import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { ViewMotion, LineNumberingMode, ChangeRecoMode } from '../models/view-motion'; import { MotionPdfService, InfoToExport } from './motion-pdf.service'; import { ConfigService } from 'app/core/ui-services/config.service'; import { ViewCategory } from '../models/view-category'; import { PdfError, PdfDocumentService, StyleType } from 'app/core/ui-services/pdf-document.service'; /** * Service to export a list of motions. * * @example * ```ts * const docDef = this.motionPdfCatalogService.motionListToDocDef(myListOfViewMotions); * ``` */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MotionPdfCatalogService { /** * Constructor * * @param translate handle translations * @param configService read out config variables * @param motionPdfService handle motion to pdf conversion */ public constructor( private translate: TranslateService, private configService: ConfigService, private motionPdfService: MotionPdfService, private pdfService: PdfDocumentService ) {} /** * Converts the list of motions to pdfmake doc definition. * Public entry point to conversion of multiple motions * * @param motions the list of view motions to convert * @param lnMode * @param crMode * @param contentToExport * @param infoToExport * @param commentsToExport * @returns pdfmake doc definition as object */ public motionListToDocDef( motions: ViewMotion[], lnMode?: LineNumberingMode, crMode?: ChangeRecoMode, contentToExport?: string[], infoToExport?: InfoToExport[], commentsToExport?: number[] ): object { let doc = []; const motionDocList = []; for (let motionIndex = 0; motionIndex < motions.length; ++motionIndex) { try { const motionDocDef: any = this.motionPdfService.motionToDocDef( motions[motionIndex], lnMode, crMode, contentToExport, infoToExport, commentsToExport ); // add id field to the first page of a motion to make it findable over TOC motionDocDef[0].id = `${motions[motionIndex].id}`; motionDocList.push(motionDocDef); if (motionIndex < motions.length - 1) { motionDocList.push(this.pdfService.getPageBreak()); } } catch (err) { const errorText = `${this.translate.instant('Error during PDF creation of motion:')} ${ motions[motionIndex].identifierOrTitle }`; console.error(`${errorText}\nDebugInfo:\n`, err); throw new PdfError(errorText); } } // print extra data (title, preamble, categories, toc) only if there are more than 1 motion if (motions.length > 1) { doc.push( this.pdfService.createTitle('motions_export_title'), this.pdfService.createPreamble('motions_export_preamble'), this.createToc(motions) ); } doc = doc.concat(motionDocList); return doc; } /** * Creates the table of contents for the motion book. * Considers sorting by categories and no sorting. * * @param motions The motions to add in the TOC * @param sorting The optional sorting strategy * @returns the table of contents as document definition */ private createToc(motions: ViewMotion[], sorting?: string): object { const toc = []; const categories: ViewCategory[] = this.getUniqueCategories(motions); // Create the toc title const tocTitle = { text: this.translate.instant('Table of contents'), style: 'heading2' }; if (!sorting) { sorting = this.configService.instant('motions_export_category_sorting'); } const exportCategory = sorting === 'identifier' || sorting === 'prefix'; if (exportCategory && categories) { const catTocBody = []; for (const category of categories) { // push the name of the category // make a table for correct alignment catTocBody.push({ table: { body: [ [ { text: category.prefix ? category.prefix + ' - ' + :, style: 'tocCategoryTitle' } ] ] }, layout: 'noBorders' }); const tocBody = motions .filter(motion => category === motion.category) .map(motion => this.pdfService.createTocLine( `${motion.identifier}`, motion.title, `${}`, StyleType.CATEGORY_SECTION ) ); catTocBody.push(this.pdfService.createTocTableDef(tocBody, StyleType.CATEGORY_SECTION)); } // handle those without category const uncatTocBody = motions .filter(motion => !motion.category) .map(motion => this.pdfService.createTocLine(`${motion.identifier}`, motion.title, `${}`)); // only push this array if there is at least one entry if (uncatTocBody.length > 0) { catTocBody.push(this.pdfService.createTocTableDef(uncatTocBody, StyleType.CATEGORY_SECTION)); } toc.push(catTocBody); } else { // all motions in the same table const tocBody = => this.pdfService.createTocLine(`${motion.identifier}`, motion.title, `${}`) ); toc.push(this.pdfService.createTocTableDef(tocBody, StyleType.CATEGORY_SECTION)); } return [tocTitle, toc, this.pdfService.getPageBreak()]; } /** * Extract the used categories from the given motion list. * * @param motions the list of motions * @returns Unique list of categories */ private getUniqueCategories(motions: ViewMotion[]): ViewCategory[] { const categories: ViewCategory[] = motions // remove motions without category .filter(motion => !!motion.category) // map motions their categories .map(motion => motion.category) // remove redundancies .filter( (category, index, self) => index === self.findIndex(compare => compare.prefix === category.prefix && === ); return categories; } }