import re from typing import List import jsonschema from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError as DjangoValidationError from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.db.models.deletion import ProtectedError from django.http.request import QueryDict from rest_framework import status from ..core.config import config from ..core.models import Tag from ..utils.auth import has_perm, in_some_groups from ..utils.autoupdate import inform_changed_data, inform_deleted_data from ..utils.rest_api import ( CreateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, GenericViewSet, ModelViewSet, Response, ReturnDict, UpdateModelMixin, ValidationError, detail_route, list_route, ) from ..utils.views import TreeSortMixin from .access_permissions import ( CategoryAccessPermissions, MotionAccessPermissions, MotionBlockAccessPermissions, MotionChangeRecommendationAccessPermissions, MotionCommentSectionAccessPermissions, StatuteParagraphAccessPermissions, WorkflowAccessPermissions, ) from .exceptions import WorkflowError from .models import ( Category, Motion, MotionBlock, MotionChangeRecommendation, MotionComment, MotionCommentSection, MotionPoll, State, StatuteParagraph, Submitter, Workflow, ) from .serializers import MotionPollSerializer, StateSerializer # Viewsets for the REST API class MotionViewSet(TreeSortMixin, ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motions. There are a lot of views. See check_view_permissions(). """ access_permissions = MotionAccessPermissions() queryset = Motion.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("metadata", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") # For partial_update, update and destroy requests the rest of the check is # done in the update method. See below. elif self.action in ("create", "set_state", "manage_comments"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") # The rest of the check is done in the respective method. See below. elif self.action in ( "manage_multiple_state", "set_recommendation", "manage_multiple_recommendation", "follow_recommendation", "manage_multiple_submitters", "manage_multiple_tags", "create_poll", ): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata" ) elif self.action == "sort": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) elif self.action == "support": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_support" ) else: result = False return result def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Destroy is allowed if the user has manage permissions, or he is the submitter and the current state allows to edit the motion. """ motion = self.get_object() if not ( ( has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage") or motion.is_submitter(request.user) and motion.state.allow_submitter_edit ) ): self.permission_denied(request) result = super().destroy(request, *args, **kwargs) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_deleted_data( [(motion.get_collection_string(),], information=["Motion deleted"],, ) return result def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to create a new motion. """ # This is a hack to make mutable. Otherwise fields can not be deleted. if isinstance(, QueryDict): = True # Check if amendment request and if parent motion exists. Check also permissions. if"parent_id") is not None: # Amendment if not has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_create_amendments"): self.permission_denied(request) try: parent_motion = Motion.objects.get(["parent_id"]) except Motion.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({"detail": "The parent motion does not exist."}) else: # Common motion if not has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_create"): self.permission_denied(request) parent_motion = None # Check permission to send some data. if not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage"): # Remove fields that the user is not allowed to send. # The list() is required because we want to use del inside the loop. keys = list( whitelist = [ "title", "text", "reason", "category_id", "statute_paragraph_id", "workflow_id", ] if parent_motion is not None: # For creating amendments. whitelist.extend( [ "parent_id", "amendment_paragraphs", "motion_block_id", # This and the category_id will be set to the matching # values from parent_motion. ] )["category_id"] = parent_motion.category_id["motion_block_id"] = parent_motion.motion_block_id for key in keys: if key not in whitelist: del[key] # Validate data and create motion. # Attention: Even user without permission can_manage_metadata is allowed # to create a new motion and set such metadata like category, motion block and origin. serializer = self.get_serializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) motion = # Check for submitters and make ids unique if isinstance(, QueryDict): submitters_id ="submitters_id") else: submitters_id ="submitters_id") if submitters_id is None: submitters_id = [] if not isinstance(submitters_id, list): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "If submitters_id is given, it has to be a list."