Removes motion tiles for subcategories
Sort motion-special tiles always behind category tiles
Add new logic to build tiles
Filter subcateories with their parent
- Builds a new component 'rounded-input' to have a input-field with rounded borders.
- Saves the input on every change in the local storage.
- In the `OnInit`-function this value is restored.
Fixes an error where the PDF TOC header could not be repeated.
PDFmake seems to ignore soft references to objects. It will print them exactly once and then ignore them.
Also Adds the name of a parent category in a TOC-Table
- If the motion-list is sorted by categories, the category is internal sorted by the `category_weight` of the motion
- Adds a slot to pass a custom sorting function to the `sort-filter-bar.component`
- The cells in the table of a workflow are dynamically growing
- The colors of the states get new labels
- If multiple selection in motion-list is active, the button to change the view won't be seen
- Implements NGrids new "filteredData" function, to restore old filter behavior.
Export a quick-filtered list is now possible.
- More controll about List-View-Table UI
- Use NGrid target-events for better mutli-select behavior
- Changes the behavior of hidden headers to ignore paddings-changes
- filters are more resistant to errors and storage loss
- show motion export dialog for all users
- print recommendation in table of content lines in italic
- only print categories of filtered motions in table of content
- add page break after each (sub)category
- reduce font size for footer date
- Fixes an error where the extension label could open automatically due to state changes by others.
- Changes the quick-navigation div to a host-listener
- Changes the quick-navigation keys to meta+alt+arrow to shift+alt+arrow, since Firefox does not recognize meta
- Removed the ID from all os-sort-lists and moves it into the extra controls of category-motion-sort-list
Enhances the motion extension field to make it even more easily
Also allows to quickly jump between motions using:
Meta + Alt(left) + ArrowKeyLeft/Right