import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml, Title } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'; import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; import { MotionRepositoryService } from '../../services/motion-repository.service'; import { ViewMotion } from '../../models/view-motion'; import { LinenumberingService } from '../../services/linenumbering.service'; import { BaseViewComponent } from '../../../base/base-view'; import { CreateMotion } from '../../models/create-motion'; /** * Describes the single paragraphs from the base motion. */ interface ParagraphToChoose { /** * The paragraph number. */ paragraphNo: number; /** * The raw HTML of this paragraph. */ rawHtml: string; /** * The HTML of this paragraph, wrapped in a `SafeHtml`-object. */ safeHtml: SafeHtml; } /** * The wizard used to create a new amendment based on a motion. */ @Component({ selector: 'os-amendment-create-wizard', templateUrl: './amendment-create-wizard.component.html', styleUrls: ['./amendment-create-wizard.component.scss'] }) export class AmendmentCreateWizardComponent extends BaseViewComponent { /** * The motion to be amended */ public motion: ViewMotion; /** * The paragraphs of the base motion */ public paragraphs: ParagraphToChoose[]; /** * Change recommendation content. */ public contentForm: FormGroup; /** * Motions meta-info */ public metaInfoForm: FormGroup; /** * Constructs this component. * * @param {Title} titleService set the browser title * @param {TranslateService} translate the translation service * @param {FormBuilder} formBuilder Form builder * @param {MotionRepositoryService} repo Motion Repository * @param {ActivatedRoute} route The activated route * @param {Router} router The router * @param {DomSanitizer} sanitizer The DOM Sanitizing library * @param {LinenumberingService} lineNumbering The line numbering service * @param {MatSnackBar} matSnackBar Material Design SnackBar */ public constructor( titleService: Title, translate: TranslateService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder, private repo: MotionRepositoryService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private sanitizer: DomSanitizer, private lineNumbering: LinenumberingService, matSnackBar: MatSnackBar ) { super(titleService, translate, matSnackBar); this.getMotionByUrl(); this.createForm(); } /** * determine the motion to display using the URL */ public getMotionByUrl(): void { // load existing motion this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.repo.getViewModelObservable( => { this.motion = newViewMotion; this.paragraphs = this.repo .getTextParagraphs(this.motion, true) .map((paragraph: string, index: number) => { return { paragraphNo: index, safeHtml: this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(paragraph), rawHtml: this.lineNumbering.stripLineNumbers(paragraph) }; }); }); }); } /** * Creates the forms for the Motion and the MotionVersion */ public createForm(): void { this.contentForm ={ selectedParagraph: [null, Validators.required], text: ['', Validators.required], reason: ['', Validators.required] }); this.metaInfoForm ={ identifier: [''], category_id: [''], state_id: [''], recommendation_id: [''], submitters_id: [], supporters_id: [[]], origin: [''] }); } /** * Called by the template when a paragraph is clicked. * * @param {ParagraphToChoose} paragraph */ public selectParagraph(paragraph: ParagraphToChoose): void { this.contentForm.patchValue({ selectedParagraph: paragraph.paragraphNo, text: paragraph.rawHtml }); } /** * Saves the amendment and navigates to detail view of this amendment * * @returns {Promise} */ public async saveAmendment(): Promise { const amendedParagraphs = (paragraph: ParagraphToChoose, index: number): string => { if (index === this.contentForm.value.selectedParagraph) { return this.contentForm.value.text; } else { return null; } } ); const newMotionValues = { ...this.metaInfoForm.value, ...this.contentForm.value, title: this.translate.instant('Amendment to') + ' ' + this.motion.identifier, parent_id:, amendment_paragraphs: amendedParagraphs }; const motion = new CreateMotion(); motion.deserialize(newMotionValues); const response = await this.repo.create(motion); this.router.navigate(['./motions/' +]); } }