} ) submitters_id_unique = set() for id in submitters_id: try: submitters_id_unique.add(int(id)) except ValueError: continue submitters = [] for submitter_id in submitters_id_unique: try: submitters.append(get_user_model().objects.get(pk=submitter_id)) except get_user_model().DoesNotExist: continue # Do not add users that do not exist # Add the request user, if he is authenticated and no submitters were given: if not submitters and request.user.is_authenticated: submitters.append(request.user) # create all submitters for submitter in submitters: Submitter.objects.add(submitter, motion) # Send new submitters and supporters via autoupdate because users # without permission to see users may not have them but can get it now. # TODO: Skip history. new_users = list(motion.submitters.all()) new_users.extend(motion.supporters.all()) inform_changed_data(new_users) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["Motion created"], ) headers = self.get_success_headers( # Strip out response data so nobody gets unrestricted data. data = ReturnDict("id"), serializer=serializer) return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, headers=headers) def update(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update a motion. Checks also whether the requesting user can update the motion. He needs at least the permissions 'motions.can_see' (see self.check_view_permissions()). Also check manage permission or submitter and state. """ # This is a hack to make mutable. Otherwise fields can not be deleted. if isinstance(, QueryDict): = True # Get motion. motion = self.get_object() # Check permissions. if ( not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage") and not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata") and not ( motion.is_submitter(request.user) and motion.state.allow_submitter_edit ) ): self.permission_denied(request) # Check permission to send only some data. # Attention: Users with motions.can_manage permission can change all # fields even if they do not have motions.can_manage_metadata # permission. if not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage"): # Remove fields that the user is not allowed to change. # The list() is required because we want to use del inside the loop. keys = list( whitelist: List[str] = [] # Add title, text and reason to the whitelist only, if the user is the submitter. if motion.is_submitter(request.user) and motion.state.allow_submitter_edit: whitelist.extend(("title", "text", "reason")) if has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata"): whitelist.extend( ("category_id", "motion_block_id", "origin", "supporters_id") ) for key in keys: if key not in whitelist: del[key] # Validate data and update motion. serializer = self.get_serializer( motion,, partial=kwargs.get("partial", False) ) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) updated_motion = # Check removal of supporters and initiate response. if ( config["motions_remove_supporters"] and updated_motion.state.allow_support and not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage") ): updated_motion.supporters.clear() # Send new supporters via autoupdate because users # without permission to see users may not have them but can get it now. # TODO: Skip history. new_users = list(updated_motion.supporters.all()) inform_changed_data(new_users) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( updated_motion, information=["Motion updated"], ) # We do not add to response so nobody gets unrestricted data here. return Response() @list_route(methods=["post"]) def sort(self, request): """ Sorts all motions represented in a tree of ids. The request data should be a list (the root) of all main agenda items. Each node is a dict with an id and optional children: { id: children: [ ] } Every id has to be given. """ return self.sort_tree(request, Motion, "weight", "sort_parent_id") @detail_route(methods=["POST", "DELETE"]) def manage_comments(self, request, pk=None): """ Create, update and delete motion comments. Send a POST request with {'section_id': , 'comment': ''} to create a new comment or update an existing comment. Send a DELETE request with just {'section_id': } to delete the comment. For every request, the user must have read and write permission for the given field. """ motion = self.get_object() # Get the comment section section_id ="section_id") if not section_id or not isinstance(section_id, int): raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You have to provide a section_id of type int."} ) try: section = MotionCommentSection.objects.get(pk=section_id) except MotionCommentSection.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( {"detail": f"A comment section with id {section_id} does not exist."} ) # the request user needs to see and write to the comment section if not in_some_groups( request.user, list(section.read_groups.values_list("pk", flat=True)) ) or not in_some_groups( request.user, list(section.write_groups.values_list("pk", flat=True)) ): raise ValidationError( { "detail": "You are not allowed to see or write to the comment section." } ) if request.method == "POST": # Create or update # validate comment comment_value ="comment", "") if not isinstance(comment_value, str): raise ValidationError({"detail": "The comment should be a string."