motion detail:
- added progres bar for motionpoll
- added support/unsupport function
- show log
motion list:
- added state filter
- added css animations for enter/leave
motion form:
- use angular-formly (instead of old ng-fab-forms with no angular 1.4.x support)
- Workflow states use new field 'css_class' (instead of unused
'icon'). Added migration file.
- added 'allowed_actions' to rest api for each motion (by Norman)
- updated all JavaScript dependencies (bower.json)
countdowns, messages, scale/scroll/edit current slide
Use global serverOffset.
Fixed#1645 (wrong time of projector clock).
Show countdown description on projector slide.
- Use new "Font Awesome" icons.
- Sorting columns.
- Filter table.
- New focusMe directive.
- Delete user
- Use ui-sref.
- Use angular-gettext for i18n.
- Added sample po files for DE and FR.
- group views
- use google coding style (2 spaces, optional end tags, etc)