from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Type, cast, ) from django.apps import apps from django.db.models import Model from mypy_extensions import TypedDict from .cache import full_data_cache if TYPE_CHECKING: from .access_permissions import BaseAccessPermissions # noqa AutoupdateFormat = TypedDict( 'AutoupdateFormat', { 'collection': str, 'id': int, 'action': 'str', 'data': Dict[str, Any], }, total=False, ) InnerChannelMessageFormat = TypedDict( 'InnerChannelMessageFormat', { 'collection_string': str, 'id': int, 'deleted': bool, 'information': Dict[str, Any], 'full_data': Optional[Dict[str, Any]], } ) ChannelMessageFormat = TypedDict( 'ChannelMessageFormat', { 'elements': List[InnerChannelMessageFormat], } ) class CollectionElement: def __init__(self, instance: Model=None, deleted: bool=False, collection_string: str=None, id: int=None, full_data: Dict[str, Any]=None, information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> None: """ Do not use this. Use the methods from_instance() or from_values(). """ self.instance = instance self.deleted = deleted self.full_data = full_data self.information = information or {} if instance is not None: # Collection element is created via instance self.collection_string = instance.get_collection_string() = elif collection_string is not None and id is not None: # Collection element is created via values self.collection_string = collection_string = id else: raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid state. Use CollectionElement.from_instance() or ' 'CollectionElement.from_values() but not CollectionElement() ' 'directly.') if self.is_deleted(): # Delete the element from the cache, if self.is_deleted() is True: full_data_cache.del_element(self.collection_string, else: # The call to get_full_data() has some sideeffects. When the object # was created with from_instance() or the object is not in the cache # then get_full_data() will save the object into the cache. # This will also raise a DoesNotExist error, if the object does # neither exist in the cache nor in the database. self.get_full_data() @classmethod def from_instance(cls, instance: Model, deleted: bool=False, information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> 'CollectionElement': """ Returns a collection element from a database instance. This will also update the instance in the cache. If deleted is set to True, the element is deleted from the cache. """ return cls(instance=instance, deleted=deleted, information=information) @classmethod def from_values(cls, collection_string: str, id: int, deleted: bool=False, full_data: Dict[str, Any]=None, information: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> 'CollectionElement': """ Returns a collection element from a collection_string and an id. If deleted is set to True, the element is deleted from the cache. With the argument full_data, the content of the CollectionElement can be set. It has to be a dict in the format that is used be access_permission.get_full_data(). """ return cls(collection_string=collection_string, id=id, deleted=deleted, full_data=full_data, information=information) def __eq__(self, collection_element: 'CollectionElement') -> bool: # type: ignore """ Compares two collection_elements. Two collection elements are equal, if they have the same collection_string and id. """ return (self.collection_string == collection_element.collection_string and == def as_autoupdate_for_user(self, user: Optional['CollectionElement']) -> AutoupdateFormat: """ Returns a dict that can be sent through the autoupdate system for a site user. """ if not self.is_deleted(): restricted_data = self.get_access_permissions().get_restricted_data([self.get_full_data()], user) data = restricted_data[0] if restricted_data else None else: data = None return format_for_autoupdate( collection_string=self.collection_string,, action='deleted' if self.is_deleted() else 'changed', data=data) def as_autoupdate_for_projector(self) -> AutoupdateFormat: """ Returns a dict that can be sent through the autoupdate system for the projector. """ if not self.is_deleted(): restricted_data = self.get_access_permissions().get_projector_data([self.get_full_data()]) data = restricted_data[0] if restricted_data else None else: data = None return format_for_autoupdate( collection_string=self.collection_string,, action='deleted' if self.is_deleted() else 'changed', data=data) def as_dict_for_user(self, user: Optional['CollectionElement']) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Returns a dict with the data for a user. Can be used for the rest api. Returns None if the user does not has the permission to see the element. """ restricted_data = self.get_access_permissions().get_restricted_data([self.get_full_data()], user) return restricted_data[0] if restricted_data else None def get_model(self) -> Type[Model]: """ Returns the django model that is used for this collection. """ return get_model_from_collection_string(self.collection_string) def get_access_permissions(self) -> 'BaseAccessPermissions': """ Returns the get_access_permissions object for the this collection element. """ return self.get_model().get_access_permissions() def