import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { tap, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { DataSendService } from '../../../core/services/data-send.service'; import { Motion } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion'; import { User } from '../../../shared/models/users/user'; import { Category } from '../../../shared/models/motions/category'; import { Workflow } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow'; import { WorkflowState } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow-state'; import { ChangeRecoMode, ViewMotion } from '../models/view-motion'; import { BaseRepository } from '../../base/base-repository'; import { DataStoreService } from '../../../core/services/data-store.service'; import { LinenumberingService } from './linenumbering.service'; import { DiffLinesInParagraph, DiffService, LineRange, ModificationType } from './diff.service'; import { ViewChangeReco } from '../models/view-change-reco'; import { MotionChangeReco } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion-change-reco'; import { ViewUnifiedChange } from '../models/view-unified-change'; import { ViewStatuteParagraph } from '../models/view-statute-paragraph'; import { Identifiable } from '../../../shared/models/base/identifiable'; import { CollectionStringModelMapperService } from '../../../core/services/collectionStringModelMapper.service'; import { HttpService } from 'app/core/services/http.service'; import { Item } from 'app/shared/models/agenda/item'; import { OSTreeSortEvent } from 'app/shared/components/sorting-tree/sorting-tree.component'; import { TreeService } from 'app/core/services/tree.service'; import { ViewMotionAmendedParagraph } from '../models/view-motion-amended-paragraph'; import { CreateMotion } from '../models/create-motion'; import { MotionBlock } from 'app/shared/models/motions/motion-block'; import { Mediafile } from 'app/shared/models/mediafiles/mediafile'; import { MotionPoll } from 'app/shared/models/motions/motion-poll'; /** * Repository Services for motions (and potentially categories) * * The repository is meant to process domain objects (those found under * shared/models), so components can display them and interact with them. * * Rather than manipulating models directly, the repository is meant to * inform the {@link DataSendService} about changes which will send * them to the Server. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MotionRepositoryService extends BaseRepository { /** * Creates a MotionRepository * * Converts existing and incoming motions to ViewMotions * Handles CRUD using an observer to the DataStore * * @param DS The DataStore * @param mapperService Maps collection strings to classes * @param dataSend sending changed objects * @param httpService OpenSlides own Http service * @param lineNumbering Line numbering for motion text * @param diff Display changes in motion text as diff. */ public constructor( DS: DataStoreService, mapperService: CollectionStringModelMapperService, private dataSend: DataSendService, private httpService: HttpService, private readonly lineNumbering: LinenumberingService, private readonly diff: DiffService, private treeService: TreeService ) { super(DS, mapperService, Motion, [Category, User, Workflow, Item, MotionBlock, Mediafile]); } /** * Converts a motion to a ViewMotion and adds it to the store. * * Foreign references of the motion will be resolved (e.g submitters to users) * Expandable to all (server side) changes that might occur on the motion object. * * @param motion blank motion domain object */ protected createViewModel(motion: Motion): ViewMotion { const category = this.DS.get(Category, motion.category_id); const submitters = this.DS.getMany(User, motion.submitterIds); const supporters = this.DS.getMany(User, motion.supporters_id); const workflow = this.DS.get(Workflow, motion.workflow_id); const item = this.DS.get(Item, motion.agenda_item_id); const block = this.DS.get(MotionBlock, motion.motion_block_id); const attachments = this.DS.getMany(Mediafile, motion.attachments_id); let state: WorkflowState = null; if (workflow) { state = workflow.getStateById(motion.state_id); } return new ViewMotion(motion, category, submitters, supporters, workflow, state, item, block, attachments); } /** * Add custom hook into the observables. The motions get a virtual weight (a sequential number) for the * call list order. One can just sort for this number instead of dealing with the sort parent id and weight. * * @override */ public getViewModelListObservable(): Observable { return super.getViewModelListObservable().pipe( tap(motions => { const iterator = this.treeService.traverseItems(motions, 'weight', 'sort_parent_id'); let m: IteratorResult; let virtualWeightCounter = 0; while (!