import json import time import warnings from collections import Iterable from channels import Channel, Group from channels.asgi import get_channel_layer from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http from django.apps import apps from django.db import transaction from ..core.config import config from ..core.models import Projector from .auth import AnonymousUser, anonymous_is_enabled from .cache import websocket_user_cache from .collection import Collection, CollectionElement, CollectionElementList def send_or_wait(send_func, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapper for channels' send() method. If the method send() raises ChannelFull exception the worker waits for 20 milliseconds and tries again. After 5 secondes it gives up, drops the channel message and writes a warning to stderr. Django channels' consumer atomicity feature is disabled. """ kwargs['immediately'] = True for i in range(250): try: send_func(*args, **kwargs) except get_channel_layer().ChannelFull: time.sleep(0.02) else: break else: warnings.warn( 'Channel layer is full. Channel message dropped.', RuntimeWarning ) @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_add_site(message): """ Adds the websocket connection to a group specific to the connecting user. The group with the name 'user-None' stands for all anonymous users. Send all "startup-data" through the connection. """ Group('site').add(message.reply_channel) message.channel_session['user_id'] = # Saves the reply channel to the user. Uses 0 for anonymous users. websocket_user_cache.add( or 0, # Collect all elements that shoud be send to the client when the websocket # connection is established output = [] for app in apps.get_app_configs(): try: # Get the method get_startup_elements() from an app. # This method has to return an iterable of Collection objects. get_startup_elements = app.get_startup_elements except AttributeError: # Skip apps that do not implement get_startup_elements continue for collection in get_startup_elements(): output.extend(collection.as_autoupdate_for_user( # Send all data. If there is no data, then only accept the connection if output: send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) else: send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'accept': True}) @channel_session_user def ws_disconnect_site(message): """ This function is called, when a client on the site disconnects. """ Group('site').discard(message.reply_channel) websocket_user_cache.remove( or 0, @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_add_projector(message, projector_id): """ Adds the websocket connection to a group specific to the projector with the given id. Also sends all data that are shown on the projector. """ user = message.user # user is the django anonymous user. We have our own. if user.is_anonymous and anonymous_is_enabled(): user = AnonymousUser() if not user.has_perm('core.can_see_projector'): send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': 'No permissions to see this projector.'}) else: try: projector = Projector.objects.get(pk=projector_id) except Projector.DoesNotExist: send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': 'The projector {} does not exist.'.format(projector_id)}) else: # At first, the client is added to the projector group, so it is # informed if the data change. Group('projector-{}'.format(projector_id)).add(message.reply_channel) # Then it is also added to the global projector group which is # used for broadcasting data. Group('projector-all').add(message.reply_channel) # Now check whether broadcast is active at the moment. If yes, # change the local projector variable. if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: projector = Projector.objects.get(pk=config['projector_broadcast']) # Collect all elements that are on the projector. output = [] for requirement in projector.get_all_requirements(): required_collection_element = CollectionElement.from_instance(requirement) output.append(required_collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) # Collect all config elements. collection = Collection(config.get_collection_string()) output.extend(collection.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) # Collect the projector instance. collection_element = CollectionElement.from_instance(projector) output.append(collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) # Send all the data that were only collected before. send_or_wait(message.reply_channel.send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) def ws_disconnect_projector(message, projector_id): """ This function is called, when a client on the projector disconnects. """ Group('projector-{}'.format(projector_id)).discard(message.reply_channel) def send_data(message): """ Informs all site users and projector clients about changed data. """ collection_elements = CollectionElementList.from_channels_message(message) for user_id, channel_names in websocket_user_cache.get_all().items(): if not user_id: # Anonymous user user = AnonymousUser() else: user = CollectionElement.from_values('users/user', user_id) output = collection_elements.as_autoupdate_for_user(user) for channel_name in channel_names: send_or_wait(Channel(channel_name).send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) # Check whether broadcast is active at the moment and set the local # projector queryset. if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: queryset = Projector.objects.filter(pk=config['projector_broadcast']) else: queryset = Projector.objects.all() # Loop over all projectors and send data that they need. for projector in queryset: output = [] for collection_element in collection_elements: if collection_element.is_deleted(): output.append(collection_element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) else: for element in projector.get_collection_elements_required_for_this(collection_element): output.append(element.as_autoupdate_for_projector()) if output: if config['projector_broadcast'] > 0: send_or_wait( Group('projector-all').send, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) else: send_or_wait( Group('projector-{}'.format(, {'text': json.dumps(output)}) def inform_changed_data(instances, information=None): """ Informs the autoupdate system and the caching system about the creation or update of an element. The argument instances can be one instance or an interable over instances. """ root_instances = set() if not isinstance(instances, Iterable): # Make sure instances is an iterable instances = (instances, ) for instance in instances: try: root_instances.add(instance.get_root_rest_element()) except AttributeError: # Instance has no method get_root_rest_element. Just ignore it. pass # Generates an collection element list for the root_instances. collection_elements = CollectionElementList() for root_instance in root_instances: collection_elements.append( CollectionElement.from_instance( root_instance, information=information)) # If currently there is an open database transaction, then the # send_autoupdate function is only called, when the transaction is # commited. If there is currently no transaction, then the function # is called immediately. transaction.on_commit(lambda: send_autoupdate(collection_elements)) def inform_deleted_data(*args, information=None): """ Informs the autoupdate system and the caching system about the deletion of elements. The function has to be called with the attributes collection_string and id. Multible elements can be used. For example: inform_deleted_data('motions/motion', 1, 'assignments/assignment', 5) The argument information is added to each collection element. """ if len(args) % 2 or not args: raise ValueError( "inform_deleted_data has to be called with the same number of " "collection strings and ids. It has to be at least one collection " "string and one id.") # Go through each pair of collection_string and id and generate a collection # element from it. collection_elements = CollectionElementList() for index in range(0, len(args), 2): collection_elements.append(CollectionElement.from_values( collection_string=args[index], id=args[index + 1], deleted=True, information=information)) # If currently there is an open database transaction, then the # send_autoupdate function is only called, when the transaction is # commited. If there is currently no transaction, then the function # is called immediately. transaction.on_commit(lambda: send_autoupdate(collection_elements)) def send_autoupdate(collection_elements): """ Helper function, that sends collection_elements through a channel to the autoupdate system. Does nothing if collection_elements is empty. """ if collection_elements: send_or_wait( Channel('autoupdate.send_data').send, collection_elements.as_channels_message())