887)
- Remove title from QuickEdit from.
- Checkbox for item.closed is now visible for manager only.
- Agenda list view: Show list of speakers link also for normal users.
- Improve slide templates: Show agenda item number and subtitle.
- Fixed agenda title for motions and assignments.
(Don't load motions and assignmetn in agenda app.)
- Added missing seach template.