import { Motion } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion'; import { Category } from '../../../shared/models/motions/category'; import { User } from '../../../shared/models/users/user'; import { Workflow } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow'; import { WorkflowState } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow-state'; import { BaseModel } from '../../../shared/models/base/base-model'; import { BaseViewModel } from '../../base/base-view-model'; import { ViewMotionCommentSection } from './view-motion-comment-section'; import { MotionComment } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion-comment'; import { Item } from 'app/shared/models/agenda/item'; export enum LineNumberingMode { None, Inside, Outside } export enum ChangeRecoMode { Original, Changed, Diff, Final } /** * Motion class for the View * * Stores a motion including all (implicit) references * Provides "safe" access to variables and functions in {@link Motion} * @ignore */ export class ViewMotion extends BaseViewModel { private _motion: Motion; private _category: Category; private _submitters: User[]; private _supporters: User[]; private _workflow: Workflow; private _state: WorkflowState; private _item: Item; /** * Indicates the LineNumberingMode Mode. * Needs to be accessed from outside */ public lnMode: LineNumberingMode; /** * Indicates the Change reco Mode. * Needs to be accessed from outside */ public crMode: ChangeRecoMode; /** * Indicates the maximum line length as defined in the configuration. * Needs to be accessed from outside */ public lineLength: number; /** * Indicates the currently highlighted line, if any. * Needs to be accessed from outside */ public highlightedLine: number; /** * Is set by the repository; this is the order of the flat call list given by * the properties weight and sort_parent_id */ public callListWeight: number; public get motion(): Motion { return this._motion; } public get id(): number { return this.motion ? : null; } public get identifier(): string { return this.motion ? this.motion.identifier : null; } public get title(): string { return this.motion ? this.motion.title : null; } public get text(): string { return this.motion ? this.motion.text : null; } public get reason(): string { return this.motion ? this.motion.reason : null; } public get weight(): number { return this.motion ? this.motion.weight : null; } public get sort_parent_id(): number { return this.motion ? this.motion.sort_parent_id : null; } public get category(): Category { return this._category; } public get agenda_item_id(): number { return this.motion ? this.motion.agenda_item_id : null; } public get category_id(): number { return this.motion && this.category ? this.motion.category_id : null; } public get submitters(): User[] { return this._submitters; } public get submitters_id(): number[] { return this.motion ? this.motion.submitters_id : null; } public get supporters(): User[] { return this._supporters; } public get supporters_id(): number[] { return this.motion ? this.motion.supporters_id : null; } public get workflow(): Workflow { return this._workflow; } public get workflow_id(): number { return this.motion ? this.motion.workflow_id : null; } public get state(): WorkflowState { return this._state; } public get state_id(): number { return this.motion && this.motion.state_id ? this.motion.state_id : null; } public get recommendation_id(): number { return this.motion && this.motion.recommendation_id ? this.motion.recommendation_id : null; } public get statute_paragraph_id(): number { return this.motion && this.motion.statute_paragraph_id ? this.motion.statute_paragraph_id : null; } public get recommendation(): WorkflowState { return this.recommendation_id && this.workflow ? this.workflow.getStateById(this.recommendation_id) : null; } public get possibleRecommendations(): WorkflowState[] { return this.workflow ? this.workflow.states.filter(recommendation => recommendation.recommendation_label !== undefined) : null; } public get origin(): string { return this.motion ? this.motion.origin : null; } public get nextStates(): WorkflowState[] { return this.state && this.workflow ? this.state.getNextStates(this.workflow) : null; } public set supporters(users: User[]) { this._supporters = users; this._motion.supporters_id = =>; } public set submitters(users: User[]) { this._submitters = users; this._motion.submitters_id = =>; } public get item(): Item { return this._item; } public get agendaSpeakerAmount(): number { return this.item ? this.item.speakerAmount : null; } public constructor( motion?: Motion, category?: Category, submitters?: User[], supporters?: User[], workflow?: Workflow, state?: WorkflowState, item?: Item ) { super(); this._motion = motion; this._category = category; this._submitters = submitters; this._supporters = supporters; this._workflow = workflow; this._state = state; this._item = item; // TODO: Should be set using a a config variable this.lnMode = LineNumberingMode.Outside; this.crMode = ChangeRecoMode.Original; this.lineLength = 80; this.highlightedLine = null; } public getTitle(): string { if (this.identifier) { return this.identifier + ' - ' + this.title; } return this.title; } /** * Returns the motion comment for the given section. Null, if no comment exist. * @param section The section to search the comment for. */ public getCommentForSection(section: ViewMotionCommentSection): MotionComment { if (!this.motion) { return null; } return this.motion.comments.find(comment => comment.section_id ===; } /** * Updates the local objects if required * @param update */ public updateValues(update: BaseModel): void { if (update instanceof Workflow) { this.updateWorkflow(update as Workflow); } else if (update instanceof Category) { this.updateCategory(update as Category); } else if (update instanceof Item) { this.updateItem(update as Item); } // TODO: There is no way (yet) to add Submitters to a motion // Thus, this feature could not be tested } /** * Update routine for the category * @param update potentially the changed category. Needs manual verification */ public updateCategory(update: Category): void { if (this.motion && === this.motion.category_id) { this._category = update as Category; } } /** * Update routine for the workflow * @param update potentially the changed workflow (state). Needs manual verification */ public updateWorkflow(update: Workflow): void { if (this.motion && === this.motion.workflow_id) { this._workflow = update as Workflow; } } /** * Update routine for the agenda Item * @param update potentially the changed agenda Item. Needs manual verification */ public updateItem(update: Item): void { if (this.motion && === this.motion.agenda_item_id) { this._item = update as Item; } } public hasSupporters(): boolean { return !!(this.supporters && this.supporters.length > 0); } public isStatuteAmendment(): boolean { return !!this.statute_paragraph_id; } /** * Duplicate this motion into a copy of itself */ public copy(): ViewMotion { return new ViewMotion( this._motion, this._category, this._submitters, this._supporters, this._workflow, this._state ); } }