import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { DataSendService } from '../../../core/services/data-send.service'; import { Motion } from '../../../shared/models/motions/motion'; import { User } from '../../../shared/models/users/user'; import { Category } from '../../../shared/models/motions/category'; import { Workflow } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow'; import { WorkflowState } from '../../../shared/models/motions/workflow-state'; import { ViewMotion } from '../models/view-motion'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { BaseRepository } from '../../base/base-repository'; import { DataStoreService } from '../../../core/services/data-store.service'; /** * Repository Services for motions (and potentially categories) * * The repository is meant to process domain objects (those found under * shared/models), so components can display them and interact with them. * * Rather than manipulating models directly, the repository is meant to * inform the {@link DataSendService} about changes which will send * them to the Server. */ @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class MotionRepositoryService extends BaseRepository { /** * Creates a MotionRepository * * Converts existing and incoming motions to ViewMotions * Handles CRUD using an observer to the DataStore * @param DataSend */ public constructor(DS: DataStoreService, private dataSend: DataSendService) { super(DS, Motion, [Category, User, Workflow]); } /** * Converts a motion to a ViewMotion and adds it to the store. * * Foreign references of the motion will be resolved (e.g submitters to users) * Expandable to all (server side) changes that might occur on the motion object. * * @param motion blank motion domain object */ protected createViewModel(motion: Motion): ViewMotion { const category = this.DS.get(Category, motion.category_id); const submitters = this.DS.getMany(User, motion.submitterIds); const supporters = this.DS.getMany(User, motion.supporters_id); const workflow = this.DS.get(Workflow, motion.workflow_id); let state: WorkflowState = null; if (workflow) { state = workflow.getStateById(motion.state_id); } return new ViewMotion(motion, category, submitters, supporters, workflow, state); } /** * Creates a motion * Creates a (real) motion with patched data and delegate it * to the {@link DataSendService} * * @param update the form data containing the update values * @param viewMotion The View Motion. If not present, a new motion will be created * TODO: Remove the viewMotion and make it actually distignuishable from save() */ public create(update: any, viewMotion?: ViewMotion): Observable { return this.update(update, viewMotion); } /** * updates a motion * * Creates a (real) motion with patched data and delegate it * to the {@link DataSendService} * * @param update the form data containing the update values * @param viewMotion The View Motion. If not present, a new motion will be created */ public update(update: any, viewMotion?: ViewMotion): Observable { let updateMotion: Motion; if (viewMotion) { // implies that an existing motion was updated updateMotion = viewMotion.motion; } else { // implies that a new motion was created updateMotion = new Motion(); } // submitters: User[] -> submitter: MotionSubmitter[] const submitters = update.submitters as User[]; // The server doesn't really accept MotionSubmitter arrays on create. // We simply need to send an number[] on create. // MotionSubmitter[] should be send on update update.submitters = undefined; const submitterIds: number[] = []; if (submitters.length > 0) { submitters.forEach(submitter => { submitterIds.push(; }); } update.submitters_id = submitterIds; // supporters[]: User -> supporters_id: number[]; const supporters = update.supporters_id as User[]; const supporterIds: number[] = []; if (supporters.length > 0) { supporters.forEach(supporter => { supporterIds.push(; }); } update.supporters_id = supporterIds; // category_id: Category -> category_id: number; const category = update.category_id as Category; update.category_id = undefined; if (category) { update.category_id =; } // Update the Motion updateMotion.patchValues(update); return this.dataSend.saveModel(updateMotion); } /** * Deleting a motion. * * Extract the motion out of the motionView and delegate * to {@link DataSendService} * @param viewMotion */ public delete(viewMotion: ViewMotion): Observable { return this.dataSend.delete(viewMotion.motion); } }