from json import dumps from time import time from django.template.loader import render_to_string from openslides.config.api import config from openslides.utils.exceptions import OpenSlidesError from .signals import projector_overlays slide_callback = {} """ A dictonary where the key is the name of a slide, and the value is a callable object which returns the html code for a slide. """ slide_model = {} """ A dictonary for SlideMixin models to reference from the slide_callback_name to the Model """ # TODO: Find a bether way to do this. Maybe by reimplementing slides with # metaclasses class SlideError(OpenSlidesError): pass def call_on_projector(calls): """ Sends data to the projector. The argument call has to be a dictionary with the javascript function name as key and the argument for it as value. """ # TODO: remove this function projector_js_cache = config['projector_js_cache'] projector_js_cache.update(calls) config['projector_js_cache'] = projector_js_cache def get_projector_content(slide_dict=None): """ Returns the HTML-Content block for the projector. Slide_dict has to be an dictonary with the key 'callback'. If slide_dict is None, use the active slide from the database. """ if slide_dict is None: slide_dict = config['projector_active_slide'].copy() callback = slide_dict.pop('callback', None) try: slide_content = slide_callback[callback](**slide_dict) except (KeyError, SlideError): slide_content = default_slide() return slide_content def default_slide(): """ Returns the HTML Code for the default slide. """ return render_to_string('projector/default_slide.html') def get_overlays(only_active=False): """ Returns all overlay objects. If only_active is True, returns only active overlays. The returned value is a dictonary with the name of the overlay as key, and the overlay object as value. """ overlays = {} for receiver, overlay in projector_overlays.send(sender='get_overlays'): if not only_active or overlay.is_active(): overlays[] = overlay return overlays def get_projector_overlays_js(as_json=False): """ Returns JS-Code for the active overlays. The retuned value is a list of json objects. """ javascript = [] for overlay in get_overlays().values(): if overlay.is_active(): overlay_js = overlay.get_javascript() if overlay_js: if as_json: overlay_js = dumps(overlay_js) javascript.append(overlay_js) return javascript def register_slide(name, callback, model=None): """ Registers a function as slide callback. The optional argument 'model' is used to register a SlideModelClass. """ slide_callback[name] = callback if model is not None: slide_model[name] = model def register_slide_model(SlideModel, template): """ Shortcut for register_slide for a Model with the SlideMixin. The Argument 'SlideModel' has to be a Django-Model-Class, which is a subclass of SlideMixin. Template has to be a string to the path of a template. """ def model_slide(**kwargs): """ Return the html code for the model slide. """ slide_pk = kwargs.get('pk', None) try: slide = SlideModel.objects.get(pk=slide_pk) except SlideModel.DoesNotExist: raise SlideError else: context = slide.get_slide_context() return render_to_string(template, context) register_slide(SlideModel.slide_callback_name, model_slide, SlideModel) def set_active_slide(callback, **kwargs): """ Set the active Slide. callback: The name of the slide callback. kwargs: Keyword arguments for the slide callback. """ kwargs.update(callback=callback) config['projector_active_slide'] = kwargs def get_active_slide(): """ Returns the dictonary, which defines the active slide. """ return config['projector_active_slide'] def get_active_object(): """ Returns an object if the active slide is an instance of SlideMixin. In other case, returns None """ active_slide_dict = get_active_slide() callback_name = active_slide_dict.get('callback', None) object_pk = active_slide_dict.get('pk', None) try: Model = slide_model[callback_name] except KeyError: value = None else: try: value = Model.objects.get(pk=object_pk) except Model.DoesNotExist: value = None return value def start_countdown(): """ Starts the countdown """ # if we had stopped the countdown resume were we left of if config['countdown_state'] == 'paused': start_stamp = config['countdown_start_stamp'] pause_stamp = config['countdown_pause_stamp'] now = time() config['countdown_start_stamp'] = now - \ (pause_stamp - start_stamp) else: config['countdown_start_stamp'] = time() config['countdown_state'] = 'active' config['countdown_pause_stamp'] = 0 def stop_countdown(): """ Stops the countdown """ if config['countdown_state'] == 'active': config['countdown_state'] = 'paused' config['countdown_pause_stamp'] = time() def reset_countdown(): """ Resets the countdown """ config['countdown_start_stamp'] = time() config['countdown_pause_stamp'] = 0 config['countdown_state'] = 'inactive'