Read projector settings from the config
Preamble, styling fixes
Styling fixes
Show amendments inside of the motion view
Amendment view
Projector and statute paragraphs
Bugfix: Imports
- Projector base template
- Projection button
- projection dialog
- motion slide (template and motions/
- user slide (template and users/
- motion and user list view with projector column permission check.
* Changed wording: element is one element on the projector. A slide is a functoin to render one element
* Use AllData as first argument all the time
* Render username on server
* Add exceptions for erros on projector
* Fix motion recommendation
* Only show state extension, if it is allowed by the state
* Add motion_change_recommendations to motion full_data
With new amendment list table:
- Removed title from table, leadmotion can be selected now
- rename the new list, added the export dialog, multiselect actions and supporter badge in the amendment list view
- Moved collission detection to own factory, compute collissions in the amendment list view
- Delegates can now enter paragraph based amendments
- new amendment list as pdf/csv export
- improved caching of amendments
- Parse styles in headings and removed all double-quotes
- Performance improvements:
* Removed ng-mouseover/mouseleave actions in amendment-list
* disable collission detection in amendment list view.
* Improved state/recommendation dropdown in amendment list.
- Added ListView, DetailView, UpdateForm and connection to
agenda item for MotionBlock.
- Added slide and projection default.
- Added custom manager for motion blocks.
- Enabled current list of speakers slide and overlay for motion block.
* Second websocket channel for the projector
* Removed use of projector requirements for REST API requests.
Refactored data serializing for projector websocket connection.
* Refactor the way that the projector autoupdate get its data.
* Fixed missing assignment slide title for hidden items.
* Release all items for item list slide and list of speakers slide. Fixed error with motion workflow.
* Created CollectionElement class which helps to handle autoupdate.