}) comment, created = MotionComment.objects.get_or_create( motion=motion, section=section, defaults={"comment": comment_value} ) if not created: comment.comment = comment_value message = ["Comment {arg1} updated",] else: # DELETE try: comment = MotionComment.objects.get(motion=motion, section=section) except MotionComment.DoesNotExist: # Be silent about not existing comments. pass else: comment.delete() message = ["Comment {arg1} deleted",] # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=message,, restricted=True ) return Response({"detail": message}) @list_route(methods=["post"]) @transaction.atomic def manage_multiple_submitters(self, request): """ Set or reset submitters of multiple motions. Send POST {"motions": [... see schema ...]} to changed the submitters. """ motions ="motions") schema = { "$schema": "", "title": "Motion manage multiple submitters schema", "description": "An array of motion ids with the respective user ids that should be set as submitter.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": {"description": "The id of the motion.", "type": "integer"}, "submitters": { "description": "An array of user ids the should become submitters. Use an empty array to clear submitter field.", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}, "uniqueItems": True, }, }, "required": ["id", "submitters"], }, "uniqueItems": True, } # Validate request data. try: jsonschema.validate(motions, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) motion_result = [] new_submitters = [] for item in motions: # Get motion. try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=item["id"]) except Motion.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Motion {item['id']} does not exist"}) # Remove all submitters. Submitter.objects.filter(motion=motion).delete() # Set new submitters. for submitter_id in item["submitters"]: try: submitter = get_user_model().objects.get(pk=submitter_id) except get_user_model().DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( {"detail": f"Submitter {submitter_id} does not exist"} ) Submitter.objects.add(submitter, motion) new_submitters.append(submitter) # Finish motion. motion_result.append(motion) # Now inform all clients. inform_changed_data( motion_result, information=["Submitters changed"], ) # Also send all new submitters via autoupdate because users without # permission to see users may not have them but can get it now. # TODO: Skip history. inform_changed_data(new_submitters) # Send response. return Response( {"detail": f"{len(motion_result)} motions successfully updated."} ) @detail_route(methods=["post", "delete"]) def support(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to support a motion or withdraw support (unsupport). Send POST to support and DELETE to unsupport. """ # Retrieve motion and allowed actions. motion = self.get_object() # Support or unsupport motion. if request.method == "POST": # Support motion. if not ( motion.state.allow_support and config["motions_min_supporters"] > 0 and not motion.is_submitter(request.user) and not motion.is_supporter(request.user) ): raise ValidationError({"detail": "You can not support this motion."}) motion.supporters.add(request.user) # Send new supporter via autoupdate because users without permission # to see users may not have it but can get it now. # TODO: Skip history. inform_changed_data([request.user]) message = "You have supported this motion successfully." else: # Unsupport motion. # request.method == 'DELETE' if not motion.state.allow_support or not motion.is_supporter(request.user): raise ValidationError({"detail": "You can not unsupport this motion."}) motion.supporters.remove(request.user) message = "You have unsupported this motion successfully." # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["Supporters changed"], ) # Initiate response. return Response({"detail": message}) @detail_route(methods=["put"]) def set_state(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to set and reset a state of a motion. Send PUT {'state': } to set and just PUT {} to reset the state. Only managers can use this view. If a state is given, it must be a next or previous state. """ # Retrieve motion and state. motion = self.get_object() state ="state") # Set or reset state. if state is not None: # Check data and set state. if not has_perm(request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata") and not ( motion.is_submitter(request.user) and motion.state.allow_submitter_edit ): self.permission_denied(request) try: state_id = int(state) except ValueError: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Invalid data. State must be an integer."} ) if not motion.state.is_next_or_previous_state_id(state_id): raise ValidationError( {"detail": f"You can not set the state to {state_id}."