import json import re import sys from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import fastjsonschema import yaml MODELS_YML_PATH = "../../docs/models.yml" CHECKED_FILES = [ "../../docker/initial-data.json", "../../docs/example-data.json", ] SCHEMA = fastjsonschema.compile( { "$schema": "", "title": "Schema for initial and example data.", "type": "object", "patternProperties": { "^[a-z_]+$": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": {"id": {"type": "number"}}, "required": ["id"], }, } }, "additionalProperties": False, } ) class CheckException(Exception): pass def check_string(value: Any) -> bool: return value is None or isinstance(value, str) def check_number(value: Any) -> bool: return value is None or isinstance(value, int) def check_boolean(value: Any) -> bool: return value is None or value is False or value is True def check_string_list(value: Any) -> bool: return check_x_list(value, check_string) def check_number_list(value: Any) -> bool: return check_x_list(value, check_number) def check_x_list(value: Any, fn: Callable) -> bool: if value is None: return True if not isinstance(value, list): return False return all([fn(sv) for sv in value]) def check_decimal(value: Any) -> bool: if value is None: return True if isinstance(value, str): pattern = r"^-?(\d|[1-9]\d+)\.\d{6}$" if re.match(pattern, value): return True return False class Checker: def __init__(self, data: Dict[str, List[Any]]) -> None: = data with open(MODELS_YML_PATH, "rb") as x: models_yml = models_yml = models_yml.replace(" yes:".encode(), ' "yes":'.encode()) models_yml = models_yml.replace(" no:".encode(), ' "no":'.encode()) self.models = yaml.safe_load(models_yml) self.errors: List[str] = [] def run_check(self) -> None: self.check_json() self.check_collections() for collection, models in for model in models: self.check_model(collection, model) if self.errors: errors = [f"\t{error}" for error in self.errors] raise CheckException("\n".join(errors)) def check_json(self) -> None: try: SCHEMA( except fastjsonschema.exceptions.JsonSchemaException as e: raise CheckException(f"JSON does not match schema: {str(e)}") def check_collections(self) -> None: c1 = set( c2 = set(self.models.keys()) if c1 != c2: err = "Collections in JSON file do not match with models.yml." if c2 - c1: err += f" Missing collections: {', '.join(c2-c1)}." if c1 - c2: err += f" Invalid collections: {', '.join(c1-c2)}." raise CheckException(err) def check_model(self, collection: str, model: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: model_fields = set(x for x in model.keys() if "$" not in x) collection_fields = set( x for x in self.models[collection].keys() if "$" not in x ) errors = False if collection_fields - model_fields: error = f"{collection}/{model['id']}: Missing fields {', '.join(collection_fields - model_fields)}" self.errors.append(error) errors = True if model_fields - collection_fields: error = f"{collection}/{model['id']}: Invalid fields {', '.join(model_fields - collection_fields)}" self.errors.append(error) errors = True if not errors: self.check_types(model, collection) self.check_relations(model, collection) def check_types(self, model: Dict[str, Any], collection: str) -> None: for field in model.keys(): if "$" in field: continue checker = None field_type = self.get_type_from_collection(field, collection) if field_type in ( "string", "HTMLStrict", "HTMLPermissive", "generic-relation", ): checker = check_string elif field_type in ("number", "timestamp", "relation"): checker = check_number elif field_type == "boolean": checker = check_boolean elif field_type in ("string[]", "generic-relation-list"): checker = check_string_list elif field_type in ("number[]", "relation-list"): checker = check_number_list elif field_type == "decimal(6)": checker = check_decimal elif field_type in ( "JSON", "template", ): pass else: raise NotImplementedError(f"TODO field type {field_type}") if checker is not None and not checker(model[field]): error = f"{collection}/{model['id']}/{field}: Type error: Type is not {field_type}" self.errors.append(error) def get_type_from_collection(self, field: str, collection: str) -> str: field_value = self.models[collection][field] if isinstance(field_value, dict): return field_value["type"] return field_value def check_relations(self, model: Dict[str, Any], collection: str) -> None: for field in model.keys(): try: self.check_relation(model, collection, field) except CheckException as e: self.errors.append( f"{collection}/{model['id']}/{field} error: " + str(e) ) def check_relation( self, model: Dict[str, Any], collection: str, field: str ) -> None: if "$" in field: return field_type = self.get_type_from_collection(field, collection) basemsg = self.get_basemsg(collection, model["id"], field) if field_type == "relation": foreign_id = model[field] if foreign_id is None: return foreign_collection, foreign_field = self.get_to(field, collection) if "$" in foreign_field: return self.check_reverse_relation( collection, model["id"], foreign_collection, foreign_id, foreign_field, basemsg, ) elif field_type == "relation-list": foreign_ids = model[field] if foreign_ids is None: return foreign_collection, foreign_field = self.get_to(field, collection) if "$" in foreign_field: return for foreign_id in foreign_ids: self.check_reverse_relation( collection, model["id"], foreign_collection, foreign_id, foreign_field, basemsg, ) elif field_type == "generic-relation" and model[field] is not None: foreign_collection, foreign_id = self.split_fqid(model[field]) foreign_field = self.get_to_generic_case( collection, field, foreign_collection ) if "$" in foreign_field: return self.check_reverse_relation( collection, model["id"], foreign_collection, foreign_id, foreign_field, basemsg, ) elif field_type == "generic-relation-list" and model[field] is not None: for fqid in model[field]: foreign_collection, foreign_id = self.split_fqid(fqid) foreign_field = self.get_to_generic_case( collection, field, foreign_collection ) if "$" in foreign_field: continue self.check_reverse_relation( collection, model["id"], foreign_collection, foreign_id, foreign_field, basemsg, ) def get_to(self, field: str, collection: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: to = self.models[collection][field]["to"] return to.split("/") def get_value(self, collection: str, id: int, field: str) -> Any: model = self.find_model(collection, id) if model is None: return None return model.get(field) def find_model(self, collection: str, id: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: c =, []) for model in c: if model["id"] == id: return model return None def get_basemsg(self, collection: str, id: int, field: str) -> str: return f"{collection}/{id}/{field}: RelationError: " def check_reverse_relation( self, collection: str, id: int, foreign_collection: str, foreign_id: int, foreign_field: str, basemsg: str, ) -> None: foreign_value = self.get_value(foreign_collection, foreign_id, foreign_field) foreign_field_type = self.get_type_from_collection( foreign_field, foreign_collection ) fqid = f"{collection}/{id}" error = False if foreign_field_type == "relation": error = foreign_value != id elif foreign_field_type == "relation-list": error = not foreign_value or id not in foreign_value elif foreign_field_type == "generic-relation": error = foreign_value != fqid elif foreign_field_type == "generic-relation-list": error = not foreign_value or fqid not in foreign_value else: raise NotImplementedError() if error: self.errors.append( f"{basemsg} points to {foreign_collection}/{foreign_id}/{foreign_field}," " but the reverse relation for is corrupt" ) def split_fqid(self, fqid: str) -> Tuple[str, int]: try: collection, _id = fqid.split("/") id = int(_id) if collection not in self.models.keys(): raise CheckException(f"Fqid {fqid} has an invalid collection") return collection, id except ValueError: raise CheckException(f"Fqid {fqid} is malformed") def split_collectionfield(self, collectionfield: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: collection, field = collectionfield.split("/") if collection not in self.models.keys(): raise CheckException( f"Collectionfield {collectionfield} has an invalid collection" ) if ( field not in self.models[collection] ): # Note: this has to be adopted when supporting template fields raise CheckException( f"Collectionfield {collectionfield} has an invalid field" ) return collection, field def get_to_generic_case( self, collection: str, field: str, foreign_collection: str ) -> str: """ Returns all reverse relations as collectionfields """ to = self.models[collection][field]["to"] if isinstance(to, dict): if foreign_collection not in to["collections"]: raise CheckException( f"The collection {foreign_collection} is not supported " "as a reverse relation in {collection}/{field}" ) return to["field"] for cf in to: c, f = self.split_collectionfield(cf) if c == foreign_collection: return f raise CheckException( f"The collection {foreign_collection} is not supported as a reverse relation in {collection}/{field}" ) def main() -> int: failed = False for f in CHECKED_FILES: with open(f) as data: try: Checker(json.load(data)).run_check() except CheckException as e: print(f"Check for {f} failed:\n", e) failed = True else: print(f"Check for {f} successful.") return 1 if failed else 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())