#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ openslides.motion.pdf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Functions to generate the PDFs for the motion app. :copyright: (c) 2011–2013 by the OpenSlides team, see AUTHORS. :license: GNU GPL, see LICENSE for more details. """ import random import os from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from reportlab.lib import colors from reportlab.lib.units import cm from reportlab.platypus import ( SimpleDocTemplate, PageBreak, Paragraph, Spacer, Table, TableStyle) from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings from openslides.config.api import config from openslides.utils.pdf import stylesheet from .models import Motion # Needed to count the delegates # TODO: find another way to do this. from openslides.participant.models import User, Group def motions_to_pdf(pdf): """ Create a PDF with all motions. """ motions = Motion.objects.all() all_motion_cover(pdf, motions) for motion in motions: pdf.append(PageBreak()) motion_to_pdf(pdf, motion) def motion_to_pdf(pdf, motion): """ Create a PDF for one motion. """ pdf.append(Paragraph(_("Motion: %s") % motion.title, stylesheet['Heading1'])) motion_data = [] # submitter cell1a = [] cell1a.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm)) cell1a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Submitter"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) cell1b = [] cell1b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm)) for submitter in motion.submitter.all(): cell1b.append(Paragraph(unicode(submitter), stylesheet['Normal'])) motion_data.append([cell1a, cell1b]) # TODO: choose this in workflow if motion.state.allow_submitter_edit: # Cell for the signature cell2a = [] cell2b = [] cell2a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Signature"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) cell2b.append(Paragraph(42 * "_", stylesheet['Signaturefield'])) cell2b.append(Spacer(0, 0.1 * cm)) cell2b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm)) motion_data.append([cell2a, cell2b]) # supporters if config['motion_min_supporters']: cell3a = [] cell3b = [] cell3a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Supporters"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) supporters = motion.supporter.all() for supporter in supporters: cell3b.append(Paragraph(".  %s" % unicode(supporter), stylesheet['Signaturefield'])) if motion.state.allow_support: for count in range(config['motion_min_supporters'] - supporters.count()): cell3b.append(Paragraph(". " + 42 * "_", stylesheet['Signaturefield'])) cell3b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm)) motion_data.append([cell3a, cell3b]) # Motion state cell4a = [] cell4b = [] cell4a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("State"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) cell4b.append(Paragraph(_(motion.state.name), stylesheet['Normal'])) motion_data.append([cell4a, cell4b]) # Version number (aid) if motion.versions.count() > 1: cell5a = [] cell5b = [] cell5a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Version"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) cell5b.append(Paragraph("%s" % motion.version.version_number, stylesheet['Normal'])) motion_data.append([cell5a, cell5b]) # voting results polls = [] for poll in motion.polls.all(): if not poll.has_votes(): continue polls.append(poll) if polls: cell6a = [] cell6b = [] cell6a.append(Paragraph("%s:" % _("Vote results"), stylesheet['Heading4'])) ballotcounter = 0 for poll in polls: ballotcounter += 1 option = poll.get_options()[0] yes, no, abstain, invalid, votecast = ( option['Yes'], option['No'], option['Abstain'], poll.print_votesinvalid(), poll.print_votescast()) if len(polls) > 1: cell6b.append(Paragraph("%s. %s" % (ballotcounter, _("Vote")), stylesheet['Bold'])) cell6b.append(Paragraph( "%s: %s
%s: %s
%s: %s
%s: %s
%s: %s" % (_("Yes"), yes, _("No"), no, _("Abstention"), abstain, _("Invalid"), invalid, _("Votes cast"), votecast), stylesheet['Normal'])) cell6b.append(Spacer(0, 0.2 * cm)) motion_data.append([cell6a, cell6b]) # Creating Table table = Table(motion_data) table._argW[0] = 4.5 * cm table._argW[1] = 11 * cm table.setStyle(TableStyle([('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1, colors.black), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')])) pdf.append(table) pdf.append(Spacer(0, 1 * cm)) # motion title pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.title, stylesheet['Heading3'])) # motion text convert_html_to_reportlab(pdf, motion.text) pdf.append(Spacer(0, 1 * cm)) # motion reason if motion.reason: