Emanuel Schuetze
Agenda slide templates. Some template improvements.
- User import
- show linebreaks for long text
- some style work
- item detail and agenda list slide
2015-06-25 14:19:43 +02:00
Emanuel Schuetze
Template improvements
- Activate slides for users, customslides, motions, assignments.
- Add delete confirm message.
- Fixed required form fields.
- Added version template.
- Improved user import. Updated csv files.
2015-06-25 00:15:56 +02:00
Oskar Hahn
Added projector methods to user model
2015-06-24 13:07:49 +02:00
Emanuel Schuetze
List of speakers with angularjs.
- Add/remove user to/from list
- Open/close list
2015-06-22 14:34:23 +02:00
Emanuel Schuetze
Updated motion list, form and detail views.
2015-06-20 10:44:00 +02:00
Oskar Hahn
Angular Client
* Split angular app into a site- and a projector app
* Created client slide api and slides for customslide and user
* JS-function to activate a slide
2015-06-18 23:23:34 +02:00
Emanuel Schuetze
Added two agenda import ways.
Note: CSV example file was updated because English csv header strings are
required now.
2015-06-16 20:29:09 +02:00
Emanuel Schuetze
Added new angularjs templates
for agenda, motions, assignments, users and mediafiles apps.
Users app:
- Show permissions in group form (Fixed #1500 )
- Added experimental csv import for users.
- new agenda sort view.
- Added experimental angular-xeditable for item-list view.
- Added core.tag templates.
- Added mediafiles templates.
- Remove old template and js files. Remove old views.
- Skip old tests.
Added external angular modules:
- angular-loading-bar (Fixed #1448 )
- ui-tree (for sorting agenda tree)
- ng-fab-forms (for better form validation)
- ui-bootstrap (for modal window, dropdown, popover)
- ngBootbox (for confirm delete dialogs in agenda and users app)
2015-05-06 09:19:16 +02:00
Oskar Hahn
Use ui-router to handle django urls
See: #1453
2015-03-02 19:03:19 +01:00
Emanuel Schuetze
Angular templates for users app. Use angular-gettext.
- Use new "Font Awesome" icons.
- Sorting columns.
- Filter table.
- New focusMe directive.
- Delete user
- Use ui-sref.
- Use angular-gettext for i18n.
- Added sample po files for DE and FR.
- group views
- use google coding style (2 spaces, optional end tags, etc)
2015-03-02 16:25:36 +01:00
Oskar Hahn
Implemented auth via AngularJS
Also added the derective osPerms to check if the current user has permissions.
Removed old Django views and urls for user.
Created utils.views.APIView which should be used instead of the AjaxView.
Fixes : #1470
Fixes : #1454
2015-02-16 11:42:48 +01:00
Oskar Hahn
Update angular-data to js-data (angular-data 2.1)
Also reload all data after 5 minutes
2015-02-13 23:27:27 +01:00
Oskar Hahn
Used AngularUI Router for more generic URL routing.
2015-02-12 09:52:07 +01:00