import pytest from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync from django.test import TestCase, TransactionTestCase from pytest_django.django_compat import is_django_unittest from pytest_django.plugin import validate_django_db from openslides.utils.cache import element_cache def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): """ Helper until is fixed. """ def get_marker_transaction(test): marker = test.get_closest_marker("django_db") if marker: validate_django_db(marker) return marker.kwargs["transaction"] return None def has_fixture(test, fixture): funcargnames = getattr(test, "funcargnames", None) return funcargnames and fixture in funcargnames def weight_test_case(test): """ Key function for ordering test cases like the Django test runner. """ is_test_case_subclass = test.cls and issubclass(test.cls, TestCase) is_transaction_test_case_subclass = test.cls and issubclass( test.cls, TransactionTestCase ) if is_test_case_subclass or get_marker_transaction(test) is False: return 0 elif has_fixture(test, "db"): return 0 if is_transaction_test_case_subclass or get_marker_transaction(test) is True: return 1 elif has_fixture(test, "transactional_db"): return 1 return 0 items.sort(key=weight_test_case) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def constants(request): """ Resets the constants on every test. Uses fake constants, if the db is not in use. """ from openslides.utils.constants import set_constants, get_constants_from_apps if "django_db" in request.node.keywords or is_django_unittest(request): # When the db is created, use the original constants set_constants(get_constants_from_apps()) else: # Else: Use fake constants set_constants({"constant1": "value1", "constant2": "value2"}) @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def reset_cache(request): """ Resetts the cache for every test """ if "django_db" in request.node.keywords or is_django_unittest(request): # When the db is created, use the original cachables async_to_sync(element_cache.cache_provider.clear_cache)() element_cache.ensure_cache(reset=True) # Set constant start_time element_cache.start_time = 1