get_full_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the full_data of this collection_element from with all other dics can be generated. Raises a DoesNotExist error on the requested the coresponding model, if the object does neither exist in the cache nor in the database. """ # If the full_data is already loaded, return it # If there is a db_instance, use it to get the full_data # else: use the cache. if self.full_data is None: if self.instance is None: # Make sure the cache exists if not full_data_cache.exists_for_collection(self.collection_string): # Build the cache if it does not exists. full_data_cache.build_for_collection(self.collection_string) self.full_data = full_data_cache.get_element(self.collection_string, else: self.full_data = self.get_access_permissions().get_full_data(self.instance) full_data_cache.add_element(self.collection_string,, self.full_data) return self.full_data def is_deleted(self) -> bool: """ Returns Ture if the item is marked as deleted. """ return self.deleted class Collection: """ Represents all elements of one collection. """ def __init__(self, collection_string: str, full_data: List[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> None: """ Initiates a Collection. A collection_string has to be given. If full_data (a list of dictionaries) is not given the method get_full_data() exposes all data by iterating over all CollectionElements. """ self.collection_string = collection_string self.full_data = full_data def get_model(self) -> Type[Model]: """ Returns the django model that is used for this collection. """ return get_model_from_collection_string(self.collection_string) def get_access_permissions(self) -> 'BaseAccessPermissions': """ Returns the get_access_permissions object for the this collection. """ return self.get_model().get_access_permissions() def element_generator(self) -> Generator[CollectionElement, None, None]: """ Generator that yields all collection_elements of this collection. """ for full_data in self.get_full_data(): yield CollectionElement.from_values( self.collection_string, full_data['id'], full_data=full_data) def get_full_data(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Returns a list of dictionaries with full_data of all collection elements. """ if self.full_data is None: # Build the cache, if it does not exists. if not full_data_cache.exists_for_collection(self.collection_string): full_data_cache.build_for_collection(self.collection_string) self.full_data = full_data_cache.get_data(self.collection_string) return self.full_data def as_list_for_user(self, user: Optional[CollectionElement]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Returns a list of dictonaries to send them to a user, for example over the rest api. """ return self.get_access_permissions().get_restricted_data(self.get_full_data(), user) _models_to_collection_string = {} # type: Dict[str, Type[Model]] def get_model_from_collection_string(collection_string: str) -> Type[Model]: """ Returns a model class which belongs to the argument collection_string. """ def model_generator() -> Generator[Type[Model], None, None]: """ Yields all models of all apps. """ for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): for model in app_config.get_models(): yield model # On the first run, generate the dict. It can not change at runtime. if not _models_to_collection_string: for model in model_generator(): try: get_collection_string = model.get_collection_string except AttributeError: # Skip models which do not have the method get_collection_string. pass else: _models_to_collection_string[get_collection_string()] = model try: model = _models_to_collection_string[collection_string] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Invalid message. A valid collection_string is missing.') return model def format_for_autoupdate(collection_string: str, id: int, action: str, data: Dict[str, Any]=None) -> AutoupdateFormat: """ Returns a dict that can be used for autoupdate. """ if data is None: # If the data is None then the action has to be deleted, # even when it says diffrently. This can happen when the object is not # deleted, but the user has no permission to see it. action = 'deleted' output = AutoupdateFormat( collection=collection_string, id=id, action=action, ) if action != 'deleted': data = cast(Dict[str, Any], data) # In this case data can not be None output['data'] = data return output def to_channel_message(elements: List[CollectionElement]) -> ChannelMessageFormat: """ Converts a list of collection elements to a dict, that can be send to the channels system. """ output = [] for element in elements: output.append(InnerChannelMessageFormat( collection_string=element.collection_string,, deleted=element.is_deleted(), information=element.information, full_data=element.full_data, )) return ChannelMessageFormat(elements=output) def from_channel_message(message: ChannelMessageFormat) -> List[CollectionElement]: """ Converts a list of collection elements back from a dict, that was created via to_channel_message. """ elements = [] for value in message['elements']: elements.append(CollectionElement.from_values(**value)) return elements