import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, OnInit, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { Location } from '@angular/common'; import { Router, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router'; import { ScrollDispatcher, CdkScrollable } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling'; import { map } from 'rxjs/operators'; import { ViewportService } from '../../../core/services/viewport.service'; import { MainMenuService } from '../../../core/services/main-menu.service'; /** * Reusable head bar component for Apps. * * Will translate the title automatically. * * Use `PlusButton=true` and `(plusButtonClicked)=myFunction()` if a plus button is needed * * * ## Examples: * * ### Usage of the selector: * * ```html * * * ``` */ @Component({ selector: 'os-head-bar', templateUrl: './head-bar.component.html', styleUrls: ['./head-bar.component.scss'] }) export class HeadBarComponent implements OnInit { /** * determine weather the toolbar should be sticky or not */ public stickyToolbar = false; /** * Determine if the the navigation "hamburger" icon should be displayed in mobile mode */ @Input() public nav = true; /** * Show or hide edit features */ @Input() public allowEdit = false; /** * Custom edit icon if necessary */ @Input() public editIcon = 'edit'; /** * Determine edit mode */ @Input() public editMode = false; /** * Determine if there should be a plus button. */ @Input() public plusButton = false; /** * Determine if there should be a back button. */ @Input() public backButton = false; /** * Set to true if the component should use location.back instead * of navigating to the parent component */ @Input() public goBack = false; /** * Emit a signal to the parent component if the plus button was clicked */ @Output() public plusButtonClicked = new EventEmitter(); /** * Sends a signal if a detail view should be edited or editing should be canceled */ @Output() public editEvent = new EventEmitter(); /** * Sends a signal if a detail view should be saved */ @Output() public saveEvent = new EventEmitter(); /** * Empty constructor */ public constructor( public vp: ViewportService, private scrollDispatcher: ScrollDispatcher, private ngZone: NgZone, private menu: MainMenuService, private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private location: Location ) {} /** * Emits a signal to the parent if */ public clickPlusButton(): void { this.plusButtonClicked.emit(true); } /** * Clicking the burger-menu-icon should toggle the menu */ public clickHamburgerMenu(): void {; } /** * Toggle edit mode and send a signal to listeners */ public toggleEditMode(): void {!this.editMode); } /** * Send a save signal and set edit mode */ public save(): void { if (this.editMode) {; } } /** * Exits the view to return to the previous page or * visit the parent view again. */ public onBackButton(): void { if (this.goBack) { this.location.back(); } else { this.router.navigate(['../'], { relativeTo: this.route }); } } /** * Init function. Subscribe to the scrollDispatcher and decide when to set the top bar to fixed * * Not working for now. */ public ngOnInit(): void { this.scrollDispatcher .scrolled() .pipe(map((event: CdkScrollable) => this.getScrollPosition(event))) .subscribe(scrollTop => { => { if (scrollTop > 60) { this.stickyToolbar = true; } else { this.stickyToolbar = false; } }); }); } /** * returns the scroll position * @param event */ public getScrollPosition(event: CdkScrollable): number { if (event) { return event.getElementRef().nativeElement.scrollTop; } else { return window.scrollY; } } }