Updates Angular to version 9.1
Updates most-to-all npm components
Removes deprecated components and npm commands
Updates travis node version
Adjust the whole code base to angular 9 standard
Increase TypeScipt version to 3.8
Updates to angular 8 and updates all used components
- removed wrapper class for ngx/pwa LocalStorrace
- removed database lock service due to bugs
- tried to work around a cycle of dependancies
- changed some structure to be more close to default angular
- removed legacy angular packages
- removed date-picker since it was not currently used and
is not compatible anymore
- upgrade tinyMCE
- core modules contains core services
- shared module contains "dumb" components (directives, models)
- used by nearly all modules
- site, it's children and projector are now feature modules
- full lazy loading with independent routing
- routing for children (extremely helpful for plugins (later))