(m = { m.value.callListWeight = virtualWeightCounter++; } }) ); } /** * Creates a motion * Creates a (real) motion with patched data and delegate it * to the {@link DataSendService} * * @param update the form data containing the updated values * @param viewMotion The View Motion. If not present, a new motion will be created */ public async create(motion: CreateMotion): Promise { // TODO how to handle category id and motion_block id in CreateMotion? return await this.dataSend.createModel(motion); } /** * updates a motion * * Creates a (real) motion with patched data and delegate it * to the {@link DataSendService} * * @param update the form data containing the updated values * @param viewMotion The View Motion. If not present, a new motion will be created */ public async update(update: Partial, viewMotion: ViewMotion): Promise { const motion = viewMotion.motion; motion.patchValues(update); return await this.dataSend.partialUpdateModel(motion); } /** * Deleting a motion. * * Extract the motion out of the motionView and delegate * to {@link DataSendService} * @param viewMotion */ public async delete(viewMotion: ViewMotion): Promise { return await this.dataSend.deleteModel(viewMotion.motion); } /** * Set the state of a motion * * @param viewMotion target motion * @param stateId the number that indicates the state */ public async setState(viewMotion: ViewMotion, stateId: number): Promise { const restPath = `/rest/motions/motion/${}/set_state/`; await this.httpService.put(restPath, { state: stateId }); } /** * Set the recommenders state of a motion * * @param viewMotion target motion * @param recommendationId the number that indicates the recommendation */ public async setRecommendation(viewMotion: ViewMotion, recommendationId: number): Promise { const restPath = `/rest/motions/motion/${}/set_recommendation/`; await this.httpService.put(restPath, { recommendation: recommendationId }); } /** * Set the category of a motion * * @param viewMotion target motion * @param categoryId the number that indicates the category */ public async setCatetory(viewMotion: ViewMotion, categoryId: number): Promise { const motion = viewMotion.motion; motion.category_id = categoryId; await this.update(motion, viewMotion); } /** * Add the motion to a motion block * * @param viewMotion the motion to add * @param blockId the ID of the motion block */ public async setBlock(viewMotion: ViewMotion, blockId: number): Promise { const motion = viewMotion.motion; motion.motion_block_id = blockId; await this.update(motion, viewMotion); } /** * Sets the submitters by sending a request to the server, * * @param viewMotion The motion to change the submitters from * @param submitters The submitters to set */ public async setSubmitters(viewMotion: ViewMotion, submitters: User[]): Promise { const requestData = { motions: [ { id:, submitters: => } ] };'/rest/motions/motion/manage_multiple_submitters/', requestData); } /** * Sends the changed nodes to the server. * * @param data The reordered data from the sorting */ public async sortMotions(data: OSTreeSortEvent): Promise { const url = '/rest/motions/motion/sort/'; await, data); } /** * Supports the motion * * @param viewMotion target motion */ public async support(viewMotion: ViewMotion): Promise { const url = `/rest/motions/motion/${}/support/`; await; } /** * Unsupports the motion * * @param viewMotion target motion */ public async unsupport(viewMotion: ViewMotion): Promise { const url = `/rest/motions/motion/${}/support/`; await this.httpService.delete(url); } /** Returns an observable returning the amendments to a given motion * * @param {number} motionId * @returns {Observable} */ public amendmentsTo(motionId: number): Observable { return this.getViewModelListObservable().pipe( map( (motions: ViewMotion[]): ViewMotion[] => { return motions.filter( (motion: ViewMotion): boolean => { return motion.parent_id === motionId; } ); } ) ); } /** * Format the motion text using the line numbering and change * reco algorithm. * * Can be called from detail view and exporter * @param id Motion ID - will be pulled from the repository * @param crMode indicator for the change reco mode * @param changes all change recommendations and amendments, sorted by line number * @param lineLength the current line * @param highlightLine the currently highlighted line (default: none) */ public formatMotion( id: number, crMode: ChangeRecoMode, changes: ViewUnifiedChange[], lineLength: number, highlightLine?: number ): string { const targetMotion = this.getViewModel(id); if (targetMotion && targetMotion.text) { switch (crMode) { case ChangeRecoMode.Original: return this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(targetMotion.text, lineLength, highlightLine); case ChangeRecoMode.Changed: return this.diff.getTextWithChanges(targetMotion, changes, lineLength, highlightLine); case ChangeRecoMode.Diff: let text = ''; changes.forEach((change: ViewUnifiedChange, idx: number) => { if (idx === 0) { text += this.extractMotionLineRange( id, { from: 1, to: change.getLineFrom() }, true, lineLength ); } else if (changes[idx - 1].getLineTo() < change.getLineFrom()) { text += this.extractMotionLineRange( id, { from: changes[idx - 1].getLineTo(), to: change.getLineFrom() }, true, lineLength ); } text += this.getChangeDiff(targetMotion, change, lineLength, highlightLine); }); text += this.getTextRemainderAfterLastChange(targetMotion, changes, lineLength, highlightLine); return