# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # TODO: Rename the file to 'csv.py' when we drop python2 support. At the moment # the name csv has a conflict with the core-module. See: # http://docs.python.org/2/tutorial/modules.html#intra-package-references import csv from django.db import transaction from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop from openslides.utils import csv_ext from openslides.utils.person.api import Persons from openslides.utils.utils import html_strong from .models import Category, Motion def import_motions(csv_file, default_submitter, override=False, importing_person=None): """ Imports motions from a csv file. The file must be encoded in utf8. The first line (header) is ignored. If no or multiple submitters found, the default submitter is used. If a motion with a given identifier already exists, the motion is overridden, when the flag 'override' is true. If no or multiple categories found, the category is set to None. """ count_success = 0 count_lines = 0 # Check encoding try: csv_file.read().decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return (0, 0, [_('Import file has wrong character encoding, only UTF-8 is supported!')], []) csv_file.seek(0) with transaction.commit_on_success(): dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(csv_file.readline()) dialect = csv_ext.patchup(dialect) csv_file.seek(0) all_error_messages = [] all_warning_messages = [] for (line_no, line) in enumerate(csv.reader(csv_file, dialect=dialect)): warning = [] if line_no < 1: # Do not read the header line continue importline = html_strong(_('Line %d:') % (line_no + 1)) count_lines += 1 # Check format try: (identifier, title, text, reason, submitter, category) = line[:6] except ValueError: msg = _('Line is malformed. Motion not imported. Please check the required values.') all_error_messages.append("%s %s" % (importline, msg)) continue # Check existing motions according to the identifier if identifier: try: motion = Motion.objects.get(identifier=identifier) except Motion.DoesNotExist: motion = Motion(identifier=identifier) else: if not override: msg = _('Identifier already exists. Motion not imported.') all_error_messages.append("%s %s" % (importline, msg)) continue else: motion = Motion() # Insert data motion.title = title motion.text = text motion.reason = reason if category: try: motion.category = Category.objects.get(name=category) except Category.DoesNotExist: warning.append(_('Category unknown. No category is used.')) except Category.MultipleObjectsReturned: warning.append(_('Several suitable categories found. No category is used.')) motion.save() # Add submitter person_found = False if submitter: for person in Persons(): if person.clean_name == submitter.decode('utf8'): if person_found: warning.append(_('Several suitable submitters found.')) person_found = False break else: new_submitter = person person_found = True if not person_found: warning.append(_('Submitter unknown. Default submitter is used.')) new_submitter = default_submitter # add all warnings of each csv line to one warning message if warning: warning_message_string = "%s " % importline warning_message_string += " ".join(warning) all_warning_messages.append(warning_message_string) motion.clear_submitters() motion.add_submitter(new_submitter) motion.write_log(message_list=[ugettext_noop('Motion imported')], person=importing_person) count_success += 1 # Build final error message with all error items (one bullet point for each csv line) full_error_message = None if all_error_messages: full_error_message = "%s " # Build final warning message with all warning items (one bullet point for each csv line) full_warning_message = None if all_warning_messages: full_warning_message = "%s " return (count_success, count_lines, [full_error_message], [full_warning_message])