## General *.pyc *.swp *.swo *.log *~ # IDEs and editors /.idea .project .classpath .c9/ *.launch .settings/ *.sublime-workspace .vscode/* *.code-workspace # System Files .DS_Store Thumbs.db # Virtual Environment .virtualenv*/* .venv/* ## Compatibility # OS4-Submodules /openslides-*/ /haproxy/ # Plugin development openslides_* # Old OS3 stuff /tests/ ## Server # Local user data (settings, database, media, search index, static files) personal_data/* server/personal_data/* server/openslides/static/* # Unit test and coverage reports .coverage server/tests/file/* server/tests/db.sqlite3.test .pytest_cache # Package building *.egg-info # Mypy cache for typechecking .mypy_cache ## OpenSlides 3 Client # Javascript tools and libraries **/node_modules/* **/bower_components/* # compiled output client/dist client/static client/tmp client/out-tsc # docs client/documentation Compodoc Compodocmodules # build artifacts client/.sass-cache client/connect.lock client/coverage client/libpeerconnection.log client/npm-debug.log client/yarn-error.log client/testem.log client/typings client/yarn.lock package-lock.json client/package-lock.json cypress.json ## Deployment # Docker build artifacts /docker/docker-compose.yml *-version.txt # secrets docker/secrets/*.env