text; case ChangeRecoMode.Final: const appliedChanges: ViewUnifiedChange[] = changes.filter(change => change.isAccepted()); return this.diff.getTextWithChanges(targetMotion, appliedChanges, lineLength, highlightLine); default: console.error('unrecognized ChangeRecoMode option (' + crMode + ')'); return null; } } else { return null; } } public formatStatuteAmendment( paragraphs: ViewStatuteParagraph[], amendment: ViewMotion, lineLength: number ): string { const origParagraph = paragraphs.find(paragraph => === amendment.statute_paragraph_id); let diffHtml = this.diff.diff(origParagraph.text, amendment.text); diffHtml = this.lineNumbering.insertLineBreaksWithoutNumbers(diffHtml, lineLength, true); return diffHtml; } /** * Extracts a renderable HTML string representing the given line number range of this motion * * @param {number} id * @param {LineRange} lineRange * @param {boolean} lineNumbers - weather to add line numbers to the returned HTML string * @param {number} lineLength */ public extractMotionLineRange(id: number, lineRange: LineRange, lineNumbers: boolean, lineLength: number): string { const origHtml = this.formatMotion(id, ChangeRecoMode.Original, [], lineLength); const extracted = this.diff.extractRangeByLineNumbers(origHtml, lineRange.from,; let html = extracted.outerContextStart + extracted.innerContextStart + extracted.html + extracted.innerContextEnd + extracted.outerContextEnd; if (lineNumbers) { html = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(html, lineLength, null, null, lineRange.from); } return html; } /** * Returns the remainder text of the motion after the last change * * @param {ViewMotion} motion * @param {ViewUnifiedChange[]} changes * @param {number} lineLength * @param {number} highlight * @returns {string} */ public getTextRemainderAfterLastChange( motion: ViewMotion, changes: ViewUnifiedChange[], lineLength: number, highlight?: number ): string { let maxLine = 1; changes.forEach((change: ViewUnifiedChange) => { if (change.getLineTo() > maxLine) { maxLine = change.getLineTo(); } }, 0); const numberedHtml = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(motion.text, lineLength); if (changes.length === 0) { return numberedHtml; } let data; try { data = this.diff.extractRangeByLineNumbers(numberedHtml, maxLine, null); } catch (e) { // This only happens (as far as we know) when the motion text has been altered (shortened) // without modifying the change recommendations accordingly. // That's a pretty serious inconsistency that should not happen at all, // we're just doing some basic damage control here. const msg = 'Inconsistent data. A change recommendation is probably referring to a non-existant line number.'; return '' + msg + ''; } let html; if (data.html !== '') { // Add "merge-before"-css-class if the first line begins in the middle of a paragraph. Used for PDF. html = this.diff.addCSSClassToFirstTag(data.outerContextStart + data.innerContextStart, 'merge-before') + data.html + data.innerContextEnd + data.outerContextEnd; html = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(html, lineLength, highlight, null, maxLine); } else { // Prevents empty lines at the end of the motion html = ''; } return html; } /** * Creates a {@link ViewChangeReco} object based on the motion ID and the given lange range. * This object is not saved yet and does not yet have any changed HTML. It's meant to populate the UI form. * * @param {number} motionId * @param {LineRange} lineRange * @param {number} lineLength */ public createChangeRecommendationTemplate( motionId: number, lineRange: LineRange, lineLength: number ): ViewChangeReco { const changeReco = new MotionChangeReco(); changeReco.line_from = lineRange.from; changeReco.line_to =; changeReco.type = ModificationType.TYPE_REPLACEMENT; changeReco.text = this.extractMotionLineRange(motionId, lineRange, false, lineLength); changeReco.rejected = false; changeReco.motion_id = motionId; return new ViewChangeReco(changeReco); } /** * Returns the HTML with the changes, optionally with a highlighted line. * The original motion needs to be provided. * * @param {ViewMotion} motion * @param {ViewUnifiedChange} change * @param {number} lineLength * @param {number} highlight * @returns {string} */ public getChangeDiff( motion: ViewMotion, change: ViewUnifiedChange, lineLength: number, highlight?: number ): string { const html = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(motion.text, lineLength); let data, oldText; try { data = this.diff.extractRangeByLineNumbers(html, change.getLineFrom(), change.getLineTo()); oldText = data.outerContextStart + data.innerContextStart + data.html + data.innerContextEnd + data.outerContextEnd; } catch (e) { // This only happens (as far as we know) when the motion text has been altered (shortened) // without modifying the change recommendations accordingly. // That's a pretty serious inconsistency that should not happen at all, // we're just doing some basic damage control here. const msg = 'Inconsistent data. A change recommendation is probably referring to a non-existant line number.'; return '' + msg + ''; } oldText = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(oldText, lineLength, null, null, change.getLineFrom()); let diff = this.diff.diff(oldText, change.getChangeNewText()); // If an insertion makes the line longer than the line length limit, we need two line breaking runs: // - First, for the official line numbers, ignoring insertions (that's been done some lines before) // - Second, another one to prevent the displayed including insertions to exceed the page width diff = this.lineNumbering.insertLineBreaksWithoutNumbers(diff, lineLength, true); if (highlight > 0) { diff = this.lineNumbering.highlightLine(diff, highlight); } const origBeginning = data.outerContextStart + data.innerContextStart; if (diff.toLowerCase().indexOf(origBeginning.toLowerCase()) === 0) { // Add "merge-before"-css-class if the first line begins in the middle of a paragraph. Used for PDF. diff = this.diff.addCSSClassToFirstTag(origBeginning, 'merge-before') + diff.substring(origBeginning.length); } return diff; } /** * Given an amendment, this returns the motion affected by this amendments * * @param {ViewMotion} amendment * @returns {ViewMotion} */ public getAmendmentBaseMotion(amendment: ViewMotion): ViewMotion { return this.getViewModel(amendment.parent_id); } /** * Splits a motion into paragraphs, optionally adding line numbers * * @param {ViewMotion} motion * @param {boolean} lineBreaks * @param {number} lineLength * @returns {string[]} */ public getTextParagraphs(motion: ViewMotion, lineBreaks: boolean, lineLength: number): string[] { if (!motion) { return []; } let html = motion.text; if (lineBreaks) { html = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers(html, lineLength); } return this.lineNumbering.splitToParagraphs(html); } /** * Returns all paragraphs that are affected by the given amendment in diff-format * * @param {ViewMotion} amendment * @param {number} lineLength * @returns {DiffLinesInParagraph} */ public getAmendedParagraphs(amendment: ViewMotion, lineLength: number): DiffLinesInParagraph[] { const motion = this.getAmendmentBaseMotion(amendment); const baseParagraphs = this.getTextParagraphs(motion, true, lineLength); return amendment.amendment_paragraphs .map( (newText: string, paraNo: number): DiffLinesInParagraph => { if (newText === null) { return null; } // Hint: can be either DiffLinesInParagraph or null, if no changes are made return this.diff.getAmendmentParagraphsLinesByMode( paraNo, baseParagraphs[paraNo], newText, lineLength ); } ) .filter((para: DiffLinesInParagraph) => para !== null); } /** * Returns all paragraphs that are affected by the given amendment as unified change objects. * * @param {ViewMotion} amendment * @param {number} lineLength * @returns {ViewMotionAmendedParagraph[]} */ public getAmendmentAmendedParagraphs(amendment: ViewMotion, lineLength: number): ViewMotionAmendedParagraph[] { const motion = this.getAmendmentBaseMotion(amendment); const baseParagraphs = this.getTextParagraphs(motion, true, lineLength); return amendment.amendment_paragraphs .map( (newText: string, paraNo: number): ViewMotionAmendedParagraph => { if (newText === null) { return null; } const origText = baseParagraphs[paraNo], paragraphLines = this.lineNumbering.getLineNumberRange(origText), diff = this.diff.diff(origText, newText), affectedLines = this.diff.detectAffectedLineRange(diff); if (affectedLines === null) { return null; } let newTextLines = this.lineNumbering.insertLineNumbers( newText, lineLength, null, null, paragraphLines.from ); newTextLines = this.diff.formatDiff( this.diff.extractRangeByLineNumbers(newTextLines, affectedLines.from, ); return new ViewMotionAmendedParagraph(amendment, paraNo, newTextLines, affectedLines); } ) .filter((para: ViewMotionAmendedParagraph) => para !== null); } /** * Returns motion duplicates (sharing the identifier) * * @param viewMotion the ViewMotion to compare against the list of Motions * in the data * @returns An Array of ViewMotions with the same identifier of the input, or an empty array */ public getMotionDuplicates(motion: ViewMotion): ViewMotion[] { const duplicates = this.DS.filter(Motion, item => motion.identifier === item.identifier); const viewMotions: ViewMotion[] = []; duplicates.forEach(item => viewMotions.push(this.createViewModel(item))); return viewMotions; } /** * Sends a request to the server, creating a new poll for the motion */ public async createPoll(motion: ViewMotion): Promise { const url = '/rest/motions/motion/' + + '/create_poll/'; await; } /** * Sends an update request for a poll. * * @param poll */ public async updatePoll(poll: MotionPoll): Promise { const url = '/rest/motions/motion-poll/' + + '/'; const data = { motion_id: poll.motion_id, id:, votescast: poll.votescast, votesvalid: poll.votesvalid, votesinvalid: poll.votesinvalid, votes: { Yes: poll.yes, No:, Abstain: poll.abstain } }; await this.httpService.put(url, data); } /** * Sends a haap request to delete the given poll * * @param poll */ public async deletePoll(poll: MotionPoll): Promise { const url = '/rest/motions/motion-poll/' + + '/'; await this.httpService.delete(url); } }