import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { BaseViewModel } from '../../base/base-view-model'; import { MotionCommentSection } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion-comment-section'; import { Group } from '../../../shared/models/users/group'; import { BaseModel } from '../../../shared/models/base/base-model'; /** * Motion comment section class for the View * * Stores a motion comment section including all (implicit) references * Provides "safe" access to variables and functions in {@link MotionCommentSection} * @ignore */ export class ViewMotionCommentSection extends BaseViewModel { private _section: MotionCommentSection; private _read_groups: Group[]; private _write_groups: Group[]; public edit = false; public open = false; public get section(): MotionCommentSection { return this._section; } public get id(): number { return this.section ? : null; } public get name(): string { return this.section ? : null; } public get read_groups_id(): number[] { return this.section ? this.section.read_groups_id : []; } public get write_groups_id(): number[] { return this.section ? this.section.write_groups_id : []; } public get read_groups(): Group[] { return this._read_groups; } public get write_groups(): Group[] { return this._write_groups; } public set name(name: string) { = name; } public constructor(section: MotionCommentSection, read_groups: Group[], write_groups: Group[]) { super(); this._section = section; this._read_groups = read_groups; this._write_groups = write_groups; } public getTitle(translate?: TranslateService): string { return; } /** * Updates the local objects if required * @param section */ public updateValues(update: BaseModel): void { if (update instanceof MotionCommentSection) { this._section = update as MotionCommentSection; } if (update instanceof Group) { this.updateGroup(update as Group); } } // TODO: Implement updating of groups public updateGroup(group: Group): void { console.log(this._section, group); } /** * Duplicate this motion into a copy of itself */ public copy(): ViewMotionCommentSection { return new ViewMotionCommentSection(this._section, this._read_groups, this._write_groups); } }