} ) motion.set_state(state_id) else: # Reset state. if not has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata"): self.permission_denied(request) motion.reset_state() # Save motion. update_fields=["state", "identifier", "identifier_number", "last_modified"], skip_autoupdate=True, ) message = f"The state of the motion was set to {}." # Send submitters and supporters via autoupdate because users without # users.can_see may see them now. inform_changed_data(map(lambda s: s.user, motion.submitters.all())) inform_changed_data(motion.supporters.all()) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["State set to {arg1}",],, ) return Response({"detail": message}) @list_route(methods=["post"]) @transaction.atomic def manage_multiple_state(self, request): """ Set or reset states of multiple motions. Send POST {"motions": [... see schema ...]} to changed the states. """ motions ="motions") schema = { "$schema": "", "title": "Motion manage multiple state schema", "description": "An array of motion ids with the respective state ids that should be set as new state.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": {"description": "The id of the motion.", "type": "integer"}, "state": { "description": "The state id the should become the new state.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, }, }, "required": ["id", "state"], }, "uniqueItems": True, } # Validate request data. try: jsonschema.validate(motions, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) motion_result = [] for item in motions: # Get motion. try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=item["id"]) except Motion.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Motion {item['id']} does not exist"}) # Set or reset state. state_id = item["state"] valid_states = State.objects.filter(workflow=motion.workflow_id) if state_id not in [ for item in valid_states]: # States of different workflows are not allowed. raise ValidationError( {"detail": f"You can not set the state to {state_id}."} ) motion.set_state(state_id) # Save motion. update_fields=[ "state", "identifier", "identifier_number", "last_modified", ], skip_autoupdate=True, ) # Send submitters and supporters via autoupdate because users without # users.can_see may see them now. inform_changed_data(map(lambda s: s.user, motion.submitters.all())) inform_changed_data(motion.supporters.all()) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["State set to {arg1}",],, ) # Finish motion. motion_result.append(motion) # Send response. return Response( {"detail": f"State of {len(motion_result)} motions successfully set."} ) @detail_route(methods=["put"]) def set_recommendation(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to set a recommendation of a motion. Send PUT {'recommendation': } to set and just PUT {} to reset the recommendation. Only managers can use this view. """ # Retrieve motion and recommendation state. motion = self.get_object() recommendation_state ="recommendation") # Set or reset recommendation. if recommendation_state is not None: # Check data and set recommendation. try: recommendation_state_id = int(recommendation_state) except ValueError: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "Invalid data. Recommendation must be an integer."} ) recommendable_states = State.objects.filter( workflow=motion.workflow_id, recommendation_label__isnull=False ) if recommendation_state_id not in [ for item in recommendable_states ]: raise ValidationError( { "detail": f"You can not set the recommendation to {recommendation_state_id}." } ) motion.set_recommendation(recommendation_state_id) else: # Reset recommendation. motion.recommendation = None # Save motion. update_fields=["recommendation", "last_modified"], skip_autoupdate=True ) label = ( motion.recommendation.recommendation_label if motion.recommendation else "None" ) message = f"The recommendation of the motion was set to {label}." # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["Recommendation set to {arg1}", label],, ) return Response({"detail": message}) @list_route(methods=["post"]) @transaction.atomic def manage_multiple_recommendation(self, request): """ Set or reset recommendations of multiple motions. Send POST {"motions": [... see schema ...]} to changed the recommendations. """ motions ="motions") schema = { "$schema": "", "title": "Motion manage multiple recommendations schema", "description": "An array of motion ids with the respective state ids that should be set as recommendation.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": {"description": "The id of the motion.", "type": "integer"}, "recommendation": { "description": "The state id the should become recommendation. Use 0 to clear recommendation field.", "type": "integer", }, }, "required": ["id", "recommendation"], }, "uniqueItems": True, } # Validate request data. try: jsonschema.validate(motions, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) motion_result = [] for item in motions: # Get motion. try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=item["id"]) except Motion.