version: "3" services: datastore-reader: build: context: "" args: GIT_CHECKOUT: "${OPENSLIDES_DATASTORE_SERVICE_COMMIT_HASH}" MODULE: "reader" PORT: "${OPENSLIDES_DATASTORE_READER_PORT}" image: openslides-datastore-reader networks: - backend - datastore-reader - postgres datastore-writer: build: context: "" args: GIT_CHECKOUT: "${OPENSLIDES_DATASTORE_SERVICE_COMMIT_HASH}" MODULE: "writer" PORT: "${OPENSLIDES_DATASTORE_WRITER_PORT}" image: openslides-datastore-writer networks: - backend - postgres - message-bus postgres: networks: - postgres client: build: context: "" args: GIT_CHECKOUT: "${OPENSLIDES_CLIENT_COMMIT_HASH}" image: openslides-client networks: - frontend backend: networks: - frontend - backend autoupdate: networks: - frontend - backend - message-bus auth: build: context: "" args: GIT_CHECKOUT: "${OPENSLDIES_AUTH_SERVICE_COMMIT_HASH}" PORT: "${OPENSLDIES_AUTH_SERVICE_PORT}" image: openslides-auth networks: - datastore-reader - auth cache: networks: - auth message-bus: networks: - message-bus media: # TODO: build image: openslides-media networks: - frontend - backend - postgres haproxy: build: ./haproxy image: openslides-haproxy networks: - uplink - frontend # Setup: host <-uplink-> haproxy <-frontend-> services that are reachable from the client <-backend-> services that are internal-only # There are special networks for some services only, e.g. postgres only for the postgresql, datastore reader and datastore writer networks: uplink: frontend: internal: true backend: internal: true postgres: internal: true datastore-reader: internal: true message-bus: internal: true auth: internal: true