// define a real custom palette (using http://mcg.mbitson.com) $openslides-blue: ( 50: #e6eff2, 100: #c1d6e0, 200: #98bbcb, 300: #6fa0b6, 400: #508ba6, 500: #317796, 600: #2c6f8e, 700: #002a42, 800: #00253c, 900: #001f33, A100: #9fd7ff, A200: #6cc2ff, A400: #39acff, A700: #1fa2ff, contrast: ( 50: #ffffff, 100: #ffffff, 200: #ffffff, 300: #ffffff, 400: #ffffff, 500: #ffffff, 600: #ffffff, 700: #ffffff, 800: #ffffff, 900: #ffffff, A100: #000000, A200: #000000, A400: #000000, A700: #000000 ) ); // Generate paletes using: https://material.io/design/color/ // default values fir mat-palette: $default: 500, $lighter: 100, $darker: 700. $openslides-primary: mat-palette($openslides-blue); $openslides-accent: mat-palette($mat-blue); $openslides-warn: mat-palette($mat-red); // Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes). $openslides-theme: mat-light-theme($openslides-primary, $openslides-accent, $openslides-warn);