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Motion {item['id']} does not exist"}) # Set or reset recommendation. recommendation_state_id = item["recommendation"] if recommendation_state_id == 0: # Reset recommendation. motion.recommendation = None else: # Check data and set recommendation. recommendable_states = State.objects.filter( workflow=motion.workflow_id, recommendation_label__isnull=False ) if recommendation_state_id not in [ for item in recommendable_states ]: raise ValidationError( { "detail": "You can not set the recommendation to {recommendation_state_id}." } ) motion.set_recommendation(recommendation_state_id) # Save motion. update_fields=["recommendation", "last_modified"], skip_autoupdate=True ) label = ( motion.recommendation.recommendation_label if motion.recommendation else "None" ) # Fire autoupdate and save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["Recommendation set to {arg1}", label],, ) # Finish motion. motion_result.append(motion) # Send response. return Response( {"detail": f"{len(motion_result)} motions successfully updated."} ) @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def follow_recommendation(self, request, pk=None): motion = self.get_object() if motion.recommendation is None: raise ValidationError({"detail": "Cannot set an empty recommendation."}) motion.follow_recommendation() update_fields=[ "state", "identifier", "identifier_number", "state_extension", "last_modified", ], skip_autoupdate=True, ) # Now send all changes to the clients. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["State set to {arg1}",],, ) return Response({"detail": "Recommendation followed successfully."}) @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def create_poll(self, request, pk=None): """ View to create a poll. It is a POST request without any data. """ motion = self.get_object() if not motion.state.allow_create_poll: raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You can not create a poll in this motion state."} ) try: with transaction.atomic(): poll = motion.create_poll(skip_autoupdate=True) except WorkflowError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": err}) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["Vote created"], ) return Response( {"detail": "Vote created successfully.", "createdPollId":} ) @list_route(methods=["post"]) @transaction.atomic def manage_multiple_tags(self, request): """ Set or reset tags of multiple motions. Send POST {"motions": [... see schema ...]} to changed the tags. """ motions ="motions") schema = { "$schema": "", "title": "Motion manage multiple tags schema", "description": "An array of motion ids with the respective tags ids that should be set as tag.", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": {"description": "The id of the motion.", "type": "integer"}, "tags": { "description": "An array of tag ids the should become tags. Use an empty array to clear tag field.", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "integer"}, "uniqueItems": True, }, }, "required": ["id", "tags"], }, "uniqueItems": True, } # Validate request data. try: jsonschema.validate(motions, schema) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise ValidationError({"detail": str(err)}) motion_result = [] for item in motions: # Get motion. try: motion = Motion.objects.get(pk=item["id"]) except Motion.DoesNotExist: raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Motion {item['id']} does not exist"}) # Set new tags for tag_id in item["tags"]: if not Tag.objects.filter(pk=tag_id).exists(): raise ValidationError({"detail": f"Tag {tag_id} does not exist"}) motion.tags.set(item["tags"]) # Finish motion. motion_result.append(motion) # Now inform all clients. inform_changed_data(motion_result) # Send response. return Response( {"detail": f"{len(motion_result)} motions successfully updated."} ) class MotionPollViewSet(UpdateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, GenericViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion polls. There are the following views: update, partial_update and destroy. """ queryset = MotionPoll.objects.all() serializer_class = MotionPollSerializer def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ return has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage_metadata" ) def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to update a motion poll. """ response = super().update(*args, **kwargs) poll = self.get_object() # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( poll.motion, information=["Vote updated"], ) return response def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to delete a motion poll. """ poll = self.get_object() result = super().destroy(*args, **kwargs) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( poll.motion, information=["Vote deleted"], ) return result class MotionChangeRecommendationViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion change recommendations. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = MotionChangeRecommendationAccessPermissions() queryset = MotionChangeRecommendation.