Updates to angular 8 and updates all used components
- removed wrapper class for ngx/pwa LocalStorrace
- removed database lock service due to bugs
- tried to work around a cycle of dependancies
- changed some structure to be more close to default angular
- removed legacy angular packages
- removed date-picker since it was not currently used and
is not compatible anymore
- upgrade tinyMCE
Replaces most mat-tables with tables using the NGrid library, supporting
extremly performant virtual scrolling.
The ListViewBaseComponent have been extremly simplified.
All list-view code is now mich shorter and way less repitative
The group list and the workflow list have not been altered.
- Fast virtual Scrolling without pagination
- Click Filter
- Search Filter
- Sorting
- Export filtered values (using click filters)
- Export sorted values in correct order
- Right-Click-new-tab
- Hiding/showing columns by permission and screen size
- Multi select
- Auto Updates in MultiSelectMode keep the correct items selected
- OsHeadBar shows the correct amount of data
- Restore scroll position after navigation
- Shared-Table Component
- Clean-Up base-list-view
- Motion List
- Motion Block List
- Motion Block Detail
- User List
- Agnnda List
- Assignment List
- MediaFile List
- Tag List
- Formulate filter predicates
- LOS Badge autoupdate (change detection)
- Better ellipses in lists
- Horrizontal Scrolling, if the screen get's too small.
- Issues in the change detection
- Some Layouting
- Using the seach filter prevents the sorting from working.
- NGrid currently has no way to get the filtered list
using search filter. Thus, search-filtered list cannot
be exported.
- moved some components
- added consistend namin scheme: (View)Assignment, (View)AssignmentPoll
(View)AssignmentPollOption and (View)AssignmentRelatedUser.
- Added precisionPipe, which needs to be added everywhere.
- Cleaned up converting deciml fields (as strings in the REST API) to
- The repository creates the View* structure and enabled user updates.
Calculates the direction of the moving.
Finishes the moving of nodes in same level
Adds some style
Sets the padding dynamically
Adds placeholder depends on the horizontal movement
Set the placeholder at the correct place, so the user can see, where he will drop the moved node
Finishes moving of nodes
- Old parents change their option to expand.
- New parents change their option to expand.
- If the user moves a node between nodes with a higher level, the node will be moved to the next index with same or lower level.
Fixes the visibility of moved node
- If the new parent is not visible, the moved node will not be seen.
If the user moves an expanded node, the new parent should expanded, too, if it's not already.
Sending successfully data to the server
- Sorting the items
Handles moving nodes between parent and children
- If the user moves a node between a parent and its children, the children will be relinked to the moved node as their new parent.
Replaces the old `sorting-tree` to a new one
- The new `sorted-tree` replaces the old `sorting-tree`.
- The old package `angular-tree-component` was removed.
- The user will only see the buttons to save or cancel his changes, if he made changes.
- The buttons, that do not work currently, were removed.
Adds a guard to check if the user made changes.
- If the user made changes but he has not saved them, then there is a dialog that will prompt to ask for confirmation.
Before cancelling the changes the user has to confirm this.
Added a new set of icons and removed the old one. The new one can used just like the old one.
Changed old improper icons to new ones
- The 'save_alt'-icons are replaced by 'cloud_upload'
- The icon in the navigation for assignments is replaced by 'how_to_vote'
- The drag&drop icon 'unfold_more' is replaced by 'drag_indicator'