from django.conf import settings from ..utils.auth import get_group_model from ..utils.rest_api import ( CharField, DecimalField, IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField, JSONField, ModelSerializer, SerializerMethodField, ValidationError, ) from .models import BasePoll BASE_VOTE_FIELDS = ( "id", "weight", "value", "user", "delegated_user", "user_token", "option", "pollstate", ) class BaseVoteSerializer(ModelSerializer): pollstate = SerializerMethodField() def get_pollstate(self, vote): return vote.option.poll.state BASE_OPTION_FIELDS = ("id", "yes", "no", "abstain", "poll_id", "pollstate") class BaseOptionSerializer(ModelSerializer): yes = DecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2, read_only=True) no = DecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2, read_only=True) abstain = DecimalField( max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2, read_only=True ) pollstate = SerializerMethodField() def get_pollstate(self, option): return option.poll.state BASE_POLL_FIELDS = ( "state", "type", "title", "groups", "votesvalid", "votesinvalid", "votescast", "options", "id", "onehundred_percent_base", "majority_method", "is_pseudoanonymized", "voted", "entitled_users_at_stop", ) class BasePollSerializer(ModelSerializer): title = CharField(allow_blank=False, required=True) groups = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField( many=True, required=False, queryset=get_group_model().objects.all() ) options = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=True, read_only=True) voted = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=True, read_only=True) entitled_users_at_stop = JSONField(required=False) def create(self, validated_data): """ Match the 100 percent base to the pollmethod. Change the base, if it does not fit to the pollmethod. Set is_pseudoanonymized if type is pseudoanonymous. """ new_100_percent_base = self.norm_100_percent_base_to_pollmethod( validated_data["onehundred_percent_base"], validated_data["pollmethod"] ) if new_100_percent_base is not None: validated_data["onehundred_percent_base"] = new_100_percent_base if validated_data["type"] == BasePoll.TYPE_PSEUDOANONYMOUS: validated_data["is_pseudoanonymized"] = True return super().create(validated_data) def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Adjusts the 100%-base to the pollmethod. This might be needed, if at least one of them was changed. Wrong combinations should be also handled by the client, but here we make it sure aswell! E.g. the pollmethod is YN, but the 100%-base is YNA, this might not be possible (see implementing serializers to see forbidden combinations) Also updates is_pseudoanonymized, if needed. """ old_100_percent_base = instance.onehundred_percent_base if "type" in validated_data: if validated_data["type"] == BasePoll.TYPE_PSEUDOANONYMOUS: validated_data["is_pseudoanonymized"] = True else: validated_data["is_pseudoanonymized"] = False instance = super().update(instance, validated_data) new_100_percent_base = self.norm_100_percent_base_to_pollmethod( instance.onehundred_percent_base, instance.pollmethod, old_100_percent_base ) if new_100_percent_base is not None: instance.onehundred_percent_base = new_100_percent_base return instance def validate(self, data): """ Check that the given polltype is allowed. """ # has to be called in function instead of globally to enable tests to change the setting ENABLE_ELECTRONIC_VOTING = getattr(settings, "ENABLE_ELECTRONIC_VOTING", False) if ( "type" in data and data["type"] != BasePoll.TYPE_ANALOG and not ENABLE_ELECTRONIC_VOTING ): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "Electronic voting is disabled. Only analog polls are allowed." } ) return data def norm_100_percent_base_to_pollmethod( self, onehundred_percent_base, pollmethod, old_100_percent_base=None ): raise NotImplementedError()