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") elif self.action in ("create", "destroy", "partial_update", "update"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Creating a Change Recommendation, custom exception handling """ try: return super().create(request, *args, **kwargs) except DjangoValidationError as err: return Response({"detail": err.message}, status=400) def perform_create(self, serializer): """ Customized method to add history information. """ instance = # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( instance, information=["Motion change recommendation created"],, ) def perform_update(self, serializer): """ Customized method to add history information. """ instance = # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( instance, information=["Motion change recommendation updated"],, ) def destroy(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized method to add history information. """ instance = self.get_object() result = super().destroy(request, *args, **kwargs) # Fire autoupdate again to save information to OpenSlides history. inform_deleted_data( [(instance.get_collection_string(),], information=["Motion change recommendation deleted"],, ) return result class MotionCommentSectionViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion comment fields. """ access_permissions = MotionCommentSectionAccessPermissions() queryset = MotionCommentSection.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("create", "destroy", "update", "partial_update"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to delete a motion comment section. Will return an error for the user, if still comments for this section exist. """ try: result = super().destroy(*args, **kwargs) except ProtectedError as err: # The protected objects can just be motion comments. motions = [f'"{comment.motion}"' for comment in err.protected_objects.all()] count = len(motions) motions_verbose = ", ".join(motions[:3]) if count > 3: motions_verbose += ", ..." if count == 1: msg = f"This section has still comments in motion {motions_verbose}." else: msg = f"This section has still comments in motions {motions_verbose}." msg += " " + "Please remove all comments before deletion." raise ValidationError({"detail": msg}) return result def update(self, *args, **kwargs): response = super().update(*args, **kwargs) # Update all affected motioncomments to update their `read_groups_id` field, # which is taken from the updated section. section = self.get_object() inform_changed_data(MotionComment.objects.filter(section=section)) return response class StatuteParagraphViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for statute paragraphs. There are the following views: list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = StatuteParagraphAccessPermissions() queryset = StatuteParagraph.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result class CategoryViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for categories. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update, destroy and numbering. """ access_permissions = CategoryAccessPermissions() queryset = Category.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") elif self.action in ( "create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy", "numbering", ): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def numbering(self, request, pk=None): """ Special view endpoint to number all motions in this category. Only managers can use this view. Send POST {'motions': []} to sort the given motions in a special order. Ids of motions which do not belong to the category are just ignored. Send just POST {} to sort all motions in the category by database id. Amendments will get a new identifier prefix if the old prefix matches the old parent motion identifier. """ category = self.get_object() number = 0 instances = [] # If MOTION_IDENTIFIER_WITHOUT_BLANKS is set, don't use blanks when building identifier. without_blank = ( hasattr(settings, "MOTION_IDENTIFIER_WITHOUT_BLANKS") and settings.MOTION_IDENTIFIER_WITHOUT_BLANKS ) # Prepare ordered list of motions. if not category.prefix: prefix = "" elif without_blank: prefix = category.prefix else: prefix = f"{category.prefix} " motions = category.motion_set.all() motion_list ="motions") if motion_list: motion_dict = {} for motion in motions.filter(id__in=motion_list): motion_dict[] = motion motions = [motion_dict[pk] for pk in motion_list] # Change identifiers. error_message = None try: with transaction.atomic(): # Collect old and new identifiers. motions_to_be_sorted = [] for motion in motions: if motion.is_amendment(): parent_identifier = motion.parent.identifier or "" if without_blank: prefix = f"{parent_identifier}{config['motions_amendments_prefix']}" else: prefix = f"{parent_identifier} {config['motions_amendments_prefix']} " number += 1 new_identifier = ( f"{prefix}{motion.extend_identifier_number(number)}" ) motions_to_be_sorted.append( { "motion": motion, "old_identifier": motion.identifier, "new_identifier": new_identifier, "number": number, } ) # Remove old identifiers for motion in motions: motion.identifier = None # This line is to skip agenda item autoupdate. See agenda/ motion.agenda_item_update_information["skip_autoupdate"] = True # Set new identifers and change identifiers of amendments. for obj in motions_to_be_sorted: if Motion.objects.filter(identifier=obj["new_identifier"]).exists(): # Set