from django.utils.timezone import now from ..utils.projector import ProjectorElement from .config import config from .exceptions import ProjectorException from .models import Projector class Clock(ProjectorElement): """ Clock on the projector. """ name = 'core/clock' class Countdown(ProjectorElement): """ Countdown on the projector. To start the countdown write into the config field: { "status": "running", "countdown_time": , } The timestamp is a POSIX timestamp (seconds) calculated from client time, server time offset and countdown duration (countdown_time = now - serverTimeOffset + duration). To stop the countdown set the countdown time to the current value of the countdown (countdown_time = countdown_time - now + serverTimeOffset) and set status to "stop". To reset the countdown (it is not a reset in a functional way) just change the countdown time. The status value remains "stop". Do not forget to send values for additional keywords like "stable" if you do not want to use the default. The countdown backend supports an extra keyword "default". { "default": } This is used for the internal reset method if the countdown is coupled with the list of speakers. The default of this default value can be customized in OpenSlides config 'projector_default_countdown'. Use additional keywords to control view behavior like "visable" and "label". These keywords are not handles by the backend. """ name = 'core/countdown' def check_data(self): self.validate_config(self.config_entry) @classmethod def validate_config(cls, config_data): """ Raises ProjectorException if the given data are invalid. """ if not isinstance(config_data.get('countdown_time'), (int, float)): raise ProjectorException('Invalid countdown time. Use integer or float.') if config_data.get('status') not in ('running', 'stop'): raise ProjectorException("Invalid status. Use 'running' or 'stop'.") if config_data.get('default') is not None and not isinstance(config_data.get('default'), int): raise ProjectorException('Invalid default value. Use integer.') @classmethod def control(cls, action, projector_id=1, index=0): """ Starts, stops or resets the countdown with the given index on the given projector. Action must be 'start', 'stop' or 'reset'. """ if action not in ('start', 'stop', 'reset'): raise ValueError("Action must be 'start', 'stop' or 'reset', not {}.".format(action)) projector_instance = Projector.objects.get(pk=projector_id) projector_config = {} found = False for key, value in projector_instance.config.items(): if value['name'] == if index == 0: try: cls.validate_config(value) except ProjectorException: # Do not proceed if the specific procjector config data is invalid. # The variable found remains False. break found = True if action == 'start' and value['status'] == 'stop': value['status'] = 'running' value['countdown_time'] = now().timestamp() + value['countdown_time'] elif action == 'stop' and value['status'] == 'running': value['status'] = 'stop' value['countdown_time'] = value['countdown_time'] - now().timestamp() elif action == 'reset': value['status'] = 'stop' value['countdown_time'] = value.get('default', config['projector_default_countdown']) else: index += -1 projector_config[key] = value if found: projector_instance.config = projector_config class Message(ProjectorElement): """ Short message on the projector. Rendered as overlay. """ name = 'core/message' def check_data(self): if self.config_entry.get('message') is None: raise ProjectorException('No message given.')