import { Input } from '@angular/core'; import { BaseSlideComponent } from './base-slide-component'; export function isBaseScaleScrollSlideComponent(obj: any): obj is IBaseScaleScrollSlideComponent { return !!obj && obj.scroll !== undefined && obj.scale !== undefined; } /** * A description of BaseScaleScrollSlideComponent. Usefull for "multi"-inheritance. */ export interface IBaseScaleScrollSlideComponent extends BaseSlideComponent { scroll: number; scale: number; } /** * A base slide component, which is autonomic with respect to scaling and srolling, meaning * that the slide itself (and not the slide container) will take care of this. */ export abstract class BaseScaleScrollSlideComponent extends BaseSlideComponent implements IBaseScaleScrollSlideComponent { @Input() public scroll: number; @Input() public scale: number; public constructor() { super(); } }