import itertools import json from asgiref.inmemory import ChannelLayer from channels import Channel, Group from channels.auth import channel_session_user, channel_session_user_from_http from django.apps import apps from django.db import transaction from django.utils import timezone from ..users.auth import AnonymousUser from ..users.models import User from .access_permissions import BaseAccessPermissions def get_logged_in_users(): """ Helper to get all logged in users. Only works with the OpenSlides session backend. """ return User.objects.exclude(session=None).filter( def get_model_from_collection_string(collection_string): """ Returns a model class which belongs to the argument collection_string. """ def model_generator(): """ Yields all models of all apps. """ for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): for model in app_config.get_models(): yield model for model in model_generator(): try: model_collection_string = model.get_collection_string() except AttributeError: # Skip models which do not have the method get_collection_string. pass else: if model_collection_string == collection_string: # The model was found. break else: # No model was found in all apps. raise ValueError('Invalid message. A valid collection_string is missing.') return model # Connected to websocket.connect @channel_session_user_from_http def ws_add(message): """ Adds the websocket connection to a group specific to the connecting user. The group with the name 'user-None' stands for all anonymous users. """ Group('user-{}'.format( # Connected to websocket.disconnect @channel_session_user def ws_disconnect(message): Group('user-{}'.format( def send_data(message): """ Informs all users about changed data. The argument message has to be a dict with the keywords collection_string (string), pk (positive integer), id_deleted (boolean) and dispatch_uid (string). """ for access_permissions in BaseAccessPermissions.get_all(): if access_permissions.get_dispatch_uid() == message['dispatch_uid']: break else: raise ValueError('Invalid message. A valid dispatch_uid is missing.') if not message['is_deleted']: Model = get_model_from_collection_string(message['collection_string']) instance = Model.objects.get(pk=message['pk']) full_data = access_permissions.get_full_data(instance) # Loop over all logged in users and the anonymous user. for user in itertools.chain(get_logged_in_users(), [AnonymousUser()]): channel = Group('user-{}'.format( output = { 'collection': message['collection_string'], 'id': message['pk'], # == instance.get_rest_pk() 'action': 'deleted' if message['is_deleted'] else 'changed'} if not message['is_deleted']: data = access_permissions.get_restricted_data(full_data, user) if data is None: # There are no data for the user so he can't see the object. Skip him. continue output['data'] = data channel.send({'text': json.dumps(output)}) def inform_changed_data(instance, is_deleted=False): try: root_instance = instance.get_root_rest_element() except AttributeError: # Instance has no method get_root_rest_element. Just ignore it. pass else: message_dict = { 'collection_string': root_instance.get_collection_string(), 'pk':, 'is_deleted': is_deleted and instance == root_instance, 'dispatch_uid': root_instance.get_access_permissions().get_dispatch_uid(), } # If currently there is an open database transaction, then the following # function is only called, when the transaction is commited. If there # is currently no transaction, then the function is called immediately. def send_autoupdate(message): try: Channel('autoupdate.send_data').send(message) except ChannelLayer.ChannelFull: pass transaction.on_commit(lambda: send_autoupdate(message_dict)) def inform_changed_data_receiver(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Receiver for the inform_changed_data function to use in a signal. """ inform_changed_data(instance) def inform_deleted_data_receiver(sender, instance, **kwargs): """ Receiver for the inform_changed_data function to use in a signal. """ inform_changed_data(instance, is_deleted=True)