# OpenSlides 3 Client Prototype application for OpenSlides 3.0 (Client). Currently under constant heavy maintenance. ## Development Info As an Angular project, Angular CLI is highly recommended to create components and services. See https://angular.io/guide/quickstart for details. ### Contribution Info Please respect the code-style defined in `.editorconf` and `.pretierrc`. Code alignment should be automatically corrected by the pre-commit hooks. Adjust your editor to the `.editorconfig` to avoid surprises. See https://editorconfig.org/ for details. ### Pre-Commit Hooks Before commiting, new code will automatically be aligned to the definitions set in the `.prettierrc`. Furthermore, new code has to pass linting. Our pre-commit hooks are: `pretty-quick --staged` and `lint` See `package.json` for details. ### Documentation Info The documentation can be generated by running `npm run compodoc`. A new web server will be started on http://localhost:8080 Once running, the documentation will be updated automatically. Please document new code using JSDoc tags. See https://compodoc.app/guides/jsdoc-tags.html for details. ### Development server Run `npm start` for a development server. Navigate to `http://localhost:4200/`. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. A running OpenSlides (2.2 or higher) instance is expected on port 8000. Start OpenSlides as usual using `python manage.py start --no-browser --host` ### Translation We are using ngx-translate for translation purposes. Use `npm run extract` to extract strings and update elements an with translation functions. Language files can be found in `/src/assets/i18n`.