the error message and let the code run into an IntegrityError new_identifier = obj["new_identifier"] error_message = ( f'Numbering aborted because the motion identifier "{new_identifier}" ' "already exists outside of this category." ) motion = obj["motion"] motion.identifier = obj["new_identifier"] motion.identifier_number = obj["number"] instances.append(motion) instances.append(motion.agenda_item) # Change identifiers of amendments. for child in motion.get_amendments_deep(): if child.identifier and child.identifier.startswith( obj["old_identifier"] ): child.identifier = re.sub( obj["old_identifier"], obj["new_identifier"], child.identifier, count=1, ) # This line is to skip agenda item autoupdate. See agenda/ child.agenda_item_update_information[ "skip_autoupdate" ] = True instances.append(child) instances.append(child.agenda_item) except IntegrityError: if error_message is None: error_message = "Error: At least one identifier of this category does already exist in another category." response = Response({"detail": error_message}, status=400) else: inform_changed_data( instances, information=["Number set"], ) message = f"All motions in category {category} numbered " "successfully." response = Response({"detail": message}) return response class MotionBlockViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ API endpoint for motion blocks. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = MotionBlockAccessPermissions() queryset = MotionBlock.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") elif self.action in ( "create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy", "follow_recommendations", ): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result @detail_route(methods=["post"]) def follow_recommendations(self, request, pk=None): """ View to set the states of all motions of this motion block each to its recommendation. It is a POST request without any data. """ motion_block = self.get_object() with transaction.atomic(): for motion in motion_block.motion_set.all(): # Follow recommendation. motion.follow_recommendation() # Fire autoupdate and save information to OpenSlides history. inform_changed_data( motion, information=["State set to {arg1}",],, ) return Response({"detail": "Followed recommendations successfully."}) class ProtectedErrorMessageMixin: def getProtectedErrorMessage(self, name, error): # The protected objects can just be motions.. motions = ['"' + str(m) + '"' for m in error.protected_objects.all()] count = len(motions) motions_verbose = ", ".join(motions[:3]) if count > 3: motions_verbose += ", ..." if count == 1: msg = f"This {name} is assigned to motion {motions_verbose}." else: msg = f"This {name} is assigned to motions {motions_verbose}." return f"{msg} Please remove all assignments before deletion." class WorkflowViewSet(ModelViewSet, ProtectedErrorMessageMixin): """ API endpoint for workflows. There are the following views: metadata, list, retrieve, create, partial_update, update and destroy. """ access_permissions = WorkflowAccessPermissions() queryset = Workflow.objects.all() def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ if self.action in ("list", "retrieve"): result = self.get_access_permissions().check_permissions(self.request.user) elif self.action == "metadata": result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") elif self.action in ("create", "partial_update", "update", "destroy"): result = has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) else: result = False return result def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to delete a workflow. """ try: result = super().destroy(*args, **kwargs) except ProtectedError as err: msg = self.getProtectedErrorMessage("workflow", err) raise ValidationError({"detail": msg}) return result class StateViewSet( CreateModelMixin, UpdateModelMixin, DestroyModelMixin, GenericViewSet, ProtectedErrorMessageMixin, ): """ API endpoint for workflow states. There are the following views: create, update, partial_update and destroy. """ queryset = State.objects.all() serializer_class = StateSerializer def check_view_permissions(self): """ Returns True if the user has required permissions. """ return has_perm(self.request.user, "motions.can_see") and has_perm( self.request.user, "motions.can_manage" ) def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Customized view endpoint to delete a state. """ state = self.get_object() if == # is this the first state of the workflow? raise ValidationError( {"detail": "You cannot delete the first state of the workflow."} ) try: result = super().destroy(*args, **kwargs) except ProtectedError as err: msg = self.getProtectedErrorMessage("workflow", err) raise ValidationError({"detail": msg}) return result def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Sends autoupdate for all motions that are affected by the state change. Maybe the restriction was changed, so the view permission for some motions could have been changed. """ result = super().update(*args, **kwargs) state = self.get_object() inform_changed_data(Motion.objects.filter(state=state)) return result