import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; /** * Provides functionalities that will be used by most components * currently able to set the title with the suffix ' - OpenSlides' * * A BaseComponent is an OpenSlides Component. * Components in the 'Side'- or 'projector' Folder are BaseComponents */ export abstract class BaseComponent { /** * To manipulate the browser title bar, adds the Suffix "OpenSlides" * * Might be a config variable later at some point */ private titleSuffix = ' - OpenSlides'; /** * Holds the coordinates where a swipe gesture was used */ protected swipeCoord?: [number, number]; /** * Holds the time when the user was swiping */ protected swipeTime?: number; /** * Determine to display a save hint */ public saveHint: boolean; /** * Settings for the TinyMCE editor selector */ public tinyMceSettings = { base_url: '/tinymce', // Root for resources suffix: '.min', // Suffix to use when loading resources theme: 'silver', language: null, language_url: null, inline: false, statusbar: false, browser_spellcheck: true, image_advtab: true, image_description: false, link_title: false, height: 320, plugins: `autolink charmap code fullscreen image imagetools lists link paste searchreplace`, menubar: false, contextmenu: false, toolbar: `styleselect | bold italic underline strikethrough | forecolor backcolor removeformat | bullist numlist | link image charmap | code fullscreen`, mobile: { theme: 'mobile', plugins: ['autosave', 'lists', 'autolink'] }, relative_urls: false, remove_script_host: true }; public constructor(protected titleService: Title, protected translate: TranslateService) { this.tinyMceSettings.language_url = '/assets/tinymce/langs/' + this.translate.currentLang + '.js'; this.tinyMceSettings.language = this.translate.currentLang; } /** * Set the title in web browser using angulars TitleService * @param prefix The title prefix. Should be translated here. */ public setTitle(prefix: string): void { const translatedPrefix = this.translate.instant(prefix); this.titleService.setTitle(translatedPrefix + this.titleSuffix); } /** * Helper for indexed *ngFor components * * @param index */ public trackByIndex(index: number): number { return index; } /** * TinyMCE Init callback. Used for certain mobile editors * @param event */ protected onInitTinyMce(event: any): void { console.log('tinyMCE event: ', event); if ( === 'mobile') { console.log('is mobile editor'); this.saveHint = true; } else { console.log('is no mobile editor'); event.editor.focus(); } } protected onLeaveTinyMce(event: any): void { console.log('tinyevent:', event.event.type); this.saveHint = false; // console.log("event: ", event.event.type); } }