pdf.append(Paragraph(_("Reason")+":", stylesheet['Heading3'])) convert_html_to_reportlab(pdf, motion.reason) return pdf def convert_html_to_reportlab(pdf, text): # parsing and replacing not supported html tags for reportlab... soup = BeautifulSoup(text) # read all list elements... for element in soup.find_all('li'): # ... and replace ul list elements with ... if element.parent.name == "ul": if element.ul: # for nested ul lists use simple spaces (pragmatic solution) element.li.insert(0, '    ') element.insert_before(element.find_all('li')) element.clear() else: element.name = "para" bullet_tag = soup.new_tag("bullet") bullet_tag.string = "•" element.insert(0, bullet_tag) # ... and replace ol list elements with .... if element.parent.name == "ol": # set list id if element is the first of numbered list if not element.find_previous_sibling(): id = random.randrange(0, 101) if element.ol: # nested ol list element.li.insert(0, '    ') element.insert_before(element.find_all('li')) element.clear() else: element.name = "para" element.insert(0, soup.new_tag("bullet")) element.bullet.insert(0, soup.new_tag("seq")) element.bullet.seq['id'] = id element.bullet.insert(1, ".") # remove tags which are not supported by reportlab (replace tags with their children tags) for tag in soup.find_all('ul'): tag.unwrap() for tag in soup.find_all('ol'): tag.unwrap() for tag in soup.find_all('li'): tag.unwrap() # print paragraphs with numbers text = soup.body.contents paragraph_number = 1 for paragraph in text: paragraph = str(paragraph) # ignore empty paragraphs (created by newlines/tabs of ckeditor) if paragraph == '\n' or paragraph == '\n\n' or paragraph == '\n\t': continue if "
" in paragraph:
            pdf.append(Paragraph(paragraph.replace('\n', '
'), stylesheet['InnerMonotypeParagraph'], str(paragraph_number))) paragraph_number += 1 elif "" in paragraph: pdf.append(Paragraph(paragraph, stylesheet['InnerListParagraph'])) elif "" in paragraph: pdf.append(Paragraph(paragraph, stylesheet['InnerH1Paragraph'])) elif "

" in paragraph: pdf.append(Paragraph(paragraph, stylesheet['InnerH2Paragraph'])) elif "

" in paragraph: pdf.append(Paragraph(paragraph, stylesheet['InnerH3Paragraph'])) else: pdf.append(Paragraph(str(paragraph), stylesheet['InnerParagraph'], str(paragraph_number))) paragraph_number += 1 def all_motion_cover(pdf, motions): """ Create a coverpage for all motions. """ pdf.append(Paragraph(config["motion_pdf_title"], stylesheet['Heading1'])) preamble = config["motion_pdf_preamble"] if preamble: pdf.append(Paragraph("%s" % preamble.replace('\r\n', '
'), stylesheet['Paragraph'])) pdf.append(Spacer(0, 0.75 * cm)) if not motions: pdf.append(Paragraph(_("No motions available."), stylesheet['Heading3'])) else: for motion in motions: pdf.append(Paragraph(motion.title, stylesheet['Heading3'])) def motion_poll_to_pdf(pdf, poll): imgpath = os.path.join(settings.SITE_ROOT, 'static/img/circle.png') circle = "  " % imgpath cell = [] cell.append(Spacer(0, 0.8 * cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(_("Motion No. %s") % poll.motion.identifier, stylesheet['Ballot_title'])) cell.append(Paragraph(poll.motion.title, stylesheet['Ballot_subtitle'])) cell.append(Paragraph(_("%d. Vote") % poll.poll_number, stylesheet['Ballot_description'])) cell.append(Spacer(0, 0.5 * cm)) cell.append(Paragraph(circle + unicode(_("Yes")), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Paragraph(circle + unicode(_("No")), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) cell.append(Paragraph(circle + unicode(_("Abstention")), stylesheet['Ballot_option'])) data = [] # get ballot papers config values ballot_papers_selection = config["motion_pdf_ballot_papers_selection"] ballot_papers_number = config["motion_pdf_ballot_papers_number"] # set number of ballot papers if ballot_papers_selection == "NUMBER_OF_DELEGATES": # TODO: get this number from persons try: if Group.objects.get(pk=3): number = User.objects.filter(groups__pk=3).count() except Group.DoesNotExist: number = 0 elif ballot_papers_selection == "NUMBER_OF_ALL_PARTICIPANTS": # TODO: get the number from the persons number = int(User.objects.count()) else: # ballot_papers_selection == "CUSTOM_NUMBER" number = int(ballot_papers_number) number = max(1, number) # print ballot papers if number > 0: # TODO: try [cell, cell] * (number / 2) for user in xrange(number / 2): data.append([cell, cell]) rest = number % 2 if rest: data.append([cell, '']) t = Table(data, 10.5 * cm, 7.42 * cm) t.setStyle(TableStyle( [('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, colors.grey), ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')])) pdf.append(t)