- item list: reorder buttons
- motion list:
* move hover menu for edit/delete below submitters
* limit submitters to one
- motion detail:
* show ol flush left
* use 2 or 3 columns in meta box
* use small buttons for line numbering controls
* group line number controls in grey tool bar.
* Show motion comments div only if user is allowed.
- motion config:
* Deativate comments by default.
* Deactivate recommendations for motions by default.
- item detail: Show needed buttons only.
- assignment detail: Improve ballot tabs.
- general:
* move pdf button to right
* move 'back to overview' button to left
* update label vor countdown option
- Remove on-focus-me directive on every list view.
(Otherwise smartphones/tablets opens always the keyboard on each list view.)
- Make some columns 'optional' in list view to see only the most important columns
on small devices.
- Add z-index for projector sidebar. Show it in full width on small
- Remove padding on small devices.
- Vertical centering event title (if no description available)
- Fix sorting of main agenda item list.
- Show countdowns side-by-side. Allow edit if countdown is running.
- switch projector live view minimize/maximize buttons
- show agenda/item split buttons (project only main agenda items, project subitem)
only if subitems are available
- better integration of tinymce in bower and gulp
- Improve support for html tags in reportlab's motion pdf.
- Now paste from word works without problems
(That was the main reason of switching to tinymce:
The data loss problem with MS Word is still unfixed in CKEditor,
see https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/13174)
- The editor is now used for customslides (text), motions (text,
reason) and users (about).
- Use mediafile image list for tinymce.
- Use own repository for tinymce-i18n: OpenSlides/tinymce-i18n
- Use ng-cloak for hide template parts while loading.
- Set html lang attribute dynamically (Fixes#1546)
- Clean up: Rename 'dashboard' to 'home'.
- Show duration of speech in minutes. (Fixes#1882)
- Save agenda specific stuff for customslides. (Fixes#1887)
- Remove title from QuickEdit from.
- Checkbox for item.closed is now visible for manager only.
- Agenda list view: Show list of speakers link also for normal users.
- Improve slide templates: Show agenda item number and subtitle.
- Fixed agenda title for motions and assignments.
(Don't load motions and assignmetn in agenda app.)
- Added missing seach template.
- Reset password from current (unsaved) value of default_password.
- MotionForm, AssignmentForm and UserForm factory for open ngDialog.
Fixes edit url redirect problem.
- Added back-to-detail-view-button to list of speakers view.
- Add translation context.
- Fixed (missing) translation strings.
- Fixed tags and category list views.
- motion detail: Use select box for changing state.
- motion slide updated
- Fixed z-index of messages and countdowns.
- Sidebar: Live view open by default. Improve section style.
- Set default value for open_posts in assignments create form.
- Redefine default values in motions create form.
- use modal dialogs for new/edit views of customslide/motions/assigments
- use hover actions in all list views
- Show assignment candidate names
- support yesnoabstain/vote assignment poll
- Generic solution for open edit dialog.
- Added QuickEdit mode for related agenda items
- show/hide hidden agenda items
- Added ng-dialog for modal create/update dialogs of customslides
- use generic links for list of speakers, edit, delete, project
- Moved projector elements to sidebar of index template (In progress!
It will be improved with new base template design).
- Fixed error if chat messages is empty.
- Moved ngSanitize to base.js to use ng-bind-html in projector slides.
motion detail:
- added progres bar for motionpoll
- added support/unsupport function
- show log
motion list:
- added state filter
- added css animations for enter/leave
motion form:
- use angular-formly (instead of old ng-fab-forms with no angular 1.4.x support)
- Workflow states use new field 'css_class' (instead of unused
'icon'). Added migration file.
- added 'allowed_actions' to rest api for each motion (by Norman)
- updated all JavaScript dependencies (bower.json)
countdowns, messages, scale/scroll/edit current slide
Use global serverOffset.
Fixed#1645 (wrong time of projector clock).
Show countdown description on projector slide.